Scraps - Across the Æther

Story by Clockwork Fur on SoFurry

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#4 of Scraps and Works in Progress

I have not yet ENTIRELY decided to post all my writing here, though I MUCH prefer the formatting options and ease of Uploading here to FA. Ah well, at the very least I will continue to post the explicit here, as I like the viewer filtering options and may eventually double post the rest ongoing.

For the time being, I will leave this here, a scrap of story first introducing the usually rubber feline Azure. She is developed a bit more here but this is one of the first times I tried to write something for her, so it's interesting as a writer's curiosity at least :)

"Azure, please bring the last coil online."

"Yes, My Lady." The assistant picked up the thick copper cable, and dropped the terminus over the last pin, tightening the screw clamp.

The fox furrowed her brow a moment as she sat in the thickly upholstered chaise lounger. Sniffing the air, she turned toward her assistant -- her creation, "Azure, I wish you would use gloves for the high voltage lines."

"Why, My Lady?" the assistant asked, watching as the nano-bots quickly repaired the ends of her rubberized fingers, "It's not like anything is going to ground through this form." The assistant was well aware that it was the smell of burning rubber that was the issue, but she studiously kept her shiny face expressionless as Lynn sighed and reached for the Electric Halo.

After fitting the copper ring contacts around her temples and the shades over her eyes, she placed the earplugs in her ears in order to better concentrate on the sensations being picked up by the electrified coils of the Æther Spider. Powered by tech, it was still guided by mysticism, telepathy, and, when using these old fashioned Tesla coils, a liberal helping of dumb luck. Reaching out across the echoes of the minds and auras of the population she sought her subject, a peculiar mind and distinctive aura. "There's the little rat fuck, I'd know that root chakra anywhere."

Now Azure smiled openly, knowing that its creator could not see it with her blinders on. It also knew that she could hear precious little over the thrum of the æther in her ears and often did not realize she spoke aloud. Keying the com-mike in the panel so its Lady could hear it, Azure asked, "Can you tell where he is?"

"Not really," she replied, a little over-loud, "As a matter of reflex, his upper consciousness is pretty tightly closed unless he is expecting contact. I might be able to fight my way in, but the feedback would more likely destroy the link and fry a few brain cells in the bargain. At the moment, however, I am interested in something a bit ... lower."

Azure could very well guess what she was talking about as her hands moved in sympathy with the explorations of her mind. Hands meeting across two spheres, a gesture to explore between them, seeking a path of less resistance, an opening. Finding it, the fingers curl and flex, pushing against warmth and tightness that Azure could imagine but its Lady could very nearly feel. Reaching beyond this exploration and squirming invasion with her other hand, Lynn smiled slightly as she felt the delicious sensation of weight in her hands, feeling the resistance as she closed her hand into a fist around the echo of those tender orbs.

She muttered again, barely audible above the hum and crackle, "I would dearly love to hold you this way, to explore your tenderness, and choke your expression, but I know this connection is too squirrely for that. Still, if enough of my sensations creep into your cock and ass to make you hard enough to chafe your chastity, perhaps you'll think of me." Calling to her assistant over the machinery, she ordered, "Azure, take the power out slowly, we're trying to be subtle here."

Azure smiled again, shaking its head as it began to power down the coils. "A subtle fist on his balls," it thought, "riiiiiight."

Thinking along a rather similar line, Lynn concentrated on the apparition before her as the power down closed it. Willing clarity and substance to the phantom ass and tail she leaned forward and snapped hard on the energy junction at the base of his tail, thrilling in the sensation of resistance in the æther against her teeth just before the connection faded entirely. "Mmmmm," she sighed as she removed her Halo, "almost better than a kiss goodnight. Wherever you are, my friend, I hope you feel it .... and don't spill anything when you jump."