Is Science The Right Thing for Me

Story by Killhubi on SoFurry

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Here would be my second side story. Don't worry, this time nobody dies in this story.

The science lab WACO which is more or less near the center of a city, searches for solutions about internal diseases. Among others like bone structure deprivations or burned skins. Some of their creations were a huge success. And without the talented top crack scientist team would it have been impossible.

Miss Judy Clarks was however not one of them. She is a highly seen scientist but she can be sometimes clumsy. The work she was doing wasn't not important. It were just duties some didn't want to do and didn't earn any credits. But Judy was fine with it.

She is a 24 year old hyena-anthro and lives with her mother. Though she will have to choose to live somewhere else soon, since her mother has to move to another city for work. But she hasn't thought up with something till now. It will come up someday she believes all the time.

On a Friday night Judy had to put in some overtime. Outside was already dark and she was the only one left in the building. Finally at two in the morning she could call it a day. But because of her clumsiness, she unnoticeable drops a mixture on an egg they got shipped in on the other day. The egg was a usual bird's egg and should serve for some testings they've planned. From the glass tube that fell on it, leaked some of the liquid into the cracks.

As the hyena walks out of the door, grows something out of that egg. It grows so fast that it breaks several other glasses with mixtures in them. They additionally change its physics.

Judy again forgot her backpack at her desk and attempts to retrieve it. In the room however waited a five foot tall beast for her. In shock she tries to run away but the beast catches her before she could leave. It pinned her down and now stood over her. She thought it will tear her in pieces but it did exact the opposite.

The beast liked her face happily. This reminded her of her dog at home. It wiggled joyfully with its three foxxy tails. Its head is a total mixture of many different species. A mouth of a crocodile, eyes like those once from a chameleon and a fur from Canines and felines. Those she could list at the moment. Its front paws had a strong resemblance with a dragon. But its hind paws was difficult to tell. Maybe a mixture between a bear and an elephant. She was uncertain though. The rest of the body looked more or less like from a normal canine. Yet its fur was in a composite of exotic blue, green and red colors. The breath of the beast smelt like strawberries, just mixed with a pinch of alcohol. But her nose picked up something else. Something that draw her attention down to its hips.

A rather big member pocking out his fluffy shaft. It has a semblance to a single snake penis with something other out of the reptilians family. A bright green liquid, probably his pre-cum, drips of his tip onto her leg. Judy was curious if that liquid emits that smell.

She took a sample with her finger and brought it up to her nose. And yes, the smell comes from there. It is so strong that Judy couldn't think straight anymore. The chimera licks off the sample on her finger and the hyena-anthro now wanted desperately to smell more of that liquid. Maybe even taste it when she was on hand.

She moves down to his hip region and takes a deeper look at his dick. Some of his pre drops onto her belly and she overcomes her repression and tries tasting it. And the taste was incredible. It was like all her favorite flavors in one. The chemicals of it also made her a lot hotter. Her hand almost grabbed his dick by its own. But her sanity shot back and she immediately creeps out from under the beast.

Judy never would do that. What got into her? She should just take her backpack and get the hell out of here. The creator has no attention to hurt her, she knows that. But she would rather want that the others have to care about this problem.

So she walks over slowly to her desk to not frighten the odd specimen. However his attentions were about doing something with her. She was the very first living being he saw after the first few seconds of his live. So he thinks she gave him live. What actually is right on the spot. But he wants to thank her for that. He wants to make her feel good. And by his observations, he could tell that her body was shouting for pleasure.

As she grabs her backpack, she lets it drop again from the shock. The chimera's long tongue licked between her thighs, through her lab coat. He didn't tear it open but for it was it like there was no clothing at all. She screeches when she felt a hard brush against her vulva. The hyena-anthro tries to push his head away but it didn't move at all. The next best thing was to try to climb over the desk. But even that appeared to be futile as he grabs her leg with one paw. She tries to resist enjoying it further even if it was really tempting to give in.

Suddenly he stops licking her. She looks back and saw him smirking to her. With the other free paw, he ripped her cloths off in one attempt. Realizing that he now seriously wanted to mount her, she now even tries more desperately to escape under his clutches. Every approach ends in failure as he now has climbed upon her. His heavy yet warm and soft body presses her gently down onto the desk. She was unable to move her upper body so she tries her best to cover her private parts with her tail.

Judy screams in disbelieve when she feels the chimera's wet and hot cock brushing along her butt cheeks. He licks her face again before he tempts to satisfy her vagina's screams for lust. Her tail didn't help at all. The long hard member has easily find the entrance after a few bobs and with great precautions it started to penetrate her.

It only went a couple of inches in when he slowly pulls back again. But the next thrust came in a bit deeper and rougher. The bulbs along his member gave her every time a jolt when one of them passed her vulva. Judy still wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. However, with every further thrust he makes, came the point where she gives up under the control of pleasure, nearer and nearer.

With a slow pace he decides to go deeper into her. And with every additional bulb brushing her inner walls, was the point with no return in her grasp. When the tip touched her inner entrance to her womb, was it like a dam has broken. The touch triggered her to push her hip back to feel his wonderful dick penetrate her womb. They both realized in surprise that the entire dick was now lodged in her with its head just reeking inside her womb.

The slowly length exiting her gave a painful pleasure. The chimera rams it back in her so deep as before. This made them both shout in enjoyment. He picks up steady his pace and with every penetration of her womb she screams out. His fluffy ball sack even starts slapping against her legs. Compared to the rest of his body were they a bit disproportionate to the rest. One of his balls is as big as tennis balls.

By the time Judy lost her will to resist completely, he was ramming her at a wild speed and she only groaning for more. Though with every single thrust she still clenches down on her eyes. Her head was looking to the side with her tongue lolled out on her desk. A puddle of spit was forming on the table.

The entire experience was something she never had in her life. It was new found land. And she loved it. The animalistic humping was bringing to her orgasm so fast like nothing else could. At one point then it exploded.

She yells out, her hands try to grab his front paws next to her and every muscle in her lower body spasms out. Her walls clamp down onto her new lover's member and squirts her juices out. He couldn't over see her signals that she was in pure bliss. And his peak was now also reached.

The base of his cock starts to bloat, forming a knot. With a hard thrust, he pushes it in, knotting them both. It made her scream out of her lungs. But he kept on humping her back. Only few more thumps and his balls started to ache their cum out. His entire length widened a bit when his seed gushed along. It spurts directly at the back wall of her womb. The second current was even a stronger spatter. It overfilled her uterus and with his knot blocking the way out, she was starting to bloat slightly.

Luckily for her he had stopped cumming before it seriously started to hurt her. At the same time did her ride end as well. Breathing hollow and laying totally puffed out on the desk, the chimera licks her face once again. The hyena-anthro looked down at her and saw her belly bloated slightly. But before she could relax further, he tries to get off of her. Pulling her along with him onto the floor. He immediately stopped when he saw that. She was a bit mad at him but eventually could forgive him. It was after all his first time. And he did it very well.

They sat their for one or two minutes, stroking each other, till finally the knot flopped out of her vagina. A small gush of cum came out but the most part stayed inside. She stands up and takes a seat. Thinking about how to solve the problem with him. If he would stay here, they will get split apart and he will be tested on like a mindless lab rat. Bringing him home would be equal stupid. Her mother would get scared and call the police. Letting him roam free over the lands would be the only solution, but his look on his face tell her that he won't let her go. Not for a long time. And she wouldn't enjoy it either if she wouldn't go with him.

Then it's settled. They will go out into the far outside countries, where no-one could break them apart. She must admit. She didn't thought she could fall in liking someone or something like him so fast. Maybe it's the aftermath talking out of her but she sort of got freed from the boundaries of society by the sex.

When she finally got enough power to walk again, she takes a lab coat from one of her co-workers, takes her backpack and sneaks out of the building with him.

Arrived at the border between the city and wilderness, Judy looks one last time back to her old live and drops the coat. If she goes into the wild, then she should go the whole way. The petty though is more that she is after such a rough day weakened and almost unable to walk any further. The chimera notices it and moves into between her legs from behind, lifting her upon him. Now she rode on the beast she just met into the nature. Then, one last thing popped up into her mind.

"You don't have name. Well, since I practically created you, I think I should give you a name then. Let me see... What about 'Fenrir'?"

He whelps and wags with his tails in approval... she thinks. They must get their communication sorted out. But they got enough time now.