The Night We Shared, Ivalice Romance One

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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#1 of Ivalice Romance

I could have claimed the night we shared together was a mistake, that is was the fault of to many spirits and too little self control, but as small whisper in the back of my ear told me I was not going to. He was just starting to stir in his sleep as I carefully drew the rented room's curtain up part of the way, allowing morning sunlight to spill on to the warped wooden floor that appeared like it hadn't been swept properly in a good while. The extra light must have given him the additional annoyance that is was time to wake from his drink and sex aided slumber. With an overly noisy yawn, I watched him rouse through the drifting motes of dust.

"Good Morning." I said just as loudly as he yawned.

"Gouhmu." Was the best greeting I could make out as he tired to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"Rough night?" I figured he would miss my not so innocent teasing.

"I should assk you the ssame." He caught me. I chuckled softly and strode on quiet tiptoes back to the bed and his side. He finished rubbing his eyes and leaned his head back on the now questionably clean inn pillows and gave me a gentle smile, it was familiar coming from his jagged, scaly lips.

"How did you sleep?" he asked first.

"Quite well, you?" I said, slipping underneath the blanket with him, he tended to be quite warm due to his unsurprisingly fast metabolism.

"You kept kicking me." He said, not an air of anger or displeasure in his low, beast-like voice, more like he was amused if anything.

"I'm sorry." It felt right to apologize anyway.

"Don't be, didn't sssay is wassn't worth it." He still hissed some of his words, I thought the vocal tick made him sound interesting. He pleasantly surprised me by turning on his side and pulling me closer to him with a single strong arm wrapped around my waist, until we were nose to snout.

"Last night wass ssure something wassn't it?"

I just nodded in agreement, enjoying the feeling of his much rougher, battle calloused hand rubbing across the small of my back, the blunt claws at the end of each of his fingers leaving five shallow grooves in my short, deep brown fur as they trailed sideways to my hip. I'm sure he could tell my mind had traveled back a few hours, to when we both stumbled into the room we are in now, our inhibitions lowered considerably.

"Stephie?" The sound of him speaking my name made me realize my eyes were closed.


"Are you sstill tired? You can go back to sleep if you want." He looked concerned, I just smiled to let him know I was okay. He smiled back then swung himself out of bed with a heavy sigh.

"I'm going to give you a little while longer. I'll be in the ssshower." He said softly, thinking I was just going to doze off with out him. I lunged at his back with the agility and grace my kind was gifted with, though I happened to forget that his kind were built strong and sturdy, and with his training and soild build, it felt like I just slammed into a the side of a fortress then my reptilian lover. I tried to contain my slight grunt of discomfort as a let my lithe hands roam freely across his bare chest, feeling the smooth natural amour that tightly covered his strapping structure, the attractive result of his earlier years of work at Sprohm prison. To turned his head to me and gave me another familiar smile, his sharp teeth exposed and his bright eyes narrowed.

"Hurt yourssself?" He asked, knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from me.

"Not one bit." I countered straight faced even though I wanted to laugh and pull him back into my comfortable lap. I settled for resting my chin on top of his head and fondled the sliver studs and cuffs that decorated his four ear flaps, I teased him about being shorter then me by doing just that.

"So I take it you want to bathe with me then?"

"You are smarter then you look." I said sarcastically. It made me a little nervous when he stood up with out a word, leaving me on the bed, his tattooed back to me. Had I gone too far in making a joke about his intelligence? It wouldn't be the first time I had done it in jest and he took offence. I waited a few moments for him to respond, staring at his nude backside, his thick tail didn't wave side to side like it normally did.

"Did you see were I put the ewer?" I sighed in relief when he just asked were his item was.

"You left it with Ostor for this exact situation." I laughed softly and he turned toward me. There he was as naked as the day he was born, save for the extra loops metal he carried in various places. Needless to say, my laughter trailed off, I just examined him like I would an unsuspecting target. The charcoal black colored scales that faded into an ivory white around his broad chest and rippled stomach gave him a visual soft spot, the slight feral hunch he walked with that gave him an odd but a none the less prideful stance, the few tiny scars and marks from past engagements made him appear skilled and mature but his face always carried a youthful smile that made him look closer to a child. Yes, he was the best example of the Bangaa race I have ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on.

"Rockwell?" I asked, I knew my more serious tone must have put him on edge because the tip of his tail tapped the dusty floor in an quick, airy rhythm.


"Last night, it wasn't just an accident right?" I threatened to ruin the mood.

"No, I didn't think so." He said flatly, his head was tilted to the side, I could feel him searching me like I did to him. I rested back on my heels, my fur bristled as his gold eyes swept over my person. Vanity is unbecoming, but as a Viera, we are known for the unique features that give us our natural beauty. Our bodies are long and sinuous, perfect for effectively traveling though the sacred wood. My hair was snow white, a blessing to the Viera, and extended to the middle of my back, Rockwell had mentioned he liked it that length in the past so I kept it that way.

" think it was?"

I shook my head, my long ears laid back. "No. Not at all, I didn't mean to dou-"

"Ssshhh. I understand what you meant, now come on." He offered me his hand and I took it. I yelped as he pulled me up into his arms quite roughly, his hugs were always this way. Before I had the chance to return it, he slung me over his strong shoulder as lightly as he could and made his way to the bathroom, I watched his tail wave back and forth as we passed our long forgotten clothes. The bathroom was small but kept much cleaner then the actual room itself. He set me on the cool, stone counter much gentler then he had picked me up to turn the shower faucet on.

"You don't like it too hot right?" He asked with out turning his head.

"I don't mind, what ever you're comfortable with is fine." He adjusted the water.

He turned back to me, a short grin on his long face before he held out his hand again and like always I took it. I stepped off the counter with more poise then was truly necessary as I took the lead, and him, into the shower. I could already tell what he had on his mind his oddly silky hands already took to my hips, rubbing down my sides carefully. He took a step forward, pushing us both under the warm cascade, then rested his chin on my shoulder, I couldn't see him but I could feel him smiling. I let out a short gasp when his hands roamed up to my chest, his finger tips delicately brushing across my sensitive nipples.

"Know how to pressss your buttonsss, don't I?" He hissed, teasing me once more.

"And I know you to press yours." I whispered over the sound of the water hitting the tile floor, pressing my rear into him. I could already feel his internal sheath start to swell.

"Wanna ssskip foreplay?" He was just as eager as I was. I just pushed back into him again, much firmer this time. I could feel him shudder, the tapered tip of his bangaahood rubbed hotly against my inner thigh. Even though the running water, I felt the slick sensation of his thin precum matting down the short fur in my most in intimate areas. He emitted a gentle rumbling growl, one that made my toes curl and my breath short and my knees weak. He was right, he did know how to press my buttons. As I slowly gave myself up to his tender ministrations of his strong, groping and massaging hands, I noticed his member growing longer and thicker, sliding between my legs. We had never had intercourse stranding, even him resting his chin on my shoulder required him to be on tip toes, I knew even someone as resilient as he was wouldn't be able to keep it up for long. He must have been thinking the same when I felt him pull away and press my back against the uncomfortably cold tile wall, grasping under my thighs and taking me off my feet hastily but gently enough so that he wouldn't bruise me. It seems he had no qualms about skipping foreplay, the sensation of him sliding his tapered head past my tender layers of smooth flesh was still a fairly new experience to me, one that I hope I never get truly comfortable with. I groan, loudly, I quickly my arms wrap around his neck as a shudder around his invading shaft. A female Viera was never meant to mate with a male Bangaa, simply put, things can become very snug.

"Uuugh...S-slowly." I whisper breathily in his ear. I feel him nod and slow his penetration.

I willed myself to look down between us, his sizeable violet colored member wasn't even close to being half way inside me, the sight only caused me to tremble in anticipation. He slid me downward on to him at a much slower pace but more of his bangaahood working its way inside me. I couldn't feel the water splashing against our coupled forms anymore but I still heard it, his entering shaft was over simulating my sense of touch to the point were I could only feel him, his shallow breathing against my neck, his strong hands supporting me, his body pressed alongside mine. As he pushed inside me his taper began to thicken, pressing against all the sides of my now moist, delicate femaleness, forcing me to adjust around him. Even though the misty air dampened my acute nose, with us this close, I could still smell the light musk of his arousal. I inhaled him deeply, trying to relax myself but none the less emitting soft groans and whine of pleasure.

"All in." His voice was a controlled, sensual growl, he was going to louder then he was last night.

"Go slow." I groaned back.

He drew himself out of me and then back in once again, he wasn't going to be as gentle as last night either. I tightened my hold around his neck as he took me. It was a simple motion for keep up, pull back then thrust forward, but it left me a moaning, quivering mess in his arms. He groaned along with me, his cheek nuzzling mine as masculine groans of gratification spilled from those jagged lips. The soft thump of fur colliding with scale was the perfect punctuation for each of his thrusts. His repetition was divine, the rush of him filling me aided by our natural fluids left me tense, his thickness enough to press against all the sensitive sides of my passage, his sudden exit only made me relax and ache for him once more. I had lost track of time but I didn't care, his savage thrusting was more then enough to keep my mind only on him.


His breathing was shallow and his hands kneaded the back of my legs. Our lovemaking was coming to its gratifying end. His hips no long kept up the same, even rhythm, instead his thrusts were frenzied. I couldn't stop from clenching myself around him, my own peak was close behind his. I shuddered, my body wracked in the pleasure he selflessly provided. Rockwell spasmed hard, tossing his head back and rocking his hips flush with mine, hilted deep as he let our a rumbling roar, so loud I involuntarily flicked my ears away from him. I could feel his tip swell and flood me in thick, power jets of his seed. I bit down on his thickly scaled shoulder to suppress my own orgasmic cries as a potent bolt of satisfaction ran up and down my body, showing no signs of ending anytime soon. I felt as if I would explode as the bangaa continued to empty himself deep within me, the pressure slowly building as the strong jets wavered. I fell completely limp in his arms, my orgasm leaving me weak and taxed as it finally came to an end, his own just now ending a few seconds after mine. The sensation of the water raining down on us came back, a warm blanket of mist calming us as we basked in our afterglow. With a small backwards motion, he slide out of me, his member still throbbing with blood but now covered in his slick, white seed. He held me for a while, as we caught our breath together, his chest heaving long after I regained mine.

"Sssso, what should we do now?" He said, his normal tone returning as he let my legs go.

"We should get dressed and head down to the caravan." I responded, stumbling a little before I took a moment to clean myself from last night and just now.

"Okay, then what are we going to do?" I didn't have to look at him to know he was smiling.

"Well, we could stay here, talk until lunch then claim we slept in?" I offered, stepping out of the shower, he followed after cleaning himself.

"I would like that, a lot."

"I would too." I said distractedly, I was in the middle of drying my hair.

"I love you, you know that right?" I looked back at him in surprise, his was drying off as well but a warm smile was stretched across his long muzzle. I wasn't sure if I could return the sentiment.

"You don't have to sssay anything, I just wanted you to know." He said, looking up at me this time. I didn't say anything, just smiled back.