Helping Daughter Lay

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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What better way for a father dragon to help his daughter out, then being with her when it's time to lay her eggs? Of course, dragons being dragons....

Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

"Daddy..." A soft young voice chirped from somewhere deep in the cave. "Daddy? Are you awake?"

Sandalf shifted on his bed of soft pillows and curled his long dark tail around himself a bit more firmly as he tried to figure out how to answer that question. The heat of summer beat down unmercilessly outside and made it almost impossible to think about crawling out of the cool interior of his bed cave. This deep in the mountain the heat couldn't reach them and it was always at a constant temperature that was perfect for sleeping the day away in. That had been his design when he had first carved the mountain out and started to make it livable. He enjoyed the constant mild temperature and the darkness that let him sleep no matter what time it was.

He had intended to sleep until well into the night and step out of his cave once the worst of the days heat had left, but the soft chirping voice roused him slowly. Despite his annoyance at being awakened his muzzle curled up in a slight smile as he heard the clack of talons just outside of the cave opening. He deliberately shifted his head down so that the fringe of orange fur along his jaw line settled more comfortably against his side. His body was curled into a circle and one of his wings spread so he could hide his head beneath it comfortably. He opened one sapphire eye to look out beyond the fringe of flame bright primary feathers to see the shadow of his daughter hovering at the opening of his cave.

"I know you're awake!" Tryss chirped out and this time it came with an annoyed growl that he found endearing.

He continued to pretend to sleep for several moments more, he didn't particularly want to be awake during the heat of the day, but also because he could see her shifting impatiently in the entrance to the cave. Her wings fluttered against her side and her claws clicked lightly beneath her.

The drake made a show of shaking his wings and rousing up the flame bright points of his mane before lifting his wing up and giving a slow stretch. His preferred cave was just big enough to admit him and not much else. He liked the way that it made him feel secure to be pressed against the walls of the cave and the thick spill of silk and pillows made it decadently enjoyable. He didn't bother to greet his daughter, despite feeling her fuming near by. He made a show of arching his back and twisting his length to stretch out the muscles he'd had compacted with sleep. His long tongue spilled out of his jaws as he yawned and gave himself a shake from nose to tail tip. His claws scraped against the ground and he pushed himself to all fours with a rumble.

"It's an ungodly time to be awake." He finally drawled out and darted his head down to scruff his daughter.

Tryss was no longer the tiny hatchling he had raised, instead she was over half his size and still growing. Her pattern of bright red and purple made the fringe of her mane look like a sunset caught along the rise of her mane and feathering of her wings. The black only made the color brighter in the dim mage light of his cave and he thrummed in pleasure as he felt her squirm and twist as if trying to escape. It was an old game between them, but one that still stirred him to give a few playful twists of his head. The soft warm scent of her tickled his muzzle as he pulled her down against his side where he could possessively drape a wing right over the curve of her back and haunches and look her over.

Her mother had been a wild one. The spark and fire of her had nearly been his undoing, but he'd managed to take her and breed her. It had been a hot and near violent mating between them as he'd used her thoroughly and kept her trapped in her heat. She had luxuriated in his rough treatment as much as he had snarled his pleasure at the way she'd tighten and clutch around him with each stroke. They had been good days, but he hadn't the drive to keep her contained forever. The fact the amethyst and purple dragoness had laid a single egg and fled hadn't bothered him. He'd been perfectly content raising his daughter himself and she had the same spirit as that wild female.

Tryss pressed in against his side and he licked against the soft fur along her neck with a rumble that vibrated through her body. His daughter, his little one, the light of his eye and the reason he kept his territory safe and secure. She was growing so swiftly that he could barely keep up with her growth spurts, but that was the way of things. He was more concerned with the bulge of her belly and the swelling eggs therein then he was with her growing taller. The drake turned his head and ran his tongue in a hot line right along the swollen bulge of her belly. He could feel how tight the flesh had gotten as the eggs hardened and formed.

"I'm bored." Tryss sighed and pushed against his side. She shivered a bit when he flicked just beneath her belly.

"Are you now? Is that why I've heard your claw clicking all through the caverns?" Sandalf nosed a bit more firmly along the egg heavy female.

She'd come into heat just a few months ago. The memory of that week sent a shiver down his spine as he'd found her helplessly trying to satisfy her own urgings with her tongue. The sticky muzzled young dragoness writhing against the ground and thick with the scent of heat had been more then enough to rouse his passion. He had thoroughly and completely shown her how to end those cravings. He'd ridden her and she'd ridden him. A glorying of their relationship together on a new level as his thick heavy seed had erupted so deep inside of her several times each day. It was inevitable that she'd walk away with a clutch and he felt no remorse from it. No regret. Only a neck arching pride as he watched her struggle to get through narrow passages and her body began to adjust to impending mother hood.

The scent of her had changed from the intoxicating heat to something milder, but no less desirable to the male. He rested his head against her shoulder and gave it a light nip that sent a shiver running down her spine. His beautiful daughter. His treasure. Mother to the next generation. He could afford to humor her even if the day was hot outside and he'd far rather be sleeping. She always made it worth his while.

"I suppose we can go down to the lake side. You'll have to go there soon enough judging by your stomach." He gave her side a critical look. "I'll let you have a bit of a swim to relieve you of the weight and take a look for a place to lay."

"I'd like that, Daddy." Tryss dropped her head and looked flustered. The purple eyes focused on the ground in an endearing mixture of pride and embarrassment. He lifted his head a bit and flicked his ears up before nudging her to her paws.

"Come on, you'll get into the air better with the thermals rising." He purred and flicked his tongue to lick over the bridge of his muzzle.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tryss watched her father launch from their cave and crouched down lower to the cave floor. Her belly brushed against the ground as she tried to adjust her hind legs better before leaping up. She gasped as her wings cracked down and she had to struggle to get air borne. She had never had that problem before, but lately she was afraid she might not be able to fly at all soon. Her father circled over her as she labored higher and higher into the air. The eggs shifted in her stomach and made her squirm a bit before concentrating on her flight. The eggs had changed everything and left her with a mingled feeling of elation, embarrassment and even a bit of shame at what she'd done.

Her father had been so sure of himself when he had taken her. She had barely been able to think past the pounding of her heart and there he'd been to pull her beneath him and show her a better way to put out that fire. It had happened so fast that she hadn't even had a chance to protest or come up with any thoughts save that first one of being so terribly full. He had pushed her to pleasure and beyond, until she was full and dripping with something hot and slippery. She craved it. That one thought always came to the forefront of her thoughts as she considered her sire. She craved his touch, craved him to tease her and rouse her to fever pitch. She craved everything about him. It made her flush even as she struggled to get high enough for level flight.

Some part of her wondered if she should have done what they did, but every time she had found the strength to ask him, it was lost in a hot touch of his body against her own. He had taught her 'rules' and how she should behave a dragoness and she loved them all. She loved the feel of him when he bit the back of her neck and pinned her down, she loved being sprawled over his belly and told to push herself down on his length. She loved the thick feel of his cum flowing into her body and extinguishing the heat that threatened to drive her made. It wasn't something she could possibly turn away from and even when the heat had gone she still found herself squirming at the thought of his body slipping in against her own. She gave her head a short shake to clear it as the lake started to show from between the trees.

Her father slipped in beside her as they flew head long towards the lake and she turned her head to see his eager eyes on her. It made her heart beat pound faster and alternately feel like a hatchling that was doing something wrong and as she had when she was in heat. The feelings that curled inside of her mingled with the restlessness that had made her nearly ready to claw out of her scales today. She had tried so hard to keep herself concentrating on the tasks that normally distracted her, but they didn't work. She had paced and explored the cavern, she had watched Sandalf sleep, she had gone to skip stones in the small pool at the back of their home. Nothing had helped. She felt as if she were going to itch her way out of her fur!

Even thinking about the restlessness made it worse. She fluffed up her mane and beat her wings in an awkward landing as she made out the white sands that surrounded the lake. Her father had been telling her that he'd bring her down here soon. It was only in the hot sands that surrounded the lake that she could lay the eggs safely. They were heated by the underground lava that came from deep in the heart of the mountain. The warmth would bake the eggs and incubate them far better then she could manage by curling around them. He'd lectured her time and again about the importance of ensuring that they were warmed and laid properly so they'd hatch out.

The thoughts about the future were jarred as she realized the beach was coming up far too fast. She let out a muffled yelp and flared her wings open wide as she started to dive down towards the shore. She could see the white stand right beneath her and she had to beat her wings hard and fast to tuck her legs beneath her. She had been learning how to fly when her father had mated her, and now she was left scrambling and dealing with her egg heavy state along with her natural confusion about flying. She barely made it down to the fire hot sands before she stumbled to one side and a wing edge caught in the gritty stuff almost making her fall.

"You'll get better." Her father rumbled in amusement as his midnight black and fire colored form back winged down gracefully only a few feet away. He made it look so effortless.

"I hope so, Daddy." She flipped her wings upwards to shake the sand from her feathers before dropping down on her belly with a groan. "Ohhh it's so warm."

Her father gave her a look and picked up his feet before dropping a paw to scrape at the sand. The long claws scraped through the fine grained sand and pushed it to either side. It was more than just warm, it was hot, but she wanted it to be hot. Normally she would have been happy to lie in her cave and avoid the heat, but now the stifling waves that came up from the sands and the sun that caressed her back just felt right. She didn't even mind the fact that she couldn't draw in a proper breath because of the humidity. It was perfect.

The restlessness that had plagued her in the cavern seemed soothed as the heat baked into her scales and made her try to bury herself further into it. It resonated up all the way to her stomach which had started to ache from carrying the weight of her clutch. She lowered her head to make sure that her chin was stretched out and closed her eyes with a childish purr of delight. She felt safe and warmed here. She could feel the presence of her father close by as he seemed to be more intent on pulling up some of the darker sand from beneath the surface and examining it. She barely paid attention to the sound of him digging in the sands, not when she was basking and nearly stupefied with the warmth.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Sandalf watched his daughter with a bit of amusement as she snuggled down into the sand and didn't seem to care at all about the heat that was making him uncomfortable. He fluffed up his mane and set his ears back as he dug his toes into the sand. His talons scraped it out large piles of the white stuff as he felt the heat intensifying the deeper he went. It only took a few scooping pulls to get the top layer off and reveal the dark black under layer. The fine volcanic ash nearly burned his talons as he pushed some more stand away with the bridge of his muzzle. There was a reason this lake never froze over and was warm even in the heat of summer.

The mountain was the end of a volcanic chain that he'd found when he'd still been a young drake. The lake was placed over a nexus of lava channels that was so close to the surface that the heat radiated up towards the surface. It created the perfect landscape for a dragoness to lay eggs, but in summer it was almost unbearable. The fact his daughter seemed perfectly happy in the midst of the heat only let him know she was nearing her clutching time. She would become more and more attracted to the lake shore as she came closer to her time to lay her eggs. It would be the first clutch of many if he had anything to say about it. And he planned to have quite a lot to say about in the future.

He gave her a critical look and watched as she settled her swollen belly into the sands so that it mounded up to either side of her belly. Her eyes were lidded and almost glazed with pleasure as she started to doze which gave him a chance to enjoy the view of her sun kissed belly. His nostrils flared a little as he curled his tail and looked along the arch of her back and the shapely curve of her haunches. The fact she was pregnant didn't take away the hot desire he felt stir in his belly as he watched her stretch out and arch upwards to stretch her wings out. Once she laid her eggs it would be quite a while until he would be able to enjoy her lovely body. She'd be concerned over her clutch and then the little dragonets...

His tail twitched and sent up a small shower of sand behind him as he sank his talons deeper into the lava heated sands. His eyes narrowed as he lingered along the curve of her tail and a throaty rumble formed deep in his throat. The heat of the day seemed to slip away from him as he contemplated taking her here and now. It wasn't as if he could harm the eggs and it had been far too long since he'd experienced any sort of relief. The fact she was already bred only added a bit of spice to the idea as he stepped forward and moved a forepaw up to press down over her haunches. Tryss' head came up with a soft chirp as he squeezed with his toes and dipped his head down. The heavy sheath beneath him stirred and started to thicken a bit as he dipped his nose beneath her tail and gave a firm nip right at the base.

"Up with it, little one." His voice sounded husky to himself as he drew in the sweet female scent. It filled his muzzle and, though it wasn't the scent of her estrus, it made his shaft start to spill out from his sheath. His wings mantled and his breath caught in his throat. Oh how he wanted her!

"Yes, Daddy." Her voice was soft, so sweetly innocent with an edge of eagerness that his lower belly tightened. The thick blunt glans spilled out and hung heavy beneath him as her tail raised upwards to bare herself to him.

His hot tongue flickered out to trace right along the softness of her loins. He trailed the tip along the forbidden tightness of her pucker and trailed down to drag over the exposed folds. Tryss' hips shifted and pushed up as she let out a startled noise and tensed up. He drew in the scent of her from flared nostrils as his tongue tip traced her plush folds lightly and fluttered over them. His tongue danced and pushed along them until he felt them starting to spread open just enough that he could penetrate her heat. The tight passage clutched around the arch of his tongue as he slithered it into her and gave her a caressing stroke.

The heavy equine like cock beneath his belly started to fill out as the runes peeked out of the folds that normally hid them. His tip was so heavy that it led the length downwards as the sheath was emptied and his desire was wrapped up with the wicked thought of taking his daughter while fat with his eggs. The cock that had made her plunging in deep and nearly pushing against the next generation as it was. He flicked his ears back down against his head and pushed his muzzle up tight against the glistening outer lips until he could taste the sweet honey flowing over his tongue for him to scoop up with the tip of his tongue. His lovely little girl, his beautiful daughter.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tryss pushed her hips up and dug her toes into the soft sand as she felt her father's tongue tracing her folds and tried to hold still. The paw on her haunches dug down until she could feel the tips of his talons pinching her. She knew the rules, she knew how to behave with him and it still sent a flutter of anticipation through her. His tongue was hot and slippery as it pushed upwards and suddenly speared into her body. It plunged into the heat of her channel until she felt her walls clamping down around it. The hot puffs of his breath tickled along the vulnerable scales of her belly while she pushed backwards against him. She kept her head lowered against the sand and could feel the swollen rise of her belly pressed down on the heat as well.

The touch of the tongue wasn't like it was when she was in heat, but it still called up a hot flush of need that left her shaking and spreading her hind legs apart. Her tail moved entirely to one side as the male caressed her inner passage and dragged his tongue in and out. Her wetness started to gather against his muzzle as she muted her soft cries as best that she could. After her heat he had enjoyed her, but not often as she had started to show more clearly that she had been successfully bred. The sudden jabs of the tongue reawoke all those forbidden thoughts she'd had about her father until she was pushing and grinding back against him. The thicker portion of the base of the tongue plunged inwards until she felt herself stretching to accept him.

The young dragoness let out a squeaking cry as she felt the tongue shoved right up against a barrier inside of her and her stomach clenched up. Her breath caught in her throat as her father teased and stroked over her cervix. The lewd kiss forcing the lips of his dark muzzle between her thighs as he worked it back and forth. The hot blast of his breath fluttered over her clit while she felt herself growing wetter and slicker. Her walls clamped and clutched hotly around him as she tried to milk the tongue as if it were his cock. She could feel wetness gliding down along her belly and she arched her back up and forced herself to raise her head and look around.

Her dark amethyst eyes spied something heavy and dark hanging beneath her father's belly. The swollen length growing by the moment as the fiery runes came into the sunlight and stood out against the black smooth flesh. She whimpered softly at the carnal memory of that large length stuffing inch after thick inch inside of her fertile form. The way she had twisted and cried out as he gripped the back of her neck. She swallowed and turned herself about, but didn't try to get up. Her father liked her to keep lower then him when he was feeling amorous, but she also knew that he loved the feel of her tongue bathing him. She licked her lips as she twisted around and felt the tongue dragging out of her suckling walls.

When the tongue tip slipped out she heard it come free with a wet noise before she was pushing her nose just beneath him. The hot male scent flooded her nose as she tilted her head back to nuzzle against the growing cock. She could see the sheath sagging down trying to hold the base of him while she nuzzled up against his tip. One of his hind legs lifted so she'd have room and his fore paws slipped to rub right along her back. She barely heard his amused rumble as she watched the silvery drop of precum bubbling out from the center of his cock tip and flickered her tongue out to catch it and snap back into her muzzle.

"I love the way you taste, Daddy." She almost whispered the word. A large forepaw moved down to cup beneath her jaw line and guided her head higher up.

"Then you must have all you like." The drake purred and she felt his teeth nip between her wings. "Anything for my darling daughter."

She didn't need any other coaxing to wrap her long supple tongue around the tip of the cock and pulled it into her muzzle. The taste of him was rich and pure male as she pulled the cock tip carefully into her muzzle and suckled around it. The thick dollop of precum oozed out so that she had to swallow quick or risk losing it. She ran her tongue upwards to caress the underside of his cock slowly and left a glittering line behind as she did so. She loved her father's cock, she loved everything about it. The way it smelled, tasted, felt, and reacted to her hot suckling maw. She pushed her head up and drew a few more inches into her long muzzle as the male hissed above her in pleasure and rocked his hips down firmly to help stuff her muzzle full.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Gods, his daughter had a talented muzzle. Sandalf leaned his head back as he felt the feverish hot muzzle wrapping around his cock tip and pulling around it. The tongue swirled over his flesh while kept one hind leg lifted so she would have room and let himself fall into the heat of the way she pulled and squeezed around his cock. The flesh thickened and pulsed in time with his heart as inch by inch she swallowed him down. Her entire body was shaking in reaction, almost as it had while she was in heat. It made him prumm before stretching his neck out to slip beneath her tail again. The hot glistening folds winked at him as he ran his tongue out in a slow line between them from the clit all the way back until he danced along her pucker.

He could feel her mouth closing down around his cock and suddenly sucked hard and fast so that his hips jerked forward. He returned her talented muzzle with a slow push of his tongue to sink into her body and felt the wetness being pushed out around his appendage. He let his tongue delve in deep before pulling back again, stimulating her as his cock tip started to push right against the back of her throat. He could feel her struggling to push him deeper as he stiffened to the point that his girth jutted proudly beneath him. His balls swayed slightly as he gave a short rolling push and dragged backwards to feel his glans teasing right over her tongue. The precum that spilled out was almost immediately swallowed in a delicious compression of her mouth around him.

Sandalf moved his paw up to wrap around her tail and pushed it up higher as he drove his tongue in with strong powerful strokes. He let his lips push up against her outer folds as he sent the tip so deep he could caress the barrier to her cervix again. He stroked it and teased it lightly while drawing in the eroticly aroused scent of her. His tail stiffened a little he rubbed his tongue in circles. The one barrier between him and the young he had sired on her. He gave a smug chuff before dragging his tongue back out again and letting his glistening lips slip away from her loins. The taste of her lingering as he suddenly hissed out when his tip sank into her throat and he felt the walls clamp down so damned tightly around him that he nearly flared open wide.

"Enough play, girl." His growled out and gave her tail base a light bite. "What does Daddy's darling little girl want from him? What does she truly want from her father?"

The wet muzzle pulled back slowly and he heard her struggling to swallow and suck up the precum that came in a slow dribble from his tip. He popped free with a wet noise before she gasped out in the sweetest possible voice. "I-I want you to fuck me, Daddy."

The drake purred so loudly that he could feel his legs even vibrating. That sweet young voice telling him that she wanted him to fuck her. It made his toes curl as he ran a paw down over her swollen belly. Her entire body was trembling against the sands as she looked back at him. Her lips were wet with her saliva and precum. While he watched she started to lick them clean eagerly. Almost as if she was afraid to miss a drop. He shifted his weight and pulled his hips away from her in one fluid movement that let him turn his head about to grip the base of her neck with his sharp teeth. Her wings fluttered out while she squirmed harder against the sands and his little girl went still. He had taught her these games well.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tryss whimpered as she felt the teeth digging in against the back of her neck and holding her still. It wasn't with fear, but with a flush of anticipation that made her entire body feel hot and pulsing. She felt swollen with need that had nothing to do with breeding heat and everything to do with her want to feel her father plunging inside of her again. It had been too long, but her body had never forgotten what to do. Never forgotten the heat that drove her to distraction and made her nearly forget everything except presenting herself and feeling that first hard thrust. She raised her tail up higher as the weight shifted over her and his chest slipped along the furred line of her back. The fore legs forced her wings back in against her side as she was pinned completely.

Her sire's tail coiled itself around her own and yanked it up making her spread her hind legs apart. Her toes dug into the sands while she savored the feel of the thickened shaft sliding along the curve of her haunch. The wet dribble of precum splashed against her dark haunch before it slipped down along the base of her tail. She held herself still, but couldn't stop the eager noises from escaping her lips as her father's powerful haunches pulled back and the glans pushed up against her folds. They flexed in reaction as a hot splatter of precum drooled out the trail down over them, marking them as her father's personal prize. It made her want to arch her neck in pleasure to be so marked.

No matter how many times Sandalf had bred her while she was in heat, nothing prepared her for that first push. The drake's hips lunged forward and she parted her jaws to cry out loudly as the blunt tip pierced into her. Her walls strained open wide as her folds were forced in on themselves and her body was opened up to the cock that had made her. The male's teeth dug harder against the back of her neck as he rocked his hips forward and gave hard pushes that wedged him in deeper and deeper. Tryss' walls squeezed and caressed around him eagerly while she started to rock her hips back against him. The feel of that hot male flesh caressing and stroking her passage made it all the better as the tip pushed its way in deeper and deeper. Her wetness was forced outwards and she could feel it trailing along the inside curve of her haunches while she whimpered.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Sandalf moved a forepaw down to hook against his daughter's haunches as he drove himself forward and felt her quivering walls wrap around him. His thick flesh wedged her opened and forced her to try and deal with the girth that didn't let up. She was tight enough that he had to battle past the clenching of the walls to sink himself in deeper. His cock bowed slightly as he let out a hot huff against her neck and pulled backwards. Her head rose upwards as he gave a shorter thrust that gained a few more inches. The slippery walls squeezed and pulled so eagerly around him that he could almost think she was in heat again if he hadn't already bred her so thoroughly. Her high pitched cries only egged him on as he drove inwards and then started to drag out again.

The walls contracted down as he pulled almost until his tip came free, but in the end he drove back into her and felt her hips being forced up. The tip of him plunging in deep as his hind legs spread to wrap around her haunches. His wings spread over them in a protective mantling while he grunted a bit when the tip suddenly hit right up against her closed cervix. The fleshy glans rubbed up against it and he heard her let out a startled cry before he was dragging backwards again. His teeth dug harder against her neck while her quivering walls seemed to suckle as hotly around him as her mouth had. Her wetness clung to him as he returned it with a hot drool of precum that mingled inside of her well bred form.

The next thrust made him snarl out and release her neck as his tip crammed up against her cervix again and his heavy orbs clapped between her legs. His eyes squeezed shut at the sudden contraction that squeezed his cock almost painfully hard. He had to struggle past the squeezing passage to pull backwards before plunging back in again. Tryss' cry spilled out higher pitched as he drove himself home to push his tip right up against her cervix and felt the pulsing squeezing teasing around his thickened flesh. The mingled wetness rubbed right up against his sheath as he rubbed his muzzle along her neck and crooned out to her. Far tighter then she had been when he'd taken her in her heat. Far tighter and far more enjoyable.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tryss cried out and nearly squealed as she felt the tip bottoming out inside of her with a clap of the balls between her legs and the pressure spiking inside of her. Her stomach cramped down in reaction to the forceful thrust, but it was secondary to the rush of pleasure as her walls tightened up. She felt him stroking through her and caressing her passage while she squirmed beneath him. Her hind legs spread open wider and she dug her toes against the ground to brace herself as her sire took her. The powerful forelegs gripped her while he rolled his hips forward again and the very tightness of her body and his girth forced the wetness out. It was lewd and slick sounding, but didn't deter her from the rush of extreme pleasure she felt when the tip pushed right up against her cervix again. The fleshy blunt glans dug in slightly before he was dragging out again.

The young dragoness didn't realize anything was wrong until her sire started to pick up the pace and the shorter thrusts hammer right up against her cervix. The continual pressure was painful and pleasurable all at once as she twisted and bucked beneath him. The tip shoved up harder each time and it made her stomach cramp down and ripples passed over the muscles. She gaped her jaws open so her tongue lolled out while giving herself over to the growing pleasure that was building in her stomach. She could feel the need growing and it made it hard to think past the way the smooth flesh tugged and caressed the most sensitive places within her. Her father seemed to know exactly how to take her to rouse those feelings.

Her back arched up as his balls hit up between her legs and the teeth suddenly gripped right down against the back of her neck again. The hot panting breath tickled against the back of her neck while she pushed back against him. The pleasure peeked up in a sudden wave that made her roar out, the sound so much softer then her father's normal roar. She cried it out as her walls clamped down hard and milked around the heavy equine shaft. Her form trembling with it and she pushed her back up against him. The 'wrongness' was lost in that heat of need, but her sire's hips started to shudder to a stop as something gave out inside of her. The young dragoness let out a hissing groan through her orgasm as her stomach muscles contracted and things began to shift within her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Sandalf forced his hips to stop as he snarled out to feel the cervix rubbing against his tip so enticingly. His pleasure averted by the way the walls contracted and pushed around him, they didn't try to draw him in, instead it was a push as if trying to squeeze him out. It took force to bury himself in side of her with each thrust. It took force to drive himself into the hilt, but it wasn't until he pushed up and felt her body contracting harder around him that he realized it was more than her simple orgasm. The squeezing pushes wedged something briefly right against the glans of his cock and made his lips quirk up wickedly. He released her neck and licked hotly along the line of her furred mane.

"Oh dear, it seems we made it to the lake just in time, little one." He panted and let the squeezing muscles push his cock out of her passage.

"D-Daddy.." His little one gasped out as the passage closed down again and he pulled backwards.

His cock tip came out with a lewd wet noise when it was tugged free. Strands of precum and her arousal clung from him to her slightly gaping folds while the drake panted shallowly. His daughter's body was still shaking beneath him while the contractions rolled through her belly. His slippery dark cock pulsed beneath him, unspent and achingly hard as the runes flared to life and rippled with fiery hues. The very tip was thick with her wetness and his own precum as he started to feel frustrated. Her body was trembling just under him and he saw her eyes flashing wide with worry. Obviously not even prepared to feel the first stirrings of her eggs.

The drake lowered his head to lick along the curve of her cheek. His mind started to work faster as he drew in a breath and moved his paw down to graze his claws along her swollen belly. He'd taken her in so many ways, why not enjoy that one final passage to claim as his own? The idea of being locked inside of her and feeling the eggs slipping out of his daughter made him shiver and spread his jaws slightly. His cock flexed against his belly and sent a splattering of his precum against the base of her tail and that tight little bud of her tail hole waiting there for him.

"Let daddy help you with your eggs, my little one." He purred and rolled his hips upwards. "I'll distract you."

The slimy tip of his cock pushed up right against the tight ring of her pucker and smeared the wetness against it. He could feel her hind legs spreading open wider and rolled his hips down to pry open the tight anal ring around his tip. His body shivering as he heard the screeching cry as the hot thickened tip plunged inwards and the laying pangs began to take a hold of her. He would distract her, oh how he would distract her. He squeezed his eyes with a muffled groan as the walls clamped down so tightly around him and he edged in deeper. The hot slippery state of his cock lubricating him as inch after slow inch started to inch it's way into her passage and forced to clutch around him. So tight, so beautifully tight as she laid the eggs he'd sired with her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tryss couldn't think of anything to say or protest, she couldn't do anything but feel as her throbbing body seemed on the edge of something that she couldn't control. She felt the hot slimy tip of her father's shaft suddenly shove right up against her anal ring and cried out softly in reaction. Her legs braced themselves beneath her as suddenly the movement inside of her was eclipsed with the lunge forward that pride the untried anal ring open. Her walls spread open wide and she screeched out in shock. Her back arched upwards as hot thick precum drooled inside of her while her father hunched over her and drove himself inwards. All the while the cramps along her stomach grew more intense. She could feel herself tightening and relaxing as something forced its way out of her egg chamber.

She clutched around it tightly, it was nothing like her father's cock, and it was pushed along her passage as she spread her legs open wider. Her father's shaft drove into her until she let out a groaning cry when it felt as if he were pushing into her stomach itself. The tip wedged deep inside of her while he rumbled and groaned against the curve of her neck. His forepaw moved downwards and the agile toes stroked along her belly as another contraction rocked through her. Her tongue lolled out and nearly brushed the sand while she clenched down harder around the round object inside of her and forced it out. The muscles rippled in an entirely different way as the ovid pushed along her passage and started to force her aching cunny open wider and wider. It gaped as a sliver of mottled shell pushed outwards.

Her father drew himself back just as she clenched down hard. The muscles squeezed in entirely new ways as she let out short screech of mingled pain and pleasure as she felt the swollen tip nearly pop out of her pucker and her body gave a final push. The slimy egg dropped down onto the sands, coated in its father's precum and her own arousal, but already its sibling was being pushed out of her strained cervix. She thrashed and twisted under him while the hot dark length of his cock pulled in and out of her. The smooth strokes caressed and teased her in entirely new ways that left her gasping. He'd never touched her that way, never used her in such a fashion, but her body responded heatedly. She could feel herself squeezing around the intruding girth as the balls hit right up against her gaping folds as her muscles started to work around the second egg.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Sandalf had never felt anything like it. The muscles were squeezing and pushing around him so that it was a struggle to hilt inside of his daughter, but it was a glorious struggle. His cock tip was being squeezed around as he drove in until he felt his balls snugging right up against her before dragging out. The thick wetness along his cock made it easier to work himself in and out of her as he lubricated the untested anal ring and forced it to stretch so widely about him. It wasn't until he felt the rolling of something just along the underside of his cock and heard her screech out again that he realized he was feeling her lay her first egg. His lips quirked up and he gripped the back of her neck as he savored the experience for all it was worth.

The orb pushed and made her passage tighter as it worked it's way down. When he plunged forward he could feel her muscles straining to counteract the way that he made it harder for her to lay. When he pulled out it came far more easily and her body shuddered. His balls pushed up against her spread folds and pulled back, when he moved to push forward he felt something hot and slippery brush past them. He barely heard the dull sound of something large and heavy dropping down onto the sands, but he knew it was there. He twisted his head to see the glistening mottled shell cupped safely in the white sands. His balls tensed up in reaction to the flush of lust he felt seeing the object of their mating and he drove himself forward with a low groan. His forepaws moved to rub along the egg heavy sides as the next orb started to force its way down his daughters channel.

It was erotic in ways he had never imagined. His body was trembling on the edge of orgasm just thinking of the eggs pushing their way through his own precum and her body as it was still shaking from her orgasm. His daughter was panting under him and her rhythmic squeezing walls kept him working his hips back and forth. The strained anal ring being forced right up against his sheath before he dragged his hips backwards again. His breathing coming out raggedly as he felt the tightness of the egg pushing up against her passage and making him struggle to force the blunt tip of his glans up and over it before pulling back. Both helping and hampering her in her laying.

"D-Don't stop.. Daddy.. Don't stop.." His daughter's voice came out in a rush from beneath him and suddenly her hips pushed roughly back against his own. Oh he wouldn't stop.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tryss felt the tip each time it sank in and her walls struggle to compress and force the egg out of her. It rubbed and caressed her in ways that her father's cock never had and there was a forbidden pleasure out of pushing it from her body. The third egg was already pushing into her passage while she crouched her hips down and felt her father's belly pushing firmly against the ridge of her hind quarters. Her eyes squeezed shut as the pounding of his hips grew almost feverish and shortened until barely an inch of his cock was pulling out before he slammed home again. He rubbed and stroked over the muscles that were struggling to lay. She whimpered a little bit and jerked her shoulders up with a short hiss as her walls clenched down tight.

The second egg pushed out of her and made her let out a whimpering cry when her father's heavy sac pushed up and jostled the orb. The smooth curve of the shell stroked right over her clit as it dropped safely down into the sands. She flushed hotly as she found herself squirming in forbidden pleasure. The hot feel of her father's back against her own, the thick goopy precum drooling into her, the walls that were struggling to lay. It was painful, it was strange, it was even frightening, but it was arousing. She deliberately shifted her tail and clenched hard around the equine like length of her father as he dragged his hips backwards a bit further as she pushed the third egg towards the opening of her passage. He snarled out and nipped her neck a bit more firmly before plunging himself back inside. The tip of him starting to thicken and spread open wider as he went.

The third egg stretched and yawned open her aching cunny folds. Her body struggling to force it from her young body as she clenched herself around her father's cock again. His paws moved to squeeze gently against her stomach and the remaining eggs. The touch making her jerk up and try to flare her wings out. She nearly rocked back against him as the egg was pushed out of her body with a thick wet noise. The clinging viscous wetness coating her inner hind legs before her father started to thrust forward again. She could tell by the hot short breaths that he was nearing his climax and forcing her towards another one herself. She gave herself over to him with a low husky cry.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Sandalf growled out as his daughter's passage tightened up and made it almost impossible to drive into her. He nipped her neck and then gave a short thrust that glided his tip deliciously over one of the orbs that was being forced out. The pressure triggering him as his cock started to spread open wider with each passing moment. His heart beat was thundering in his ears as he moved himself with deliberately controlled thrusts designed to keep his daughter at fever pitch. He could hear her gasping beneath him in short harsh breaths that came out sometimes in pained cries and other times moaning out when he hit a particular spot. Her body lost in the entirely feminine act of laying her eggs as her sire claimed her.

The furred drake spread his wings open and flashed the fiery feathers out wide while he drove in with a series of short hard bucks. His heavy swollen balls drew up tight between his legs and started to hit right against the soft gaping folds as he did so. He released her neck as his tip flared open wide and pulled back to catch along the swell of one of the eggs passing through her and then forced forward again. The thickness of his tip forced the egg back against his daughter's straining muscles briefly before he heard her higher pitched cry of pleasure. Her legs trembled against his lower belly as he drove himself forward with a final sharp stroke.

His balls flexed before a hot thick rush of his cum rushed up along his throbbing passage and ran out in a hot flood inside of her clutching passage. The tip rubbed along her as she trembled under him and the pulsing walls squeezed around him. His base kept her anal ring spread lewdly wide as he kept his stance still to let her milk him and feel the eggs pushing along her passage. Two of them were forced out of her even as he flooded her with the same seed that had made her, that had made them. His claws dug lightly against her hips as he emptied himself into his beautiful little one. The hot thick seed drooled out right along the edges until he could feel it dribbling down and when the next mottled egg spilled out so did some of his cum decorate its shell.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tryss let out a squealing cry as she felt her sire's cock spreading inside of her. Her tail hole felt spread open too wide, almost as wide as her poor passage was being spread by the eggs being squeezed out of her. She wriggled her hips back and forth and suddenly the thickened tip surged forward to push along one of the eggs being pushed from her. The orb pushed back into her passage just enough to brush over a spot inside of her that she let loose her control. She cried out in a ragged voice and her walls clenched down hard around the eggs inside of her as if they were her father's cock. They pushed outwards past the shaft as the first goopy rope of cum shot inside of her ass.

Her body trembled as the thick ropes flooded her bowels and she was left still straining around the eggs. Her body tensed as the pulses flowed deeper and finally she crouched her hips and let out a muted moan as she forced the third egg out of her passage. And soon after that the fourth. The contractions continually making her squeeze and milk around his cock as she laid the next generation. His paws moved and squeezed along the edges of her sides and even along the swell of where the last of the eggs was pushing it's way into her channel. She whimpered and dropped her head down until her nose was nearly in the sand. Her body barely able to stand up as her sire's muzzle left the curve of her neck.

The young dragoness nearly yelped out when she felt his hips dragging backwards and the thick heavy cum escaping around him as he pulled himself out. The still spread tip tugged along her passage as it clutched around it, but the flare caught right against the swollen rise of the orb inside of her aching birthing passage. She whimpered and twisted as her sire let out a low rumble and pulled his hips back harder. One of his paws moved to grip right against her haunch as her walls contracted and pushed the orb out and his cock pulled harder against it. The sudden pressure made her see stars as the flare couldn't get past the ovid, instead it helped tug it outwards as the softening girth exited her.

She let out a yelping cry and sat up with her hips crouched down against the sands as her father's glistening black cock pulled free with a wet popping noise. The egg was pushed out and forced her folds open wide before falling into the sands with its siblings. Hot thick rivulets of cum dribbled from her strained anal ring and she whimpered a little bit as she kept her stance and panted heavily. Her head held down and tongue lolling out was her entire body was pulsing with her heart beat. She hurt, she ached, she felt as if she couldn't possibly go a step further, but still she roused and found the strength to turn around. Her legs shaking as she stumbled and nearly fell down when she tried to move them.

Her sire stood behind her with his neck arched smugly and the softened cock drawing back up into its sheath. The tip still drooled out a strand of thick cream from it. The same slippery cum that glazed the eggs she had laid in a small mound in the sand. The escaped seed had spilled out of her and onto them as if he had marked them all over again as his own. She dropped down onto her chest as the fiery black drake lowered his muzzle and nosed against her shoulder smugly and sat down on his haunches. The thickened tip still hanging from the sheath and glistening in the light, as coated as her eggs in slippery fluid. She knew what she was supposed to do.

The young dragoness moved forward, but didn't have to do more then stretch her neck out to slip it beneath the curve of her father's haunches. She nuzzled right up against the swollen cock tip and licked it with a curl of her tongue. The thick syrupy cream coated her taste buds as she started to lick it clean with slow strokes. Her sides heaving up and down as she caught her breath and drew in that familiar heated scent. She curled her tongue right beneath the edges of the cock and even up towards the opening as she knew she was supposed to do. And through it all he kept a paw on her shoulders and his entire body thrummed with a bone deep purr. The drake not even paying attention to her, but instead looking down at their eggs.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Sandalf let his daughter's sweet and eager tongue clean his length while he kept one paw on her shoulders and looked over the eggs. Five eggs. Five perfectly formed and mottled shells that looked as if they had been chased over with black ash and tongues of flames. Five beautiful eggs that would grow and hatch in the sands next to the lake until his cave was filled with the sound of young lives. He drew in a breath and shivered as the hot tongue trailed right beneath the tip of his shaft and gathered up the last of the thick clinging cum. He looked over at the jewel of his daughter and the exhausted state of her body. Ravaged both by him and what he'd placed inside of her. It made his throat reach a new level of purring before slowly starting to pull his hips away from her.

"Thank you, Daddy." She panted out after scooping the last of the thick seed off his spent shaft. Something never stopped pleasing him when she did it.

She dropped into the sands as if she couldn't move another step. Her body sprawled out and her stomach looking sleeker then it had in weeks. The fiery drake moved to wrap himself protectively around her and spread one of his wings open to cover her sprawling body. The faint tremors of pleasure still rippling over her as he licked along her neck tenderly. His eyes hooded faintly while he moved a paw down to caress the curve of her belly. So slender again, as if she had never been swollen with his young.

"We gonna do this again, Daddy?" Her voice came soft and thick with the edge of sleep. Sandalf moved down to lick behind her ear.

"Oh yes, my little one, this is only the start." He dropped his head to rest over her neck with one eye on the eggs. Already thinking of the next time she came into season. It would be glorious.