The Weirdest Night...

Story by Antarian_Knight on SoFurry

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#1 of Loners

Alrighty, so I wrote this one as a gift for a former friend of mine, I hope you enjoy it. I am also planning on writing a second chapter at some point, though it will probably be a long while. Been sort of neglecting my regular stories of late...

As always, comments are appreciated and requested.

"Heya." Content with his solitude at the bar, the large white wolf hadn't expected to be spoken to by anyone. Hence, when the little hybrid in bright rainbow clothing, if it could be called such, greeted him, it was ignored. Sparing the little walking kaleidoscope a glance, not seriously thinking that the smaller fur was speaking to him, Keal prepared to return to his brooding. That is, until the hybrid hopped up onto the bar stool next to him. "Hey, can I get a cherry coke? Extra syrup, too..." The little hybrid was impossible to ignore now, her tail flicking up around her short furred head. It jabbed at one of her large ears and she slapped it away, her ear flicking as the tail's fur brushed it. "Tails, sheesh... I swear, mine has a mind of its own!"

Kael only offered a small grin before turning back to his own drink. The wolf grimaced down at the foul smelling liquid in his glass. Why had he bought such hard liquor? Why had he bought anything at all; he was supposed to be the designated driver. But then, perhaps that was the very reason he had sprung for the drink when he sat down. He had always been happy to be the designated driver for his friends, but lately, it seemed like they were taking advantage of his generosity. They often had him ferry them around to several bars or clubs in a single night and then abandoned him until they were ready to leave, treating him more like their personal chauffer than their friend. He was tired of spending his free evenings sitting alone at bars while his friends got drunk, the social scene at such places not something he was much interested in. He was half tempted to just slip away into the crowd, a surprisingly easy feat for someone his size, and thus teach his friends to appreciate him more. But, that really wasn't his style. So instead, he sat alone, and stared at his drink. Well, not exactly alone right this second...

"You don't seem to be enjoying that." The little hybrid was still there, looking at him with her head tilted, one arm resting on the bar top, hand canted over her head. There was something very strange about that hand... It only had three fingers. "You don't talk much, do you?" Kael felt something soft poke at his side and glanced down just in time to see the sleek white tail of the hybrid dart back to her other side. She was smiling still. "I think it likes you." She said, her voice carrying just a touch of sarcasm and something else. Exasperation perhaps? He got the inexplicable feeling that he was being thick and he glanced around slowly, as if expecting hidden camera men to pop out from the crowd at any second.

"Who are you?" Keal asked, returning his gaze to the hybrid, the question all he could think of to say. Again, he got the feeling of disappointment, as if he had done something foolish. The hybrid had only rolled her mismatched eyes. How had he missed those? Her right eye was a deep, primary blue, while the left was a bright and vivid red. He found himself unable to decide which to focus on and equally incapable of looking at them together, the sight distracting in the extreme. Instead, he focused on her mouth. The hybrid was still smiling at least. It was a gentle, relaxed sort of grin. Not something that was amused so much as content. Encouraging maybe.

"I'm Saira," She replied, and that smile broadened as she reached out one of her odd paws to shake his. Taking the elongated hand, he shook it. It felt so weird! Her hand was so light that Kael feared he might crush it were he not careful. He didn't need to worry though; the grip he got in return was firm and strong, almost as if she was trying to prove she was strong.

"That's a very interesting name." He said before he could stop himself. He was supposed to be minding his friends, who were all drunk and tearing up the pulsing dance floor, not complimenting women... "My name is Kael." He tried to let the conversation die there, tried not to encourage the little hybrid, but she wasn't so easily put off.

"Hmm... Well, I'm kinda lonely and you look the same." The hybrid commented, "Wanna hang out?"

Whatever Keal had been expecting it certainly hadn't been such a blunt request. For the first time, he really took a moment to take in the smaller fur. From head to toe, she was odd. Ears that seemed almost 3 sizes too big to be feline, her mismatched eyes in a feline face that seemed just a bit too sleek... The fur he could see under her clothes, which was quite a bit, was pure white and seemed to adopt fully the colors of the strobe and rail lights above the dance floor. Her arms, sleekly furred and slim, were the oddest yet, though; they seemed quite normal until one looked at her hands, where the ring and little fingers were extremely elongated, with a soft looking sheet of fuzzy skin hanging between them. Her tail was dyed in a complete rainbow pattern, with red closest to the base and indigo towards the tip, though a band of black ended the pattern before the white tip. The black band had to have been natural, he guessed, because the tip was that same pure white as the rest of her. There was no way she'd have managed to dye it like that and keep such a pure white at the end.

The oddness of her physical appearance was only exacerbated by the comparative normality of her clothing. A rainbow striped top underneath a black and silver canvas jacket that hugged her slim form nicely. It almost hid her rather flat chest, the fluffy chest fur spilling out around its edges tastefully. Keal was smart enough not to look directly down at her legs, but he could just see that she wore a black skirt and rainbow stockings under shin-high converses. There were only a few other things about her appearance that he could take in, in the short seconds he gave himself. Subtle things, like the way she sat and the way she held herself. Something about it all seemed a little odd, but he couldn't put his finger even near what it might have been.

"You're making me nervous, wolfy..." Saira murmured, glancing around nervously... But when the wolf quickly apologized and the faint tinge of a blush burned his cheeks, she only giggled. "I'm kidding, dork. I'm used to drawing attention... It's a curse, really," she added with a dramatic sigh, swiping the back of her hand across her forehead in a classic theatric gesture.

"Oh... Well, still, I didn't mean to stare..." Kael lowered his ears and looked so apologetic Saira laughed again, this time shaking her head.

"So, you wanna hang?" She waited only a split second before turning to the bartender. "One order of nachos, please. That booth over there, if you'd be so kind." Then, turning back to the slightly put off wolf, "You coming?" And, with a flick of her long, colorful tail, she walked off. For a moment, Keal sat there, stunned. This was the sort of thing that never happened to him. It always seemed to happen to other guys. He seemed to give off a 'Leave me alone' vibe on nights like this. But then, hadn't he just been dwelling on his dislike for the evening? Giving one more look at his friends on the dance floor, he shrugged.

"Sure." He finally said, abandoning his drink at the bar and following the hybrid towards the circular booth. When they had sat down, Keal tried to find something interesting to say, but nothing came to mind. Of course, the bartender came over after a few moments with the hybrid's nachos and drink, saving him from having to say anything. The hybrid hungrily dug into the plate of nachos when the bartender sat them down, washing down her bite with a swig of soda. After a moment, the hybrid gave Keal a questioning look.

"What happened to your drink?" She asked, crunching an ice cube in her sharp teeth.

"Didn't want it." The white wolf replied, glancing at the dance floor once more. His friends seemed oblivious to the fact that he wasn't at the bar anymore and he idly wondered if they would even notice if he were to leave and go home. Probably not, he finally decided. Looking back at the hybrid, he found her looking in the same direction he was before looking back at him.

"You keep looking out there." Saira commented, glancing back at the wolf, "You wanna dance?"

"No, I'm not really into dancing." Keal said, just a bit too quickly and the hybrid suddenly leaned towards him a little, an indulgent smile on her face.

"So... you don't like to drink, you don't like to dance..." She said, licking the sticky foam from her whiskers slowly. "What exactly are you doing at a club like this?"

"Designated driver." He replied, giving a sigh and looking down at his hands, the hybrid nodding in confirmation.

"I thought that might be it." She said, then her face assumed a questioning expression once more. "You know, most dd's at least go out onto the dance floor, or try and pick up chicks, or something..."

"Not sit by one's self at the bar?" Keal asked, managing a slight, wry smile.

"Exactly." She replied, her tail's white tip swirling around the edge of the table towards the plate of nachos like the fin of a shark stalking prey, the rest of it brushing against Keal's leg under the table on its way past in a way that certainly didn't feel accidental. The white wolf only just managed to stop himself from shivering, the sleek fur on the tail tickling his own pelt pleasantly. Saira slapped the tip of the tail away from the plate, the fuzzy appendage giving what looked like a flick of annoyance in reply, making a grin tug at the corner of the wolf's mouth. "But you obviously have friends..." Keal nodded, but didn't reply to the obvious prompt. "You really don't talk much at all, do you?"

"Well, this might come as a surprise, but I am not actually very good at talking to women." Keal replied, blushing. When he said this, Saira giggled once again, but the tone of the laugh was different, not teasing, but more...conspiratorial maybe, like the hybrid knew something Keal didn't.

"Are you good at talking to anyone?" The little hybrid asked and Keal couldn't help but smile. She was very perceptive. Leaning in towards the wolf, her voice dropping down lower, she continued, "Come on dork, open up a little, I don't bite..." when she paused, her grin turned mischievous, "Unless you are into that sort of thing."

"I...I..." Keal stammered, the sudden change in her mannerisms taking him completely off guard.

"You are so gullible." Saira laughed, grinning broadly at the white wolf as she leaned back.

"And you are so random." He replied, chuckling in spite of himself. "Gotta say, not something I am used to."

"Well its good for you then." Saira said, munching on another nacho. As the hybrid chewed, she regarded him with an expectant expression and he sighed, relenting.

"Clubs really aren't my thing." Keal said, giving a half hearted shrug, "The only reason I come and stick around is that my friends really enjoy it. Since I don't drink much, I have been the 'go-to guy' for dd since...well, since they started drinking I guess."

"And...?" Saira prompted, looking at him curiously.

"And..." Keal continued, toying with a notch in the table top. "And I guess I am a little sick of it."

"Hence the..." Saira interjected, nodding her head in the direction of the bar.

"Yeah..." Keal agreed, chagrined. "I don't really know what I was thinking, ordering that..." The wolf watched the lights dancing around the ceiling for a few moments before continuing. "Maybe I wanted to make it so I wouldn't be able to drive or something, I don't know. I just get the feeling lately that I am being taken advantage of, and..." Keal suddenly trailed off, realizing what he was saying, looking at Saira in surprise. "And, why am I telling you this?"

"Well, obviously you wanted to tell someone." Saira commented, waving off the question. "And I am good at drawing people out."

"I guess." Keal replied, looking at the hybrid curiously. "So what are you here for?"

"Oh, you know," The hybrid began, grinning, "Dancing, hanging out. The usual. If your friends aren't treating you very well, why do you keep doing them favors like that?"

"Well, they are my friends." Keal replied, "I always help my friends if I can."

"You really are a nice guy, aren't you?" Saira questioned, leaning forward a little, one of her feet starting to stroke up Keal's shin.

"I try to be." He replied, trying his best to ignore the foot that was steadily massaging his leg.

"Well, your friends should really appreciate you more then." The hybrid commented, her foot continuing its stroking. "Maybe you and I should teach them a lesson..."

Keal hesitated at this, guessing what the hybrid meant. On the one hand, he was supposed to be keeping his friends out of trouble, but on the other... Taking a deep breath, he glanced in the direction of the dance floor, torn between the sudden strange urge to do something wild and his usual policy of responsibility. Then, he suddenly made up his mind. What the hell, you only live once, right? And besides, he had been single for quite a while, and the little hybrid was pretty attractive, in an exotic sort of way...

"What do you have in mind?" Keal asked. Saira grinned in reply, sliding around the booth so she was sitting right next to the wolf, one strange hand finding its way to Keal's knee, making him jump. Giggling at his reaction, the hybrid rubbed her head against his neck, her long fingers tracing delicately up his thigh, making him shiver.

"Well, that depends wolfy..." She said, speaking just barely loud enough to be heard over the music. "What are you into?" Glancing down briefly, she grinned at the wolf, her smile turning devious at his reaction. Keal was blushing fiercely, the hybrid's touch making him more than a little excited. Shifting restlessly, trying to hide the sudden bulge that made his shorts too tight, the wolf couldn't pull himself together enough to reply right away. Swallowing and clearing his throat, he finally forced his voice to work.

"" Clearing his throat again, he caught the hybrid's hand, stopping her stroking before he could get too excited. "You wouldn't want to come back to my place, would you?"

"Why Keal," Saira replied, looking surprised, though the wolf knew perfectly well she wasn't, "I thought you'd never ask..."


Keal turned off the street into the parking lot of his apartment complex, his fingers twitching on the steering wheel, his heart hammering so hard he could swear he felt it through his seat. The drive from the club had seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, and yet, to the white wolf's memory, it seemed almost like a week had passed since he and Saira had left it. He still could hardly believe he was doing this, and he was still stunned that he had been the one to invite his companion back to his place; he never did that. Of course, the little hybrid wasn't exactly being very helpful in easing his nerves. She hadn't stopped teasing him since they had asked for the check. While they had been waiting at their table, she had stayed pressed against his side, nuzzling his neck. Every time his body had started to calm down a bit, she had played her claws along his leg once again, the motion never failing to elicit a chill down his spine. But when he had tried to retaliate, the hybrid had caught his hand, shaking her head with the sort of grin that had seemed downright evil to him by the time they were finally leaving the club. When they had gotten into the car (after he had almost fumbled the keys right out of his hands twice), she had gotten even more bold, stroking her way along his inner thighs as he drove, and occasionally going further, all the way up, gently teasing the bulge in his shorts.

As Keal pulled into his space, Saira finally stopped her teasing, hopping out of the car before he even had it in park like she was made of springs. When he had turned the car off, the wolf took a moment to readjust himself into a less uncomfortable position before following the little hybrid out. As Keal hit the button to lock the car, Saira came around and looped her arm through his, smiling as sweetly as if all she had been doing was relaxing the whole way there. Giving a nervous grin, Keal led the way to his apartment, his stomach flip-flopping around in his guts. Every step towards the door, arm in arm with someone he had only just met, seemed to take a great deal of effort, the big wolf so nervous his fingers were tingling. Saira was still grinning pleasantly, apparently not noticing his difficulty. When they finally reached the door, Keal swallowed against his dry throat, trying not to show how out of his element he was as he unlocked it and pushed it wide. Saira immediately stepped inside and looked around the darkened entry way with interest, her eyes wide in the darkness, the wolf hesitating for a moment before following. As he stepped over the threshold slowly, he paused, his hand on the door, looking down at his feet. He felt almost as if he was about to take a plunge, like if the door closed, there would be no stopping this. Smiling wryly to himself, he shook his head and pushed the door shut. It had been too late for second thoughts since the moment they had left the club together, and he knew it.

"Cozy." Saira remarked when the wolf turned on the light, tossing her bag and jacket onto the floor before turning around to face him, grinning slyly. It took him a moment to notice, but she had already slipped her converses off her feet, having undone them while he was trying to make up his mind about the door.

The wolf hesitated, not knowing what to say, but, as it turned out, he didn't need to say a word. Before he could make a move, Saira walked up to him with a slow, deliberate stride, a lustful grin on her face. Pushing the wolf back against the door, she suddenly kissed him, the exotic taste of her lips driving any thought of resisting right out of his mind. As she kissed him, he felt one of her strange hands caress his groin once more, undoing the belt, the claw of her pointer finger toying with his fly. A little overwhelmed at her sudden aggressiveness, the wolf returned the kiss, hearing only a funny sort of rushing sound as his heart pounded even harder in his chest, his fingers twitching. But before he could get a hold of himself again, he felt the claw catch under the button holding his shorts closed, the sharp edge suddenly slicing right through the threads holding it in place, the sound of the button bouncing off the tiles at his feet seeming incredibly loud, breaking through the roaring of his pulse. By the time Keal started to wonder if this had all been a mistake, Saira had already undone the rest of his fly, letting the shorts fall. Breaking off the kiss, the hybrid stroked a finger along the bulge in his underwear, making the wolf shiver, his whole body tensing up, as if finally realizing what he was about to do. Opening his mouth, he started to say something, anything sounding better to him than standing there dumbfounded. But before he could say a word, Saira put a finger to his lips, making his ears fold back in surprise.

"Relax." She commanded softly, her lips pulling back to reveal her sharp, pointed teeth. "Or I really am going to bite."

With that, she knelt, her strange paws pulling Keal's underwear down in the same motion, revealing his canine equipment to the darkened apartment, his member all the way out of its sheath, standing at full mast, pulsing with the rhythm of his heart. Then, just about every conscious thought the wolf had went right out the window as the hybrid licked his cock from base to tip, the bumpy, feline texture of the tongue setting his nerves on fire like dry twigs, making him tremble. The lick seemed to last way longer than it should have, Saira's tongue almost seeming never to end, the texture of it changing along its length, the constant assault of new sensations making Keal groan. By the time the hybrid pulled her tongue back from his sensitive flesh, the wolf's knees were weak and he was slumped back against the door, one hand holding onto the doorknob tightly, it being the only thing that was keeping him from sliding to the floor in a quivering heap. But the brief pause was only a temporary reprieve, like the ones Saira had given him in her teasing, a brief respite to make the continuation all the more intense.

Before Keal could get his legs to cooperate again, the hybrid's tongue was back, this time starting at his tip and curling around it, wrapping his equipment in a coil of slippery tongue, the sensation so intense the wolf had to bite his lip to hold back the ecstatic whimper that suddenly tried to escape his throat. Just when Saira's tongue tip was delicately flicking along the wolf's balls, the hybrid suddenly bobbed her head downward, taking his tip in her mouth. But she didn't stop there. Soon, her maw had engulfed his shaft all the way down to the sheath, even taking in the bulge that was his forming knot. Saira paused there for a moment, the tips of her front fangs delicately grazing the opening of his sheath, then slowly pulled back off his shaft, her tongue writhing around his member as she pulled back. This time, Keal really did whimper, the big wolf unable to help himself, the sound only making her chuckle around his cock. Soon, she was bobbing her head along his shaft in a smooth rhythm, her head turning this way and that as she sucked, making Keal pant, the pent-up wolf wholly at the mercy of the smaller hybrid.

Saira began to pick up the pace, taking less of him into her mouth with each downward bob, but that was just as well, because Keal's knot was growing rapidly, the canine approaching his peak with the speed of a rocket. But just as he was starting to adapt to the hybrid's treatment of him, he felt her tongue wrap around the growing ball of flesh, the slippery appendage squeezing it gently and he groaned, his head tilting back towards the ceiling as his eyes rolled back into his head. Try as he might, there was no way he was going to last much longer. As the hybrid bobbed down his shaft once more, her tongue squeezing his length, he suddenly grit his teeth hard, trying anything he could think of to hold himself back, but that was an exercise in futility. Moments later, the wolf's entire body tensed up once more, his balls shooting up next to the base of his shaft. Keal barely managed to bite back the wild, lupine howl that his body apparently decided was a necessary addition to the experience, the hybrid kneeling before him swallowing rapidly as he suddenly came. She didn't seem to mind the speed with which he had cum, her lips forming a grin around his shaft as it pulsed in her maw. On any other night, Keal might have been ashamed that he had lasted such a short time, but tonight, all he seemed to have the will to do right then was lean there, panting, every breath a gasp as his body slowly came down from the peak, his mind filled with nothing but relief and pleasure.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Keal's body finally relaxed and he allowed himself to slump, holding himself up with friction alone and Saira finally pulled off of his shaft, giving it one last, lingering lick on the way out, making the wolf shudder, his muscles quivering, all his fur standing on end. The hybrid stood back up after a moment, rubbing the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand and regarding her handiwork with a satisfied smile on her lips.

"How..." Keal panted, looking at the hybrid with a bewildered expression, his voice cooperating with him only reluctantly, asking the only thing he could come up with. "How did you do that?"

"I'm a catbat, of course." Saira replied, her grin widening at his question, speaking in a tone that said not only that that answer should explain everything, but that it should have been obvious to him. While the explanation explained the shape of her hands, and the sheet of fuzzy skin along her arms, it didn't seem to answer the rest. When he gave her a perplexed expression, she stuck out her tongue and finally it was clear. The tongue was very long indeed, more than a foot in length, and apparently quite dexterous, the tip curling as she pulled it back into her jaws. As Keal drew in a deep breath, coaxing his quivering knees into actually supporting his weight once more, slowly getting back up onto his feet, the hybrid's grin turned almost evil again, one odd hand resting on her hip. "Been a while, huh?"

"Yes, quite a while." Keal replied, dragging his feet out of his shoes, shorts and underwear as he pushed himself off the door, his cheeks finally flushing with embarrassment. "Sorry..."

"Its fine." Saira replied, waving off the apology. "Everyone gets pent up sometimes. Though, now you owe me a good one."

"Gladly." Keal stated, stripping off his shirt and tossing it carelessly aside, his predatory wolfish instincts kindled by Saira's aggressiveness. Looking the now nude wolf over with approval, the hybrid's grin widened. But then, Keal stepped forward suddenly, pulling the hybrid to him and kissing her deeply, the sudden switch in behavior taking her by surprise. Before the kiss was over, Keal bent down a bit and lifted the surprised catbat off her feet, carrying her down the hall to the bedroom, not even bothering to turn on the lights when he opened the door. When the door was shut behind them, cutting off the light from the entryway, Keal laid the hybrid down on the bed, allowing her to scoot over more towards the center before climbing onto it with her, his heart already hammering in eager anticipation, his member stiffening up even though he had just climaxed. Nuzzling the hybrid's neck gently, he nibbled at her exposed fur, making her suck in a breath of surprise, the wolf smiling as he finally was able to return the teasing. His fingers caressed the catbat's chest gently, teasing her ribs through her top a little before spreading out, carefully trailing his claws along her wings.

Saira shivered when the wolf's claws trailed along the wing membrane, her smile widening as he traced the elongated fingers that gave it structure, nuzzling Keal's neck as he explored her odd body. Tracing back along her arm with his claws, Keal suddenly noticed a strange nub in the fabric of her top, something that didn't quite seem to belong there. Curious, the white wolf tugged at it and the garment fell open in his grasp, the cloth separating into two halves. Suddenly understanding, the wolf shared a grin in the darkness with his companion. The top had been cleverly designed to be held on with magnets, leaving the wings free to move and, obviously, making it easy to remove as well. As Keal pulled the rest of the garment away from her, tossing it over the edge of the bed, he leaned down, nuzzling and licking at her chest, the catbat gently putting her arms around him in reply, her long fingers trailing down his back, making the wolf's fur stand on end once more. Then, finally, when he was nuzzling her solar plexis, Keal trailed a hand along her thigh, caressing her leg through the stocking and this time, the hybrid didn't try and stop him. Grinning, Keal didn't stop at the top of the thigh, going right on up to the crux of her legs. Keal could at last retaliate for all the teasing he had had to endure on the way here, but he was surprised when, as his fingers trailed up under her skirt, they encountered nothing but fur. Giving a mental shrug, he gently traced his fingers along her slit beneath her skirt, making her quiver at his touch, her legs spreading a bit to give him easier access.

Had this not been the first time in a long while Keal had been able to do this, he might have spent more time on his teasing, but he could feel that the catbat's slit was already very wet, and the embarrassment of his quick performance at the door pushed him to move on, to prove himself to his new lover. Backing up towards the foot of the bed, he moved down to her stomach, kissing and licking his way down to the top of her black skirt, his fingers tracing their way along her thighs at the same time. Then, grinning mischievously, the wolf backed up a little further and nosed his way under the edge of the black garment, breathing in the scent of her sex. But, as he moved in for a taste of her nectar, pressing his tongue tip in a light lick against her, a sudden thought popped into his head, an insidious little thought like a nagging itch that wouldn't go away until he scratched it.

Her scent was the scent of a female alright, a scent that made his loins throb in anticipation of what that meant, but there was a tinge of something else as well, a musky sort of aroma that he couldn't seem to place, and didn't quite seem to belong either. It was definitely a part of the hybrid's scent, but something stopped him from just dismissing it as being a consequence of her being a hybrid. But then, suddenly, as he started lapping at her slit more heavily, making the catbat pant at his teasing, he suddenly froze. Something hard was poking his nose from under the skirt. In an instant, everything odd about Saira's behavior that night seemed to click into place and Keal felt a sudden suspicion in his head, a suspicion he knew was right.

Moving back a little, the white wolf reached out and unzipped the skirt, tossing it aside and looking down at what he saw, the truth making his head spin wildly. 'She' wasn't a she. Of course, she wasn't exactly a he either. She was, in fact, a herm. For a few long moments, Keal stared in shock, frozen with indecision, his brain seeming to be incapable of grabbing a hold of the concept the sight presented. He had never even met a herm before, to say nothing of dating one; he had never even had occasion to think about dating a herm before. But then, just when horror was starting to creep into his mind, telling his body to back off, something odd happened, a different instinct rising to eclipse it. Instead of shrinking down as he had expected, the wolf's penis seemed to get even harder, giving a steady throb as he stared down at his discovery. At the same moment, he realized that his heart was, if it was even possible, hammering even harder in his chest. As Saira grinned at him from the darkness once more, mismatched feline eyes reflecting brightly, another strange thought came into his head, coming from the same part of him that had gotten him to go along with this whole thing when the catbat had first spoken to him.

So what if Saira was a herm? It wasn't like anything was missing, and besides, wouldn't this be the perfect addition to this weird night? Before the catbat could say a word, either to encourage or to tease the wolf, Keal ducked his head back down, trailing his tongue in one long slurp, starting at the bottom of her slit and carrying on up to the tip of her penis, making her shudder in surprise. Obviously, she hadn't expected the shy wolf to be quite so willing to go with her little surprise. Keal licked her again and again, tongue swirling up both sets of privates, and he began to notice a difference in her reactions. While the hybrid obviously liked both, Saira seemed to enjoy his treatment of her female bits a little more than her member and he began to concentrate on her slit, licking and teasing it with his teeth, only occasionally going up to lick at her penis. Somehow, the musky scent of her male equipment against his nose made the whole experience even more arousing to the wolf, his own penis throbbing in anticipation, making him wonder suddenly whether, if he continued long enough with this to make her climax, if he would even be able to last through what would come next. Making his decision in an instant, he gave her slit one last lick and then came forward, looming over the smaller hybrid, his member trailing sticky pre along her thigh before finding its way to its target. Smiling in approval, the hybrid put her arms back around the wolf, nuzzling into his neck as he nudged his tip into her slit. After a moment's hesitation, he drove his shaft into the smaller hybrid with a steady thrust, the motion easier than he had expected.

Saira's slit seemed tight, which the large wolf had expected, the difference between their sizes making that obvious, but at the same time, it seemed very easy to go all the way in, the hybrid not seeming to mind in the slightest, letting out a hiss of passion as he penetrated, her claws digging delicately into his back, making him shiver. Buried all the way up to his hilt in the herm's slick passage, Keal paused a moment, waiting for some sort of discomfort to show up on the hybrid's face, but all he saw was eager pleasure, his lover clinging close to the wolf. When Saira gave his neck a gentle lick, Keal gave another mental shrug, pulling his canine shaft out of the smaller hybrid until only his tip remained, then shoved it forward again, his body building a steady rhythm. As the wolf started to pick up the pace, Saira kissed him, the long tongue sliding eagerly into Keal's jaws to find his own, the catbat's claws digging harder into him as the pleasure began to build in her, driving her towards her peak.

But, despite his desire to last long enough to repay the catbat for the earlier fun, the long period of abstinence the wolf had endured was soon getting the better of him again. All too soon, he was panting, his member throbbing, barely holding himself in check. Fortunately for him, like all wolves, he was gifted with a particular aspect of physiology, a trait only canines possessed. And Saira knew how to use it to match him. Keal's knot was growing rapidly, and by all logic, it should have been big enough to get stuck a while ago, but the little hybrid's slit, as tight as it felt around him, seemed oddly stretchy, popping the bulge of flesh in and out of her sensitive passage with ease. And then, finally, just when Keal was wondering if he could last much longer, the little hybrid suddenly tensed up, her jaw set hard, her tail twitching madly as she came, her slit clenching up tight around the wolf's knot. Giving a smile, Keal thrust harder, driving his penis a little deeper into her in reply, picking up the pace just a little more. Letting out a pleased gasp, Saira pressed her hips up against the wolf, grinding eagerly against his hips as her orgasm exploded in her. Shuddering in ecstasy, Saira suddenly let up the pressure on the wolf's cock just as his balls clenched up again, the wolf's wild thrusts pulling him from her just as he came, the sprays of thick wolf seed making a mess of the white fur of the hybrid's stomach. Finally, Keal's penis stopped its spraying and he paused for a second, holding his weight on his forearms, his eyes closed, panting hard from the climax. After a few more moments, Saira licked the white wolf's nose and he opened his eyes, finding the herm looking at him with a wide grin on her face.

"Was that better?" Keal asked quietly, returning the grin, still panting.

"Uh huh." Saira replied and the wolf slowly pushed himself over to the side, sprawling on his back beside the herm, staring up at the ceiling while his body calmed back down. For a while, the odd pair lay side by side, just panting for a while. Then, with the same wide grin on her face, the little hybrid sat up and swung her legs off the bed, hopping onto her feet. "Mind if I use the shower?"

Before Keal could so much as form a reply, the catbat walked off into the attached bathroom, leaving him staring after her in amazement. After a moment, the rainbow stockings that the hybrid had still been wearing while they had sex came sailing out of the bathroom and drifted slowly for a moment or two before landing across the wolf's face, making him chuckle. Removing the garments and tossing them on the floor with the rest of the herm's clothing, Keal slowly made himself sit up, staring after the little hybrid as she turned the shower on. This was, by far, the single weirdest night he had ever experienced, and yet, he couldn't deny that it was also one of the most fun. Stretching slowly, the wolf marveled at everything that had happened, looking over at the clock in amazement. It had only barely been an hour since he had left the club. Shaking his head, the wolf looked down at himself for a moment and then smiled. The night was still young. Getting to his feet, Keal walked towards the door leading into the bathroom, listening to the little catbat wash up. When he was sure she was at least most of the way done, he crept quietly into the bathroom, sliding the shower curtain back slowly, peering around its edge.

"Mind some company?" Keal asked, and the catbat looked back over her shoulder at him, a smile tugging at her lips as she scrubbed the cum from her belly fur, apparently not surprised to find him there.

"Not as long as it's just you..." She said, her rainbow colored tail flicking in his direction. Giving her a grin, he climbed into the shower as well, sliding the curtain closed behind him. When Saira had allowed him to rinse himself, the wolf took the soap and washed his equipment, the pair switching places once more to allow the catbat to do the same. But, as she rinsed her nethers in the steaming water, Keal suddenly felt a mischievous grin coming across his face. His newly cleaned member wasn't relaxing just yet. And with a sexy little hybrid standing nude in front of him, he couldn't help the thoughts that swirled to life in his head. Without giving it a second thought, the wolf acted, taking the soap in hand once more and coming forward, gently working a lather into the catbat's back fur, her tail flicking at the touch of his hands.

When he had worked enough soap into his lover's fur, the wolf set it aside and waited for her to turn around, rinsing the suds from her back. When she was standing in the stream, facing him, he stepped up close, rubbing at her back, acting as if all he was doing was helping her clean up. As Saira smiled, trailing her hands along his back in reply, the wolf began to change his touches, ever so slightly at first, gradually becoming more and more like caresses than scrubbing. Before long, Keal had effortlessly shifted from washing to teasing, his fingers dipping down lower and lower with each pass of his hands. About when he was caressing the base of the catbat's tail, Saira finally chuckled, moving back from him a little to regard him with mischief on her face as well.

"You are not being very helpful, wolfy..." she said, the tip of her penis showing itself from its sheath as the wolf kept teasing her.

"Really?" He asked, one hand trailing around her hips to coax more of her out from hiding, gently massaging her sheath. "I think that depends on what I am trying to accomplish."

"Well I guess you have me there." Saira replied, flashing the wolf a grin while one long fingered hand gave the wolf's shaft a teasing stroke. When his hand dropped down to stroke her slit once more in reply, her grin widened. "Why is it the quiet ones who are always so horny?"

"Pent up, remember?" Keal replied, nuzzling her chin, his hand gently massaging her butt.

"Well, its not like I am complaining." She replied, nuzzling the wolf's neck in reply as he kept up his massaging, both hands now kneading her rump, her tail raising, the rainbow dyed appendage flicking back and forth excitedly. After a few more moments of teasing, the herm slid her arms around the wolf once more and kissed him, the passion in the kiss unmistakable. Grinning broadly, the wolf slid his hands a little lower, lifting Saira off her feet once more, placing her back against the smooth tile of the shower's wall, supporting her lithe form easily with his strong arms, the hybrid wrapping her legs around his waist, pressing their hips together. As her slit pressed against the wolf's shaft, he ground his hips against her, rubbing his shaft against her labia, the hybrid gasping at the sensation. But, as Keal readjusted, his tip nestling into her crevice once more, the hybrid shook her head, pushing down on the wolf's shoulders and lifting herself higher up in his grasp, resting his tip against the base of her tail instead. Surprised, Keal pushed forward slowly, his tip grinding at her tailhole, giving her a questioning look. Grinning eagerly, Saira nodded.

Shrugging inwardly to himself, Keal pushed against the hybrid's hole, slowly working his tip in, trusting the water and steam to lubricate him. After a few moments of resistance, Saira's body began to yield, the head of Keal's penis sliding into the hybrid's butt. Again, the catbat's body seemed oddly stretchy, because, despite the difference in size, the wolf slid in almost easily, more easily certainly than the water slicking their bodies would allow. As Keal gradually worked himself deeper, Saira groaned, arching her back and pushing downward against him, guiding more of the wolf into her. Finally, after working himself in inch by inch, Keal was once again hilted in his smaller lover, the hybrid clinging to him tightly, her rear squeezing his penis. The hot, steamy water and the tightness of his lover making him pant, the wolf held himself there for a moment, enjoying the sensations, then tugged his hips back, carefully withdrawing himself from the hybrid until only his tip was still inside. Then, slowly at first so he didn't hurt Saira, the wolf started to thrust again, the smaller hybrid thrusting down onto him at the same time, her eyes closing as her body loosened a little, letting the wolf speed up. Every thrust lubricated the hybrid's passage a little more, but even with that, this was more intense than the regular sex had been, the wolf planting his hands on the wall on either side of the hybrid as he picked up the pace once more, losing himself in the sensation.

The heat of the water and the exertion of having sex again so soon after doing it once was already making Keal's head spin, but he didn't care. The feelings running through his body were incredible, and he was long past the point where he might have been able to stop. All of his strength was devoted to the task of pleasing his lover, and he certainly seemed to be succeeding. Saira clung passionately to the wolf, panting into his ear as he settled into a daze, working his equipment deep into her with every thrust, knot and all. But this time, the ball of flesh was not popping in and out as easily as it had before, the hybrid giving a small gasp each time. Finally, as Keal was approaching his climax once more, and the knot was almost at full size, Saira clenched down tight on it as he buried it deep inside her once more, coaxing it to its full size in an instant, tying them tightly together. Giving a few more short thrusts, Keal buried his face in the fluffy fur of the catbat's neck, a muffled howl coming from his throat as he came, his shaft twitching and jerking inside the catbat. For a few moments, it looked like the catbat had outlasted the wolf, then with a sudden yowl like a feline, Saira came, her whole body suddenly clenching up on the wolf, claws digging in tight to his back.

For a few moments, the pair twitched, their hips jerking in unison as the wolf filled the catbat's guts with his seed, their voices mixing in ecstasy. Finally, after a long few moments the pair's tense bodies relaxed, their bodies twitching almost in time as the climax subsided. Giving the wolf's ears a gentle lick, the catbat held herself against him, holding on to him tightly for a few more moments. For his part, Keal supported her with his hips, reaching down with one hand to adjust the temperature of the shower to a much cooler setting, something he might have done in the first place before jumping the catbat, had he been thinking more clearly.

For a few minutes, the pair cuddled tight to one another, joined at the hip, then, the catbat lifted herself in the wolf's arms once more, her body relaxing, slowly popping the knot from her butt so she could settle back onto her legs once more. When they were both standing once again, the catbat leaned in and gave the wolf a lingering kiss. When she pulled back from him, she took his hand and dropped the soap into it, giving him an expectant look. Giving her a grin, the white wolf obligingly washed her first before cleaning himself one last time. And finally, as he was rinsing off, his penis relaxed fully at last, retreating into its sheath and he grinned tiredly at his smaller lover.

"All done?" She questioned, looking him up and down and the white wolf nodded.

"For now." The wolf replied and the catbat rolled her mismatched eyes, reaching down to turn off the water.

"I meant with the shower, dork." She teased, trailing the claws of one hand across the wolf's chest as she stepped from the tub and seized a towel from the rack.

"Oh." Keal replied, taken aback once more. Surely she wasn't still horny? For that matter, was 'she' even the right word to use? Shaking his head, the wolf took a towel of his own and scrubbed himself dry, hanging the towel up when he was done. "Are you still..? I mean, we just finished cleaning up..."

"Silly wolf." Saira replied, flashing him a radiant smile as she rubbed her head with the towel, taking a seat on the toilet. As she started on one of her legs with the towel, she gave him another one of the teasing looks. "Go on, I'll be out in a minute." Smiling, Keal started to do as she said, but, as he started to step into the doorway, the catbat's teasing voice spoke again, the hybrid not even looking in his direction. "By the way, I prefer 'he', not 'she'."

Keal grinned, nodding as he left the bathroom. Flopping down on the bed, the wolf stared up at the ceiling, air drying the moisture that was left in his damp fur, and it was only then that he realized what the catbat had said. Looking in the direction of the bathroom, he shook his head, wondering how the little hybrid had known. Putting his head back down, he marveled about everything he had done tonight, wondering just what he was going to tell his friends about why he had left them at the club. And, he also couldn't help but marvel at how his body had reacted to the surprise that Saira was a herm. He hadn't expected himself to not only be ok with it, but his body apparently thought it was very attractive. Chuckling slightly to himself, he shook his head. That was one tidbit he was going to keep to himself, at least for now. A moment later, the door to the bathroom swung wide again and Saira came out, standing at the foot of the bed, his hands on his hips, as if waiting for something.

"Where are my manners?" Keal joked, shifting over so he wasn't hogging the whole bed, opening his arms in an invitation. Returning his smile, Saira crawled onto the bed beside him, snuggling up to the wolf as Keal put his arms around him. Stroking the catbat's back slowly with his hands, Keal held him close, nuzzling Saira's head while he petted the smaller fur. A moment later, the little hybrid started to purr, and Keal grinned, cuddling him a little tighter. After a few minutes of snuggling in the dark, something popped into the wolf's head, a question that had been lurking just out of reach since he had gotten Saira undressed. Keeping his voice quiet, he asked it, taking care not to put any odd emphasis on it. "Um...Saira? Why didn't you tell me that you have...well, a little more than usual?"

"Well I would think that obvious." The herm replied, chuckling at Keal's delicate phrasing, nuzzling his neck softly as he spoke. "I knew it wouldn't matter. I mean, it doesn't matter, does it?"

"No, not at all. I just wanted to know." Keal said, giving a wide yawn and nuzzling Saira's big ears. Though it still seemed strange to his mind, he found that he really didn't care that Saira was more a 'he' than a 'she', a bigger surprise than finding out he was a herm in the first place. Giving a contented sigh, Keal continued softly, smiling as he listened to the hybrid's purr. "I'm glad I don't have to work tomorrow. I don't think I would want to go."

"What a coincidence," Saira said, giving a yawn of his own. "I don't either."

"Well then," Keal began, reaching over and flipping the edge of the blanket up over them. "I guess this is just my lucky night then."

"I suppose so." Saira replied, nestling in closer to the wolf. "But then, everyone knows catbats are lucky..."