To Foxie From Wolf Ch.2

Story by WolfieluvsFoxie on SoFurry

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Luna woke up with a soreness between her legs, she never thought being sore would feel good, she remembered what her big brother had done last night and remembered how good it felt to be touched on her little lucy. She felt Nick pull her tight as he stirred and snuggled in more, glad to be here with him. She truly loved him more than anyone, even Daddy.

"Luna? Are you okay?" Nick was worried, he went way too far last night, there was a big difference between oogling the developing youngster and popping her cherry.

"Uh huh." She grinned wide and happy.

"Did you like our game?" He asked curiously, depending on how she answered he would know whether to leave things as they were or to continue on, he really wanted so much more than he got last night though it had been wonderful.

"Yes a whole lot, it's my favorite game." She just seemed so damn happy about it, it encouraged Nick to devise even more things for them

"We better get washed up before Dad get's home, we wouldn't want him to find out about our secret." Luna giggled as her brother washed her gently in the shower tending to the dried blood and cum between her legs with great attention, it made her excited like she was last night but not as bad. They were dry and sitting at the breakfast table when their father strolled in smelling of the fruity shampoo at his new girlfriends apartment.

"Morning kids" He planted a loving kiss on his young daughters head before making himself a plate of eggs and bacon. "Nicholas I would like to talk to you for a moment."

Nick groaned inwardly, his father only used his full name when he wanted something. "Yea?"

"Cathy would like for us to go away next weekend, to the mountains, her son is staying with her sister and I just wanted to know if I was to leave you here to watch Luna if you would be responsible enough not to do anything stupid."

"I've always been responsible with Luna, what kinda stupid we talking about here?"

"No parties and no girls here while I'm gone, same rules as always. I trust you, just wanted to make sure you were clear on the rules."

"No girls, no parties, I got it."

They didn't really talk with their father much and finished breakfast in silence. As soon as their Dad was done he put his plate in the sink and was headed off to work. With summer came the freedom to just sit and do nothing but Nick had already made plans with his friend Chris at his house. He texted ahead to let him know Luna would have to come along again but Chris never minded, it only took a quick conversation with Nick and she left them alone to swim in the shallow end of the pool.

Luna had done just that as Nick and Chris sat at the edge of the pool the lithely muscled husky stretching every now and then. When Nick told him about the 4 day weekend without his Dad Chris jumped at the chance for some action. "Marie would come, she's a total whore anyway. You could just let Luna hang out in her room with her dolls or somthing."

Nick twitched uncomfortably, Chris was his closest friend, they'd been bros since preschool. Nick had even trusted Chris with his sudden noticing of his sister. Chris had chocked it up to Nick's virginity and the girl's early developement.

"I gotta tell you something, and I dont want you to get grossed out." He wanted to get some advice and due to his unusally high libido Chris had fucked about every slut in their junior high he was sure he could help.

"Dude nothing grosses me out anymore."

It all tumbled out when Nick finally got up the nerve to open his mouth "Last night something happened. Luna was scared cause of the thunderstorm and came into my room and I was naked and horny and she was only wearing a night shirt which only made me more horny..."

"You fucked your little sister?!" He didn't sound disgusted, more like fascinated. In fact Chris was kind of turned on at the prospect ever since Nick had begun telling him the hard-ons he had been experiencing in his little sisters presence. The porn he often watched involved incest but sadly he had no siblings.

"No! No, not yet anyway, she sucked me off, and I popped her cherry but she felt so tight on my finger I didn't think I could get it in without hurting her."

Chris turned to him excitedly as plans began to form in his mind "This is what you do, you keep her coming to your room all this week and stretch her every night, by this Thursday when your Dad leaves you can fuck her brains out." He laid back with a wistful sigh "Must be nice and tight, a little virgin pussy that lives to please her big brother." he commented lewdly.

"Yea, still feels wrong ya know. We could get caught."

"If it makes you feel better I'll stay over and keep an eye out."

"Not what I meant really but we could hang this weekend anyway."

They laid back absorbed in their own thoughts before Nick abruptly stood up, "Hey I gotta go by the store right quick and pick up something for dinner, can you watch Luna til I get back, I know she won't wanna leave the pool."

"Sure man, I got your back." Chris said as casually as he could manage. He watched as his bestfriend took off down the road. He had 20 minutes at the least with the little girl and now that he knew what she could do he certainly wasn't going to waste them.

"Hey Luna, how's it going?" He said nicely as he slid into the pool.

"Hi Chris!" She said before diving down a few feet and resurfacing.

"Come mere, I wanna talk to you a little bit." Luna looked at him strangely, he never wanted to talk to her, he was just nice cause he was big brother's friend but she swam over just the same.

Chris picked her up and sat her on the side of the pool "Your brother told me what happened last night."

Luna looked wide eyed "It was pose to be a secret, cause Daddy's not supposed to find out, it will ruin our game."

Chris shook his head "I ain't gonna tell your daddy but I want you to show me what you did to him."

Luna got shy but she didn't know why, she felt like it was something just for her brother. "Are you sure I'm supposed to?"

Chris sat beside her and put an arm comfortingly behind her "Of course your supposed to, just think of it as a new game just for us, a secret that you can't tell your Dad or brother."

"But I tell Big Brother everything."

"That would mess up the game though wouldn't it, don't you wanna win the game? If you won I'm sure it would show your brother what a big girl you are and he'd be real proud."

Luna thought and figured that it would be fun to have a game with Chris, Big Brother played games with Chris and sent her away sometimes so they could talk, this time she could play with Chris and when she finally won and told him he'd think she was as fun as he thought Chris was sometimes.

"Okay" She smiled "I'll play this game."

Chris grinned pervishly and stood to pull his swim trunks over his full erection. Luna noticed his cock wasn't as big as her brothers but was thicker around. She rubbed her paw over the fuzzy white and black balls that hung beneath the furry sleeve, she didn't remember seeing those on her big brother but it had been dark and she was far too engrossed in the throbbing member to notice anything else.

She wound her hand as far as she could around the pink shaft but her hand was too small so she used her other hand to make a complete circle and pulled her hands all the way to the tip and back down to the quickly forming knot. The strong smelling pre dripped down onto her and filled her nose with the scent.

It wasn't as sweet smelling as Big Brother's but it still invited her to taste. She looked up to see Chris's eyes closed and his head thrown back in pleasure before she pressed the hard doggy cock to her muzzle and past her soft lips. The taste was different too. It tasted more earthy than her brothers and mixed with the clorinated water from the pool.

Chris's head was spinning with the wickedness of what he was doing, making his pleasure soar even higher as the little girl eagerly pulled his dick into her mouth to suck him thoroughly. He grabbed pawfuls of her hair and thrust in far, feeling her pull back and start to gag ever so slightly. He quickly checked himself lest she get upset and start to cry, he had to remember that she was still a little girl.

He made the thrusts shorter and edged his head slowly farther in the tight little mouth. Her tongue swirled around the smooth soft skin as she explored the new intruder. She was so much better than those hoes at school he fucked in the bathrooms. He could usually hold out much longer but the knowledge of the innocent sucking his cock was rapidly pushing him over the edge.

He gritted his teeth as he started to cum and jammed his thick manhood down her throat. She gagged trying to breathe, the muscles of her throat contracting around him as he filled her tummy with load after load of his thick seed.

He finally released her and she fell forward on her hands coughing, trying desperately to fill her lungs with air as her eyes pricked with tears. "B-Big Br-Brother don't do that!" She gasped, Chris quickly apologized to keep her from crying, he wasn't quite sure what his friend would do should he find out yet but he'd definitely be pissed if he found out Chris had made his little sister cry.

"I didn't mean it, I kinda got carried away cause you played so good, com'mon let's go inside and get some ice cream until your brother comes back." Luna felt a little better since he said she played really good, in fact he told her she would definitely win if she kept up her hard work. Plus she really liked ice cream, so she wiped her eyes hard so Chris wouldn't see her cry and think she was too much of a baby to win and took his hand as he helped her up and into the house.