Conflicts and Resolutions

Story by Mog Moogle on SoFurry

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Conflicts and Resolutions

by Mog Moogle

"Yeah ... yes sir. Yeah I'll take care of it." Karen heard through a fuzzy haze as she opened her eyes to a blurry and way too bright room. "Mm-hmm. No, Chad and I talked about that, we're moving Harris to receiving so he can work on the overnight stock." Karen scanned the room looking for the source of the voice.

Her blurry vision began to focus on the outline of her husband sitting by the bed in a chair from the kitchen table. Karen lifted up but her ears started to ring and her head started to spin. Her head hit the pillow again and she let out a sickly moan.

"Okay. I need to go Mr. Zabski. Yeah. Yes sir. I'll be at the meeting Wednesday. Thank you. Bye." Brad pressed end on his company cell phone and looked over at Karen. "Good morning." Brad greeted.

"Morning? What time is it?" Karen asked as she faced her head at Brad but kept her eyes closed.

"A little before noon."

"Noon!?" Karen's eyes shot open and she sat up quickly, but this caused the whole room to spin. "Ugh! I have to get to work."

"I called your office. I told them you wouldn't be in. Lie down and rest, Karen."

"What? But I ..." She paused as her mind cleared a little and then she eased back down. "I suppose you're right."

"Quite a night, huh?" Brad asked.

"I ... I guess you could say so." Karen turned her head away from him as her cheeks heated a little with embarrassment. "My ... clothes? Where are my clothes?" Karen asked as she realized she was naked.

"I hung your suit up with the others in the closet."

"I don't remember taking them off ... The last thing I remember ... Cody? Where's Cody?"

"He's in his room I believe. I called in for him too. I didn't want to leave you alone considering your condition this morning. He was really worried when you passed out in his room." Brad explained calmly. "He called me about three this morning and told me that you fell asleep and wouldn't wake up. I was afraid you might have gotten alcohol poisoning or something. If your breathing hadn't stayed regular, you'd probably be waking up in the hospital."

"You ... came home to watch over me?"

"Yes." Brad said softly.

Karen sighed heavily and slid her paws over her hips.

"Wait ... where are my nylons?" She asked as the blurry memory of Keith's seed spilling into them crossed her mind.

"I ... put them in the laundry. I think ... you may have had an accident in them or something." Brad explained.

He couldn't have been that dumb, could he? He wasn't as smart as her by a long shot, (at least in her eyes,) but to be completely oblivious to the cum stain. Maybe she got lucky and Cody didn't say anything to him about last night and he really didn't notice.

"That's ... a little embarrassing." Karen said with a slight tremble in her voice.

"Alcohol can ... impair judgment and make you lose control of bodily ... needs."

Karen sighed again. Brad wasn't all that stupid, but he wasn't all that smart either. She looked back over her shoulder at him. He was forcing a smile at her. She laid her head back on the pillow and subtly moved her out of sight paw down to her pubic fur then over her nether lips. Her pussy was still swollen from the rough treatment, and she couldn't resist slipping her middle finger into her vagina a little and feeling how hot and damp it still was. She could still feel Keith inside her.

"You ..." Karen paused as she considered her words carefully. "Can I ask you something, Brad?"

"Of course."

"If you came in and found me like this ..." Karen paused as she rolled over and faced him. "... would you take advantage of it?"

"Uh. I'm not quite sure-"

"Would you take me like a husband is supposed to take his wife? Would you take me and make love to me?"


"You ... wouldn't, would you?"

"Karen. I don't think that your in the best state of mind to-"

"No!" She interrupted. "It is true. You don't love me!"

"Enough!" Brad replied with an unexpected aggravation which caused Karen's eyes to widen in surprise. "I tried to explain this to you before, Karen. I'm not in love with you. I never have been in love with you." Brad paused to take a deep breath and compose himself. "But honestly how could I not love you? You a beautiful woman. You're smart, successful. Most important of all you are one half of the thing that I hold most dear in the world." Brad looked her squarely in the eyes. "I don't always approve of your decisions, and I don't like how you've used your assets to control me, but I don't harbor any animosity toward you. You are the mother of my child. I love you for that and I love you for everything good about you."


"I only have two regrets. The first is a moot point because I wouldn't trade anything for my son. The second ... I regret that I can't make you happy."

"Brad. I ..." Karen eased her legs out of the bed and turned to face her husband. "I think I may have made a mistake last night."

"What do you mean?"

"Last night, after the party. My secretary drove me home. He came in and helped me to bed. I ... slept with him."

"I know." Brad said calmly.

"You know? Did Cody tell you?"

"No." Brad chuckled. "It's not hard to tell when you ... leak. Cody knows you did this?"

"God Brad ... he walked in on us. I don't know what to do. I feel so confused right now."

"Cody's a big kid and he can handle himself. I can talk to him about it if you'd like."

Karen looked her husband over, and then looked down at her own body. Her thoughts drifted all over the place but annoyingly kept pulling her memory back to her tryst. She could still feel Keith expanding her walls, the heat of his member radiating inside of her, the waves of pleasure from the orgasms.

"Brad?" Karen said softly. "Why aren't you getting mad?"

"I don't have any right to be mad at you for wanting to be happy." Brad said as looked over toward the windows. "I can't please you physically. I never have been able to. The emotional connection that we had our first year of marriage faded away quickly. I don't even think it was six months into our marriage when you stopped asking for sex."

"That ... doesn't make any sense. That's not how marriage is supposed to work."

"Karen, there is no perfect marriage. Us getting married was a mistake to begin with."

"No!" She cried. "That's not true! The bible says-"

"Karen! This isn't about religion or faith. This is about being happy. I can't make you happy the way a husband should. And, to be completely honest, you can't make me happy the way a wife should."

"Damn you, Brad!" Karen balled her fists and pounded on the bed. "I won't believe that this whole marriage has been a mistake. Damn you for saying it, damn you for not getting mad!"

"Maybe I misspoke. I didn't mean that our marriage was a mistake, I meant that we never should have gotten married. Getting married because you slept with the person and making that the only basis for getting married ... that's something that would never work."

"What the hell was I supposed to do? Maybe it didn't mean anything to you, but I wanted my first time to be with my husband like it's supposed to be."

"Karen. My first time wasn't with you."

"What? You told me it was."

"No, Karen. I told you that it was my first time with a woman."

"What do you-" Karen's eyes suddenly went wide with shock. "You've had sex with another man!? You know you'll be damned to hell for that!"

"Karen! This isn't about that. This is about us and what we should do now."

"With a man ... That's just sick."

"No it isn't. It's normal. It's part of who I am. I never chose to be attracted to men, but it's how God made me."

"God doesn't make furs that way."

"Karen! I was more than old enough to be attracted to women when I fell in love with a man. I've never been attracted to women. It's how God made me."

"It actually makes sense." Karen said. "As spineless and cowardly as you are, it makes sense that you're gay."

"Karen. I'm sorry I never told you. I should have told you from the start. Something else I should have told you is that I'm actually mated to my lover. He proposed to me when I was still in high school. I've never stopped seeing him. Even after you told me that I couldn't see him anymore."

"After I told you? Your friend Paul? The one that you kissed on our anniversary cruise?"

"Yeah. We've been together since I was a freshman in high school."

"I don't ... I don't believe this. It's all a little overwhelming. You've been cheating on me with a man?"

"I ... cheated on him with you." Brad said as he hung his head. "That's why I never should have married you."

"So I've wasted ten years of my life married to an unfaithful faggot? Well, knowing that, maybe my parents would be okay with a divorce after all."

"Karen, this is a decision you need to make without your parents."

"You don't have any right to tell me what to do now!" Karen yelled as she stood up from the bed. "You've been lying to me from day one!"

"You're right. I have. I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" Karen walked up to Brad. "Is that supposed to make all this better? The years of putting up with a weak, spineless bunny that doesn't even love his wife? My footing the bills, managing the family and a career."

"Maybe it won't help anything, but if you make a decision and it's your own and not your parent's, then I think I can live with whatever it is." Brad looked up at Karen, but was shocked as he saw an expression of genuine anger.

"You son of a bitch!" Karen screamed as she swung her arm wildly at Brad.

Brad was caught completely off guard as Karen's palm connected with his cheek with a loud smack. Brad brought his own paw up and rubbed his stinging face. He looked up at Karen again just in time to feel her balled fist connect with his jaw. It wasn't really a hard punch and it didn't even hurt that much, but the fact that she was angry enough to hit him. Karen drew back again and Brad instinctively rose to his feet and caught her paw.

"Let go of me!" Karen yelled as she threw her free arm at him in a wide swing.

Brad managed to catch her other arm with little effort. He pushed her back until she was against the bed and then he forced her to sit down. Karen struggled against him and yelled out another objection as he held her wrists. She tried to force herself free but ended up falling back on the bed and pulling Brad with her.

"Stop it! Let go! This ... this isn't fair." Karen started to trail off. "It isn't supposed to be like this. You aren't supposed to be gay, we're supposed to be husband and wife. You can't even love me the way a husband does."

Karen laid her head back on the bed and closed her eyes. She inhaled shakily as she tried to stave off tears. Brad slowly released her wrists and she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug.

"You're supposed to hold me the way a man should. You are supposed to take care of those needs! And now ..." She trailed off as she broke into a loud cry.

Brad eased his arms under her and returned her hug gingerly. He held her for several minutes as she nuzzled into his shoulder and cried. Brad stroked the back of her head until her tears began to subside and her loud sobs became occasional sniffles. He eased his head back away from her and looked down at her.

Her cheek fur was matted from the tears and her eyes were red from the combination of hang over and the crying. Her breath still smelled like alcohol and Brad could discern the odor of the adulterous throes of passion about her. Despite everything, underneath all of her faults and her domineering personality, Brad could see that she was a scared naïve woman afraid of losing her entire world as she saw it crashing around her.

Brad pressed his muzzle against hers and kissed her softly. Karen stopped what little crying she was still doing and opened her eyes wide in surprise. Her first instinct was to push him away, but something inside of her that she hadn't felt in a long time slowly crept to the surface. There was a point in her life she loved Brad.

Her memories drifted back to the first time she held Cody in her arms. Her husband was standing beside her hospital bed looking down in awe at the sight of their newborn wrapped in the small hospital linen cloth. She slowly lifted her exhausted head and looked up at the new father standing beside her. A warmth radiated from her chest and there was such a strong feeling of happiness at the beautiful accomplishment they had just seen in person for the first time.

"What's his name?" A small candy striper mouse in scrubs asked the couple.

"Cody." Brad said as he looked at his son.

"Cody Duncan Kilmers, after his grandfathers." Karen said as she smiled.

Now that feeling was creeping back into her. She slid her paws over the back of his flannel shirt. Her paw pads rubbed over the rough metal shavings and the small burn marks that dotted his work clothes. She gripped his shirt with her paws as she opened her muzzle and pushed her tongue in Brad's mouth. The evidence of his labor present in the fabric and the feel of his back muscles through the thick material made her desire rise.

Karen rubbed her thighs together as she felt a tingle and warmth radiate over top of her pleasantly sore vaginal muscles. Brad was surprisingly receptive to her intensifying kiss and even began to stroke her soft fur with his paws. Karen eased her arms off Brad's back and underneath his chest between them. She pushed him until he rolled onto his back and she eased over him. Straddling her husband she eased her head up and looked down at him.

"Are you sure that you're okay with this?" Brad asked tenderly.

"I ... If you're okay with me. I still have ... in my ..." Karen blushed furiously as she rubbed her moist nether lips against Brad's jeans.

"I'm happy that you indulged yourself a little, Karen. How did it feel?"

"I ... I don't know if I should talk about ... things like that."

"You don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable." Brad said reassuringly with a genuine smile.

Karen bit her bottom lip and then looked at Brad. It was hard for her to comprehend that he really did seem okay with her having sex with someone else. Though, with all of the revelations and admissions of the morning, maybe...

"He ... he was so big and masculine. I had to beg him to do it, and then he just took charge. He let me know exactly what he wanted. It made me so ... oh god!"

"You liked that he took control?"

"He pushed his penis into my mouth. It was so big and it smelled so good. I'd never sucked on another guy before ... It tasted amazing." Karen paused as her cheeks heated with even more blush. "Can ... can I suck on yours?"

"Of course." Brad said with a chuckle. "You don't have to ask, Karen. You've had a lot happen to you over the last week. As far as I'm concerned, in this room you're still the head of the house and whatever you want you'll get."

"Brad?" Karen looked a little surprised. "You want me ... to be in charge of the bedroom."

"You always have been, dear. I'm a submissive partner, through and through. When we made love, from the first on, you're in control and giving up that control is something I absolutely adore. I ... I'm sorry I never told you that before."

"Brad ..." Karen pressed her muzzle against his and locked him in a passionate kiss for several long moments before pulling out of it and looking at him again. "Take your pants off."

Brad smiled at her as he reached down and loosened his belt. Karen raised off him and slowly maneuvered herself around into a slightly awkward sixty-nine position just as Brad unfastened his pants. Karen eased her paws under his waistline and pushed his jeans and underpants down to his knees as they hung off the end of the bed. Brad secretly eased his muzzle close to his wife's reddened pussy lips and inhaled the mixed scents of her feminine arousal and her lover's masculine jism that had filled her insides.

Karen brought her muzzle even with Brad's erection. She couldn't help but notice how petite it looked in comparison to Keith's, nevertheless, even though the scent was weaker his musk radiated from it and permeated her nostrils. Karen eased her lips down to the small tapered glans and took it in her mouth. She held it on her warm tongue and savored the taste as a small contented moan eased up from her husband behind her.

Karen started to lightly suckle on Brad, finding that she could manipulate the modest length quite easily in her mouth. It was mere seconds before Brad leaked pre onto her tongue. The taste was every bit as sharp and as wonderful as what Keith had given her, but she couldn't believe how much more of it there was. She felt Brad rub over her backside with his paws as he sighed contently. Karen pulled off his rabbithood and looked back over her shoulder at him.

"Brad? Will you ... will you lick me?" She asked nervously.

"Mmm ... Don't ask me, tell me." Brad advised.

"Um ... Brad, I want you to ... lick me."

Brad smiled as a mischievous thought crept through his mind. Brad pressed his muzzle against the inside of Karen's thigh and began lapping at her soft fur. Karen was a little taken aback at first, and then she started to get a annoyed.

"Brad!" Karen snapped. "I want you to lick ... lick my vagina."

Brad chuckled softly and then gave Karen's nether lips a quick, sharp lick. She gasped as her tender lips were suddenly stimulated, and then the tingling sensation trickled away slowly. Karen panted softly and then looked back at Brad again.

"Stop teasing me." Karen said only half serious.

"Just tell me what you want done, dear."

"I ... fuck! I want you to eat my pussy you little ..." Karen paused as her cheeks heated with blush.

"It's okay. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you think. I promise it won't upset me."

"Eat my pussy you ... little fucking queer!" Karen finally finished with a strong emphasis on 'queer.'

Very much to her surprise, as soon as she got over the embarrassment of demanding her husband eat her out while insulting him, she found it quite enjoyable. Even more to her surprise, Brad's member pulsed and throbbed when she said it. He got off to being insulted?

"Yes dear." Brad said after a shaky exhale.

Brad locked his mouth tightly against Karen's puffy opening. He extended his tongue and ran it up the entire length, letting it linger a moment inside her moist passage. Karen gasped sharply again and pressed her hips back against him. Brad had never tasted feminine juices before and the nice finish of her coworker's cum made it extremely pleasant.

Karen looked back down at Brad's member and decided to resume her own oral attention to her partner. She took the entire length in her muzzle again and began sucking and slurping. She swallowed every drop of the ample trickle of pre that Brad could produce. Karen couldn't explain any of it in her head. Everything seemed so irrational. Her husband was a closet gay who had sex with men and she had a fresh load of adulterous seed inside her womb.

A small voice in the back of her head started to speak to her. It was really quiet at first, like someone saying something from across a large room. Maybe it was that it had always been there and she didn't want to hear it, but she heard it now. It was telling her to squeeze her inner muscles and push Keith's cum into her husband's mouth. It was a repulsive idea and every moral fiber in her body told her that it was wrong. She did it as quickly as she could.

A glob of the remnants of his wife's cheating lover oozed from deep in her womb onto Brad's tongue. It was unmistakably cum, but it was mixed with the flavor of his wife. Brad ate what his wife gave him like it was a delicacy. He pressed up against her sex tightly and suckled hard as his backside tightened and his own hips thrust upward.

Karen felt her husband's rod pulse in her mouth, and then a warm jet of his seed sprayed against the back of her throat. Karen opened her eyes wide in surprise at the feel of someone cumming in her muzzle, but she took to it really quickly. She let the spray coat her tongue so she could taste the heady fluid before she swallowed the whole lot of it. As Brad's orgasm subsided, Karen let his member slip out of her mouth and looked back at Brad. She was prepared to be disappointed that it ended so quickly but to her surprise, it looked like the orgasm had barely effected her husband.

"Brad? Are you okay?" She asked as she saw his ears lightly bobbing as he continued to work on her pussy.

"Mmmmnf." Was the only reply Brad gave while she was sitting on his face and he ate her out.

Karen blinked, then gasped, and then blinked again. She shook her head and started to laugh. Before long, she heard and felt Brad laughing with her vagina in his mouth which caused her to laugh even harder. She laughed until her sides started to hurt and she rolled off Brad on her back, finally breaking him free of her.

"What's so funny?" Brad asked between chuckles.

"You seem so ... eager." Karen replied when she regained control of her breathing. "I've never seen you continue after you ..."

"There's a reason they say 'fuck like bunnies,' dear."

"Hmm ..." Karen looked at her husband and took in his gentle smile. "Show me." Karen said as she rolled over onto her stomach and raised her backside into the air. "Show me how little bunnies can fuck."

Brad lifted up and maneuvered around behind her. He positioned himself up against her and eased his glistening member up against his wife's opening. He took her hips in his paws and pushed past her lips into her silky passage made even easier by the cum and saliva mixture covering both their sexes. Karen let out a long moan as she felt Brad's meager length stretch her worked insides. The raw hard fucking she had gotten seemed to somehow amplify the feel of her husband. It was almost as if Keith and his entire length and girth was inside her once again.

"Oh fuck ..." Karen said lustfully. "So good. God, you've never felt this good before, Brad."

Brad murmured in agreement as he softly rocked his hips against her backside. Brad had masturbated using his own cum as lubricant, and even masturbated with cum he collected from Paul during their sessions. This felt entirely different though. The feel of a cum slicked female fuck hole was entirely different than globs of cum on his paw or what was left over on his member.

"Karen ... this feels amazing." Brad said as he rubbed up and down her sides.

"Fuck me bunny." Karen ordered. "Let's see just how manly a little pussy like you can be."

Brad pulled his hips back and rocked forward again. Karen gasped as she felt him penetrate her as deep as he could. Her tender muscles from the early stretching Keith gave her seemed to radiate and echo as he moved inside her. The mixed sensations of the simulated feel of her tryst and the present feeling of her husband was sending her into waves of ecstasy. Karen moved her paw to her breast and pinched her own nipple. She screamed out loud and her muscles contracted around Brad and waves of pleasure surged through her.

"Oh god! Fuck!" She cried shakily as the first orgasm she'd ever experienced with her husband overtook her.

"Mmm ... I'm cumming too dear." Brad whispered as he leaned down and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Do it! Cum in me!" Karen ordered.

Brad was more than happy to comply as he sped up his thrusts and let the feel of his wife's worked muscles push him closer and closer. Brad grunted as his body slapped against his wife's soft backside. What was left of Keith's cum oozed around Brad's member as it expanded and Karen's muscles contracted.

"Karen! Ughn!" Brad shouted as his own orgasm erupted into his wife, shooting his seed into her already full adulterous womb.

Cody pulled his ear away from his parent's bedroom door with blush heating his face from his cheeks to the tips of his bunny ears. He had never heard his parent's doing anything together and for some reason, it felt more naughty than listening in on his dad and Paul. Cody quietly stood up and sneaked back to his room with the mental image of his mother and father locked in coitus.

Karen was a little surprised when she felt Brad start to thrust his hips again. His member glided nearly effortlessly with the large mix of feminine lubricant and two male orgasms aiding it. Brad maintained his closeness as he built his pace stead once more. Karen cried out in pleasure, even though it was a little numbed from the combination of orgasms and the aided lubrication reducing the friction. Karen gripped the covers in her fists as she rocked her hips back against Brad causing a wet slap to echo in the bedroom.

Streams of frothy cum was pushed out of Karen's opening and soaked her fur down her thighs and Brads fur over his sheath and balls. The room filled with the scent of the mating couple and soft overtones of a cheating wife and her lover. The atmosphere was was electric and the two in the room were well beyond making love. They were well beyond having sex or fucking. This was something else entirely. This was a couple finally reconciling their differences and learning how they fit together.

Brad pumped in and out as fast he could and Karen did her best to keep up with his pace. The sensations, the scents, the sheer naughtiness of the situation quickly pushed her toward another orgasm. Just as she was teetering on the brink, she felt her husband push hard against her and hold himself tightly as he grunted and his third orgasm of the day pulsed into her well slickened womb. Karen looked back at his expression as he gritted his teeth and groaned through them. She pushed her backside tightly against her husband and with a loud squelch that was just enough to push her over the edge into a weak orgasm of her own.

Brad held onto her until his member was completely spent, and then he released his grip on her body and slowly slumped down onto the bed on his side looking at his wife. He was catching his breath when suddenly his wife pushed her sloppy vagina right in his face. Brad couldn't help but smell the overwhelming musk of the large amounts of mixed semen and the results of multiple female orgasms.

"Lick it clean." Karen instructed.

Brad began lapping at her puffy swollen clit without hesitation. He brushed his tongue in broad grooming strokes over her sex. His tongue worked all around her lips and the dampened fur, lapping up every bit of cum that was leaking from her. He eagerly ate his own cum just as he had eaten his wife's lover's. Karen cooed softly as Brad soothed her fucked raw pussy with his gentle bunny tongue.

"Mmm ... So that's how little bunnies fuck, huh?" Karen asked with a little chuckle. "Well, I suppose I can honestly say now that I've had better." Karen paused to pull away from Brad and lay down next to him, looking into his eyes. "But, damn Brad ... that was so incredible."

Brad nodded his head and smiled subtly.

"You ... you were right about something." Karen said as she shied her gaze away from his.

"What's that, dear?"

"I ... was never in love with you. I don't think I ever will be." Karen looked back up at him. "But I did love you. And I think, I think I can love you again."

"We do have something very special in common." Brad pointed out.

"I ... I suppose we do. So you really think we can work like this?"

"I think you owe it to yourself to find out."

"My husband fucking men, and me fucking men other than my husband, and my husband getting off to me fucking other men ... My mother would have a heart attack if she knew."

"Our lives are none of our parents' business. Us being happy is all they should ever want for us."

Karen looked at Brad and took in his serious expression. She must have been too busy to notice that her husband had actually grown up since college. Everything happened so fast after they first met, and then she was busy with work.

"I ... I'm scared Brad."

Brad pressed his lips against Karen's and kissed her tenderly. She closed her eyes as she felt his arms wrap around her and pull her close. She nestled against him as she took in all of the things she hadn't noticed before today. His masculine scent, the muscles under his soft fur, the qualities she'd over looked being the head of the household.

Then what he said to her about the bedroom. Her being sexually dominant over him. She may have preferred that she actually have a dominant husband, but Kieth showed her that she can be a submissive woman sexually to others, and the events of the late morning with Brad were extremely enjoyable. Maybe things could work after all. Maybe ...

At the very least, she determined, it was worth a try.