Ressie - Lemmius story

Story by Rhysion on SoFurry

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#2 of Lemmius

A relatively short unbirthing story based on the Lemmius bio I wrote. There is a small amount of soft vore, but it's not the main focus nor is it the bad ending kind.

Well, this is the story that goes along with the species bio I wrote a few days back. If you read that, then there's likely no big surprise to the content herein. If not, then hopefully you'll enjoy it just the same. I can't seem to avoid including some degree of plot and story, but it intentially took a back seat to other more fun things this time.

Be warned, or maybe delighted, this story's primary sexual theme focuses mainly on unbirth with a little bit of soft oral vore. But there is by no means any sort of bad ending for anyone here. Following the design of that bio, it's not all too likely to happen actually.

Ressie - A lemmius story

"Hey, what's the matter? You don't look so good," Solas said to the sad and tired looking skunk as he passed by her on the shady bench at the edge of the university's campus. "Is something the matter? Is there anything I can help you with?"

She looked up at the short red panda who was offering his paw out at her. "I-I don't know, I haven't felt that very good all week. I'm not sure where I am, or what to do now."

"Don't feel so down, there are a lot of others here who don't know what they're going to do with themselves. That's what collage is for," he chuckled. "Do you want to go get something to eat with me? I know a great sandwich play next door to my apartment. We can grab a couple and head up to my room."

"I suppose so. Is it very far? I'm a little tired, and I don't know why."

"No, just down the street there. By the way, I'm Solas. What's your name?"

She stood up from the bench and gritted her teeth in discomfort for a second. "Ressie. I'm Ressie. And thank you Solas, you're the first person that's seen me and not just walked by."

Solas blushed and scratched the back of his head. "I don't know what to say. I guess I'm just a helpful kind of panda sometimes. Well let's go get that food then Ressie. I know I'm famished after the long boring lecture I had to sit through today."

The Ailurus' apartment was nothing spectacular, quite normal by university student standards; tiny kitchen, small living room that doubled as a dining room, bathroom and single bedroom. Even as close as it for him to the school, the price was good too. If you could deal with the undersized space it was perfect.

"Are you sure you're not sick or something Ressie? You haven't touched your sandwich at all," Solas watched as the poor girl sat next to him at the square wooden table behind his sofa, just staring at the meal in front of her. The look on the skunk's face was nothing short of confused and stressed out.

"No, no it's just something about this doesn't feel right. I don't know why, but I can't explain it. I'm really sorry." She held her black furred arms across her belly, continuing to simply look down at the unwrapped bread, meat and cheese. "It's not that I don't appreciate you trying however."

"Who doesn't like cold cuts? I think they're great. But, if you don't want yours there might be something else in the kitchen."

Ressie shook her head. "No, that's alright."

"It's rather strange to see someone hungry like this but not eat. But I guess that if you don't want to, then maybe you'd rather say a little bit about yourself instead?"

"I don't know what to say. Honestly, I can't exactly remember anything beyond a week and a half ago," the skunk turned her head to face the red panda, who was quite stunned to hear that. "And I don't think I've done any of this eating since. But I have no desire for that sandwich and I have no idea why."

"You haven't had anything to eat in more than a week!?" Solas put his own food down as he nearly shouted out the revelation. "How haven't you passed out from hunger? You've got to be feeling horrible. It's no wonder you look like so tired!"

A weak frown filled out the skunk's face. She stared Solas right in the eyes, giving him a very sad and almost desperate look. "I'm really sorry Solas. I just don't know. Not who I am nor why I don't feel so good."

He picked up Ressie's sandwich and held it up near her muzzle. "Come on, you've got to eat something Ressie. You don't want to starve, do you?" The red panda started waving the food around in front of her, trying in his own silly way to get her to cooperate.

Ressie watched as he moved his paw around, taking in his scent hidden behind the unappetizing meal he was holding. "Please Solas, I can't eat that."

"You've got to eat something! I can't just let you starve. Come on Ressie, I feel so bad for you. Please?" She continued to sit and grimace for a moment, before finally giving in and opening her mouth up enough to take a bite. The sight of her doing so came at an even greater shock to the concerned red panda however, who recoiled almost instantly at what he saw.

"Whoa!" Solas yelled out, dropping the sandwich to the table. "How did your mouth open that far!? My entire paw could've fit in there! Maybe my whole arm too!"

"I'm sorry Solas!" she sunk in her chair. "I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't even know I could do that. I just- I just couldn't help it with you so close to me like that. It sort of just happened involuntarily. Please don't be angry with me..."

Solas stood up and cautiously offered the same hand of help to her, who was nearly in tears as she looked upward. "I'm not upset at you, only a little freaked out. That kind of thing shouldn't be possible, right? Not even snakes can just open their mouths open like that."

"There's something wrong with me, isn't there? That's why nobody else was even offering to help me all week."

"I'm sure there's nothing wrong with you Ressie. Different maybe, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing." Solas placed his paw on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. "Look, I don't know any more than you do, but I do want to try and help you somehow. You shouldn't feel so bad."

"Really?" she replied as she turned to stand up next to him. "You mean it? You will, even after I did that?" Solas nodded his head and offered himself out to give her a hug, in spite of the hint of fear that still lingered throughout the both of them.

What he found, was that the mystery of the big skunk only got even stranger as he pressed his body into hers. It didn't quite seem that her maw was the only thing that was unnaturally flexible, just about all of her was.

"Wow, Ressie, I didn't know you were this soft. You're like an incredibly squishy pillow or something. I don't suppose you know why that's the case either, do you?"

"No, I'm afraid I don't," Ressie couldn't help but allow him to hold her so closely. She couldn't explain it, but there was something about the intimacy of being touched like that that she enjoyed. It was almost relieving to stand there in the red panda's embrace.

"Well, now I'm interested in trying to figure you out. But I-I don't mean that in a weird way or anything." Solas tilted his head upward slightly to look at the half-a-foot-taller female in the face. "That is, if you're okay with me doing that. I'm not trying to do anything inappropriate or anything, just curious, that's all."

Ressie smiled. "No, that's fine. Maybe you can figure out what's wrong with me. I don't mind at all Solas, there's something soothing about being next to you like this. It almost makes me want you to get even closer, if that were possible."

The two of them sat down on the couch and Solas began to poke, prod, and pet at the odd girl. On the outside she looked like just an ordinary five foot seven 190 lb or so anthropomorphic skunk, black and white fur in the right patterns, narrow skunk-like head, and big flat wide tail and fur that twitched every time he ran his paw over it. There was nothing that just looked out of place.

But what neither could explain was how Ressie's belly and torso stretched and gave way in incredible ease. The entire time they were exploring, her attitude seemed to have changed to the exact opposite of the sadness she came in with; even though she just met Solas not but a few hours ago letting him do the things he was doing to her didn't really bother her in the slightest.

"I've got to admit, you're probably the strangest and most interesting person I've ever met," Solas said as he leaned back in the black and brown sofa next to her. "I have never seen or heard about anyone like you before. It's rather fascinating actually."

"You really think that highly of me, even after I scared you earlier?"

"Yeah, do you think you could do that think with your mouth again though? I want to see that, and this time without dropping your sandwich," he replied.

"Okay!" Solas watched on from a slight distance as Ressie did exactly that again to satisfy his morbid curiosity. He could see quite clearly into her maw and down part of her throat as it stretched open wide, almost ignoring the rules of biology as he knew them.

"Uh, you know I think you could probably put a small watermelon in your mouth, and if your neck's just as stretchy swallow it whole. I'd almost want to find out, but I don't exactly feel comfortable putting my paw in your mouth, no offense."

Ressie reoriented herself to speak again, "I understand. How about if I do that with mine then? I probably won't be able to get it in past my elbow, but..." she tried lining her arm up to her chest, simulating the possible distance it could attain.

And he just couldn't turn down the offer, bizarre as it was. Watching Ressie actually do it was creepy, and at the same time something that couldn't be missed. For several seconds she tried working it down into herself as far as possible, exhibiting no discomfort of any sort. When her arm could go no further, the skunk paused for a moment then unsheathed it.

"That felt kind of nice actually," Ressie said, wiping the moist limb on her shirt. "I think I'm just as flexible on the inside as the outside. Are you sure you don't want to try this? I have a feeling there's nothing dangerous to worry about."

Solas gritted his teeth in concern over her hasty assessment. "I dunno Ressie. I mean you know that it's only normal to want to keep yourself out of other's mouths, but I'm not sure how safe this would be. I don't want you to accidently bite me or get burned inside your stomach or anything."

She was quick to try and reassure the red panda that it would probably be fine, poking at her mouth. "But I don't think I could bite you if I wanted, my teeth are neither sharp nor hard. And I didn't lose any fur from my hand or anything like that. If I did, both of us would be able to smell so."

Even though she seemed to be right, Solas had a hard time accepting it. "Well, maybe, but still..." he weakly argued in face of his own inquisitiveness and the begging look of expression on Ressie. "I guess I'll try it, but I won't hesitate to pull my arm back out if something happens."

The red panda stood up in front of Ressie, and carefully inspected her mouth and teeth again. They really were dull and soft; she probably couldn't even have chewed that sandwich with them. "But why would someone have useless teeth like that?" he thought.

As she reopened herself up again, Solas had to fight his own nervousness as he slowly inched his paw in closer and closer. Ressie's maw was open far enough that it wasn't until he reached the back of her throat did he actually touch any part of her. As expected it was both slimy and stretchy, taking very little effort to penetrate.

What Solas did not expect however, was for the relative narrowness of her esophagus to widen out so quickly. It was as if her stomach, or whatever was inside the strange skunk, started up at the top and just took up nearly her entire chest cavity going down. Even as his elbow and forearm passed into her, it just kept going down.

When at last he ran out of usable arm length, the end of wherever he was reaching into still wasn't within reach. "Hey Ressie, I can't get myself any further in, my shoulder's in the way. But whatever's in here feels like it's taking up all of you. You're almost completely empty in there."

Although she couldn't exact speak in her position, Ressie could feel Solas as he moved his arm around to touch the linings of whatever he was in. She faintly giggled as his fingers ran across the slick walls, causing him to nearly jump in fright the first time she did so.

For as awkward as the two of them looked, Solas standing over and reaching into Ressie as she simply sat on the couch holding her paws over her belly from the outside and trying to meet hers up with his as he felt around, it wasn't exactly a disagreeable experience for either. The red panda was feeling no discomfort from her possibly biting him or from any sort of acids. Whatever fluid was inside there didn't seem to be dangerous in the least.

"Alright, I think that's enough hands on exploration for me. I'm going to pull my arm out, alright?" Solas felt her sigh or moan or something as he removed his arm at the same rate he put it in with. "Ugh, I'm all covered in... you, Ressie. I need to go grab a towel and dry myself off. I'll be right back."

Ressie nodded her head and leaned back into the sofa, already missing the sensation that having Solas' arm inside her brought. She closed her eyes and waited for him to return momentarily.

"Hey uh, Ressie, you didn't just wet yourself did you?" Solas walked back in rubbing down the matted black fur on his arm. "It looks like your clothes and my couch are all wet, um, right, there, now..."

"What?" she responded and jumped up, looking down at the apparent mess beneath her. "Oh no, I'm so sorry Solas. After you pulled your arm out of me, I-I couldn't stop myself from letting it out. You're not mad at me now, are you?"

Solas sighed. "You could've said something. The toilet's right over there." He tossed the damp towel on the nearly soaked cushion, and noticed something peculiar about the odor. "Hey, this smells like my arm does. You didn't throw up did you?"

"No," she shook her head defensively. "It... came out the bottom."

"I'm not upset or angry at you, but I really wish you would've said something. Now I've got to clean this mess up, and I'm sure you probably want to shower too."

The embarrassed girl stood silently. "I'll go grab you a change of clothes, although I have a feeling that mine are going to be just a little bit small on you," Solas continued. "But that's all I've got I'm afraid."

After cleaning up the wet, yet not exactly horrible aroma from his furniture, Solas waited for his guest to finish cleaning up and come back out to join him again. "Well, I know we're not exactly any closer to figuring you out, but I think I might know someone who can help."

"You do?"

"My science and biology professor might have an idea. We can go and talk to her before class tomorrow morning. If you really don't have anywhere else to go, I suppose you can stay here for the night."

"Thank you Solas, I really appreciate all you've done for me today, no matter how strange it all was. I really hope your teacher can help me too."Ressie sat back down on the couch, trying to maintain a smiling face. "You know, I felt a little better after we did that. But I don't have any idea why."

Solas furrowed his brow. "I don't know either, but I'm not sure if I really want to go about putting my arm down your mouth like that again. It may have been oddly nice, but I can't get over how completely eerie that was."


"So let me get this straight Solas, you say you've found this skunk with a very soft stretchy body, seemingly hollow belly, and a mouth that can open as wide as your head?" the large lioness walked around Ressie, looking her over.

He affirmed her statement, watching the feline poke at Ressie inquisitively. "Let me think about this for a minute, I could swear that I've read about something just like this before."

"Really, you might know who or what I am?"

"Yeah, if I remember correctly, lemmius have bodies similar to what you're describing." Mrs. Arobel paused a moment to rub her whiskers, "but they're kind of uncommon to actually see. There's not that many of them made."

"Lemmius?" Solas interrupted. "I've never heard of them before. And what do you mean by made? Are they not a natural species or something?"

Mrs. Arobel shook her head. "Not exactly. I believe they're a product of genetic engineering gone weird. Some scientist went about creating a series of bizarre creatures that not only fulfilled strange sexual fetishes and desires, but actually relied on them to survive. I do however, find it hard to swallow that your friend here is not only a lemmius, but doesn't have any idea she is one. Doing the things they do is sort of a necessity for them. It's not like you or I could just not eat or sleep and not realize something is wrong with us."

"So what do lemmius need to do that's so strange then? Is it related to Ressie's stretchy mouth and body?"

The lioness giggled. "Well, if you're actually serious about not knowing, and I would have no idea how you wouldn't Ressie; lemmius basically have to have someone inside of them in order to get energy and such."

Ressie was taken aback. "Inside me!? How is that even possible? I know we found out that I'm really stretchy, but even if I could fit someone in me how would they breathe and stay alive? I don't want to hurt anyone like that!"

"Those details were actually all specifically figured out when they were made. It's supposed to be perfectly safe, intentionally, for the person inside. On top of whatever it is that your body does to get the energy from your guest, I suppose, it makes a breathable liquid air. It should be perfectly fine to spend as much time as desired inside you, at least I think. Whoever was in there would have to come out eventually for food and to live their own lives too."

Solas and Ressie looked at each other with an awkward expression of embarrassment, unsure about the increasingly intimate nature of the situation they seemed to be in now. "I...I don't know about this Mrs. Arobel," the little red panda fidgeted around as toothed one of this claws nervously. "I'm not sure if letting Ressie basically swallow me is such a good idea. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I'm just not so comfortable with the idea."

"Lemmius should have a second way in and out too," Mrs. Arobel pointed to the skunk's groin with a grin. "They connect to the same place. You can use that if getting eatten isn't your thing"

That prospect wasn't much more appealing to him. "Do I really have to do this? Isn't there some other way to help Ressie? I'm not exactly scared if it's really as safe as you say, but I just don't get why it has to be this way."

"Please Solas?" she begged, accepting the feline's explanation and holding her paws together right below her nose. "I guess I haven't done this in more than a week now and really don't feel so good. I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

Solas looked to his professor for help. "Unless you can find her previous mate, something it seems she can't quite recall, I think you should help the poor skunk out. The whole process is supposed to feel quite food I would imagine. Lemmius were made for those reasons after all." Arobel rested her paw on his shoulder and grinned, "I'll even excuse you from class today so you have a little fun getting to know your new friend better. Who knows, you might actually find you like it."

The red panda was cornered, trapped between the nudging of the lioness, the irresistible cry for help in the skunk's eyes, and his own feelings of guilty compassion, morbid curiosity, and anxious reluctance. "Ah, I try to just be friendly and helpful to someone and this is what I get? There's really no way for me to get out of doing this now, is there?" The ailurus' face all but betrayed his thoughts to the pair of smiles starting right at him. "I, uh, I guess I don't exactly have much choice then do I?"

Ressie nearly leaped forward to wrap her arms around the unexpecting Solas, instantly burying him in the unnatural incredible softness of her body that he remembered holding just the day before. "Thank you so much for helping me out Solas! Without you I might never have been able to find any of this out."

She ran her tongue up his white and brown muzzle gently. The vexed panda had to shut his eyes as the slick redness passed up and over, gritting his teeth at the ordinarily pleasurable sign of affection. "I want to repay you however I can, although I don't really have anything to be able to give you. These aren't even my own clothes I've go on..."

"It's not a problem Ressie," the still warmly embraced Solas squeaked. "I suppose we should probably go back to my apartment and get this taken care of then. Thanks for your help Mrs. Arobel. I guess I'll see you Thursday, unless your conclusion ends up being wrong or something."

The lioness chuckled at her student's pessimism towards his situation. She gave the back of his head a quick brush before speaking, "Don't be so worried and upset, Solas. I'm sure when you come back in here you're going to feel completely different. Besides, now you've got me curious too. I'm expecting a bit of a paper on this now. Be sure to go into graphic scientific detail with what you find out!"


"Hold on Ressie, let me grab some extra towels out of the closet before we try this. I don't want to get a big mess all over my bed. Something tells me we're not going to be able to keep all of the stuff that's inside of you, well, in. And..."

Solas swiftly turned his head away from the skunk undressing in his room between the bed and desk. "Ah!" he yipped. I didn't know you were taking your clothes off!"

Ressie gave him a puzzled look. "What's wrong Solas? I thought you said you weren't comfortable with going in through my mouth? Won't your clothes kinda stretch and tear if I don't take them off?"

"I, I suppose so..." The red panda tensed up as he slowly looked back in her direction. "I mean, I just, I don't know. It seems so strange to be seeing someone I just met yesterday naked in my room, and being perfectly content with it. You're not concerned about this at all?"

"That sounds a little silly, Solas," Ressie said as she made her way across the room to take the towels from him. "What does it matter how long we've known each other for? And won't you have to undress too? You don't want to get your clothes all wet inside me, do you?"

After tossing the extra linens on the bed, Ressie returned to the rather embarrassed looking red panda still standing in the doorway and slowly ran the tips of her fingers down his clothed chest. Even as anxious as Solas was, part of him couldn't help but find something about all of this strangely arousing. "You remember what Mrs. Arobel said right? There's nothing to be afraid of. I promise I'll let you out if anything starts to get comfortable for you at all."

Solas reluctantly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the black furred chest beneath it. It wasn't exactly helping him take things off to be having Ressie petting and nuzzling him as he was doing so, but her playful touch was still rather pleasant. He could only imagine that she was likely being turned on as much as he was, or however it was that her body worked. Maybe some kind of eager anticipation or excitement, like the kind he'd feel when something fun or enjoyable was about to happen.

In either event, Solas was soon standing with only his underwear on, trying to his, perfectly normal under the circumstances, but no less uneasy shame that had swelled up and was poking out of his sheath. Ressie couldn't help but notice him trying to hold his black paws just below his belly, who grimaced as she questioned his behavior. "What's wrong Solas? All you've got left to go is your underwear, and I've got this warm fuzzy feeling in me for some reason. It's just like yesterday when you put your arm down into me."

"Uh... I, uh, really kinda feel bad saying this, but I can't help but uh..." Solas stuttered, still not able to turn away from the sensations of Ressie's tongue repeatedly brushing along the side of his face; brown and white patterned fur matting with every lick.

"Can't help what, Solas? Is something the matter?"

He eased his paws away, gradually revealing the almost fully unsheathed redness poking out. Ressie looked down and smiled, "there's nothing to be ashamed of, it's completely normal to feel that way about all of this. Especially if it's what I was made for."

"It doesn't bother you that, not only were you created, but created for really weird sexual reasons? And that this is what you have to do with your life?" he asked, pulling the last of his clothes off of his left leg.

The equally nude skunk paused in thought, bringing her clawed fingers up to scratch behind her ear. "You know, I thought about that for a little bit after your professor talked about it, but honestly I don't really have a problem with it. Maybe I was also made to simply do this and enjoy it without wondering why. But right now there's nothing more I want than to make you feel good and enjoy yourself too, even if taking you inside of me helps me out more than it helps you. I just can't shake that odd desire."

Ressie walked over to Solas' bed, climbing up and sitting down in the middle. "So, how do we do this then? I haven't exactly just crawled my way inside of another person before," Solas followed her up, positioning himself on the front of the bed towards her. "I mean, I can't even wrap my mind around how this should even be possible."

"But it has to be!" Ressie said, scooting herself closer towards the unsure red panda and leaning in. "Everything we've found so far says so! And I just feel it's what I have to do too!"

Solas sighed. "Well, I guess you'll either have to lie on your back and spread your legs for me..." He trailed off when she laid her paw on his chest again, looking down to watch her continue to pet at him as he spoke. "Or, you could probably turn over onto your hands and knees and put your... tail end up in the air. You know, like feral style, I think."

"I like that second one more!" Ressie giggled. It took the big skunk no time flat to shuffle around, burying her face in Solas' pillows and presenting herself to him. She wiggled her raised back end while arcing her large, wide, black and white stripped tail as far up her back as it would go, maximizing accessibility. "Go ahead; I'm all ready for you Solas."

If she had been any other female, and if in almost any other situation, he would've jumped on the invitation of her position without hesitation. Instead the first thing Solas did was look and approach her cautiously. "Hey uh, Ressie; you've only got, um, one hole back here."

She turned to head to the side to respond. "Well, then that just makes it simple then, right? It doesn't matter to me if I don't have all the same features and details a normal fur has."

"Well, here goes nothing then...I hope you were right about this Mrs. Arobel." Solas reached forward and slowly, almost painfully slowly for Ressie, and slid one finger, then two, then his entire paw into the skunk's quivering orifice with incredible ease. The flesh instantly parted to allow entrance, but at the same time maintained a firm grasp on his arm. He couldn't tell whether or not the massaging-like action he was feeling was from her body intentionally, or simply a delightful reaction to his intrusion.

"Ah! Solas!" Ressie cried out as he started his other hand. That answered the panda's question. Apparently this felt good for her after all. By the time he got both arms inside up to the shoulder, Solas could start to feel the top end of wherever it was inside her belly that he was going. It was nearly the entire length of her torso too.

There was a vaguely familiar scent that Solas had smelled the whole time, but now that his nose was right in front of it there was no doubt that the unique odor was from her. And despite him cringing at the idea of where it was coming from, there was something almost... addicting about it that he couldn't resist.

It was a subtle aroma, smelling very much like Ressie herself, but with a spicy kind of musk that almost reminded the red panda of a female in heat. Yet, there was a touch of something else, something exotic he'd never known. And it was having an effect on him he wasn't aware of or could fully resist.

"Alright Ressie, this is it I guess. I'll push my nose in a little, but if Mrs. Arobel was wrong, and I can't breathe inside of you, we may have to go back and talk to her again." She whined a little as Solas lined his head up, muzzle first, and pushed himself down into her gently.

He held his breath, stretching open the entrance and passing his head into the fluids that filled the skunk's belly. Once sure his nose was engulfed, Solas carefully tested the waters, so to speak, taking in as little of it as possible fully expecting to cough it right back up in a second. When you've more than two decades known that breathing water was a bad idea, it came at quite a shock to find out that not only could he inhale these liquids inside of the strange skunkette but they were actually rather nice; like an overly oxygenated air with an overtone of her smell."

With eyes still closed firmly in the warm wet darkness, Solas advanced himself forward with his hind legs and began to curl up as he felt the slimy linings of Ressie's stomach expand and sink down towards the bed. That was the most intensely slick substance the red panda had ever touched, let alone be inside of.

"Solas! Oh that tickles!" Ressie called out and laughed. "It's just like before, only... Ah! Only, so much more filling than just your arm was." She started to push backwards into him, trying to speed up his entrance into her. The assistance and jerky motions were helping, but also started to make more of a mess. Even more of her was leaking out around Solas' lower torso, and the towels were only able to catch some much of the dripping below the pair.

"H-hey Ressie? Can you hear me at all?" the nearly completely swallowed up panda burbled.

"Solas? Yes, I can!" she repied with an eager shout. "Well, not so much hear you as feel you talking, I think. Is something wrong? Are you okay?"

"I can't get my tail in. Can you give me a hand or something? It kinda feels weird to have it be the only thing still dry on me."

Ressie turned to notice his brown stripped tail poking out of her just below her own. There was no way should could reach it from the position she was laying in though. "Yeah! I see it sticking out me me, and it tickles too! It also looks a little silly, like I've got two tails. But I've got to roll over onto my back to reach it, are you going to be okay in there?"

"Yeah, you've got a lot of give and it's all so soft and nice inside here. And this stuff I'm floating in..." Solas paused to take a breath breath, reveling in the euphoric sensations that ran through him from the very core. "It's amazing. Maybe I was worried over nothing."

The large bellied skunk chuckled at his compliment and carefully and gently tipped over onto her side, then sat upright, trying to retain composure with all she was carrying. She felt Solas squirm around inside of her, repositioning his body as she did hers.

Once sitting on her rear end, Ressie was able to reach around and finish their intimate ordeal. She lay back down, oversized belly pressing down on her. Solas may have only been a little shorter and smaller than her, but she felt all the more satisfied and full because of it. This was what her mind and body was after, even though she herself didn't know or remember.

"How are you feeling inside there, Solas? Is it as good as your teacher said it would've been?"

"Yeah, I think it is," he nuzzled his face into one of the walls around him. "I'm sorry for doubting you. From now on I won't have any problem helping out my new friend. I should have been more open to new things from the start, no matter how out of the ordinary."

Ressie placed her paws on top of her chest to meet where the red panda was rubbing his nose at from the inside. "Don't be so upset Solas. It wasn't your fault you were skeptical. I suppose that I really am a bit odd, but I'm just happy that you're enjoying yourself. It's the very least I could do for you."

"Still, I do feel bad about it. But, what are you going to do now? Can you still move around like this?"

"Yeah, I think so. But not right now. If I haven't done this in the last week, then I'm not sure I have the strength to walk around yet," Ressie continued to pet and rub at herself, trying to join Solas' touch with her own. "I think I'm going to take a nap actually, unless there's something you need me to try and do?"

"No, that sounds like a good idea, I think I'll join you. It's just so relaxing here. Even though I want to just stay for a while, I know I have to get up for school in the morning. You'll have to let me out before then so I can clean up and eat."

The big stuffed skunk sat up again and looked at the clock on Solas' desk. "It's after noon right now. When do you want out?"

"Class doesn't start till nine," he mumbled, already starting to fall into a trance. "Couple of hours... That'll be enough time to shower."

Ressie wrapped her arms, legs, tail, and leaned her head down to wrap herself around the red panda as much as possible. "Nearly a day and a half Solas?" she grinned. "I don't have a problem with you being in there that long at all. Not when it's this great for both of us. But for now, I think I'll join you in those pleasant dreams you're sure to be having."

Not only was I not really able to come up with a good title, but I did feel the first chapter was a little weak. Especially the very begining. Let me know what you think.

But then again, writing quality feedback and fetish based stories don't exactly go hand in hand (or is that paw in paw?). I honestly won't expect much here. Just hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.

I do have more plans and ideas in mind for both these two, and lemmius in general. Maybe when I'm in the mood to do another one of these I could offer a bit of a guest slot. Check out the species bio:" href=""> and see if you'd make the fit.

It'll probably be a while till I pick this up again though. Want to continue other things again with this out of me.