Super hero to the rescue

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#3 of A boy's quest for lust

Part two of my last story

I neither condone nor endorse any actions with in this story, it is a work of fiction and should be treated as such. If done in real life actions depicted in this story can land people in serious legal trouble, so please don't do it. That being said this story had been written from request by a friend about something that happened in his young life and is not wholly my own idea.

This story depicts sexual relations with a minor, masturbation in a public place and trespassing. As these are the main theme in the story if you're unable to view pornographic material in your state or province please stop reading now.

This is a work of Ben B. and he can be contacted at [email protected] if you wish to comment or suggest ideas for more stories.

Author notes: Not much to say beside enjoy and I look to see how people enjoy

Tags: M/b

A boy's quest for lust : super hero to the rescue

My bed felt too comfortable when my mother called for me to get out of bed the next morning. Her voice was a harsh high pitched grating sound that called my name and jarred me awake better than any alarm clock. "I'm up I'm up" I groaned but she didn't seem to hear, because she was quickly started banging on my door. "I'm up mom" I repeated as I crawled out of bed and on the third she stopped pounding on the door to tell me to come have breakfast.

After slipping in my room again after last night's fun I hadn't taken of my clothes so that was the first thing I did after my rude awakening. I put on a pair of pajama bottoms that had Danger Roo on them and the shirt that matched. The pajamas felt good against my naked body after wearing my jeans and t shirt all last night so I didn't bother with underwear, so I could feel the soft cloth wrapping around my body without the extra layer added.

I expected to smell bacon cooking or some kind of breakfast food but got nothing of the sort when I walked out of my room towards the kitchen. Unlike the rest of the apartment the kitchen had tiles that got cold in the morning and I regretted my decisions for no socks walking across them to pull out a chair at the table.

Waiting for me on the kitchen table was a box of cereal, milk, a bowl and a spoon. Which wasn't half bad considering it was my favorite cereal . "Glad to see you're awake honey." Mom said coming past me as I was pouring my ceral. She came by and gave me a kiss on the cheek while she put on her ear rings. "Couldn't make you a good breakfast but there is cereal and your father will be home late tonight" she said in a rush of as she headed towards the door. She was dressed in a black dress and shirt and had put make up on to make her pretty.

"Ok mom" I said as I sat down in the chair and scooted it forward. She gave me a smile and headed out without another word. A lot of people, including my dad, say I look like my mom being a bit pudgy and having the same dark brown fur color with white spots, but I never saw it myself. But then again I much have rather looked like my mother then my father who always wore a scowl and had ash grey fur. So I guess they were complementing that I didn't turn out to look like my dad.

It was a weekend and I had the house to myself with my mother going out and my father coming home late, so instead of eating at the table I brought the cereal into the living room and sat down on the floor with it. Having grabbed the remote from off the couch on the way down I turned the TV on and flipped it to some cartoons before I started to eat my cereal. I almost dropped a spoon full of cereal in my lap when a commercial ended and the theme song for Danger Roo came on.

For the next hour I watched Danger Roo battle villains like The Claw or Menace Martha and her brood of evil cockatrice. I would have kept watching when the power went out, leaving me with a bowl of soggy cereal I had stopped eating halfway through the first episode and a sour look since the show was cut off just as a fight scene between Danger roo and a brood o cockatrice got into a fight. I did try a number of times to turn the tv back on it didn't do anything.

Instead of waiting in front of the tv for the power to come back on so I could watch it I got up and cleaned my bowl in the sink. I had finished cleaning my bowl and was pulling out a chair to get on top of the fridge to put the cereal away when someone started to knock on the door. "One minute" I shouted as I stood up on the chair with my toe tips to put the cereal away.

With the cereal away I slid down the chair and headed towards the door. The knocking had stopped by the time I got to the door. "Who is it?" I said as I reached for the door knob to open the door.

"Handy man, I'm here to check out the power loss" The person on the other side of the door said and before I even opened the door I knew who it was. The ram from last night stood in front of me with a big smile on his face . He was still wearing the same jump suit from last time or so it seemed that way.

"Hi there Billy, mind if I can come in to the house to check it out?" He said and bent down to look me in the eyes. A wave of nervousness washed over me and made my mouth dry so all I could do was nod my head and step back so he could come inside the house. My parents would have killed me if I knew I let the ram in the house but I was so excited to see him again, and not the way kids get happy to see family members.

"Guessing the power is out?" The ram said as he looked around and saw no lights on. I simply nodded and happened to spy a name tag. It said his name was Lucas and had a stylized clover to the left of the name along with a little saying of "let me put my Irish in you." The saying made me chuckle and he turned to smile at me as he rubbed my head affectionately. "Sorry little piglet can't stay long, work and such but if you like to I have something very special we can do." He said after messing up my hair.

"What" I said with a smile on my face that broke my nervous mood.

He leaned down and spoke very quietly as if it was a secret for us only "Well I want you to put your cock through your window blinds tonight at midnight ok?" The nervousness started to come back with his request but he kept talking "I'll be there and we can have a bit of fun." His hand went down to rub my cock through my pajamas as to accent his point and my breath caught. "I want you to pull back your foreskin too ok boy." He added as he ran his thumb over my cock head one last time before standing up.

Seeing how easily I reacted to what he was doing he gave me a chuckle before standing up to leave. "See you tonight boy." He said as before he closed the apartment door behind him. My feelings were mixed on what he asked but one thing was for sure, I was going to be staying up late tonight.

The rest of the day was spent in a state of constant frustration. I couldn't get my cock to go down and I didn't want to spoil what Lucas had planned by masturbating. So I tried to distracted myself by watching tv when the power came back on, which was a marginable success until my father got home and demand to watch his shows. After he did that I went into my room and tried to keep my hand off my cock while reading a book. Luckily mom was home soon after to cook dinner so I had an even better distraction. And after that there wasn't much else to do as there was only my showering and bed left. I actually managed to set my Danger roo alarm clock before I went to sleep to wake me up in time.

Doing its job the clock did wake me up in time to the Danger roo theme song, which was the way someone should be woken up. After crawling across my bed to turn it off I waited a minute or two to see if anyone was awaken by the alarm beside me. When I didn't hear any noise indicate my mom or dad was awake I started to undress.

I was more than a little nervous to do this for the ram, what if I was caught doing this? My parents would be very mad, but at the same time I was excited by the prospect of playing with the big ram again.

I opened up the window before reaching out to pull apart a section of the blinds enough so I could get my cock through without hitting it. For my efforts to do so I was greeted with a stiff wind across my member once it got through.

The night was cold so a shiver went up my body and a gasp came from my mouth as the chilling wind made my length pulse. Scrunching my eyes shut I clapped my hands over my mouth to block the sounds of pleasure that came from it. My cock had been bobbing up and down in the wind for maybe a minute or two before I remember what Lucas had asked. Pulling a hand from my mouth I reached through the window and pulled back my foreskin so my sensitive glands were exposed. It was as if the wind was cranked up notch and I had to quickly clap a hand around my mouth to stop from alerting someone with my moans.

I longed to reach out and stroke a hand over my cock to give it some relief. As if a genie had heard my thoughts my cock was grasped in a familiar hand while a thumb stroked the underside of my head. The hand felt good because it gave my cock both the warm soft comfort the wind had taken away but also the teasing I so long for. Something close to a cats purr but deeper came from outside my window as the hand started to pump up and down my cock.

I opened my eyes to see the outline of Lucas and my heart beat speed up knowing it was his hand. The fact I had it had to be him since he was the one who told me to do this didn't sour the fact at all. "Hmm what is this little cub doing?" Lucas asked as he crouched down low, his feet crunching in the grass underneath my window. I was wondering how to answer that and why I didn't hear him walk up to my window when he blew on my cock head and introduced a conflicting warm air to the cold air that made the cold seem even worse when it came back.

My hips shook and my hand clapped tightly around a big moan when the cold greeted my cock again, this time in a greater degree. It felt like an ice pack had been pressed to my cock but in a good way. Lucas made a questioning sound and rubbed a thumb over my cock head, right over my piss slit. The texture of his rough yet yielding flesh made my cock jump and my hips thrust. "You told me too sir." I said quickly before clapping my hands back over my mouth to block a moan. My words were quick and full of need.

The chuckle the fallowed my response sent a shiver up my back and my knees weak under me. God I hadn't notice how much I liked the way he laughed. "That I did" he said and pinched my foreskin lightly between his thumb and finger. The moan that came from him doing that escaped my hands in a small whisper but was nothing compared to the shuddering one that got past next. Leaning in close his lips touched my cock and felt like fire itself compared to the cold air. I was so close to coming from that and so he did it again and again. Each time he would turn his head to deliver a pillowy soft kiss to my cock head from a different angle that made me moan out.

After a while I had stopped holding my sounds of pleasure back and just hung onto the wall next to my window to stay standing on my bed. My orgasm was so close I could feel it working through my body and all I needed a little bit more, but that's when he stopped and stood up. His fingers becoming a lingering touch and his lips disappearing all together. The cold air was quick to calm me down enough to stop my knees from shaking.

"This was so fun boy I wish I could have a boy like you around more often" he said while dragging a thumb under my cock in time with the three he drug over the top.

"You can, you can." I gasped out, my words pleading with him. I wanted this so much, more than anything before.

"Can I?" he said and even though I couldn't see him I though he must be quirking an eyebrow. I shook my head yes until I remembered he couldn't see me and blurted it out. "Hmm and how could I do that?" he asked and I was ready to tell him I could live with him when he said it himself. "You liked that Idea don't you" he asked as he squeezed my cock hard enough to make it jump. I said a quick yes while thrust into his hand.

Like a cruel torture the hand was removed again and I gasped out, but quickly the blinds were pulled up from the outside and I saw lucas. He was wearing jeans and a white tee shirt and gave me the big smile that showed the hint of pearly white teeth.

"Well come with me pup, I'm sure we two can have lots of fun." He offered a hand and I took it. He scooped me up and pulled me out of my bed room, his hand on my ass. A small whimper escaped my lips as I was saddled up against the big ram's chest.

"Now don't worry boy." He informed me as he reached over me and closed my window from the outside. Not worry, I needed to come, but the feeling of him so close was almost as good as the teasing. So pressed even close and he hugged me even tighter. "Well play when we get home I promise but for now why don't you sleep." He said as he walked us to the car. I was nodding in answer when he opened up the door and put me in the passenger seat of his car.

I didn't notice I was still naked until I felt the texture of the seat against my ass. "I'm cold" I told him and wrapped my arms around me, I wasn't too cold but it was still night and I needed warmth. He gave another chuckle and reached back into his back seat to pull out a big blanket. Tossing it over me he pat my back. After wrapping myself up in the blanket I went to playing with my cock, which was quickly stopped by Lucas's hand swatting mine away.

"Stop that boy." He said but kept his hand on my cock and started to stroke it slowly. It wasn't like his teasing, I could feel myself getting closer and needing to come but not like I did when he was doing it through the blinds. With one hand on my cock and the other hand on the wheel he started to pull out of the parking lot.

With the feeling of my cock being played with, a warm blanket and the rocking of the car I was quickly off to sleep, Lucas's hand as my teddy bear.

The cub and The stone

I neither condone nor endorse any actions with in this story, it is a work of fiction and should be treated as such. If done in real life actions depicted in this story can land people in serious legal trouble, so please don't do it. That being said...

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