Seekers Tale Part 8

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#9 of Seekers Tale

Part 8

Smoke clouds my vision as ash burns my nose. There is a piercing pain in my right shoulder and my arm hangs uselessly at my side. It takes all my strength to remain standing using my trident in my left hand to try and stabilize myself. Looking around I see the signs of battle but I don't know where I am.

Movement catches my attention and as I slowly, painfully, make my way towards it the smoke clears revealing two wolves in mortal combat. Before I can tell who they are the smaller of the two manages to disarm his opponent then quickly decapitate him with one swift fluid motion. Before I can be impressed or he can celebrate his victory a third wolf appears out of the shadows sneaks up behind the first. Before I can utter a sound the newcomer drives a sword through the others back.

He just looks down at the blood coated sword sticking of his chest in surprise. As he falls to his knees his attacker pulls the blade from his back. He raises it for a killing blow but stops at the height of his swing and stares down at his victim his jaw hanging open in surprise. I follow his gaze down to the right hand of his victim. There is a red glow coming from his hand. No, not his hand his wrist!

As I watch in awe the glow spreads through his body. He visibly grows gaining muscle and height. The change must have healed his wounds as well because he quickly rolls to the side just as his attacker regains his senses and brings his sword down missing him by mere inches. As he comes out of his roll the glow on his wrists moves to his hand turning into fire. The flames stretch out from his hand and form into a four foot long blade and solidify into shinning silver metal. The hilt is gold with intricate carvings and a ruby pommel. An Atlantian sword. A guardian's sword.

With alarming speed he launches a counter attack on his would be kill. The attacker raises his sword to block the blow only to have his blade cut cleanly in two. He watches in horror as he realizes his fate has been sealed. With a quick flash of steel the new guardian effortlessly ends the life of his attacker.

He stands with his back to me, his sword dripping blood into a small puddle at his feet. I can only stare at him as he slowly turns to look at me. The final wisps of smoke between us clear and I can finally see his face. We lock eyes for the first time and in that instant I know who he is!

I wake with a start at first confused at where I am. Looking around I see the trees bordering the clearing, the creek running by making cheerful gurgles, the sky is bright blue, and Shadow is asleep in my lap snoring softly, his tongue hanging out the side of his open mouth.

I rub my eyes with my left hand trying to get rid of the sleep and images still fresh in my mind. "It was just a dream. It was all just a dream." I mutter under my breath. The images, the smells, it had been so vivid.

Shadow stirs and stretches letting out a loud toothy yawn. I must have awakened him. He blinks his eyes and looks up at me, the sleep instantly vanishes from his eyes and he looks up me with confusion and concern. "You ok love? You look like you have seen a ghost." He doesn't know how close to right he is. I just smile back at him, "Just had a bad dream love, a very vivid bad dream." He raises an eyebrow, "What was it about?" I close my eyes and rub them again before answering. "It was about a battle, a very bad battle. But not one I ever fought in." I just shake my head to clear my thoughts and smile back at Shadow. "It was just a bad dream, probably caused by the mess they made in the kitchen and a piece of under cooked sausage."

That gets a laugh from him, "Yeah, that was quite the mess wasn't it." He lifts my right hand and studies my tattoo some more, slowly tracing it with a finger. After a few minutes of comfortable silence he asks, "Were all the guardians immortal?" I look at him a bit surprised. "Not all of us, but most. Why do ask?" He keeps tracing my tattoo as he replies, "I was just wondering if there might be others out there that survived, like you did, and you just haven't found them yet." I shake my head sadly. "No, none of the others survived the destruction of Atlantis. They were all home when it happened."

He looks up at me both sad and confused, "But if you were immortal how did they not survive?" A humorless smile slowly spreads on my face. "Just because guardians were immortal doesn't mean we couldn't die. A serious enough injury could kill us, or we could give up our immortality to save another person's life. But old age and sickness will never bother me." He just lets out a thoughtful hum and continues tracing my tattoo.

I look down at him and ask, "Are you wondering about our future together?" He shrugs, "A little I guess, mostly I'm just wondering what it must have been like for you to be alone for so long." I take a deep breath and slowly let it out. "I have had friends over the years, their nearly all gone now. So I wasn't alone the entire time. But the years do weigh me down at times."

He reaches up with his right hand and pulls my head down to him and gives me loving kiss on the lips. After pulling back he says, "You don't have to worry about that now. You have me by your side." "Yes I do." With that I pull Shadow up so that he is sitting on my lap and I can rest my head on his shoulder with my arms wrapped around him.

We sit there and watch the water flow by for a few minutes then he starts to grind his rear against my crotch. I can't decide if I want to moan in pleasure or growl in annoyance, the pleasure quickly wins the battle and I can't help but let out a low moan. "You're doing that on purpose aren't you Shadow?" He turns his head and looks at me with an innocent expression, "Doing what?" I let out another moaning growl as he grinds against my swelling cock with his rear with a bit more force. "Doing that." I hump my hips against him getting a surprised yelp for my efforts.

After a few minutes of playing Shadow turns to his right and gets on his hands and knees looking me in the eyes. His tail is wagging behind him like a puppy with a new toy. "If you want any more fun you're going to have to catch me." With that he turns and is quickly running for the trees. It doesn't take a single heart beat before I am hot on his tail. I'm not about to let him get me all excited like that then run off without a bit of punishment.

I chase his tail through the trees sometime we are on two feet sometimes we are on all four, depending on the density of trees. After a few minutes of the chase we have ended back at the clearing, having made one large circle through the forest. With a burst of speed I catch up to Shadow and tackle him. We roll for several feet before we come to a stop in a tangled, furry heap. He is on his back with me pinning him to the ground, our faces just inches apart.

After our panting breaths return to normal I smile down at him, "Gotcha. Now for my victory prize." Before he has a chance to reply I press my lips to his. Almost as soon as we make contact he opens his mouth and we deepen our kiss his tongue seeking entrance to my mouth as mine seeks his. For several long moments we explore each other's mouths with our tongues as our hands explore each other's bodies.

At some point I kicked off my pants and boxers. I'm not sure when they got pulled down allowing my already hard cock out into the cool air. Shadow had managed to lose his pants and boxers as well, his own ample rod standing proud rubbing against my own. Our kiss is broken only long enough for our shirts to be tossed aside. Now there is nothing between us but fur and nature, and we are oblivious to the nature part. At that moment my entire universe is composed of handsome, virile, wolf. Nothing else can exist in my mind.

At some point we rolled over where I was on my back and Shadow was on top grinding his hot, swollen member against my own causing us both to moan in pleasure into our kiss. He slowly pulls back from the kiss, a thin trail of saliva still connecting us. He moves down and begins kissing and sucking on my right nipple while pinching my left with his fingers. This sends twin jolts of pleasure through my body; one goes to my head, the other to my cock. Letting out a loud moan of pleasure as one thought manages to enter my head, he's getting even for last night.

Soon he changes sides and another pulse of pleasure races through my body. After another few moments of pleasuring torture he releases my nipples and move down planting kisses along my abdomen. When he reaches my navel he swirls his tongue around the dip several times before exploring the interior. I run my fingers through his head fur as I moan out again at the unexpected sensation.

I feel him moving farther down towards my crotch and sensitive cock. When he gets there though he just blows a gentle stream of warm air over it causing to pulse and shoot out a small amount of pre. He is being such a tease. He presses his nose up under my nuts causing me to jump at the cold touch. Soon though I no longer notice it as he begins licking and sucking on them. I run my fingers through his hair basking in the pleasure.

All too soon however he pulls back, afraid he's stopping I look down only to see that he is rotating his body around. When he stops moving there is rod of red, pulsing, wolf meat right above my nose. My favorite kind of meat. Glancing down towards Shadows face I see him grinning back up at me. Understanding instantly his plan I take his member into my mouth the same time my own is engulfed by the warm wet confines of Shadows muzzle.

We soon establish a pleasurable rhythm of mutual pleasure. Before long I feel a pulsing in Shadows cock and taste a splash of pre on my tongue. This drives me to increase my activity as I wrap my tongue around his rod and try to pull as much into my mouth as I can. My hands are exploring the firm globes of his ass pulling him closer. His swelling knot pushes at my lips as his balls swing down not far from the end of my nose, teasing me with their musky scent.

Shadow begins to pump his hips back and forth as he starts humping my mouth. His knot swells considerably and I know he is getting close to cumming. On one of his harder thrusts I suck extra hard on his cock, pulling all but his knot into my mouth till the tip is hitting the back of my throat and I hum around his shaft.

The extra sensations are too much for Shadow to hold out any longer and he pulls his mouth off my cock, throws his head back and let's out a loud long howl as he comes in my mouth. His cock gives several hard pulses and coats my throat and mouth with his creamy wolf seed. The salty sweet taste fills my mouth and I swallow all I can not wanting to lose a drop. With each twitch of his cock another wave of cum coats my mouth.

After a few moments his humping slows then stops, and the pulsing of his cock stops as the flow of his seed comes to an end, much to my displeasure. I gently lick every inch of his cock clean looking for every last drop of the marvelous cream only he can give. Soon he pulls away from my tongue and moves to the side remaining on his hands and knees with his tail lifted high exposing his waiting hole. Only then do I notice the throbbing pain in my own cock still standing hard and ready.

Not wasting a moment I get up behind Shadow and line my cock up with his eager hole. Without even asking I push firmly into his hot silky passage. I keep pushing till only my knot is outside his hole. I pause there for a moment enjoying the tight pressure being applied to my member from all sides. Shadow lets out a moaning whine which snaps me out of my in activity.

I pull out till just my tip is inside Shadow then I shove back in. I repeat this action I don't know how many times, getting faster and harder each time till my own knot is nearly full size and aching. With a final hard push my knot enters shadows hole with an audible pop tying us together. I wrap my arms around his chest and waist, grabbing his cock behind his now re-inflated knot simulating his own tie. I bite into the right side of his neck in a mating bite and begin a series of hard, fast, short thrusts as my knot fully expands.

I must have been rubbing hard against a sensitive spot because Shadow is soon fully hard again and soon howls out his second release. As he cums, his already tight passage clamps down even harder on my cock sending me over the edge into my own orgasm. I release the bite on his neck and throw my head back releasing a long loud howl as I release my seed deep inside of him.

Our howls mingle and echo throughout the forest, disturbing more than a few patches of wildlife I'm sure. Panting I role the both of us to our left so we are lying on our sides. Pulling Shadow as close to me as I can I lick at the bite mark I have left on him again. He tilts his head to the left exposing more of his neck to me in a gesture of submission.

He snuggles in close to me growling softly in pleasure. "At this rate Seeker we won't be getting anything done." I nibble softly on the bite mark on his neck before replying, "And your point would be?" He lets out a contented sigh, "Well at some point I do need to get some new clothes since I am going to be staying here. Don't you think?" I can't help but chuckle once I realize Shadow only has one set of clothes, and those are in bad shape. The clothes we just threw around the clearing were some of mine, and they don't fit him that well.

I run my right hand across his chest, down his stomach and grip his softening cock before whispering in his ear, "I don't know, I rather like have unrestricted access to all this." He chuckles softly, "I know you do, but do you want the rest of the world to have the same access?" I grumble into his fur. "Ok I see your point, we will get you some clothes that fit better." "Good, but right now I'm happy where I am." He pushes his rear back against my crotch to emphasize his point. Moaning a little into his neck, "Keep that up and you will be stuck here for a while."

He pushes back again as he laughs, "And that's a bad thing?" I growl with pleasure into his neck. "It's not unless you want to be here all day." He turns his head so he can see my face, "I can think of worse places to be stuck." He lets out a yelp and moan as I pull back my hips just a bit causing my knot to rub all the right places inside him. "I sure don't mind you being stuck where you are."

For several long moments we just lay there enjoying the afterglow as I held Shadow close. Eventually my knot shrank down enough and my cock slid out of his hole. Grumbling into his shoulder, "I guess that means we need to clean up now and head back before the send a search party out for us." Shadow slowly rolls over so he is on his back looking up at the sky. "Yeah, but wont the water be cold?" I smile as I get up, "Just watch."

As I walk to the creek I hold out my right hand and form my trident. I step into the water till it is up to my knees. Once I find a level spot I drive my trident points first into the water till it sticks in the mud. Almost at once the water flowing past my trident heats up, and soon it is a nice warm temperature with wisps of steam rising off the surface. Shadow walks up his eyes wide, "Now that's impressive. How did you do it?"

I smile at him as he wades into the water with me, "I just have a way with water, it comes with the tattoo." As we start washing out our fur Shadow asks, "So does that mean each class of guardian had a particular affinity for a branch of magic?" He got that a lot faster than most. "Yes it does. The priests were more in tune with water, the warriors with fire, builders were earth, and the leadership was best with air."

He dunks his head under the water and comes up shaking it. "That makes sense, I always thought leaders tended to blow a lot of hot air." I can't help but let out a bark of laughter at that. "Yeah, that does seem to be a common trait among them."

We finish washing off then head for the shore to shake the water out of our fur. As soon as I step out of the water my trident turns to water and splashes into the creek which rapidly cools back to normal. As we are getting dressed Shadow asks, "So can you only do water based magic then?" I shake my head, "No I can do other magic's, I just have to have time, spells, and I really have to work at it. Water based magic though I can do almost without any effort at all. Though it still takes energy to do. Course I have found a couple of tricks over the years that let me do more than you think."

He pauses half way through putting on his shirt and looks at me with confusion, "What do you mean?" After pulling my shirt over my head I answer, "Well if I can see how a spell or action can be related to water I can pull it off without the normal effort required. Even if it appears to have no obvious link to water." He finishes pulling on his shirt, but the confused look on his face remains. "So when you redirected the lightning when protecting Luna, how did that relate to water at all?" I finish getting dressed and sit down under the tree as I watch Shadow finish dressing. "Basically I was able to draw a connection between how the electricity flowed through the air and how water would flow in a river. By understanding that link I was able to redirect the lightning."

He finishes getting dressed and joins me under the tree before asking, "But how did you find that connection so fast?" Grinning I reply, "I didn't make the connection then I already knew it, I learned it the hard way a while back." I lift my shirt and spread my fur a bit on my bottom rib showing a thin scar. "And I have the scars to prove it." As I pull my shirt back down Shadow lets out a whistle, "Looks like it hurt." I shrug, "The cut didn't hurt as bad as nearly being electrocuted did. Being immortal doesn't mean you don't feel pain, it just means you can survive a lot more of it."

He watches the water flow through the creek a bit. "The more I learn about you being immortal, the more I think it sucks." I just sigh and shrug. "It is both a blessing and a curse at times. But the pain is the price I pay to see all the wonders of the world and see how things grow and change. For example this tree..." I turn and place my hand on its trunk. "It is nearly a hundred years old, I raised it from a seed myself. Not many people can say they remember when a tree was young, let alone a forest." Wonder shines in his eyes as he looks at the tree then the forest with new understanding. "That would be something to watch."

We sit and listen to the breeze as it blows through the leaves of the trees for several minutes just enjoying nature.