Tony da Lion: ~Fly~

Story by Moonlight555 on SoFurry

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#14 of Tony da Lion

Again, a long time between uploads. I would have had this in a week ago, but with graduation, and senior activities I've been quite busy. Regardless, I should have more time to work on the story. Hopefully. We'll see. I can't wait until I finish it. I'll go back through, edit a few things, and compile it all into a large file in pdf format. ^.^

Oh, and don't be afraid to let me know if you see anything out of place with the grammar, or anything else that doesn't seem right.


Let me start by saying, it was Tony's fault. I wanted to do more homework as soon as we got to my place like the good little wolf boy that I am, but noooo. He had to wave his tail (among other things) right in my face as he bent down to pick up his books. Such a tease. My pants got tight before I could register what was happening. But then he played it coy. He saw my bulged pants and said, "Not now." OOoooohhh, he is good. But I went with it. We layed on my bed and did our work. We both laid on our stomachs. Him across the foot of the bed, and me down the side of the bed so our heads are near each other. I set up a battle plan. Divide and conquer. No sense in doing it twice, right?

Well, that seemed all fine and dandy up until Tony's butt started swaying to the music coming from a radio near the bed. Do you have any idea how distracting that is? I mean, I'm diligently trying to do my work, and there's Tony. Just swaying his butt away. It starts driving me crazy. I read the same line over and over again in my history book before I snapped back to reality and moved on. Even when I tried to, I couldn't focus. All I could see was that beautifully curved rump swaying back and forth with a tail over it flicking from one side to the other. I just couldn't take it anymore. Neither could Jr. as cooped up as he was.

"Hey, Tony?" I said.

"Yeah, Luke?" He looked up at me as if he was the most innocent fur in the world. But I could see past that.

I opened my lips as if to say something, but instead I pushed them up against his. I brought a paw up to his head and kissed him. I'm sure you can guess how he reacted to that. He gave a 'surprised' meep, but it didn't take long for him to relax into it and kiss back. Moments later I had Tony pinned on the bed underneath me, our books strewn on the floor along with our clothes. My hardened member rubbed against his sheath.

Now, in case you didn't get it yet, I've been sarcastic up to this point. I know it's my own fault for being so horny. But I just can't help it. The 'lil guy has been cooped up for quite some time now. I haven't gotten off since the last time Tony and I had sex. So it's been quite a while. Tony seemed okay at first. He smiled and I could see lust in his eyes. But everything changed when I started pushing my drooling meat into that wonderfully tight orifice.

I could feel him clench up, and not like a normal fur would. He dug his claws so deep into my sides that it drew blood. See, if I was paying attention, I would have noticed that Tony seemed a little distant. Off into a different world. A bad world. So as soon as I penetrated him, he must have been penetrated in that different world of his. Along with his claws sticking into my torso, he also let out a shriek. One that was matched with my own voice from those sharp, steak knife like claws digging deep into my flesh.

Keep in mind that this happened in only a matter of seconds. As soon as I felt the claws and heard the shriek I pulled out and *tried* to move away from Tony, but the claws kept me there. It hurt to move very far because he would tug. Tony was still in his other world. I could tell. So I tried to snap him out of it. I shook his shoulder a bit.

"Tony? I'm sorry Tony, I didn't know... Come back to me, Tony." I was crying. Not because of the claws -- although those did hurt quite a bit -- but because I truly felt sorry, and guilty that I hurt Tony.

After that I could feel Tony's claws retract a little, but then dig back in harder than before. It looked like he was fighting something inside of himself judging by his face. His claws continued to retract, then dig for a few more seconds. I buried my face into his neck.


That snapped him out of it I think. His claws retracted for a final time. I looked up at Tony, tears running down my cheeks, and pleaded without talking for him to forgive me. Tony had his own tears, but he looked a little more confused than anything. He noticed the blood dripping down my side and froze for half a second before shaking his head. He slowly pushed/guided me off of him so I was on my back next to him. This is where we get back to the present.

"That was a bad idea..." Tony said.

A voice pipes up from the doorway. "I'll say." Both of us freeze and look over to see Tony's father standing there. He has a plastic bag in his paw. I instantly try to cover myself up, only to wince from the wounds in my side. Tony simply sits up, undeterred that his father can see him naked.

"I brought you some clothes, Tony. I talked to Janet, and she agreed to give you a drawer for your own stuff in here."

Lets do a recap real quick. My face is soaked in tears, my sides in blood, I'm naked, clutching my sides leaving my softened meat completely exposed, and even though my sides have the blood on them, my face has the deepest red. All of that, and Mr. Goldenpaw doesn't bat an eye. That much I can be thankful for.

"Thanks dad..." Tony looks away. He sits with his knees drawn up to his face with his leg and prosthetic crossed.

"Janet is in the kitchen. Why don't you two go to the bathroom and clean up. Those claw marks are going to need some gauze and hydrogen peroxide." Boy I don't like the sound of that... Hydrogen peroxide stings...

Mr. Goldenpaw sets the bag on top of the dresser and walks out. Me and Tony sit in silence for a while. The adrenaline that was running through my body must be wearing off because my sides start hurting even more. I whimper slightly and clutch my sides really tight to help stem the bleeding. Tony takes my paw and starts leading me off of my bed and out of the room to the bathroom. Once there he sets me down on the edge of the tub. We both stay quiet while he gets the first aid kit.

Both of our paws are covered in blood. I start feeling a little dizzy, but I fight it. When Tony finds the kit, he brings it over and opens it. He takes out the peroxide and cracks the bottle open.

"Take a deep breath." That's all the warning I got. As soon as he finished that sentence he poured the peroxide on the claw marks. I hiss in pain with my eyes closed. Shortly after, Tony started washing it out with a wet washcloth. The washcloth turned red. He does this for both sides. Then he puts some Neosporin on all the wounds. After putting gauze on top of that, he wraps my entire midsection with a roller bandage.

By the time he's all done I'm doing my best just to stay conscious. Too much blood loss I guess. Tony helps me up. My legs feel weak, so I lean against Tony while he aids me back to my bedroom. Once we're in there, he helps me lay down. He lays down next to me. I laugh. Yes, laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"The irony."

"What irony?"

"I went from horny to hurting in two point six seven seconds flat."

"That's not irony. That's stupidity." Tony knocks on my head with his knuckles lightly. "Rest now. You lost quite a bit of blood..."

After Tony says that, the sleep I've been fighting takes over. I'm out like a light. My thoughts stay surprisingly calm while I'm asleep. As though my brain is just too weak to produce a real dream. I sleep for about two hours until I'm woken by my mom shaking me awake to eat supper. Tony is gone. He must have went downstairs. But thankfully he put underwear on me. I'd rather my mom not see me completely naked. That would be embarrassing.

The nap really did me good. I feel better than when I went to sleep at least. As I sit up I don't feel dizzy. A little weak, and my sides hurt, but not too bad.

"Where's Tony?" I ask while scratching my head.

"He went for a walk. Said he needed to clear his head. I had him take my phone so I could call him for supper. He'll be back in a few minutes. Now get up. We can talk later about that." She points to the bandages on my sides. A little blood soaked through on my right side. Just a small spot on the other side. I look away when she says that. I feel too ashamed to look at her.

She stands and leaves. I sigh a heavy sigh. After waiting a little bit, I get dressed again then go downstairs. The kitchen smells really good. There's only one explanation for that. Steak. My mother makes the best steak like you wouldn't believe. It's always so tender, and seasoned just perfect with all the juices. Mmmm. As I sit down at the table, Tony comes through the door. I can smell quite a bit of sweat from him. He must have been running judging by that and his shortness of breath. He zips down his hoodie halfway then sits to my right. Mom places our plates in front of us. Steak, potatoes, and green beans. One of my favorites. Minutes pass in silent eating. Tony's breathing slows down from his run.

"Enjoy your walk, Tony?" Says mom.

Tony nods. He doesn't eat very fast, but I think he's doing a little better than when I went to sleep. They say exercise is like a really inexpensive therapist. Mom doesn't give up on conversation.

"Hows your steak?" She asks Tony.


"How about yours hun?"

"It's really good." I reply. We enter another few moments of silence.

"After supper I'll be popping a movie in if you two want to watch it." I look over to Tony. He shrugs. I look back to mom and nod my head.

The rest of supper goes by in silence. Mom puts the movie in to get it going, then goes to the kitchen to do the washing up and make some popcorn. By the time she's done, the opening stuff ends on the DVD and it's at the menu. Tony and myself sit on the couch. I lay against the armrest, while he lays between my legs, with his head on my stomach. About ten minutes into the movie I notice Tony rubbing his leg uncomfortably. It's probably hurting from his 'walk'.

"Would you like to take that off?" I whisper in his hear. He nods in response. I sit him up and help him take it off from behind. The skin where the fur is half grown in is red. Probably from being cooped up and rubbing while he walks. He still rubs the stump pretty hard after the prosthetic is off. It must hurt quite a bit. We go back to laying down the way we were. It still feels weird seeing him without his leg. Looking at it only makes me feel guilty again. I do my best to ignore the feeling and focus my attention to the movie. Robert Downey Jr. is dressed up as a really big and bulky metal man.

Before the movie is done Tony finally falls asleep. He had been rubbing his leg every minute or two before he fell asleep. I've just hugged him the entire time. I think the warmth might have helped him to fall asleep. When the movie is done, I pick him up and carry him to my room where I set him on the bed. He doesn't weigh much at all, so it wasn't too hard. Mom brings the prosthetic which she sets next to the bed stand before wishing us both a good night and kissing us both on our heads, even though Tony can't feel nor hear her. Once she leaves I undress Tony, then take my own clothes off. Tony twitches every now and again while I take his clothes off.

Ten minutes later I'm laying awake next to Tony, just looking up at the ceiling waiting for sleep to come. Tony briefly wakes up and cuddles himself up to me. He hugs onto my side with his head on my chest and his left leg crossed with mine. I put my arm around him and slowly pet his side. He doesn't respond, so I can only assume he fell back to sleep. With Tony so close I find it easier to fall asleep. His gentle but steady breathing and the tick of his heartbeat soon send me off into the land of dreams, where I experience myself flying through the air in a mechanical suit, then without the suit, but with wings. Big, white wings.