The Master Still Rules (picture story)

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a picture story commission, done for the following image:

The Master Still Rules

Many were the challenges facing King Zavis. Though he ruled his land well, he frequently came under challenge by those that believed that they should have the power rather than him. Challenges became arguments, and arguments developed into conflicts. Thankfully, nobody had ever brought the armies into it, and everyone had been happy to settle with a single fight, champion to champion, over the issue.

At first, it had been easy to keep control over the people and his opponents. Strong as any of his soldiers, King Zavis had been able to beat back the champions sent against him. In the case of his own people, he had taken on two of their champions at once and won, sending them back with the signs of his dominance leaking from under their tails. He treated each champion that he defeated the same way, so no one would have reason to feel any form of favoritism or particular indignation.

However, as time went on, he gradually lost battles against his opponents, and spent time on his throne sitting in the same signs of dominance that he had watched leak from other males when he was done with them. Not so many as to lose his throne, but enough to make things more difficult in the future. Pieces of land that he had gained were lost again, and while the kingdom didn't shrink, it did lose some of its former prestige when he had been winning all of his fights.

Not just that, but there were some among the peasants of his land that believed they deserved some revenge after what they had suffered when he had been winning all the fights. And so, two peasants, the former champions, went to the King's palace to try their might against the weakened monarch.


Zavis groaned softly as he shifted back and forth along his throne. His tail curled around him, sitting in his lap rather than laying across the arms of his throne. "Damn that komodo," he muttered under his breath, the snake only just resisting the urge to reach back and rub his sore hole. "Who'd have thought someone that big would have been so fast?"

He shook his head as he tried to put the memories of the last fight out of his head, turning his attention to the stack of papers that stood nearly to his waist at his side. So many different papers, and he was sure at least a quarter of them were challenges. Much as he had once relished seeing the different challenges from the other lands, as well as the answers to his own challenges, it was starting to get a little old. Particularly when he was the one that lost in them.

"No, no, don't think like that," Zavis said to himself. "The more you think about it, the harder they're going to be."

As he started reaching for the top piece of paper, the doors to the hall opened. He paused in mid-reach, looking to the herald stepping through. Another snake, he stepped through the door before stepping to the side, gesturing to the two males stepping through. Two canines, a husky and a doberman, stepped through. They wore typical peasant clothes, barely more than a tunic and a set of hide trousers, with some leather wraps roughly assembled around their feet. One grinned, the other looked serious, as the herald spoke. "Presenting Rosen the Doberman, and Xi the Husky, for an audience with the king," the snake called out.

Shifting himself into as much of a reclined position as he could get, Zavis gestured for them to approach. They didn't bother bowing, which rankled, but he didn't say anything as they stopped a few steps away from his throne. "What is your purpose here?" he asked, one of the ridges over his eyes rising, much as a mammal's eyebrow might.

"Don't you remember us?" the doberman asked.

"Not that I can say. Why don't you turn around? I remember asses better than I do faces," the king said. He was unable to keep a smirk from crossing his face as the doberman blushed. "Heh, you thought I actually remembered most of the people that come in here? Hardly. I remember a few that beat me, but if I beat them, I remember their asses better than anything else."

It was almost too easy. The doberman's face got redder and redder with every word, and the serious look on his face gradually slipped away, replaced by growing rage. Teasing a former opponent was always so easy when he had been the victor, Zavis had found out. Better still, getting them angry like this made it much easier to win if they decided to issue another challenge. And if they didn't, and just tried to assault him? Well, that was what the guards were for, and the dungeons were as much a playground for the guards as the challenge arenas were for him.

The doberman stepped forward, and he looked like he would have actually leaped towards the king if he hadn't been grabbed by his husky partner. He paused, growling, before stepping back again. "We're here on our own behalves. We're challenging you!" Rosen said, the growl not quite gone from his voice. "After you lost the lands you have, you're obviously not as strong as you were before - "

"If I recall correctly, I beat you before I started getting all that land, but moving on."

"It doesn't matter!" Rosen tugged his arm free, and pointed at the king. "Look, are you going to accept our challenge, or not?"

"Of course I am." Not that he had a whole lot of choice in the matter, being challenged in his own throne room with the guards around. He stood from his throne, gathering the fur cape he wore around him. He gestured to a door not too far to his right. "Follow me, this way."

As he walked away from the throne and through the door, the canines followed behind him. Zavis smiled softly as he walked through the door and down the hall, thankful that they couldn't see his face. He remembered them more than they probably thought. Their holes, true, but also their fighting style, and how they worked with each other. They were not going to have as easy a time as they thought they were going to have.

It didn't take long to reach his chambers. He unlocked it with a key kept at his belt, and gestured for the canines to enter first. The room was a rather large one, stretching nearly one hundred feet from the door to the wall on the other side of the room, and at least twenty five feet to the walls at the sides, on both sides. There was a bed at the far end of the room, wide but not particularly long, as well as a table near it. Zavis liked this room. It made for a good arena, as well as a good substitute audience hall if he wanted to be a little more comfortable.

Rather than setting up the rules, since they obviously knew them, Zavis discarded his fur cape. He set it down on the floor, then stripped out of his trousers, followed by his shirt and his loincloth. They fell in a pile on top of his cape, and only when he was fully nude did he turn to face the canines.

The husky - Xi, he remembered was the name - had already stripped down, and was still grinning quite a bit. The canine's member was already sticking out, hard and a little slick on the tip. Rosen, on the other hand, was still in the process of getting naked, and he was not all that aroused. Oh, there was a little pink showing, but it wasn't like he was erect the way that his partner was.

When they were all ready, he crossed his arms. "So, you know what's going to happen to you when you lose?" Zavis asked. He could already feel his member twitching, slowly rising. The husky's eyes glanced down for a moment, no more than a moment, but Zavis caught it, and smirked. "Heh, I know Xi there does."

Rosen glared. "You mean, if we lose. There's no guarantee that we're going to lose to you. It's two on one, and you don't always win, 'Your Majesty'," he said. He stretched out his arms, then his legs. "I know that if you lose, you're going to take two cocks up your hole instead of one. Heh, you're not going to be able to sit down for a week when we're done with you."

"Heh, we'll see about that. Hope you pups are ready to be my bitches for the day," Zavis responded. Stretching his arms over his head, he mixed his stretching with a few poses, watching as the husky followed his body with little glances. That one would probably throw the fight if he wasn't pushed too much by the doberman, the king thought to himself. If he took down that belligerent annoyance first, the husky would probably bow out. "I know I'm looking forward to your holes around my cock."

"SHUT UP!" Rosen shouted. His face was bright red, but his eyes were tight, focused. Very angry, obviously, but more than a little embarrassed as well. The king held back a chuckle. This was going to be easy.

"Alright then. START!"

The king's shout startled the two canines, which let him get in the first move. He charged forward with his arms outstretched, the scaly limbs bulging as he flexed his muscles a bit. He slammed into them, one arm going into the necks of the pair. The impact was enough to slow him down a bit, but they went down with a yelp and a groan, hitting the floor from the blow.

Ignoring the husky, Zavis leaped on top of the doberman. Straddling the dog's chest, he grabbed him by the throat and pinned the arms down with his knees. "Hehehe, slow as ever," the snake muttered under his breath. The doberman gasped for breath past his grip, but the snake only tightened his grasp. With the air already knocked out of him by the blow and knock to the ground, it didn't take long for the bigger dog to lose consciousness. He slumped down to the ground in seconds, eyes closed.

Zavis quickly let go before leaping to his feet, turning his attention back to the husky. Xi had barely started getting back to his feet, and he hesitated, looking down at the doberman. With Rosen down, the husky seemed a little more...hesitant about fighting. The snake closed the distance, pushing the husky back and getting a grip on his arms. "Heh, you wanna forfeit now, save yourself some trouble?" he hissed into the canine's ear.

There was only a second of hesitation before the husky nodded his head, grinning again. Zavis smiled back and let go. "Good pup," he said, patting Xi on the head. He turned his attention to the unconscious doberman. "Heh, now to have some fun with him, too."


Zavis grinned down at the doberman as he started to wake up. He tugged lightly on the leash he had in hand, and chuckled as the doberman slid forward at the sudden tug. Rosen looked down at the ground, then up at him. He saw the leash - how could he not, the way that the snake shook it lightly from side to side - and followed the line of it back to his neck. A hand reached up, and found a collar around his neck. Eyes wide, the doberman stared at him, his mouth open, but no words coming forth.

"There was never an 'if' about me winning, you know. Just like there was never an 'if' about you losing." Zavis smirked as he walked around, using his tail to keep the doberman pinned down to the ground. "Just like there was never any question of whether I was going to use you as my bitch after we were done. Lift that little stub of a tail. Let me have my fun."

He chuckled as the doberman shivered a bit, but abided by the rules by lifting his tail. Zavis grinned as he saw the pucker under it, and stroked his erection. It had gotten fully hard by the time he'd collared the dogs, and now he was ready to enjoy himself.

He pulled open one of the many closets in the room, reaching his hand past a fair few items and fished around for a while. After a moment, he pulled out a bottle of oil, and poured a goodly portion of it over his shaft. "I wouldn't want to hurt the loser, would I?" Zavis said with a smile, working the oil over his shaft eagerly. Seeing the canine tremble a bit only made him harder, and he winked at the husky when Xi looked back at him. "Oh, this is going to be good."

Getting on his knees behind the doberman, he lined himself up before pushing forward. It was clear that the canine hadn't expected something so quick and rough from how tight he was, but the oil was just slick enough to allow him to slide in. Groaning in pleasure, the snake gradually let himself sink into the tight ass, feeling it squeeze down on every inch that he gave it. "Oooh yes, why don't you start challenging me a little more often, huh? Give me the chance to have this ass more often," the snake moaned as he slid further and further in, finally bottoming out a few seconds later.

Keeping hold of the oil, he poured a little more over his shaft and the doberman's ass as he started sliding out, re-applying it to the both of them. He grinned as he looked at the hole, seeing how far it was stretched around his shaft. "Mmm, yes," Zavis moaned as he slid in again, feeling the doberman twitch, shivering under him. It took a little time before he could actually build up any speed, but with the oil's help and the sheer size of his shaft opening up the doberman's hole, he managed it.

As he found his rhythm, he started slamming in and out, in and out, hard and fast. The doberman collapsed against the ground, face barely upright, his chest pressed against the ground as he took the pounding. Zavis, taking it as a sign of submission, only grinned and pounded the hole harder. His groin slapped against the furry ass, and his cock throbbed as he sped up.

Xi grinned at him, and he grinned back, promising with his smile that the husky would be getting a turn before long. After all, with this tight ass, there was no way that the king was going to last as long as he wanted. That wasn't a bad thing, though, as he would have these two to play with all day, and he could go quite a few times.

A few minutes later, he slammed into the doberman for the last time, hilting himself in the tight hole and holding himself there. His cock twitched, and Rosen groaned softly as he was filled. The snake grinned to himself, slowly pulling out, using the hole's own tightness to milk his shaft as he finished, all of the cum left deposited in the doberman's hole. Thankfully it was tight enough to hold onto the goo so there wasn't a mess on the floor, but he doubted that it would remain that way for too long.

Getting a better grip on the leash, he walked around the two naked dogs, standing in front of them again. His cock pointed out, still as hard as it had been pre-orgasm. He leaned forward with a grin on his face, holding each leash in hand. "Heh, feeling that burn, Rosen? Good. You're gonna feel more before the day's over." He turned his attention to the husky, who looked like he'd be wagging his tail if he wasn't trying to be as obedient as possible. "Heh, don't worry. It's your turn now."