Close Combat Part One: Meeting

Story by Kiba Moonheart on SoFurry

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#1 of Close Combat

A/N Hey. This story is the first page of six, right SIX, pages in an RP between me and Bunny Rule on another site. I was just getting into charecter with THIS Solaris when I rped this.

Mimi's paw and back were better by now and she was in tip top fighting shape again. There was a Battle Royal today and paying 130,000 gold pieces for first. 30,000 gold for second place, 20 gold for third. Well at least someone would get something for third place. If they were still alive by the end. This was a no weapons Battle Royal, Time limit: 48 hours, Number of competitors:47. A ten minute break would be added for those who needed to wash up and know who many people were left at the 36 hour mark. If there where three people standing by the end of the Battle Royal than there would be a dice role to see who first, second, and third. If there was more then three left standing at the end of the time limit no one would win the prize money.

Mimi left her fur its natural color for this Battle Royal. She still stood out but her purple fur would make her a sitting duck. This Battle Royal happened every other month. So it was something Mimi didn't have to wait long for. She was able to take a boat that went straight to Crescendo Heights. So the walk wasn't that long. There was a large tent at the foot of the mountain. There was also a magical barrier around the tent to keep monsters out. Mimi would allowed though as she told hem her named then sat down in a nearby chair. It would be about 30 minutes until the Battle Royal started. Mimi wasn't going to waist her time acting tough in front of others as she heard others saying how they would win.

Once it was time to start the competition. A judge stood up onto a table and whistled loudly getting everyone attention. "Most of you know the rules! For new comers it's very simply... Don't die. If you wish to give up return to the tent. If you don't make it, to bad! There are dangerous creatures out there as well so watch your backs. You have 20 seconds to get out of here. So get the hell out!" Everyone hurried out of the tent and into the mountains. Yet for most this was a death trap. Most would end up on the dinner menu for the monsters that lived here. Mimi was last to leave. Well she wasn't in a hurry and with a no weapons Battle Royal. She didn't need to worry about guns.

Solaris walked through the mountains, on high alert. Those bastards had taken his guns and knife! Well, he was pretty skilled in hand-to-hand, so he really didn't have a right to complain. So far he hadn't met anyone. Which was odd, considering the golden sheen of his fur made him stand out, despite how much of it was covered. He shook his head, his icy blue eyes keeping a constant lookout. He heard a snap and dove for cover. A few minutes later two humans walked by, sticks in hand. "Cheating sons of..." The fox growled in anger. They were cheating! They were using weapons! Standing, the fox slipped silently from cover, picking up a large rock as he went. Well if they could cheat so could he. Sneaking silently, tail flicking nervously, the fox walked up behind the men. He tapped their shoulders. "Excuse me, could you tell me what hell's like when you get there?" He asked coldly before swinging the rock, hitting them both in the skulls with dull thuds. Discarding the now-bloody rock, Solaris continued on, hoping the monsters feasted on their flesh. He looked around, then scented the air. He cringed in disgust and the hundreds of smells in the air. Most were human, some were monster. But one was anthro, coming from a long ways off. The fox's ears perked up slightly, lifting from the back of his skull. Then he sighed. Whoever it was would probably attack him the moment they saw him. Which would be right away with his fur. Sighing, the fox walked towards the scent anyway. Well, nothing ventured nothing gained, right?

Mimi took her time up the mountain. Se didn't need to waist energy running. No weapons, no worries. It seemed like her guard was down. Then again she had been in this Battle Royal many times. Mimi saw two others take there time up the mountain. But they went in different directions. She would have to worry about them, over everyone else.

She noticed that the number of trees grew as she continued on deeper onto the battle field. She heard something creeping from behind. Mimi acted like she didn't notice. More playing stupid. It smelled like a human. Once the human was close enough and had to be out in plain view Mimi turned around. He eyes shows nothing but hate. She couldn't be soft here. The human was about to throw a punch but Mimi was quicker and she punched at well. She nailed him right in the ace then went to do a sky upper cut. She was sure the human had broken his jaw at that point. She just watched the human on the ground screaming. Mimi placed her left back paw on his neck then pressed down until the human feel limp.

Mimi looked around as she heard someone run off. With her ears se heard the source of the sound. She quickly followed the direction. It was a dwarf running away. Mimi didn't say anything. As she quickly caught up with the dwarf. She grabbed the dwarfs neck with her muzzle, shook her head violently a few times before releasing her grip and watch the dwarf slam against a tree. Mimi wasn't a mindless animal. She knew how the Battle Royal worked, kill or be killed.

She sniffed the air and only smelled one more around. She smelled fox... She looked around wondering if the fox as near by. Well this would be another kill for her. She didn't want to kill the fox anthro but she didn't have much of a choice. She guessed this fox would do the same. She kept loss waiting for the fox to show up. She didn't know what the gender of the fox was but guessed it was male seeing females rarely fight. Her ears picked up hearing a bloody scream far off. She knew that 3 people were dead now.

Solaris stuck to the thickest parts of the trees, where he could hide to some degree.He hardly made any noise, and to a human there was nothing around. Solaris watched for more competiters. "Kill or be killed..." He muttered, "What a way to meet..." He yelped in surprise as he was tackled from behind, but quickly threw them off, against a tree. another human. Solaris was about to walk off when... "Beaten by a freak.... What's this world coming to?" Solaris stopped in his trackes, turning slowly. If he'd had his guns the bloody human's head would be nothing more than a hollow, bloody shell. Instead he walked up to him. "Say hi to the others when you get to hell." He said, kicking the man as hard as he could in the neck. Then he unsheathed his claws on one hand and, kneeling down, tore into the human's neck until it was hanging on by a bone. Another kick took care of that. Solaris looked down at himself. Only a few drops of blood had landed on him, and they were on his jacket. Ripping some cloth from he human's shirt, he wiped it away and dropped it on the the human's neck, or what was left of it. Then he walked off, tail flicking in anger. He scented he air, and immediatly went into a crouch. How had she gotten so close? Was his first thought. His second was... She's a she?! And his third was, "Aaaaahhh SH--" An intant later there was a sharp crack, and solaris lost cover, landing in the middle of a small clearing in a bundle, out cold.

Mimi quickly dashed to the nearest bush at the sound of a crack. Well she didn't know what made the sound. She waited a few seconds, she could smell something out in the clearing but she couldn't see it because of all the leafs. It smelled like a fox but she wasn't sure if he was dead or alive.

Once she felt it was safe she jumped out of the bush. Shaking any loss leaves off. She saw the fox on the floor out cold. Well Mimi wasn't sure if he was dead but better safe then sorry. Before she could make a move a human jumped into the clearing holding a good sized stick. The human began to swing the stick and an in Mimi's direction.

She was quick to dodge every swing of the stick. After a second of dodging the humans stick. Mimi grabbed the stick with her left paw. The human seemed to scared for word at the moment. Mimi kneed the human it the gut. Once the humans grip was gone from the stick she and forced the stick into the humans neck. Well at this point the human was dead or would be dead with in a couple of minuets.

Now Mimi's attention went to the fox. He looked dead but couldn't be to careful around here. She padded over to the fox, she had some pity on him but she was sure he would kill her if he had the chance. She placed her right back paw on the fox's neck. She wasn't going to break it. She would just make breathing impossible.

Solaris groaned. 'What the hell hit me?' he thought. 'And why can't I breathe? Am I dead? No, if I was I'd feel like I was breathing. That bastard's strangling me!' Solaris struggled weakly, barely any streangth in his arms. 'Some way to go! Knocked out and killed by a human! I always thought I'd die protecting somebody... You know, something heroic...' When he finally found his neck, and the hand on his neck, he grabbed it, extending his claws and digging into the skin. It took a moment for the fox to realize he wasn't feeling skin, but fur. He gasped, drawing in a tiny bit of air. He dug in harder, this tiny bit of streangth needed. He felt on the verge of blacking out. But if he did, he'd die. Plain and simple. 'Damnit! I'm not ready to die! I'm not going to die without at least one friend!' he thought, pushing as hard as he could to get the hand away from his throat. Another bit! He took in the air gratefully, his lungs burning. Then, all at once, he rolled. It wasn't a fast roll, or a hard roll, but it was a roll. Air! Sweet, pure air! Solaris gulped it down as he rolled again, then jumped up. His eyes were still blurry, but he could see the general outline of his attacker. He paused, sniffing the air. It was the other anthro. The female fox. Solaris groaned. "What next? A human becomes my friend?" He asked the general world around him before falling on his back. He was still awake, but his muscles were still recovering from their period without air. "No..." He muttered, "Even humans think I'm a freak..." A tear rolled down his face, but he was quick to wipe it and it's trail away. 'Kill or be killed, Sol! And do you REALLY wanna be killed by a vixen?!' Solaris smiled. That was the best advice he'd gotten all day. Sol quickly sat up, then got onto his paws in crouch.

Well this was bad news for Mimi. She was starting to think she should have killed the fox quickly. This was becoming a lot of trouble. "Should have killed you quickly!" She hissed as she took a few paw steps away from him. It seemed like he was a little soft but Mimi didn't care. Being soft here was a bad idea. She stood on fours waiting to see what he would do.

She decided to push some buttons what he was having his teary moment. "What's wrong? The big mean forest isn't as nice as you thought. Maybe you should give up because this isn't the time to sit and cry." She hissed somewhat taunting him. Her tail flickered as she jumped a few feet from were she was standing, then back. She didn't regret saying the rude comments. "Or are you upset because you were almost killed by a girl?" She smirked as her tail waged for a few seconds. It was more happy tail then anything else.

Mimi's ears picked up as she listened to make sure no one was near by. She would rather focus on one thing then many. The claws on her front paws began to dig in to the earth. She looked at the claw makes her had given her then back to the anthro fox. Her arm was bleeding but she would live, besides it looked like it would stop soon.

Solaris ignored her taunts. At least, he tried. His eyes were clearing, and he could finally get a good look at her. Silver fur, long tail, and strong. "No, it's not the forest. It's the freak right in the middle fighting his own kind." He said. She hadn't said anything about his fur color, for which he was glad. He smiled and rushed her, breaking off a few feet from her, jumping back, before ducking down low and rushing. He brought his fist up for a gut shot. Then he spun around, aiming a kick at the back of her neck. Then he jumped back, into the forest, into relative safety. He ran flat-out then, missing trees by inches, or in some cases not missing them at all, his shoulder ramming into the trunks painfully. He knew the rules, but he wasn't so greedy for money that he'd take on one of his own, however little they liked him or however much they made fun of his fur. How was it his fault he wasn't normal? It wasn't damnit! Solaris finally stumbled to a stop,panting heavily, looking back, hoping she hadn't followed. He glanced at the sky. It was still mid-day. It felt like he'd been in the clearing for hours. "Sure." He said aloud, "Just run off. Give them an INVITATION to kick your freaky-furred ass." He sighed and sat at he base of a tree. "If I'd had my guns... But I knew she was fast. Faster than me. If I'd tried for a real fight I'd have had my ass kicked." He hated admitting it, but it was true. He sighed, touching the patch on the sleeve of his jacket. "I'll just have to avoid her until this whole thing is over. And kill anyone else I see."

Mimi didn't have the wind knocked out of her from the gut hit and she managed to miss his kick. Being hit in the gut hurt but not as bad as it could. Training taught her that should keep air in for short amounts of time. She watch him run away. "Pansy.." She muttered, she would go after him later. She knew she should go after another fox but it was kill or be killed and Mimi would like to make it out alive. He had a nice tail... She thought to herself then quickly shook the idea out of her head.

She went in a different direction after she took a few seconds to recover. Once she was a good half mile from the clearing. She sat down leaning against a tree. She heard screams not far off. She closed her eyes for a second. She was amazed she had been hit in the first day. She looked up to see if the sky was visible but she was in a denser part of the mountain. It was to dark for humans to be here but her eyes were designed to see in the dark.

She felt safe as she relaxed a bit. She still heard the screams not far from her. It was almost music to her ears. This meant someone was busy on someone else and not her. When it got quiet she would have to worry.

She relaxed for a good five minutes before she heard something coming in her direction. She lowered herself to the ground and waited to see what was coming. Luckily what ever it was didn't see her. It was some ugly looking elf mixed breed. It had tentacles coming out of its back and extra eyes. It looked like something in a horror movie. She decided taking this thing down would be best. She kicked the thing off it's feet then went to claw out its eyes. Things were going well until it's tentacles grabbed onto Mimi's arms. Mimi knew that trying to free herself was a waist of time. She started to kick the thing in the face but her other paw had been caught just like her arms had been. She began to use her only free paw and went back to kicking the thing in the face.

Solaris sighed and stood. Now was no time to wimp out! He had this jacket for a reason! He had the patch for a reason! No time to whimp out! Sol walked back to the clearing, sniffing. She'd left. He followed her scent trail, picking out minute details in the dark underbrush. Then an overwhelming stench hit him like a brick wall. Gagging, Sol got down on four and looked through the underbrush. 'What the HELL is THAT?!' He thought, seeing what looked like an elf had too many squids and not enough women. And held in it's tentacles was the fox girl. Sol smiled and stood. "Two birds with one stone." He said aloud. Three tentales came at him. "I don't think so!" He growled, jumping over them and grabbing all three at the same time. 'I'm gonna get sick' He thought in disgust just before sinking his fangs into all three. A twist and a rip and blood spurted, but the fox wasn't there. The tentacles were missing about a foot of themselves. A few feet away, the fox spat repeatedly, trying to get all the blood out of his mouth. "DISGUSTING!" He gasped, spitting twice more. Then he drew his arm across his mouth, looking at the vixen. "Remind me never to do that again if we both survive this." He said. Then he lept at the elf-squid lonelyness spawn, bringing his fist down in it's face, hard.As soon as he touched ground he jumped back, kicking it twice in the jaw. He landed a few feet away. "So the freak saves the fox in distress, eh?" He asked her jokingly, gathering the tentacles holding her in his hands and breaking them over his knee, jumping away from the blood-spurting stumps. "Remind me never to do that again, too." He said, his Icy-blue eyes on her.

She took the help without question. Well she knew she was a dead fox if she hadn't come but she wasn't going to admit that. _He thinks I needed his help?!? She thought as she got up as soon as she was free. She wondered why de called himself a freak. So his fur wasn't a dark orange or red. Maybe he had some creepy rash on his butt. Well Mimi didn't want to know if it was something like that.

She took a few steps away from him but she kept her eyes locked on him. She wasn't going to let some fox help her. "You think I was in trouble?!? I was fine before you came here!" She hissed her ears flattened back and her tail flickered angrily. "Why did you follow me? I didn't need you to come save me" She lied. Well she did need help but she wasn't going to admit it.

She turned around and walked off in a different direction "Stupid hero..." She muttered to herself. Well Mimi wasn't this heartless to others, only in when she was doing her job. She decided to quicken her pace as she started to run. She would finish with that fox later. She would rather stay alive then take any chances with that fox._

Mimi didn't look back to see of the fox was following her. She just kept running and luckily didn't run into anyone.

"Some thanks." Sol muttered, swatting a tentacle away and stomping on the things neck. He watched her run off. "Don't forget to write!" He called cheekily. Then, with a sigh, he walked the opposite direction that she took. His luck wasn't nearly as good as her's, however. After about half-a-mile he came up on a small group of humans. "Aaaaahhh SH--" He began, befoe dodging two swings an jumping over a third. Dropkicking the first, Sol yelped as he ws flung into a tree. Grunting, the fox stood shakily. Another man, snearing, punched Sol in the stomach. "D....Da..." He gasped, callapsing to his knees. "Lookit that!" One of the men said, snearing. "Another animal. And it's a freak!" He knelt down, grabbing the fox's muzzle and lifting his head up. "Why'd you join, freak? You should know a freak like you can't win." He sneared and swung his fist, hitting Sol on the side of the head, eliciting a weak yelp. Sol lay huddled on the ground as the man he dropkicked stood. "Fucking freak!" He roared, grabbing the fox by his jacket and throwing him against the tree, holding him off his feet. "Gold fur? What did your mom sc--" Sol interrupted him by spitting in his face. "You think... You're better than me?" He asked. He grinned. "FAT CHANCE!" He growled, biting down hard on the man's arm. He roared in pain and dropped the fox, who immediatly ran into the forest. "I know when I'm beat!" He gasped, barely running at half his original speed. He callapsed about a miled from the humans and half a mile from the elf thing, dragging himself into a bush before curling up. His ribs hurt, and so did his skull. His ears were ringing and the bastard that held him against the tree had left a bruise on Sol's neck, under the fur. "What a start..." He muttered as he fell asleep.

Mimi didn't have as much trouble as the other fox. She was also to take anyone who got in the way. Well on her run she ran into a human, an elf, and two Drow's. Mimi had killed the human and the elf easy. The Drows took some time but Mimi was able to get them both down as well. Mimi was exhausted at this point. Well killing isn't easy. She looked up and was finally able to see the sky. It had only been maybe five hours in. It seemed a lot shorter then that. Well Mimi wouldn't complain.

She decided a short rest would be good. She climbed up a good sized tree. The leafs provided good cover. She made herself comfortable and closed her eyes. She wasn't going to sleep. Just rest her eyes a bit.

She heard a few pass by but Mimi didn't do anything. They didn't see her so she just ignored them. Once she had rested for a good thirty minutes she was up ad about again. She made sure no one was around before jumping out of the tree. She was wondering which direction to go. Maybe it would be a good idea to kill the fox. She sniffed the air but smelled no fox. Well she could wait. Besides there was other fish to fry.

Sol groaned when he woke up. His ribs were still sore and his head was pounding. He whimpered as he stood, but it wasn't as bad as it had been. 'It's hot...' He thought, unzipping his jacket and pulling his arms out, letting it hang off of his shoulders like a cape. A light breeze ruffled his fur, cooling him. He touched his rib and grimaced. Bruised, but not broken. He started walking. He wasn't going to give up after one setback. But he'd been overpowered by humans. Humans! Sol felt disgusted with himself. Sighing, he set off, unknowingly going the same way as the other fox. He wasn't scenting the air, and he wasn't looking fr prints. That might have been the greatest mistake he'd ever made. But he didn't notice. His battered brain didn't even register he was walking with a limp he hadn't had for eight years, much less that he wasn't being smart. His mind wandered to the other fox, to how she might be outside of the deathmatch. Probably the same as here. He sighed. "Guess I'll never find an anthro friend..." He muttered, passing under the tree the vixen had abandoned only a short time ago. He didn' smell her, nor the dead he'd passed. His stomach growled. How long was this again? 'Fourty-eight hours. Two days. You've been without food for longer.' "Yeah," he replied to himself. "But I wasn't in a deathmatch facing humans who can kick my ass and a vixen, and I use both meanings of the word, who's twice as fast as me an could also kick my ass." He sighed. His stomach growled again, and he hit himself. "Oh shut up!"He growled.

Mimi hadn't noticed the fox that was a good distance behind her. She was to busy making sure about her surroundings. There was one thing she didn't notice, a trap. Within second she found herself hanging upside down. Her right paw tied to a rope. Mimi used her free leg trying to kick the rope but that didn't work. She tried to life herself up to the rope but she didn't have the upper body strength.

She just kept trying to get to the rope but soon the someone had showed up. It looked like a human but his eyes looked evil. "Let me go" She complained as she kicked her free leg.

The human just laughed, well Mimi didn't see this as funny. The human seemed to be inspecting Mimi and he circled her once "Such a fine body, to bad I couldn't put it to some good use... but your going to die." The next second there was a flame around his hand. He threw a punch into the air and the next second there was a blast of fire heading straight for Mimi.

Mimi managed to miss the first hit, well she thought she had missed. She looked back to see the tree she was hanging from was burning. Well that made her feel worst. She looked back to the human. Which did the same attack, this time the blast hit the side of her face burning away her whiskers. "Come on you don't have to kill me" She said smiling weakly

(Author's notes~

I worked hard on the parts where sol was mentioned by name. This is the beginning of my non-yiff series. This story series, Close Combat, was my first in a long line of RPs with Mimi's owner, Bunny Rule.

Mimi (C) Bunny Rule)

Shield And Sword

Author's note: I made this because I felt like doing something I'm not sure has been done before. NOT SURE. I could be wrong. Who knows? Somewhere on Yiffstar it could have been done. But I've yet to see actual battle stories, so I'm basing it on this....
