Forbidden: The Lost Chapter

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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>STOP< Important note: This chapter is non-canon. It does not effect Forbidden or The Cameron Hotel in any way. It's just for fun! So enjoy! >PROCEED<

What if... ...The Cameron Hotel Chapter 6 went a little differently?

"Nearly every day..." Chris smiled softly, his fingers tapping the table, "Even if just for a second...I thought about how you would grow up. I wondered what you'd look like, what your personality would be like. And now that I see you, I think YOU should know: that I couldn't be more proud."

Riddick nearly got chills, hearing anything like that. Above any amount of happiness, though, he was suddenly very uncomfortable, and his first and only instinct was to put an end to the sappy seriousness immediately.

The panthion smirked, "Well you should be! I mean, look at me! I'm already the better looking of the two of us!" He winked and struck a quick superman like pose. He'd never buttoned his shirt, and it hung open showing off his slim and well defined body. "Don't feel too inferior though: you can't help how great I am."

Silently, Chris stood up and unbuttoned his own shirt, before throwing it off and flexing. His muscles, the same ones he'd used to drive Matt crazy two months earlier, bulged out much larger and more developed than his son's. Hard labor jobs had put the lion through college, and since then he's never been a stranger to his local gym. Unfortunately for the younger cat, his physique just couldn't compare. Chris didn't say a word, just raising an eyebrow at his son.

Riddick froze for a second and blinked, muttering under his breath as he looked at his father, "Shit..." He shook his head and looked away from the elder cat's torso, "Heh...uhm...well, I might not have a body like THAT...but I'm still good looking."

The lion grinned wide and flexed again, then sat down, but didn't bother to put his shirt back on, "Yeah...I suppose." He smiled smugly.

"You suppose?" Riddick slipped off his own shirt, completely, and flexed a little, "I might not have the muscles you have," he showed off his cut, defined, lean muscle, with his washboard abs half hidden under the table, "but we DID have a gym at home."

"I can teach you to bulk up..." Chris's smug smile remained, "You're cut. I'll give you that..." He crossed his arms, and rolled his shoulders forward, a thinly veiled excuse to flex again, his neck and shoulder muscles bulging out, "...but you're a little lacking."

"In size?" The panthion rolled his eyes in an over exaggerated fashion, "We don't all go for size, dad. Not everyone can carry bulk like you, and it wouldn't look as good on me as this does..." He motioned a paw down the length of his torso.

Chris just laughed, leaning back in his chair, causing his baggy pants to open up a bit at the top, showing off a hint of silk boxers and a tuft of the highest bit of his darker pubic fur.

Riddick coughed, choking on a bite of his food at the sight of his father's boxers and tuft of fur. Struggling, he quickly took a drink to wash it down.

"Whoa!" The lion quickly leaned his chair back down, "You okay?"

Riddick coughed lightly a little more and breathed heavier, catching his breath, "Y-yeah I'm fine. Just...just went down the wrong pipe, I guess." He blushed.

Chris laughed cautiously. "Well don't go killing yourself."

"Heh...a little food won't hurt me..." The panthion smiled awkwardly, silently wishing his father would lean back again.

Almost as if reading his son's mind, Chris did just that. With a smile and a roaring yawn, he stretched and tilted his chair back again.

Riddick smiled involuntarily, his eyes trailing down his father's body: from his mane, to where it gave way to an uncovered chest, down his stomach, and to that same silk obscured tuft. He shook his head though, and forced his eyes back on his food as he ate the last few bites. What was he doing?

The lion stretched again and stood up, his pants drooping enough to still show his boxers, "Well, I guess I should start cleaning up."

"Uhm..." Riddick tried not to look at his father, then stared at what little food he had left and whimpered. He would have to stand up soon, and that might certainly cause...complications. "I, uhm...I'll finish eating."

Chris looked at his son's plate then back up at him, "Riddick...there's nothing left.

The panthion stammered defensively, "Th-there's a little! And I don't want to waste it. I...err...I'm really hungry for some reason..."

Chris shrugged and scratched his waist, fingers inching just under his boxers, oblivious to his son's wandering eyes. With another stretch, he reached over, grabbed his plate, and turned to leave, his tail wagging slightly as he walked to the kitchen.

Riddick sighed and whimpered as he watched, and then stood up, now that his father was out of the room and couldn't see his bulge. Eager to escape to some manner of privacy, he turned quickly to walk out of the dining room.

The lion's voice called back into the room, though, "Riddick! Remember to bring your plate over this time! You aren't at your mother's anymore."

"Urk..." Riddick froze and whimpered: his father must have heard him stand up. He gulped and picked up the plate, slowly padding into the kitchen and handing it off to the larger cat.

Chris silently took it and put it in the dishwasher, fortunately not looking at his son any longer than needed.

The panthion turned around, happily facing away from his father so he could leave, "I'm uhm...I'm gonna' head to the living room."

Chris stood up straight and patted his paws together, "I'll go with you!" He jogged to catch up with his son.

Riddick twitched and kept walking at his already brisk pace. He didn't want his father to catch up, but he couldn't exactly speed up to get away.

The lion placed an arm around his son's shoulder, "What's the hurry?"

"Nothing." Riddick smiled up at his father, and then glanced down at his tuft again. His eyes only caught sight of them for a second, though, before he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked away.

Chris cocked an eyebrow, wondering why his son seemed so uncomfortable, but decided to let it go. In the living room, he walked on ahead three wide strides, and then vaulted forward, over the back of the couch, and landed with one leg up, splayed out and still showing off his tuft of pubic fur.

The panthion sat on the couch, more timidly, intentionally sitting a distance from his father, "Hey...mind if I ask a question?"

Chris propped himself up and looked at his son, arms on the back of the couch, "Sure!"

Riddick looked right at the big yellow cat, loving the view, and convincing himself his father wouldn't notice or think he was leering, "So...what's up with Sirrus? I've never seen like him before."

The lion just shrugged, "I really don't know. I know he's a feral dragon...but I've never seen one that small."

"No...not that." Riddick shook his head, "I mean, what kind of pet is he? If he can talk, isn't it weird that he's a pet at all? Talking makes him seem more like an adopted son...or something..."

Chris scratched his chin, "I definitely wouldn't call him a son. He's a bit too uhm...playful to be Matt's son."

"Playful?" The panthion tilted his head, "How is that not...child-like?"

"Playful, as in..." Chris smiled his big, toothy grin, but in an awkward way, "...horny."

"Oh?" Riddick blinked, "Horny? Well I guess that's a little more like a pet." He leaned his head back in thought, "I remember this feral lab I had...or, I guess it was more Mike's than mine. He was ALWAYS horny and humping something. He got better when they started studding him out though."

The lion laughed, "Yeah...I don't think studding Sirrus out would work so well..."

"Why not?"

"Cause I don't think a GIRL would work for him very well."

"He's gay too??" Riddick threw up his paws, "Him, Luke, Alex, Jasyn, Matt, and...and Matt..." He blinked and went wide eyed, "Matt and Sirrus! Sirrus is Matt's...PET!!"

Chris snapped his fingers and pointed at his son, "There you go."

"I never would have thought..." The panthion got quiet again, and seemed nervous, "D-dad? You know...I never have asked..."

"Hmm?" Chris raised his chin.

"How do you feel about Matt? I mean, him being gay and all..." Riddick scratched his temple, "...and now this thing with Sirrus? I mean...especially living in the same house with them."

The lion just grunted and shrugged, "I don't mind at all. I mean, I've been known to do some crazy things to get my rocks off, too, like...uhm...err-" He cut himself off, remembering that he was talking to his son.

"Crazy things? Like what?"

Chris gulped, "Err...well...uhm..."

"Sorry..." The panthion looked down, "Probably a little weird for me to ask you that. Never mind." He looked back up, "But don't mind gays? It doesn't bother you any?"

Chris shook his head, "I don't see why it should."

"Not even with there being..." Riddick paused to count in his head: Matt, Sirrus, Luke, Alex, Jasyn...and himself, "Uhm....six of them around you here?" He smiled awkwardly, wondering if his father would notice the number being off, "Somehow I didn't think you'd be so cool with it."

The lion just smiled and leaned back, not putting enough thought into this to notice the number being wrong, "Everyone lives how they want to live. It's not my place to judge."

Riddick looked down and took a shaky breath. With a gulp, he steeled himself and pushed forward, "...even if it's your son?"

Chris looked over, and froze, simply blinking as he spoke, "Wait...what?"

The panthion kept looking down and only answered with a soft whine.

Chris leaned forward slowly, studying the boy. His son had been nervous all day. This must have been why. Now his boy was scared, and he needed to know that he had no reason to be...not here, with his father. Chris smiled softly and reached around, pulling the boy close and into his soft mane.

Riddick blinked and his eyes went wide, his face buried in his father's mane, and his bare fur against the elder cat's, "D-dad?"

"It's okay." The lion laid his chin on his boy's head and squeezed him, "You're my son...and all that I care is that you're happy. Especially after all those years stuck with Cheyenne."

Riddick instinctively nuzzled against the muzzle touching his head but stopped himself, "You doesn't bother you?"

Chris moved his paw up, rubbing one of his boy's ears, "Not in the least."

The panthion smiled a smile bigger and toothier than any his father ever managed. He wrapped his arms around the elder cat, pulling himself against his father so tight he was convinced he'd be hurting any smaller fur, "Thank you!"

Chris laughed and let the boy go, smiling down at how he was clinging to him. "No need."

Riddick, his arms still around his father, sat up, softly rubbing his body up and across the elder cat's chest as he did.

The lion purred deeply and instinctively at the contact, but then caught himself and smiled dumbly.

Riddick blinked and leaned away a few inches, noticing the purr.

Chris's dumb smile grew wide and embarrassed as their hug broke completely, "Sorry...natural reflex."

" was okay." The panthion smiled back and pulled his legs up into the couch, sitting Indian style, "I...uhm...I'm a cat too."

"Yeah..." Chris coughed a bit, surprised at himself for doing that, regardless, "So..."

" gonna' talk to me about it..." Riddick's eyes darted, " being gay, n-not the purring. Or are we just leave it at that?"

The lion laughed a little, "Well, I guess prying IS the fatherly response, yeah?"

Riddick nodded shyly, "Good a time as any for us to have...uhm...some version of 'the talk.' Why postpone it?"

Chris took a breath and lead boldly, "So, have you had sex yet?"

"Uhm...a bit." The panthion nodded, "Night before last was one of the times, in fact. If what we did counts as 'sex,' anyway..."

Chris cocked an eyebrow, "With Luke, eh?"

Riddick chuckled, liking that his father had such a good memory, "No! With Matt."

The lion grunted and laughed, "I think I'd know if that were the case."

"Oh yeah?" Riddick smirked playfully, "I doubt you had your eyes on him ALL night."

Chris shied away from explaining that, actually, yes he did. Instead, he patted his son on the shoulder and smirked, "So was Luke any good?

"Well...I didn't really get to tell. But..." The panthion couched lightly, "...he did TASTE good."

Chris roared out a laugh, "Well, that's good to know!"

"I'm glad you don't mind talking about stuff like this. It's nice being able to..." Riddick fidgeted a bit, ", you know, just to talk. Just like if I was talking to you about my girlfriends..."

"That's how it should be." The lion nodded, "I'm happy you can talk with me! I want you to feel comfortable with this kind of thing. No point in being...guarded." A twinge hit him in the back of his head, about how he was being hypocritical, since HE still WAS being guarded.

"There...err...Luke wasn't the first." Riddick smiled slightly, as he offered even more information.

Chris returned the smile, smugly, "Is that so?"

"Yeah. I mean, I AM your son after all!" The panthion smiles wider, "I snared Luke in under an hour! You think I had any trouble with it back home?"

Chris laughed deeply again and patted his son hard on the shoulder, "That's right! We can get who we want!"

"When we want!" Riddick smiled his father's big toothy grin, "In fact, my first and I...erm...he was a red panda. We were interested in more than just a little fun. And when it came time to make things...serious...HE'S the one who came after me!"

The lion shook his head, looking oddly proud of his son, and shook him, his paw still on the boy's shoulder, "God, I'm glad you can't get anyone pregnant."

"What about you, dad? Mom wasn't your first right?" Riddick shook his head, quickly, before his father could answer, "No! I have an even better question! How've things been going since you got to town, here? You meet any girls?"

Chris shook his head, "Hell no!"

"Pft!" The panthion narrowed his eyes in disbelief, "Why not?"

Chris snickered, "None of the girls in this town are any good. Your mom's from here, remember?" He smiled softly, intentionally avoiding giving his son the full explanation of why he had yet to find any girls. Honesty was one thing, and he wasn't ashamed, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what amount of sharing constituted bonding, and what amount became inappropriate. "You probably made a good choice. The guys in town are better...I'm sure."

Riddick chuckled, "It's not a choice, but..." He smiled, thinking about Luke, "Yeah...I took the right path."

The lion noted the tone in his son's voice, "Sounds like things with Luke might be a little serious, too."

Riddick blushed, "Might be nice..." He shook his head, "But anyway, you seriously haven't been with anyone since you got here? That doesn't seem right, at all! Have you not even been trying?" He chuckled, "I was here for less than a day and I got mine!"

Chris leaned back against the couch, his muscles showing off, again, "Well...yeah..."

The panthion was far more comfortably with everything now, having already spent most of this conversation basically wrapped around his father. Without thinking about how appropriate it may or may not be, he moved back to the elder cat's side, hugging him again, and patting his hand flat on his father's stomach, "How about this?"

Chris perked his ears up and looked at his son, barely noticing the paw himself, "Hmm?"

"How about," Riddick patted his father's bare stomach again, "We go out tonight? We can go by and pick up Luke, and then maybe find you a girl somewhere, and we'll have us a night out! It'll be a double date! Well...if Luke's up for a date. I mean...we can't have you blue ballin' now can we?"

The lion laughed and put his arms back over the couch, "Don't worry! I don't exactly have blue balls, yet."

"But you said..." Riddick still had yet to move his hand, and was even scritching at his father's stomach fur without thinking, "Oh! You've been pawing!"

Chris purred softly at the scritching, without realizing, "Uhm..." For a second, he thought about saying 'no,' that he hadn't been pawing, and explaining he'd had some outside help...but, instead he shied away again, "A little...yeah..."

The panthion heard his father purring and wondered why, still not registering that he was rubbing and scratching the cat's stomach, "Well...I can attest that your own paw can NEVER be as good as a real person. So why don't we head out tonight?"

Chris laughed, "As cutely surreal as it is that you're trying to get your old man laid...I'm gonna' say no." He readjusted in his seat, still purring, between words, "Tonight is just for us. Maybe tomorrow."

"Are you sure?"

The lion nodded and smiled, his purring growing louder through a deep breath.

Riddick smiled back and realized finally that he'd been rubbing his father's stomach. For a second he stopped, before it dawned on him that his father had done nothing but purr. He'd never tried to move the paw away. Shamelessly enjoying the tingling stirring in his sheath at the thought of what he was doing, he continued.

After the brief pause brought his attention to it, Chris couldn't help, now, but notice the rubbing...but he said nothing, "So...what do you want to do tonight?"

The panthion smiled, "I dunno. Sit and talk...go see a movie...? I've never been to the beach." He shrugged.

Chris ruffled his boy's head fur, "Whatever you'd like."

Riddick nuzzles at the paw, "But...first, I do have a question. I'm pretty sure about the answer to this, but I have to ask."

The lion nodded, "Shoot."

"Have you ever done anything with...y'know, a guy?" Riddick was circling his fingertip around his father's naval, now, and both were watching it, but neither was saying a word about it, "I mean, you seem so cool with people being gay...I was just wondering..."

Chris took a breath and looked away from his son's circling finger. There was no point in shying away anymore. The boundaries of what was appropriate disappeared a while ago. "How do you think I get by in this house?"

The panthion blinked and stopped his paw's rubbing, resting it out flat below his father's belly button, just barely grazing his tuft. His eyes locked on his paw and he didn't look up, "...what?"

Chris smirked, "Matt likes my body as much as any girl."

Riddick coughed and moved his paw away as he looked up. Suddenly what he was doing felt a lot more real, " haven't been pawing then...?"

The lion laughed shortly, "Oh no; I do. I'm just saying that, when Matt wants to do something, I don't stop him. Didn't you wonder where I was sleeping night before last?"

"I did...actually." Riddick nodded and blinked, "So then, are you and him...together? You said you weren't."

Chris shook his head, "No, we're not together. We're just...friends with benefits, I guess."

"Wow..." The panthion smiled and lets out a long sigh, "This is so weird. So're gay too? Or bi? Why didn't you say something after I told you?"

"I'm not really sure what I am..." Chris looked up at the ceiling in thought, then back down, "And...I just wasn't sure what was kosher, you know? It's one thing for me to pry into YOUR sex life, much of mine should I really be sharing with you?"

Riddick just smiled and reverted to his generally shameless self as he looked at the lion's stomach and even more exposed tuft. Before the next words even came out of his mouth, he knew they came from a part of him hoping for something it shouldn't, but he didn't stop them, "Well...I can definitely see what he and the girls see in you!"

The lion cocked an eyebrow and smirked, "Why, thank you! I am rather hot, aren't I?" He flexed by gripping the back of the couch, where his arms were again.

"I don't know about 'hot.' I still think I look a bit better." Riddick licked his lips and rubbed his paws down along his own chest.

Chris roared out in laughter again as he watched his son try to look sexy.

The panthion glared, "What are you laughing at??" He pushed his father playfully.

Chris pushed back and smiled, "You."

"I am not funny!" Riddick's glared harder, playful and over exaggerated, "I am a big, scary predator!" He showed his teeth, menacingly.

"Oh are you??" The lion grabbed his boy roughly and pulled him half into his lap, tickling his stomach and sides with both paws.

Riddick realized immediately exactly where he was at: in his father's lap, with both of them shirtless, and his father's paws roaming through his fur. His sheath stirred. He had no chance to be awkward or nervous, or even try and hide any potential tent-like signs, though, as he was too busy trying to fight back laughter, and fight off the larger cat's tickling paws.

Laughing at his son's mewling and futile attempts at resistance, Chris drew him closer, not letting up, "Oh! Aren't we such a big, scary kitty cat?"

The panthion couldn't speak, but wrenched his arms to, at least, attempt to even the scales and tickle his father back. His range of movement was stilted, though, and his paw landed low on the lion's stomach. And as he attempted to tickle, his fingers slipped, accidently, under the waistband of his father's boxers and directly into his darker pubic fur.

Chris froze as a finger brushed, ever so briefly, against his sheath, "Riddick?"

Riddick, released from his father's torment, looked down and went wide eyed at where his paw had wound up, "Sorry!" He jerked it free of the silk and looked away, "I didn't realize how low my hand was..."

The lion laughed and nuzzled his son's cheek a bit, "Don't worry about it! Accidents happen in horseplay." He smiled softly, musing on the past, "Was actually the catalyst of the first of my not-completely-straight encounters some years ago."

"Yeah..." Breathless from the tickling, Riddick nuzzled back, not sure how he felt about them still being so close together after that, especially with how tight his pants had gotten.

Chris laughed again, seeing how nervous his boy was.

"What's so funny?" The panthion finally looked at his father again, ears flat.

Chris smiled and licked his son's forehead with his rough tongue, "You're all nervous or shy...or something."

Riddick whimpered at the lick, "Yeah..."

The lion tilted his head, worried, "What's wrong?

"Nothing..." Riddick leaned away and wiped his forehead.

Chris leaned to follow, "No, come on. After all we've talked about today...and you're getting shy, now?"

", seriously, dad..." The panthion moved off of his father's lap and pulled his legs up onto the couch, hugging them with a sigh, "It's nothing..."

Chris continued to follow, putting a paw on his boy's shoulder, "Riddick?"

Riddick looked back at him, "Dad, you just had your 15 year old son in your lap...and licked his forehead." He shook his head and looked away again, "I dunno..."

"I didn't..." The lion frowned and softened his voice, apologetically, "I didn't think the forehead thing was that big a deal. I'm sorry it made you feel awkward."

"'s okay..." Riddick shook his head again, "It's my fault, not yours."

"No..." Chris squeezed his son's shoulder, "I wasn't...paying attention to boundaries..."

"'s okay." The panthion barely muttered, "Neither of us were..."

"I'm really sorry." Chris sighed, "I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Having father lick your forehead had to have been unpleasant. I wasn't even thinking."

"But that's the problem." Riddick took a deep, shaking breath, ""

"It...?" The lion leaned in closer.

"It WASN'T unpleasant..." Riddick sighed and put his legs down, looking down at his quite obviously tenting lap, " was kind of the opposite."

Chris looked down at his boy's bulging pants and, after a moment of hesitation and disbelief at what he was being shown, he laughed, "Riddick! Don't worry! We were talking about some really sexual stuff!"

"It wasn't the talk, dad...I..." The panthion gulped and stood up, "I'm sorry..." He blushed so bad he felt like his face was on fire, but he still wasn't sure if his father could see it through his fur or not, "Dad..." He looked down at the elder cat and shook his head, "I'm sorry..."

Chris hopped up and followed his son as he tried to leave the room, quickly turning him around, just shy of the hallway, "What are you talking about Riddick?"

Riddick couldn't look back at him, but couldn't just away run into his room.

The lion turned his boy's face up and looked him in the eyes, "What's wrong?"

Riddick looked down, averting his gaze again, "Could you put a shirt on?"

Chris looked down, too, and then backed away, "Sorry...yeah....I'll go put one on."

"Don't be sorry. I...I just..." The panthion shook his head.

Chris stopped and looked back at his son, the boy's eyes still low, "Please tell me, Riddick. What's wrong?

"Why are you even asking?" Riddick reached out toward his father's stomach, slowly...but froze his trembling paw halfway there.

The lion looked down at the paw, and finally understood. He stepped forward, letting the cat's black fingers graze the lowest reaches of his stomach again, "Riddick?"

Riddick pushed the paw forward, flattening it out and gripping his father's fur, before dropping it away again. His fingers, falling, grazed the elder cat's tuft and silk boxers again as he visibly shivered.

"Riddick..." Chris stepped closer still, "Tell me...please."

The panthion whimpered, "I'm sorry...I know it's wrong. I know you're my dad, but I just want..." He trailed off; he couldn't finish.

"You..." Chris put his own paw on Riddick's stomach, but higher and to the side, "...just want what?"

"Stop it!!" Riddick backed away from the paw, looking almost terrified up at his father, "Why are you trying to make me say this!?

"Because, I want to make sure I'm right."

"You already know you are..."

The lion cautiously moved forward, slipping his paws lightly around his boy's sides and pulling him into a hug that he knew the teenager both wanted and didn't. He squeezed him, and whispered a reassuring 'shhh' in his ear, "Riddick...we haven't seen each other in twelve years. I know you feel like you're supposed to see me as your dad...but it's only natural that you wouldn't have the same "rules" as someone who has been with their dad for their entire life. Don't let what's 'right or wrong' drive you crazy. You can't help how you feel."

"Yeah, I..." Riddick knew he was right. His head was telling him to break the hug: that it wasn't right for him to be tented now, and probably poking his own father with it. But he FELT like he never wanted the hug to end, "I guess..."

"Look..." Chris licked his son's forehead again, "Don't worry about it..."

The panthion smiled and whimpered again at the lick...but it was a good whimper, this time. "Thanks dad..."

Chris hugged his boy tighter and kissed his cheek, "If you have a crush on me...then so be it. That doesn't change anything." He stepped back from the hug and smiled at his son.

Neither cat knew for certain what that had meant. Was Chris just saying it was forgiven, but something Riddick should curtail? Or was he condoning it and saying it was something his son could pursue? Was he actually considering letting the boy have what he was so scared of wanting?

Riddick's lower regions took control, though, and he decided to find out, "Can I...uhm..." He looked down and coughed as he reached his paw out toward his father's stomach yet again.

The lion gulped, but whispered through a smile, "Go ahead."

Riddick smiled uneasily and reached farther forward. His finger tips lit on his father's stomach again and rubbed through its fur. Rewarded with a welcoming purr, he ventured lower and lower, until he was touching the elder cat's tuft again. Getting the sinking feeling that this is how things started with his father and matt, he hesitantly ran his finger tips under the edge of the waistband.

Breaking his deep purr, Chris stopped the paw.

The panthion looked up, worried he'd gone too far, but saw a different look in his father's eyes than he expected. And it was the same look that he assumed was in his own.

Chris spoke slowly, "Do you wanna' go to the couch?"

Riddick didn't hesitate for a second. "Yes."

The lion padded backward to the couch and plopped down, eyes never leaving his son's as he leaned back and draped his arms over the back of the couch, again.

Riddick followed timidly, stopping in front of his father and looking down at him, still not too sure about any of this.

Chris smiled softly, "If you don't want to, we don't have to."

"You mean...heh..." The panthion smiled nervously, "We're actually...doing something?"

Chris pulled his son down, the boy clumsily landing in his lap, "Only if you want to." He rubbed Riddick's stomach a bit, the younger cat's head on his chest, resting in his mane.

Riddick purred loudly and lifted his head up, touching his nose to his father's, "This...I did NOT expect."

The lion laughed warmly laugh and licked his son's nose pad, "Believe me, I never thought I'd be doing anything with my son."

Riddick licked his father's nose back and kissed him quickly on the lips, before pushing slowly off of him. With his eyes locked on the elder cat's, he slid down to his knees in front of him, just smiling and waiting for the go ahead.

Chris smiled smugly, and spread his legs with a nod.

Trembling, the panthion reached up. He ran his paws along his father's thighs, across his crotch, and up to his stomach, where he began scratching through the fur...wanting to hear him purr again.

Chris let his head fall back, a deep purr coming from his throat as he closed his eyes. He couldn't believe he was about to do something like this with his son...but it was even harder to believe that there wasn't one voice telling him to stop.

Riddick grabbed the waistband of his father's pants and undid them quickly, bringing his already tented silk boxers into view.

The lion helped his son, pushing his pants down and kicking them off. And before the boy could get back to his work, Chris pulled him up into his lap, helping him to unbutton and pull off his own pants as well. With both of them down to their boxers, Riddick in his lap, and their pants on the floor, he smirked at the boy, "You didn't think I was just going to have you do everything, did you?"

"Heh...I kinda' did...yeah..." Riddick leaned forward and kissed him on the lips, "...daddy."

Chris leaned away, with squinted eyes and a quizzical smile, "Daddy?"

"Yeah..." The panthion's head sunk as he blushed under his fur, "...why? Is it too weird?"

Chris shrugged, "Do you like it?"

"Do you?" Riddick squinted his eyes and smiled just like his father had.

The lion looked at the ceiling, feigning innocence, "Maybe a little..."

"Are you sure..." Riddick smiled his father's toothy grin, "...daddy?"

Chris looked back down, returning the smile, "Whatever makes my boy happy."

" can I make my daddy happy, too?" The panthion punctuated with yet another kiss, but firmer and more desperate.

Chris showed no hesitation moving in as well, and kissed his son back deeply, as his paw again rubbed through the boy's black stomach fur.

Riddick whimpered slightly into the kiss and reached down into his father's lap, barely touching the tip of his bulge, and then hesitating before beginning to softly grip and stroke it.

The lion broke the kiss and moaned softly, letting his hand trail down under his son's waist band and grasping his cock, "Well...I guess size runs in the family."

"Heh...yeah..." Riddick gripped his father's tent harder, "I'd say so."

Chris chuckled and leaned forward, nipping lightly at the nape of his son's neck as he moved his paw down to rub just behind his sack.

"Mmm..." The panthion sat up on his knees, legs spread to give his father more room to rub...

...but Chris turned them just as quickly, and laid his son down on his back on the couch. On all fours above the boy, he stared down into his face, breathing heavily as they rubbed each other's erections.

"Dad..." Riddick put his paw down into his father's boxers finally, gripping his hard, wet, barbed member.

The lion moaned and pushed against his son's hand, "Y-yeah?"

"How far...are you going?" Riddick softly kissed his father's neck.

Chris kissed his son's lips and his chin, "Only as far as you want." He breathed down over his boy, the younger cat feeling his immense warmth bearing down on him.

"...all...all the way." The panthion kissed his father back, on his chin and then his lips, "What's the fun of being with a guy your size...if I don't let him dominate me?"

Chris smiled and kissed his son's neck again, then tugged off his boxers, "If that's what you want, Riddick." He ran a paw over his son's dick, rubbing and playing with each barb on its head.

Riddick whimpered as his father teased his barbs, "It is...oh God, it is..." He kissed his father again, plunging his tongue deep, and rubbed the elder cat's cock as firmly as he could.

The lion pulled off his own boxers and pressed his barbed cock against his son's, but then froze, looking his boy in the face with a sudden lustful smile, "Have you ever heard of docking, Riddick?"

Riddick smiled cautiously, his own paw's kneading slowing down, "Yeah..."

"Have you done it before?"

"No." The panthion shook his head, his fingers idly playing with his father's barbs, "Kevin and I did a lot of stuff, but we never got around to that."

Chris purred for a moment at the teasing, but then stopped and went wide eyed, "Did you say Kevin?" He smiled his big, toothy grin, "Kevin's...the red panda you mentioned earlier!"

"Y-yeah..." Riddick smiled guiltily, admitting something he hadn't intended.

"Well isn't that interesting?" The lion couldn't hold back his amusement.

"Nothing compared to this." Riddick gripped his father's rod tightly.

Chris grunted, "True." He let the subject go for now, "So wanna' try it?"

"Ah..." The panthion looked a little worried, "A-are cat's sheaths big enough for that?"

"Do you want to find out?" Chris nuzzled his son's nose, "If not, we could just...skip that part..."

"No! I mean, yes! I mean..." Riddick flashed a wide embarrassed smile at his sudden excitement, "I do. Let's...let's find out!"

The lion wasted no time. He stood and turned to reposition himself: climbing back onto the couch and straddling his son's stomach.

Riddick just tried to restrain his nervous fidgeting as he watched his father position himself. The elder cat's back was facing him, his tail was in Riddick's face, and the teenager could feel his father's balls resting low on his stomach. His view of any action, though, was obscured.

"Ready?" Chris looked back over his shoulder with a smile.

Before the panthion could answer he felt his father's paw encircle his cock, again. Biting his lip, he just nodded.

Carefully, Chris positioned their rods, laying the underside of his on top of the upturned underside of his son's. Both shivered as their barbs raked each other while Chris delicately maneuvered himself, sliding his cock down the length of his son's.

Riddick moaned aloud. He wanted to reach down and help -- to make sure his dick was angled right for this -- but he didn't even try. With his father in his way, he couldn't reach without complicating things, and so he just gripped the couch, laying back to enjoy the torturously slow sensation.

Deliberately, determinedly slowly, the lion began to work their tips into each other's sheaths...using his fingers to help open them for ease of passage, and feeling his son twitch under him as he did. Chris was longer, so he was the first in...

Riddick winced, half in pain, half pleasure as his father's barbed tip spread his sheath wide and raked its insides. Above him, his father shook and purred. Riddick's bit of pain, though, soon washed away, as his own tip penetrated his father's sheath.

Both cats gasped breathlessly as they twitched inside of one another.

After a moment of adjusting to the feeling, Chris growled and rocked his hips forward, nearly letting out a roar as their cocks grinded against each other, invading the tight foreign sheaths.

The panthion finally couldn't stand it anymore, and became actively involved. Opening his eyes he looked down at his father's ass, tail involuntarily risen. For a second, he wondered just how gay the lion was, and if he'd ever truly raised tail. He drove the thought aside for another time, though, gripping his father's ass and pushing as he raised his own hips, forcing them together.

Chris let out a deep, low groan and a sigh as he and his son hilted themselves. Riddick was right: there wasn't much length to their sheaths for this. They were both as deep as they could go, and a good bit of their cocks were still exposed. But they'd still made it work.

Beneath him, Riddick panted between breathless moans before finally managing to speak, " we thrust, right?"

The lion nodded without looking back, "That's...the plan."

Riddick decided to try and take over, "Pull back on three...?" With a breath, he began, "One...two..."

"Three!" Chris pulled back at the same time as his son, and then thrust back in, finding an immediate rhythm. Both cats whined both at the sensation of their own cock-heads being compressed and massaged, and of the inside of their sheaths being assaulted by each other's flaring barbs.

The panthion let out a long and shaking breath as he sat up more and they both continued the, so far, slow rhythm...pulling back and pushing in together, and their hips hitting one another's amidst a sea of moans.

This continued for a few long minutes of rising moans and steadily accelerated thrusts, but soon, Chris stopped without warning. Tensed, the lion pushed himself away from his son, and pulled out slowly, their barbs raking against each other as he went.

"Ah...ah...aow...." Riddick breathed heavily beneath him and looked at his father's ass and back, confused, "Why..." He struggled to speak, "Why did you stop?

The lion stood again, shakily maneuvering himself around so he was back on top of his son, looking into his face, "How far did you want to go, again?" He rubbed his boy's sheath and sack slowly, with a growing lusty smirk on his muzzle.

Riddick had really wanted them to finish in each other's sheaths, never having felt anything like that before, but he didn't speak a word of protest. The fun of being that the dom gets their way! He returned his father's leering smirk, "Take me, daddy."

Chris purred deep and kissed his son, "Have you ever been fucked before?"

The panthion started to nod, but then shook his head, instead, "Not by anyone your size."

Chris smiled and kissed his son's neck as he gripped the younger cat's thighs. Roughly, he moved Riddick's legs over his shoulders and placed his tip to the his boy's waiting hole, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, daddy..." Riddick smiled as he looked up into his father's eyes, "I'm ready."

The lion kissed his son deeply again, and pushed in, holding the kiss firmly as his tip pushed into the boy's passage.

Beneath him, Riddick gasped at the sudden intrusion, but sat anxiously still at what would come next. Just shy of the tip, he could feel barbs of his father's cockhead pressing against his hole, waiting to force their way in. Riddick could only moan and brace himself...they were going to hurt.

Chris gave his son a moment to adjust, and then thrust forward, a good half of his eight inches spreading him wide.

"Aa-ah-ahhh..." The panthion gripped his father with one arm, and the couch with his other paw, tensing as the barbs first entered him. But just as quickly, he forgot them as half of the elder cat's impressive girth was suddenly filling him.

Hearing no complaints, Chris pressed down, his hard abs grinding against his son's cock as he buried his last few inches inside the quivering hole. Had he conscious thought left, now would be the point when he would muse on how unbelievable it was that he was balls deep in his own son.

As his father hilted himself, Riddick breathed heavily and sporadically clenched down on the elder cat...a slow pulse. As they sat there, silent and still, he tentatively made his only request of his father. "They...they sting enough on the inside. Don't pull the barbs back out as you go...okay?"

The lion nodded, licking and softly chewing his son's neck, but offered no verbal response. He pulled out, stopping just before he reached the barbs, and then thrust back in, letting out a deep groan as his abs grinded against his son's cock.

Riddick moaned even louder than his father, whimpering and mewling as the elder cat's barbs raked across his insides, and his hard, but soft-furred, abs ground against his dripping dick, "F...fuck me, daddy...hard..." He grabbed his father's face forcefully and kissed him on the lips.

Chris pounded into his son, alternating between deep kisses, quick pecks, and firm but gentle biting. He moved his paw under the small of his boy's back and lifted him, forcing his cock even harder against his stomach.

"I can't believe...we're doing this..." The panthion wrapped his arms around his father, and rocked his body in time with the thrusts, milking the elder cat's cock with his hole. "I...I love you dad...this is unbelievable..."

"Ngh!" Chris thrust in even harder, pounding his son's willing tail hole, "I love you...too..." As he finally spoke, his thrusts grew faster and shorter, and he held his boy even closer...feeling his orgasm drawing near.

Riddick grunted and tried, but failed, to take a deep breath before he roared out, covering both their stomachs in his thick seed, "Oh god! Daddy..."

Chris thrust in to the suddenly pulsating hole, hilting himself, and then roared out as well, fangs bared as he sprayed his load deep inside of his own son.

The panthion gripped onto his father, holding tight and trying to catch his breath as his insides were lit on fire...but to little avail.

Chris panted as he held his son close, stomachs pasted together by the younger cat's cum, "Fuck...R-Riddick...that...was unbelievable..."

"That's...that's what...I said..."

The lion managed a breathless, pathetic laugh and softly kissed his son, "So...what now...?" His cock still buried in his boy, he licked his forehead yet again.

"Movie?" Riddick licked back.

"Maybe..." Chris raised an eyebrow, "Maybe...we should shower first?"


There we go! The soap opera, Forbidden, continues!!

* Starring: F. R. Borealis as Riddick Dumar Eden Cecil B. North as Christopher Phillip Eden *

Cecil was a writer here as well, back in the Yiffstar days. If you want to check out the stuff he wrote back then, go ahead and look him up. His username on here is: Cecil_88

Hope you enjoyed this little diversion! Again, this didn't ACTUALLY happen in the story. It's just a fun little "What If" fantasy about Chris and Riddick. I thought it might be fun for you guys to read! See you in a little while when we get back to the real story, and the trials and tribulations of the soap operetic lives of the Forbidden cast!

Side Note: It may seem a little weird that I didn't post this after I posted the REAL chapter 6. But since Chris reacts SO MUCH DIFFERENTLY to his son's sexuality in this, I wanted to close out that arc first in the real story before posting it.

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at]

See you for the next 29 chapters of Forbidden! ^_^

The Cameron Hotel Chapter 10

Day before last, Riddick saw his mother for what he could only hope would be the last time...and today he saw the ocean for the first. The last two nights, he'd laid himself to sleep in Matt Cameron's guest room...and at this moment, he was...

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The Cameron Hotel Chapter 9

The Cameron Hotel Chapter 9 -- An Easy Process A full night of sleep, and a full day of work after Chris & Riddick's uncomfortable moment of truth...the front door of the Cameron Estate swung open, as its owner, Matt Cameron, burst into the entry...

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The Cameron Hotel Chapter 8

The Cameron Hotel Chapter 8 -- Secrets and Lies Chris sat silent at the dining room table of the Cameron Estate. Across the table, Riddick had his paws over his crotch defensively. He wasn't aroused, but uncomfortable as he breathed deep and...

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