The Ultimate Man- Chapter 2

Story by SportsWolfe on SoFurry

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#2 of The Ultimate Man

Shown through Chris's eyes, this is his story of emerging college life at CSU Long Beach.

The first day of the semester turned out to be a drag when it came to lectures. Being a freshman, I am stuck with having to take care of my general education before I can really focus on my major. While i have no problem taking Statistics and Biology, the only one that I am really interested in is English. The professor was a kick ass teacher who made us recite Shakespeare quotes as introductions to each other. She basically laid out most of the plays and sonnets and told us to look through them and find the most interesting lines.

That truly was the highlight of the day for me when it came to lectures. The other two classes were just reading over the syllabi and talking over what to expect out of the class. Plus sides though were that we were able to leave early, especially since most of the students either did not have their books or syllabi to begin with. Throughout the day though, and even in the English class, I could not get my mind off Pike. Heck when it came to choosing the Shakespearian line, I found some sappy love line (which in my opinion might have actually been better used as a pick-up line). After last night's invite to Frisbee and ending wink, I have been thinking nonstop about Pike.

With classes over and a few hours to go before Frisbee started I decided to kick it in the student union, figuring that might be a great place to relax. I had propped open my laptop and was looking through the campus societies, hoping to find more information on Pike. The student union had contact information and meeting times for the societies listed on their websites and most happened to have a Facebook link attached to them. Thankfully Frisbee did as well. Clicking through to the Facebook site, I saw that Pike was indeed the administrator for the site.

"Score one for cyber stalking." I thought to myself as I opened up his webpage. What I go though made me fall back into my seat. Pike, it would appear, knows all too well the workings of Facebook and had locked down all information. All that was showing was that he was a male. That was it. Just his beautiful profile picture, his name, and the taunting information that he was male. Muttering to myself "Well played Pike, you shall be a challenge for me." No information on if he was gay, or straight for that fact. It was really annoying me at this point so instead of just admitting defeat, I opted for the second best option and went back to the Frisbee page and asked to join the group. There was no way that I was going to ask to be his friend. Could I make it any more obvious? No joining Frisbee is the next best option and a better way at getting to know him.

Having realized the futility of searching any more for information on my crush, I moved on to email my dad. I had forgotten to talk with him last night and while it was 1pm here, I knew that it was only 12:30am there. He was not going to get my email till he woke up and even then, with him working in the armed forces; it might be a few more days till he is able to respond. It is something that I have gotten slightly used to. After shooting him a quick email on arriving safely, a brief overview of my classes so far, and a few questions for him, I shut down my laptop.

Looking around I realized how busy all the other students were. It was still early in the day but there was a hustle and bustle of students moving all around me. I packed myself up and joined in to the crowd, deciding to head back to the hall to change. I have a nice walk to do, down some stairs and past crowds.

"Hey guys its Rush Wednesday this week! Last Wednesday of every month is Rush. Come check out the clubs that Long Beach has to offer!" A guy decked out in Long Beach attire drops his yelling out and plunges into the crowds to pass out flyers about the day. I try my best to avoid him but flanked on the other side by his hidden cohort, I am handed, no shoved, a flyer. "Come to the USU on Wednesday for all the best that Long Beach has to offer. Having more than 200 clubs we KNOW that there is something for everyone!" I almost crumple up the paper but realizing it might be good to check it out, I slip it in my back pocket. I manage to work my way back to the Hall and collapse on the bed, hoping to catch a small nap before practice.


"Ok everyone welcome to the first training of Long Beach Ultimate Frisbee. I am your president Pike Gransky. Today will be an introduction session and a small game to finish." I had arrived about ten minutes prior and slowly watched the group grow. Bryan and Zach were here with me, not so much at my pushing but more for them to check it out. I had wanted to chat with Pike when he got here but he was joined by two women on both sides. Not too long after he arrived people started quieting down and listening to him.

"To my left is Rachel. She was one of the people who took part in last night's blitz on the campus. As it appears her charm seemed to have worked, given the number of guys here." The other girl next to Pike coughed a little at that statement. "She is the vice president so if you happen to have any questions or concerns she is able to help. This other lovely lady to my right is Sarah. She is the treasurer and just as important as Rachel, if not more at times." Pike clearly seems to be pleasing Sarah at this moment. "She too seems to have brought a big turnout of men. One thing that we need more of though is women so if you happen to know of any that might be interested, get them to join."

God Pike looks amazing under the sun. As he continues to speak, he moves around the group, looking at everyone. He is wearing a different shirt today, one that has clearly seen too many mud pits. It appeared to be white when first purchased but given the wear and tear on it; the color has turned to a faded brown. It is a cut off T, with no sleeves on the sides which allows for Pike to show off the sexy biceps of his. In my head I start to imagine him flexing his arms in front of me. I am slapped out of my dream by him shouting at everyone "Ok guys, pick a partner and grab a disk. We are going to start off with something simple: tossing."

Rachel tosses out disks to pairs and soon groups are made. As to be expected, friends hang out with friends. I manage to get Bryan and Zach as partners and we start passing the disk around. "So you guys interested in staying with this club?" Bryan asks as he flicks a forehand toss over to me.

"It is too early to tell but I have no problem staying. Pike looks to be a pretty chill guy and I have seen some pretty hot chicks. Might be worth the effort as this isn't that hard of a sport to play." Zach comments as he catches the disk. He starts running the disk around his index finger then tosses into a grip and throws a forehand as well.

I catch the disk as before I could respond, Pike interrupts everyone's tossing. "Hey guys, I know that you are just starting but before you get too into it, I thought it might be helpful to show proper throwing. A few of your throws are appearing a bit wobbly."

The groups gather around Pike and Rachel. "So the first and most important thing to remember is to have a strong grip. Weak wrists make for weak disks."

As he goes to show the proper hold of the disk, a voice mutters from the crowd "I am pretty sure we all have strong wrists. Only fags have weak wrists." Another few chuckles come from the back of the crowd as some of the guys show the stereotypical limp wrist. Pike seems to ignore the comment as he throws the disk to Rachel.

She returns the disk back to Pike and he continues. "It is best to have it snug in between the thumb and index finger as it allows for a much smoother throw, like so." He throws the disk perfectly to Rachel, it flying through the air without a slight wobble. The spin is a bit great for Rachel as she drops in on completion. Retrieving the disk again, he finishes "Ok, let's work on backhand tosses only today."

Almost on the beat, the guy in the back utters "You heard him, bring out the bitch slap. Think as if you are keeping your hoes in order." His friends laugh as they practice the swing. The slaps off their hand catches the attention of the group and Pike steps in.

"Ok gentlemen. I just wanted to let you know before you continue with any more of the derogatory comments. Some might find them ok, others find them offensive. Unlike soccer and football, Frisbee is one of the most welcoming of gays and lesbians second to the Gay Straight Alliance on campus." Watching from the front, I see a few of the other guys move in to stand beside Pike. Bryan, Zach and I are awestruck at the moment. Pike continues "Not just that but we like to make sure that women have a decent place to play along men. So if you have anything against women or 'fags' as you call them, go play football or soccer. I am sure that you will love tapping balls with your feet or getting tackled by five other sweaty men in football. I think that seems to be way more homo-centric than Frisbee.

After Pike finished grilling them, it was clear that he was flustered. His face showed annoyance, the sparkle lost in his smile. With his arms crossed, his muscles showed but at this moment, while it was sexy, I did not find it appealing. This is the kind of guy that I would not be interested in going against if in a fight.

The guys whom Pike reamed realized their wrongs but instead of staying around, they dropped their disks in silence and left. Simple as that. No fighting back at all. After they were gone, Pike turned to the group, who was still in shock and awe of what happened and replied, "That is probably why this group has issues keeping members. Well now, who wants a game?"

The rest of the session was way more relaxed, with other teammates getting to know each other more. I met three other guys, two of them the guys who backed up Pike. Their names were Tyler, Terry, and Derek. Like Bryan, Zach and I, they too were all roommates who came out to play. They thought it would be a great way to get to know each other better as well as other students. Near the end I was dying, having not run this much since the end of high school. Track and Cross Country on go so far when it comes to running but with Zach being on the opposite team, I was forced to cover him. Base players have that sprinting ability which made it really hard for me to mark him.

At the end Pike called us all over. He too was sweaty, his shirt clinging to his body. Playing outside, most of us were all muddy but his legs seemed to attract mud. Taking a quick subtle peak at his legs, I noticed that they were shaved. His calf muscles flexed as he shifted back and forth on each leg. "Well guys and girls, great first day. As you can tell from me" Pike shows himself off to the crowd, "I am extremely dirty. If you happen to have any old clothes, I would suggest playing in those. Our next practice is Thursday, as I am hoping to attract students who were not able to make it out today. If you are not able to make it, I understand."

I move through the crowd to get closer to Bryan and Zach, wanting to figure out what plans for dinner were. As the crowd starts to disperse, the three of us head back. When we get back to the hall, we all decide it would be best to shower before heading out for food. Grabbing our toiletries, we all head out to the showers. There is my first visual of another nude guy at college.

Bryan and Zach were everything that I had been imagining. Being all men, we had no problem stripping in front of each other. I was surprised to find that Bryan wore briefs but when I was able to sneak a peek at his package, he wore those briefs well. The Calvin Klein briefs held his penis and balls firmly, but as he dropped it, they fell freely into place. Limply I had to guess he was about two to three inches. Pretty good for a footballer. I turned away before he could catch me staring and focused on Zach.

He was already nude, heading towards the showers so I was not able to get a great look at what he had to offer. From his back side though, nice ass. And man those shoulders! The years of playing baseball had benefited him well, having a great V line form when he lifted the towel from around his neck. I caught a slight glimpse of his cock as he turned into the shower stall and it was slightly erect but still limp.

Realizing that I had a slight boner, I wrapped my towel around my waist and rushed off to the stall. Man how long has it been since I jacked off? I turned on the shower and immediately cringed as cold water hit me but as warm water began to flow, so did my hands around my cock. Thinking of kissing Pike and rubbing his chest, I wrapped one hand on my cock as I rubbed my chest.

Wary not to make much noise, I poured some shampoo on my hands and worked my hair then moved down to my cock. The suds that were left over may not have been great lube but it got the job done as I began to think of how big Pike is. I take him for a 7 incher, maybe 7 and a half. I am fully horned up, all 6 inches of me flying high. My chest has gone tight, nipples sensitive as I grab the bar of soap and rub it over them.

"Hey Chris, Zach and I are finished. We will save you a seat for dinner k? Don't take too much longer or all the good food will be gone." My thoughts are interrupted as Bryan shouts to me from the door.

"Sounds great! I'll be out shortly. Meet you there." I say over the rush of the water. After hearing the door shut I return to pleasuring my body. "Well have to finish this soon." I mutter to myself as I rub the dirt off my legs. Accidentally dropping the soap, I squat down. Taking advantage of the pose, I soap up around my ass. Being in the squat my ass is wide open and, once the suds from the soap have gone, I finger myself a few times. The last time, in junction with me pumping my cock, causes me to cum. I stand back up into the full stream of water and wash off the stream of spunk I just let loose. Man it felt great though.

Turning off the shower I pull my towel from the door and dry off. I peek out of the door and am thankful that no one heard me. Willing my still slightly boned dick to die down, I grab my clothes and change. Glancing one last look at the shower room, I head out to my room then out to eat.


Tuesday flew by without much of a care. My history class was a slight bore, again covering the syllabi and what books we will need. Thankfully we are covering US history so it should not be that bad. Plus being history everything is right there, it is just remembering what happened and when that can get confusing. So much happens all the time that it can be hard to keep facts in line.

My communications and public speaking class was an interesting time. The professor brought in examples of many different public speakers. Sports, politics, teaching, she even brought up the LGBT community as an example. Of course it was Harvey Milk and he kind of fell under the politics category but her main point is that public speakers come from all different backgrounds and places. "It is finding something that we are passionate about and taking action over it that we become those figure heads for people to look up to." Or at least her words were something like that. After those two lectures, I went shopping for books. Being the second day, there were tons of students shopping but I managed to get all my books. Spent over $500 on it! $500! Really? That will put a dent in finances. Other than that Tuesday was a pretty chill day, explored the town a bit and walked on the beach. With tons of cute men out there sunbathing, I decided to join them.


Rush Wednesday was here and Bryan, Zach and I were all over it. After classes we all met outside the campus bookstore as the stalls were situated in the main quad.

"Hey guys how were classes?" I enquire as I find them in the crowds of people milling about. I didn't have time to head back to the hall to drop off my books and from the looks of it neither did Bryan nor Zach. The backpacks hang down over our backs. They were wearing simple shirts, Bryan a black Led Zeppelin shirt and Zach a Union Jack Who shirt. Me, I chose something more airy, an unbuttoned t-shirt allowing for both the sun and air to hit my chest.

"Classes were alright, a bit of a drag. Bryan seems to have found a girl to partner up with in his human biology class. Lucky bastard." Zach shakes his head as Bryan smiles on.

"Yea dude you should see her, she is smoking. She apparently wants to go into human anatomy. That works well for me as she can learn all about the male body from me." Bryan leers at Zach while talking about her. We head down the steps of the bookstore and into the main stands maze. Left and right students are distributing flyers promoting their club or cause. A few times the three of us got separated but we manage to catch up again.

We all show what we found halfway through; the chess society, rugby club and Christian society from Bryan, Zach showing off democracy club and club baseball fliers. I haven't really found anything interesting for me so after smile and joshing with them, I break off into a small section of the maze. Few students are in this area as it is far down the quad, completely opposite from the Student Union, closer to the psychology building.

Looking at a Republican Party club, I get pushed in by a group of soccer players. One of them turns and says sorry but doesn't really mean it. They continue down the empty lane, kicking the soccer ball back and forth to each other. I move on to the next booth but before I can focus on the information being handed to me, I hear yelling and a crash.

Turning I notice that the players has flipped over a booth table. Heading over to see if everything is ok and no one is hurt, I begin to hear the taunting. "Hey dirty Dan, where are your friends? I bet they all went to be real men." "Who is going to protect you now Dyke Dan?"

I see a few of the players start to surround the poor guy and immediate rush over to help him. Dropping my bag at the closest table, I interject myself into the quarrel. "Anything the problem here men?" I position myself in front of the guy and at a quick glance realize they are trashing the GSA booth. At that point my blood begins to rise.

"Who are you?" One of the players hisses me, wondering how I managed to sneak past them.

Peeling off my shirt, I retort smartly, "I am the army brat who is going to kick your ass if you lay a finger on him. Suggestion; back off now." I turn diagonally positioning myself best for any fight that might occur.

"Why would you want to help Danielle?" The lead soccer player says Daniel's name as the female version, very feminine too.

"I am helping him because I have been in his situation before, being gay bashed by assholes like you." I glare at him, causing the other players to step forward only to take a step back at the next statement. I open my mouth to start speaking again but someone else starts.

"It would be best if you gentlemen backed off now, you might be able to take him, but the group of us against you would not be fair." A voice mysteriously appears beside me and I am startled to see that it is Pike. Behind Pike is a group of built men, my guess sports players. They all have a variety of sports shirts on, football jerseys, water polo uniforms, and I spot one baseball uniform.

"What are you, a bunch of freaks? Ass kissers!" The lead soccer player shouts at the group that has just appeared behind me. His anger has changed from being at me and toward the group.

One of the football player's moves forward but Pike stops him and comments coolly "No, we are a mixture of gay and straight men standing up against hatred and ignorance." At this moment a large group has gathered around us wanting to see what is going on. I notice Bryan and Zach at the edge of the group, a questioned look on their face. The soccer group disperses into the crowd, pushing and shoving their way through.

Pike and I turn to the GSA man and start to reset the booth. "Are you alright Daniel?" Pike brushes off Daniel as I put the fliers back on the table. I take on for myself, interested in how to help the club later on. The sports players help disperse the crowd as they too start to walk away. Pike nods to them, signalling everything is alright.

"Thanks for that Pike. Glad to have you around at times." Daniel says. He adjusts his glasses on his face. He has a slight geeky look to him but manages to pull it off. It is understandable how he is easily bullied, weighing at most 125 pounds. He has very white skin and messy black hair which makes me peg him for a gamer. He turns to me and puts out his hand "Sorry we had to meet that way, I am Daniel, as you might have heard. Thank you for helping me out. Us gays tend to have problems no matter where we go, even if it is a Gay 'Straight' Alliance. Pike does a good job being the face of the group but he isn't able to be around at all times.

I smile at him and shake, "I am Chris. I just arrived this year and was looking around. Having been in your situation before, I knew how to respond. Sorry that it had to happen to begin with. I am interested in coming by the meetings to hear what Long Beach has to offer the LGBT community." Turning to Pike, I ask in as much of a nonchalant way as possible, "So, if you don't mind me asking, are you gay? I have been trying to figure that out since we met on Sunday." Everyone at this point has gone, short of Bryan and Zach hanging around in the back.

Pike tries his best to keep a poker face but it crumbles fast and he laughs, "No, no. My brother is though so I am very pro-gay rights. Plus I am not a man for labels so even if I was, I would not label myself as gay, more just interested in men. Even though I overheard you saying you're gay, I knew the moment I met you. After hanging out with my brother long enough, I had picked up on some of the signs."

My heart fell a little when he said that but I was strangely ok with it. "Wow, was I really that obvious?" I asked sceptically.

"At first I didn't think so but after I winked at you that night, I knew. Plus," Pike leans in closer to me and places his hand on my shoulder, "I saw the boner that you had when I left."

Blushing, I laughed. "Well I would love to stay longer but I need to get back to my friends. I am sure that we have some things that might need to be discussed."

I turn and head over to Bryan and Zach who are sitting on a empty table fiddling with left over fliers. Reluctant to look up at me, Bryan asks "So is it true, your gay?"

Unsure of how to respond appropriately, I do it in the best way that I feel possible. "Even if I was or was not, I am still your roommate. I have no beef with either of you and I hope that this does not change anything. But to answer your question, yes I am."

At that moment, Zach just gets up and walks away.

The Ultimate Man- Chapter 3

Of three things I was absolutely certain: First, Pike is straight. Second there is something that needs to be worked out between Zach and I. And third, I had not heard back from my dad in a while. You know what, forget that cheesy twilight line. There...

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The Ultimate Man- Chapter 1

"Heads up!" Those were the first two words that I heard when I got to college. Less than five minutes earlier my sister and I had just pulled into Cal State Long Beach and parked in the residence halls lot. Standing next to my sister near the trunk, I...

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