Heart of Ice Ch.21

Story by Silnis on SoFurry

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#21 of Heart of Ice



It was a normal day at school again, though the atmosphere was tense with me. This was the day I would take my plan into action. Getting Markus' phone shouldn't prove to be too much of a hassle, but it was meeting the girl part that really got me. I wanted to back out of this. I feared that what I would hear from this girl would somehow shatter me completely. It was just a feeling, thankfully, but it was a strong one nonetheless. School would end soon and Markus would be in the weight room doing his new routine. It would be easy to just ask him if I could borrow his phone to call my mom. All I needed was the guts to do it.

I sat in my last class of the day, going over my plan again when I felt a tap at my shoulder. Looking over, I saw that it was Kelly wanting to talk to me. It was free time right now so I saw no harm in conversing with her.

"Hey, Silnis, what were you thinking about? You seemed very deep in thought," she stated, starting out our conversation.

"Oh...I was just thinking about Markus. He's always in my mind. I can't get enough of him," I lied, laughing a bit just to add some effect.

"Oh, that's what I what I wanted to talk to you about," she added in.

"Who? Markus?" I questioned. She nodded, adjusting her posture and leaning in closer to me as a hint that this was just between the two of us.

"Did something happen between the two of you? I was in Markus' class just a few hours ago and he seemed really down in the dumps. Usually he's very upbeat and talks about you non-stop, but today he's been...quiet," she told me. Oh...right....

"N-No...nothing happened between us. We're still the same loving couple. He's just a little tired from taking too many shifts at this job," I explained, though I wished that was the truth in my heart. I smiled at her to reassure her, but it was also to reassure myself. Why was I doing this? Shouldn't I trust Markus with all the love I have for him? He would never cheat on me with a girl. He just wouldn't....

I felt Kelly hold my hands in hers, feeling the warmth radiating from them that you could only get from a real friend. "Silnis, I don't want to say that you're a bad liar, but you are. My dad works his butt off just to support my mom and I and he comes home from work bone tired, but he still has enough energy to talk to me about my day and show my mom some affection. So I don't think that Markus is suffering from fatigue at this young of age," she said, smiling at me, "You can tell me anything Silnis. I'm your friend."

Tears started falling from eyes as I spontaneously fell into her shoulder and wept silently. Why did I doubt Markus' love for me? Why does this all have to happen to me? Why am I the pawn for love's games? Why can't I ever be happy?

I felt Kelly rub my back gently, soothing me with words like "It's okay" and "Everything's going to be all right". No...nothing's going to be okay if I don't do this. Whether if it breaks me or not, I just have to know!

"Kelly...," I whispered to her.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"I think Markus is cheating on me," I admitted.

"Why do you think that?" she asked.

"When I was over at his house one day, I got a call on his phone from a girl that invited him to the park so they could "do it" and later he was talking on the phone to her. That's why he's been acting weird lately. I just thought he was tired and cranky from taking too many shifts, but I'd rather take the latter than the former," I confessed to her, feeling a little better. She pushed me away to see my pained face, wiping away a tear with her hand.

"Are you going to do anything about it?" she asked.

"I was going to get Markus' phone and agree to meet up with her. I want to know what's going on, but I keep hesitating," I told her. I thought she was going to suggest something else when she said something totally unexpected.

"Do you think me coming with you would help?" she offered.

"W-What?" I asked, confused.

"Silnis, I can tell you and Markus are going through a lot and it's affecting your relationship. If I go with you to meet with this girl, do you think it'll help give you some confidence? Besides, I know how to deal with other girls so if she gets all snappy than I'm stepping up to bat," she clarified. I didn't know if I wanted to say yes or no. I really didn't want to drag Kelly into this, but she could be a big confidence booster. Making up my mind, I looked at her and told her my answer.

"Yes, I would appreciate it if you were there with me as support," I said to her. She grinned, happy to know that I would let her tag along before giving me a hug. "Thank you."

"Don't sweat it. Before you know it, Markus will be all over you again and you'll be...well...you again!" she said, making me chuckle a bit. Thanks to Kelly, I have no doubt that everything was going to turn out all right in the end. I just know it.



56...57...58...59...60.... Letting out a heavy sigh, I placed the dumbbells back on the racks. Grabbing my towel, I draped it over my head and sat on the bench, my head between my legs. Sixty...just sixty...usually I could go for a hundred at least, but I don't feel really motivated to do anymore. I'll call it a day for today, maybe some other time. Walking out, I was going to turn to exit when I bumped into Silnis.

"Markus!" he exclaimed, about to hug me when he stopped short and backed away a bit. I chuckled at bit at his reaction to my after-work-out body scent.

"Hey darling, you ready to go?" I asked him, feeling like going home myself.

"I'm ready when you are. But could I use your phone for a minute? I need to call my mom to pick up the take-out food I ordered for dinner tonight," he asked me, his hand out for my phone.

"Yeah, I'll meet you at the car. See you in a bit babe." I handed him my phone, adding a little kiss just for the fun of it before heading to the showers.

After a brief and cold shower, I was walking out to the parking lot and saw Silnis still on my phone. He had his back to turned to me and a sly thought came to my mind. Deciding to scare him, I crept up slowly on him and was careful not to make my presence aware to him. As I got closer to him, my plan to frighten him slowly started to dissipate when I heard who he was talking to.



I could never imitate sounds or voices very well, but I just hoped that whoever this girl was that she wouldn't notice. I went to Markus' history and found her number, calling her and sucking in my courage. All right...I could do this. Just don't freak out and hang up in the middle of the conversation.

"Hello?" I heard her say.

"Oh um...hi," I said back, already losing my confidence.

I heard her gasp before she said, "Oh my god! Is it you? I can't believe you called me back again! This must be destiny or you're just really horny now." I just wanted to hang up right there, but she kept talking before I could pull away. "So... do you want to meet up at the park later on?"

"Umm...yeah," Was all I could say.

"Great! Meet me at the park at around 11:30pm. Make sure you bring some energy drinks because you're going to need them after a long night with me big boy. Oh, and don't worry about getting cold. I got a nice tent set up for us with plenty of blankets to make love under. Don't forget to bring a full load with that nice package of yours. See ya!" she hung up just like that. I expected that to be harder, but I guessed she did all the work for me. It sure was easier on my part at least, but what she said was just troubling. Now I could use some of Kelly's confidence because my own confidence was wavering after that brief talk with the girl.

I suddenly heard footsteps and instantly spun around, seeing Markus walking up to me casually. D-Did he hear me!? Crap! Now everything I've been planning was going to be all for nothing! But wait...if he did hear me, and he confronts to me about it, then I could just do the same to him! It'll make it a whole lot easier!

"M-Markus...I...I...," he took the phone from me and slipped it into his pocket, smiling at me like he always does.

"So...what did you order?" he asked. Wait...what? Oh right!

"Oh! Yeah! Umm... it was just some Asian food from Star's Place. You know how I adore Asian food," I told him, feeling so bad that I was lying to his face.

"Not as much as you adore me, right?" he questioned.

"Yeah...no one or thing could ever replace you," I agreed, putting on my best smile. I wished I could say the same about you though. We got into his car and I was sort of relieved that he hadn't heard my plan. The hesitant part of me kind of wanted him to stop me and just confess everything to me, but somehow that'd be unlikely.

"Hey, do you want to come over to my house tonight?" Markus asked me out of the blue.

"Why do you ask? Didn't I just spend the other night at your house?" I probed.

"Yeah but...we're having dinner and I'd like you to sleep over again," he explained.

"Umm...thanks Markus, but I have other plans that might get in the way," I excused myself, wondering why he was inviting me to dinner all of a sudden.

"B-But...we just haven't spent that much time together ever since we came back from Hawaii...," he said, making me give him an odd look.

"What are you talking about?! We spend just as much time together as when we were first dating!" I told him, not making any sense of what Markus was saying anymore.

"I know but-" he was about to say when I cut him off.

"I'm sorry Markus, but I have plans tonight. Maybe some other time, okay?" I tried reasoning with him. He looked like he was about to say something else until I stopped him with a kiss. I had to stop it short because we were driving, but mainly because he didn't put much love and affection into it. His eyes looked at me and I saw concern for me in them. I knew he had no reason to be concerned about me, but I couldn't get the nagging feeling out of my head that he knew about my plan and more.

He dropped me off at my house, giving me a quick kiss goodbye as I walked up to my door. I was about to close it when he called out to me and said, "I love you!" I gave him the same answer before he drove off. That was odd...but all right.

"Oh, Silnis, you're home!" I heard my mom say, coming up to me and giving me a hug.

"Hi Mom," I greeted her, hugging her back.

"I'm sorry to ask you this Silnis, but could you watch your brothers and sister for a while until I get back?" she asked.

"Sure, but what for?" I questioned.

"Oh, one of my co-workers was sick so I volunteered to fill in her shift for her. I won't be back until 11:30pm or so, but I don't think that will be a problem," she told me, making me freeze for a little bit.

"You won't be back until 11:30pm?" I asked her, not sure if I heard her right.

"I know that's a little late for me to be working, but it's just for today. I just bought groceries so if you're hungry just whip something up for you all to eat," she said, grabbing the car keys and heading out the door. "Bye Silnis, I love you!" She left before I could even tell her I had plans at 11:30pm. Great...how was this going to work out?


I stayed and watched my siblings for the rest of the time until it was about 11:00pm. Telling Aaron I had to go, he agreed to watch Jack and Alicia until I came back. I was about to call Markus to give me a ride, but stopped myself. If I brought him along, it would ruin everything! Calling Kelly, I told her that I would meet her up at the park, deciding to walk since it was only a few blocks away.

The night was silent with only the crickets chirping to accompany me. Walking to the park, I had more fears about what I was about to hear than being jumped by some gang. I met Kelly on the way there and we walked together the rest of the way, arriving at the park some time later and looking around for the girl.

"Hey, over here big boy!" I heard her call out to me, running up to me in short shorts and a sweatshirt. She was about a few feet away when she came to a slow stop, getting a good look at me. "W-Wait a minute...you're not that boy. Who are you?!" I wanted to tell her that Kelly and I were just a couple walking through the park and just bail out, but Kelly gave me a look that said: "It's now or never." She was right. This was probably going to be my only chance to get the truth right from the source.

"I'm Markus' mate, Silnis, and I have reasons to believe that you and he did something together that's messing him up. I want to know what it was and why," I demanded from her. She giggled a bit; crossing her arms over her large breasts and making them bounce as an act of enticement.

"So...you're big boy's bitch? I can see why he got bored of you and came running to me," she said, making my heart lurch uncomfortably.

"W-What?" I asked, partially shocked by what she told me.

"You heard me. Your mate got tired of you. He said that you weren't given him enough loving so he decided to ditch you and find someone else to get some loving from," she clarified some more. I thought back to when I kissed Markus the last few times. He didn't put much effort or love into them. C-Could he actually be...bored of me?

"Silnis, don't listen to her. She's just trying to fool you," Kelly reminded me, reassuring me a little, but not a lot. The girl was close enough that I could probably get her scent. Maybe her words are lies, but her scent can't lie. Taking a whiff, I got hit strong by her scent and got more information that just tore me to pieces.

Markus had mated with her. I could still smell the last time they had done it. Markus' musk on her scent told me that he enjoyed it and bred her multiple times, more than he had done with me. He had knotted with her and filled her full with his seed. He had marked her as his and only his. She had a stronger bond with Markus than I did. So basically...I was worthless compared to her.

Crumpling to the ground, tears fell freely from my eyes as I couldn't take it anymore. I held my face in my hands and cried my heart out. I felt like my heart had just been cut open again after being healed. The pain was just too much to bear that I could only let it out in tears.

"Silnis!? What's wrong?" Kelly asked me, kneeling next to me and holding me in her arms.

"I-I smelled her scent...and everything was there! M-Markus...mated with her. S-She's worth more to him than I am! I-I'm nothing but trash! I don't deserve to have love!" I cried to her, sobbing on her as she soothed me while glaring at the other girl. She let go of me and marched right over to the girl, grabbing her hair and kneeing her hard in the gut. The girl uttered a small yelp before falling to the ground, clutching her stomach and sobbing as Kelly pulled at her hair harder.

"You slut! I should have brought my scissors with me so I could've cut off all your fucking hair! Girls like you are pieces of shit! I should shove a fucking tree branch up your vagina! How would that feel!?" While Kelly was busy cursing at the girl, I laid on the ground, crying still. I had never cried this hard when Luke cheated on me. But I was so sure that Markus would love me and be the one that I'd never imagined that he could do such a thing and that broke my soul.

A car pulled up in the parking lot and a familiar face came running towards us. I wished it had been Luke or someone else, but he was the last person I wanted to see now. Markus paid no attention to Kelly and her "creative" words, and came towards me instead. He cradled me in his arms, asking me if I was all right or not. I only had thing to say....

"No...," I told him.

"Why? Did she hurt you? Where did she hurt you?" he asked, checking me over for any physical wounds.

"No...she didn't hurt me...you did...," I said to him.

"W-What?" he questioned, trying to act innocent. I just snapped at him at this point.

"Don't you 'What?' me!" I shouted at him, pushing him away and getting to my feet. Kelly had stopped with her "ministrations" on the girl and turned towards me and Markus, watching the scene unfold. "I came here to find out why you had been acting strangely all week and I find out that you cheated on me with this slut!"

Markus looked hurt, his ears flattening as she tried to calm me down and defend himself, "S-Silnis...I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you...but I was afraid that you would hate me for it. Please forgive me. I swear that I only love you!"

"Shut up!" I screamed at him, silencing him as I wasn't done making my point yet, "If you're that bored with me, than you could have at least told me so! I would've done everything I could just to make our relationship more exciting, but no! You don't even say a word about to me and go and fuck this slut! If you really wanted me to forgive you, you should have told me about this sooner! But now it's too late!" If anyone had thought that I was scary when I found out Luke cheated on me, than they were dead wrong.

Giving one last look of pure hate at him, I began to walk away, when he grabbed my hand. "Silnis please wait I-" With my free hand, I punched him straight across the face, making him stumble sideways and look at me with total shock. Kelly had gasped in horror, covering her mouth with her hands. I had nailed him right in the nose and now it was bleeding.

"Don't you ever come near me again. Don't even call me, or text me, or do anything to get me back because I...will...never...love...you...again," I warned him, walking away and leaving him speechless.


When I got home, Aaron was the only one awake and greeted me, asking me where I had gone. I just ignored him and stormed up to my room, slamming it shut and locking it. Once I locked it, I ran over to my bed and cried into my pillow again. The anger and feeling of betrayal was still there, but grief and pain quickly replaced them. It must have been at least an hour before I stopped and fell into a troubled sleep. Markus...how could you?