Day of the Sex Zombies part 1

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#11 of Sex Zombies

First part, second part coming soon enjoy!

Ash lay on the couch in a small room peering through slightly open eyes at a T.V. That was running news programs. Everything that has happened in the past couple years, the plague that has swept across the Americas....nothing could stop it....and all contact with the rest of the world was lost....did they survive?....or maybe they fell too. She slowly got up, feeling like she hasn't slept at all....or maybe slept to much and rubbed her eyes. She slowly stood, and stretched her powerful lioness muscles as she slowly walked towards the grey cement wall the small T.V. Was pushed up against. Resting one hand on the T.V. She looked at an old calender on the wall, X's marking the days...weeks....months. She took a second to yawn when suddenly dozens of arms came through the wall, grabbing on to her a ripping at her cloths, she screamed as she saw blank faded and white eyes through the holes. She tried to jerked away causing her shirt to rip as she fell back she hit the floor with a thud and that is when she jerked awake, suddenly jumping a little to the sound of a loud engine.

"Are you alright?" She looked over seeing Terry...older and to her admission, not bad looking....maybe that said something about him being one of the last men alive. They and two others were in a helicopter flying over a forest heading for the coast. "Bad dream....again." Ash said rubbing her eyes. Terry had a look of concern on his face, slowly rubbing her leg with his hand with a smile. "Cuz your trying to do everything alone" Ash just swept his hand aside and leaned forward. "Are we almost there?" The pilot and navigator looked back. A panther and an old dog, Davy and Bill, weird team up, but they liked it. "Yeah, but i'm not picking up anything on the radio. Nobody is down there." Ash sat back in her seat. "Well then we're going to have to land then." The old dog snapped back. "Are you nuts, nobody said anything about landing in a CITY!" "It's the largest city in a hundred miles of the base, we are going to give it every chance, just because you can't hear anything on the radio doesn't mean there are no survivors." Ash growled back.

"Fine, i will take us down, but I'm not getting out and I'm leaving the engine running, at the first sign of trouble I'm going up, and if your not on board when that happens.....well...your bound to have a shitty afternoon." The panther ended it before it got out of hand. The helicopter slowly descended onto an abandoned street, garbage was blowing in the wind and cars were burned or flipped over with broken glass everywhere. Ash stepped out followed by Terry, the sun was strong as it beamed down and heated their fur as soon as they got out they secured their rifles and grabbed a blow horn, running away from the sound of the helicopter engine. The two made it to an intersection and looked around, off in the distance a banner fluttered over the wide street. "SPRING BREAK!" Ask handed the wolf the blow horn and he wet his lips as she kept a look out.

"HELLO!" He started to bellow. "HELLO!!??? IS ANYONE OUT THERE!" The lioness looked around with sharp eyes, tracking any movement, this part was never safe, but she got used to escaping cities. "HELLOOOOOOOOO!" The wind whisked again blowing and old news paper up against a street lamp revealing the headline. "THE DEAD FUCK!" "HELLO! CAN ANYONE HEAR MY VOICE!" The sun beamed down on the hot cement street and a shadow started creeping across it, a hard moan and scraping of the feet as a figure walked forward. A tall and muscled gator, his cloths ripped to shreds a scratch across his face and rock hard cock, he played with himself as he stopped and heard the bellowing voice in the distance.


The once dead city slowly started to come to life, at least what passed for life in this new world as more and more moaned joint the din, shadowy figures walking out of buildings. Doors to cars opening revealing couples stumbling out. What seemed like lifeless bodies in ally ways started to stretch and get up. It worked like dominoes as hot and horny zombies saw others moving towards something, they joined in to find the sources of the voice to quell their hunger. Office workers, policewomen in ripped uniforms, teen girls in their spring break bikinis, a near naked NEWS woman dragging her microphone behind her, goths, a soccer team, the whole city uniting in the search for the voice. The moaning almost became deafening, thousands maybe tens of thousands suddenly animating wondering like ants.

Back at the helicopter Bill tried frantic still to get someone on the radio. "To anyone within the sound sound of my voice i am on frequency 157.69. We have a helicopter and can fairy you to safety if you can hear me please respond." The old dog felt a hand on his forearm and looked over at Davy. "Forget it man, listen, you can even hear it over the engine." The panther said point up. Bill removed his head set and listened as the faint moaning could be heard. "Holy shit!" Back at the intersection Terry continued his beacon of hope. "HELLLOOOOOOO IS ANYONE THERE!......HEELLL-" He was interrupted by taps on the shoulder. "Look!" Ash pointed down one street, which was filling with hundreds of white eyes ghouls then to another street where it seemed even more was coming for them. Terry started to run back the helicopter. "Come on, we gotta get out of here!" he stopped seeing Ash wasn't running, only looking at the on coming hoard. He returned and tugged on her shirt. "Come on already." Ash nodded. "Yeah....yeah lets go."

Not long after, the helicopter returned to where it came from, touching down again as its occupants leaped out. Ash and Terry were met by a familiar face, Lena smiled at their return and waved them over. The snow leopard looked older but tighter with all the extra physical activity in her life As the engine started to die down they looked to the far distance seeing a small army of the sex ghouls writhing and pressing against the chain link fence that kept them from the living. "There seems to be more of them out there every day now." Lena said wrapping an arms around Ash and Terry. "They don't go near the corral anymore, so we can't capture them as easily, given their numbers it might be to dangerous to go out and take them on." Terry said looked at them. "Thats cuz they know what will happen to them if "Frankenstein" gets her hands on them." Davy said walking past them as the group head for the large elevator that lead to the underground bunker.

Ash thought about that for a moment before the platform elevator started to descend on a slant into the bunker. "If that's true Dave, then that means they are learning.......their actually learning...."

"So once again you found nothing." The bunny turned from looking at the map and to the group of civilians in the room. The room was divided into three tables, soldiers, only a five sat their not including the intimidating captain Rose, the one eyed bunny that scanned the room with her only impatient eye. Scientist, a pair of otters sat next to each other, docters Jenner, a brother and sister that seemed at time a little more, though no one approached them about it and the civilians where Terry, Ash, Lena, Davy and Bill sat. Captain Rose glared at everyone. " I am getting fed up with this, we have been down here for two years now, you should have found something!, someone! We are supposed to be finding survivors....finding a solution to this problem that has over taken this country and god known how many others. The brother otter spoke up. "Well, you have to take into consideration that this operation was thrown together at the last minute, half the biological research we do goes down the drain due to unclean working conditions."

"We need to get in contact with a proper government facility, they would have better luck and we could work with...." His sister was interrupted but the cold gaze of the Rose. "Well thats the clincher aint it!." One of the soldiers barked out. "How about you get on that radio of yours old man and get Washington on the horn you useless old fart!" He yelled throwing an empty beer can at Bill who only twisted his face in disgust at the lack of discipline they had, not real soldiers, national guard, weekend warriors pushed beyond what they signed up for. "Believe me." He said with a hiss. "If there was a chance i no longer had to look at you little shits anymore i would gladly try to contact anyone, but the simple fact of the matter is......." He started to calm down. "The simple fact of the matter is, either no one is in reach of my puny world war two signals, or we really are the only ones left."

"This is bullshit! I have half a mind to stop your experiments, whip out your precious specimens and my men and i get the fuck out of here!" "That would be completely pointless captain." A voice echoed from across the large room, at the main door stood a grey cat, with fading blonde hair, she stated walking in, even though she was older she had a sexy wiggle to her walk, her high heels clicking on the cement floor, her lab coat spattered with blood. "I thought i told you the meeting was a five Frankenstein." She sat down with her scientist companions and took some food. "Im sorry but my work was taking some time to finish i could not just leave it." She started picking at the food on the table when she was interrupted by the bunny. "Look Frankenstein, when i call a meet i expect everyone to be here." "Look im eating right now i will be with you in a moment." She said catty. "I can't have people running around doing as they plea....." "I am eating captain i will be with you in...." She interrupted the one eyed rabbit but soon got cut off herself.

Rose swept the food off the table in a fit of rage. "IM RUNNING THIS MONKEY FARM FRANKENSTEIN AND I WANNA KNOW, WHAT THE FUCK YOUR DOING WITH MY TIME! If your just jerking your ghouls off in there, like i said im going to blow the piss out of them and get the FUCK out of here!." There was a moment of silence. "where would you go?" The grey cat seemed unflinching. "What?" Captain Rose seemed knocked off balance by the question, in truth she never really asked it herself. "It's much to late for doing what you want Captain. The time to have done that was at the beginning, we are in the minority now, they have us in a hopeless situation now, out numbering us fifty thousand to one by my count. Do you intend to "blow the piss" out of them too?"

The estranged doctor seemed to defuse the tension in the room with fear, the kind of fear that pulled people together, fear of the dark kind of fear. "You really have no choice but to give us the time that we ask for, we are all trapped in the situation and you really have no business being angry with us." Rose folded her arms and sat on the table. "And what have you been working on that makes you so brave." The grey cat started picking at food again. "I have evidence that they are getting smarter, the older they have been turned the smarter it seems they are getting, i think it might be possible to train them, teach them NOT to attack us, maybe even serve us. I believe it will go a long way to help us when i find a way to counter the turning process." The captain bunny blinked once in silence. "Making us immune, preventing death and turning." Frankenstein finished.

The meeting finally ended on a sobering note as the groups went their separate ways going about their business. "Well another day, another dollar." One of the soldiers said as they filled into entertainment room. "Dollar! What the hell is that, am i the only one not getting his paycheck." Paycheck!, i haven't seen one in two years!" "Hey T-dog, you gonna have a drink with us!" Terry heard one of the soldiers yelling at him. "Yeah and bring those sexy cats with you, lets get them drunk!" Lena and Ash stopped and looked at Terry. "Oh yeah sure, i'll be there in a sec." "Well im going to go get some sleep or something." Ash said stretching her arms over her head, her firm breasts bounce a little as she moves. "Well....uh...are you sure you don't want to hang out with me or somethin...." Terry asked timidly.

Ash smiled and patted him on the head, turning to walk away when the snow leopard wrapped an arm around him pressing herself against him. "Don't worry "T-dog" i'll keep you company." Ash made it half way down the hall when she ran into the otters. "That was pretty close eh, Rose can really fly off the handle when she wants to." "Don't worry Kyle, I'll protect you." His sister hugged him. "Ashley, you were pretty quite." Ash exhaled. "just tired, been having pretty depressing dreams, victory seems so far off." She stopped to see the grey cat sniffing an open can of food and retracting in disgust but it didn't stop her from sticking her tongue in. "And what's with her, does she really know what she is talking about? Can she really do what she says she can do?"

"Franken.....Professor Keller is nutty, but she is brilliant, when this started she knew stuff, stuff others were speculating at. I have faith in her." Ash looked the otters over who were still close together. "I notice you guys don't work with her." "No no, like i said the place sucks for biological work, we are working on a technological solution to the problem." "Kyle maybe we should show her!" His sister pressed against him holding his hand. "Shanna, i don't think..." "Pish posh, come on Ashley its pretty cool." The three walked into the dark room, when the lights were flicked on Ash noticed it was divided into two rooms, with a one way mirror between them. In the other room were three caged sex ghouls and a table with what seemed like a body with a blanket over it. She assumed it was another one them.

They walked into the second room and as soon as they did the ghouls, two males and a female in ripped cloths pressed against the bars of the cage, rubbing against it moaning, dripping and licking the bars. "Shat up! Get back." Shanna zapped them with a cattle prod, making a male yelp and the female moan with delight squeezing her exposed breasts as she was shocked. After they seemed to calm down. "Professor Keller learned that their sexual appetite can be curled with some shock therapy in the right spots, it doesn't last long, but it helps." Kyle pulled a plug from the bottom of the table as the body under the blanket suddenly jolted, making Ash step back reaching for her gun. " What the fuck is under there" "Don't worry, she is safe to be around." Ash's mind raced thinking about some sort of monster. "Oh my! I can't see! Where is everyone." Kyle sighed. "Remove the Sheet B-9" A feminine art popped out form the sheet and as the form started to rise she pulled it off.

Sitting before Ash was a fox, but not really, no fur she was smooth looking, with a metallic grey finish with dispersed blue colour patterns across her body with a large 09 tattooed on the left side of her belly. Her hair, though black, shinned like a tinted metal wire, but much more fine, like black strands of lithium, she had two horns protruding from her for head that seemed out of place. Her well endowed breasts seemed perfect even by Ash's standards, she would be lying if she didn't find her hot. The metallic female looked back at her with equal interest, the blanket slid off the table, she was naked as she struck a sexy playboy style pose. Running her finger through her lithium hair clearing it from her fox ear, smiling sexy. "how you doin." Ash blushed, for a split second she was waiting to be seduced and taken by her. Then suddenly shook her head . "What the hell is that!"

Kyle stood proudly beside his invention. "This is my Chemo Hazard Elimination Life form Beta version Nine!" Shanna stood on the other side. "Or just, C.H.E.L. B-9 for short." B-9 slid up to the edge of the table and sat on her round perfect ass and held out her hand. "It's my pleasure to meet you lion goddess." Ash blushed again, she was finding it harder to hid this. "uh,...hello." She took the metallic woman's hand and instead of a shake B-9 kissed her hand looking up at her with sexy eyes. "You two made a robot!" Kyle stepped forward. "Does she look like robby!" He snorted with a chuckle. "This is a self aware gynoid, a mere month after working down here, we gave up on what Professor Keller was working on and started on this new weapon, she is finally ready for testing." Ash felt the warmth of B-9's mouth around two of her fingers as the gynoid sucked on them.

Ash bit her lip and pulled her hand away. "OK you two, what is her story." They started walking into the other room. "Oh, thanks for dropping by." Ash turned and faced the brother and sister team. "When people build weapons....they you know, look like guns, or swords. What the fuck is in the other room!?" "Well i suppose it would be hard to explain what she does...." "Why don't we do another test for her brother!" Kyle was interrupted. He smiled at his sister, of coarse, she hasn't gotten her exercise in some time has she?" Shanna walked back into the room with the sexy fox bot. "Doctor, i have an ich could you scratch for me." Ash turned to Kyle. "What is with the slut thing." "Its all part of the bait and trap program, just watch and you will see." "Ok B-9 I need you to activate, your going to have a work out." C.H.E.L licked her lips as a humming sound started to get louder from her chest, her eyes started to fade turning milky white. "Yes mistress." Shanna walked back into the observation room locking the door. "Thanks for dropping by." They could hear through the door.

After getting the thumbs up from his sister Kyle flipped a switch on a control panel as one half of the cage opened, releasing one of the ghouls. B-9 outstretched her arms in a loving embrace. "Come to me!" She said in a seductive voice to the drooling sex ghoul. The zombie howled in lust as he lunged forward tackling the metallic fox climing on top of her on the table. B-9 moaned as he squeezed and played with her breasts, running his tongue across her firm mounds licking her nipples, she lovingly wrapped her legs around him as he ravaged her large tits. Ash seemed worried holding her gun. "Don't worry, this is supposed to happen." Shanna tried to calm her down. "You made a fuck doll for the freaks?" "Shshshshshshs, just watch." B-9 moaned with pleasure as she lay on her side, her legs spread as the drooling zombie pumped into her, her large breasts bouncing as she felt the thick cock fuck her.

The fox bot whipped her lithium hair around as she moaned with pleasure. "Yes yes yes, give to me harder you dead stud." B-9 gripped the metal table as she screamed, one breast pressing against the cold table as the creature fucking her side ways faster and faster. The three watched with silence when suddenly her spin started to glow red with small arcs of electrical flares passing between her horns. "What the hell is that!?" Ash pressed. "Shshshshshshshs" was the only answer. "Yeah baby, so good, your making me cum!, make me CUM!" Just as she screamed this she arced her back and with a violent flash of light the sex ghoul burst into flames, in a mere second leaving a pile of burned bones and ash on the table between her powerful legs. The fox bot sighed and caressed her large firm breasts.

Ash stared in amazement at what just happened. "You see she uses those feminine charms all you women have as a trap, she has a micro Arc reactor for a heart, that not only power her life, but the weapon, which incinerates anyone making physical contact." Kyle proudly laid it out for the lioness. "So what's with the fuck doll, why not create fancy ray guns or somethin." Kyle looked dumb founded and struggled to respond, to defend his creation. "We would need special corrective lenses which we cant manufacture or replace." Shanna help out her brother. "Wouldn't she get tired?" Ash pressed. Kyle just chuckled, clearly the lioness has not fully rapped her head around his creation.

The otter proceeded to flip another switch and releasing the final two ghouls. They lunged forward and tackled the fox bot, she was quick to turn this into her advantage. The threesome splayed out on the metal table as the female sex zombie lay on her back, with her hips in the air as B-9 licked her soft and wet pussy, as the fox bot took the drool man from behind. Gripping onto her hips as he pushed his large cock into her, the girls moaned as the fucking dictated the pace of threesome. "wow, that didn't take long for her to turn that around." Ash said amazed the robots sexual skills. The woman zombie gripped her breasts as she moaned with pleasure feeling the skilled tongue lick and prob her love hole. B-9 gave off her own sexy moaned as the creature fucking her thrusting harder and faster, edging him on as her many abilities aloud her to flex and manipulate love muscles.

The man creature howled and fucked the bot harder with more lust as he drooled, dripping on B-9's perfect firm ass. The fox bot moaned with pleasure louder and louder as she rapidly punched her tongue into the moist pussy in front of her, then licked her clit as she arc her back feeling the hard slaps against her ass, as the big dick filled her from behind. B-9 gave the pussy a long lasting lick as she held her head back and screamed with lust, her spin gave off that same red glow as energy arced between her horns. The two horny ghouls burst into short violent flames as they were reduced to broken bones and ash.

B-9 laid in the zombie debris cupping her own large firm breasts licking her own nipples. Ash looked on in amazement. "That! And she could take on..." "A whole army of the beasts." Kyle said with a smile. Shanna kinda sneaked up behind her and leaned into Ash's ear. "Her weapon can be turn off if that is what you were thinking." Ash blushed and seemed flusters, her hard nipples seen through her shirt.

A pair of women a raccoon and busty fox wearing sexy costumes of famous comic book heroes tumbles and wrestled with henchmen. "POW!" "ZAP!" "ZORK!" "KAPOW!" Soon they over powered the sexy duo and held them down to the floor. A lanky green figure appeared over them, a cheap looking spandex suit, decorated with black cocks. He chuckled and burst into a laughed. "I have you now Batwoman and Rabin! "Wowzers Batwoman, we're in for it now!" The sexy Batwoman narrowed her eyes as the henchmen groped and squeezed her leather clad breasts. "Diddler! You diabolical....You will never get away with this!" " I already have bat bimbo!" The girls moaned and squirmed as the henchmen pulled away their costumes, and tongues run across her firm bodies, licking nipples and suckling breasts.

"Oh come on, didn't they get anymore movies, I'm getting sick of this one." One of the soldiers complained. "Talk to the civis man, their the ones that go out and get this shit." Another soldier shot back. "T-Dog, you've been slacking on the porn man, better yet, find us some live pussy!" Terry and Lena sat at the bar at the back. "Dude, these people are getting a little strung tight, it might be a good idea to go are own way." Terry looked at the snow leopard. "With all those things out there?" "I was thinking about that, i think maybe we should find someplace nice, ride out the storm. A nice island someplace warm, run around naked, i mean really live." Terry thought about it for a second. "You here me?" "Yeah, yeah I'm just thinkin of Ash naked in the jungle." Lena almost slammed her beer on the table. "Son! When are you just going to get on that already. I'm getting sick of your Lioness hunting. Shit or get off the pot."

"Well i intend to, maybe tonight, i just need a few more beers." Lena exhaled hard through her nose with the sound of sex in the background. "You say that every week!" She smiled a drunk smile. "Maybe i should take a whack at her." Terry blushed and looked dumb founded. "Bu...but you can't!" Lena leaned against her younger friend. "Why the hell not? It's the end of the world right? I woman can't be picky about where her pleasure comes from." The snow leopard licked her lips seductively. "Be nice to me and i will let you watch us." "I.....i....i need to go get some sleep or something. Your just trying to bully me on." Terry bitched out. Lena smiled, for as long as she knew him, he always talked big, but never committed. Typical for his age.

"Don't worry sweet, ill walk you home and tuck you in." Terry frowned. "Aw come on Lena don't talk to me like I'm still a kid." Lena leaned against him as they walked. "Your right, your a big boy now." The fox in the bat cowl moaned with pleasure, using her fingers to spread her pussy lips as the Diddler fucked her, the big cock pumping into her wet love hole as he slapped against her firm ass. " ever wonder where she is RIGHT now?" One of the soldiers jabbed the other. "Probably wondering around LA, a zombie and shit." The other said over the moans of lust. "Dude, that is what I'm going to LA and finding this porn hotty, and give myself to her." He said smiling. "Would you two shut up! You guys are making this weird for me!" Another soldier on the other side of the seating area with his hand down his pant yelled at the others.

The wolf and snow leopard walked down the hall of the personnel living area, Lena still pressing up against her friend as they made their way to the place Terry lived and slept. "Well thanks Lena, you know i really look up to you and....." The snow leopard opened the door and waltzed right in, kicking her boots off, she wondered over to the single bed and unbuckled herself, pulling her pants down. Terry watched with amazement, as the snow leopard bent over, showing off her round firm ass and panties. She sat on the bed and folder her long beautiful legs, motioning him to come in. "Come here boy, i know you have been itching for some for a long, long time." Terry's heart raced, only once did he see Lena this naked, back when they were on the run, he got another black eye for peeking, walking in he closed the door.

"Lena....wha...what are you doin?" The snow leopard waited until he got close then dropped to her knees and started undoing his pants. "I haven't had any in over 2 years, boyfriends probably one of this things, so i will make do." Terry exhaled a shuttering breath. "Aren't i a little young for ya." Lena started licking his cock. "Shut it, mama's hungry." Terry's heart was pounding now, his dreams flooding into reality as he felt the hot tongue make him hard, his dick growing bigger with every lick, he exhaled heavy placing a hand on the snow leopards head as she started sucking his big dick. Terry grunted, never feeling so good before, he always looked up to Lena and he got to look down. Watching her head bounce back and fourth as his cock disappeared into her hot mouth, she looked back up at him with her red drunk eyes. She stopped sucking his off for a second slapping his dick against her tongue. "Is this what you want Ash to do to you? Huh? Why don't you show me what you want to do to her?"

Terry took a long hard look at the snow leopard and bit his lip, this was it, his chance. Lena laid back and opened her legs open, her panties thrown to the side, her shirt pulled up over her breasts. Terry licked her toes and ran his tongue up her beautiful leg and settled between her thighs, licking her soft pussy lips then locking lips plunging his tongue into her soft moistness. She moaned lightly as he reached up and squeezed her tits, running his fingers over her nipples making them hard. Drool started running down her soft fur as he savagely ate her pussy. Lena felt the heat building in her lower body as she arced her back and started moaning with pleasure, louder and louder as he licked her wet pussy, flicking her clit with his tongue and pinching her hard nipples.

Lena gripped the bed. "Yes, yes, this is what you have been waiting for this whole time, isn't it you little horn dog." She said before moaning out loud as he pushed fingers into her, she laid back on the back as she felt the wolf's fingers plunging deep into her love hole, as juices dripped down his hand. He joined her on the bed and started playing with her breast with his free hand and licked her hard nipples. "Lena, i won't be able to control myself much longer, i have been thinking about this for so long!" Lena smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. "Fuck me, fuck me good, take all of that pent up sexual frustration out on me!" Terry saw this as the biggest opening and sat up between her spread legs rubbing the tip of his dick against her soft pussy lips, making Lena blush and moan lightly. "Come on then, fuck me!"

Terry Pushed into her and groaned immediately feeling the hot wet walls around his cock, as he pushed in as deep as he could go he started moving his hips fucking the older snow leopard. Lena's breasts bounced as she moaned with pleasure feeling the hard cock fuck her with everything the wolf could bring. Lena blushed feeling herself loose control as she started moaning louder, Terry took this as a good sign and fucked her harder and faster. "Work everything boy, grab my tits, use your tongue. You want to make me cum don't you!?" Terry complied leaning over her and started playing with her breasts, running his tongue around her hard nipples and sucking on her breasts all the while fucking Lena as she wrapped her legs around him.

They changed positions, Lena on all fours now, her breasts bouncing under her as Terry fucked her from behind, holding fast to her hips. Lena screamed with lust as the pleasure built inside her, the big dick inside her was almost numbing. "Make me cum!, make me cum!" Terry only grunted and blushed, as he fucked the snow leopard with more vigour until it felt to much for him to handle. Soon he felt the hot juicy walls around his cock tighten, as sweat dripped down his face Lena screamed cumming, pussy juice dripping down onto the bed. He cried out as pleasure consumed him, he started to cum hard. His thick cream filling the snow leopard as his cock popped out squirting the cum across Lena's soft round ass.

Terry's heart was still racing as he laid in his moist best with a naked snow leopard draped over his body as Lena laid beside him, pressed up against him. "Hope this gave you a little confidence T." "That was amazing, i never knew it could be so great." Lena nuzzled him almost sleeping. "Your just lucky i like to fuck when i get drunk." Terry thought about that, only thinking off all the fucking she sees, was he just another notch.

In some desolate city, or at least what was once a thriving living city, everything seemed dark and dead. Buildings turned to rubble, entire sections burned down to nothing but cinder. The city was reminiscent of a bombed out world war two European town. Everything was silent and still, people or ghoul alike have long since left leaving only ghosts. Suddenly from nowhere it seemed a naked woman, a rabbit, tripped and stumbled from the dark. Her hands where bound at the wrist as she yelped feeling the collar around her neck was pulled on, by a long chain that seemed to go forever. She got up as the chain and collar forced her to continue, not long after a lumbering beast followed. A large croc, with torn cloths and raging hard on and claw marks across his face followed her. The naked rabbit screamed as she seemed just as eager to escape the large green beast but was still fighting the chain pulling her into the darkness.

She screamed again as she was pulled into a large warehouse with the croc in close pursuit. At the long end of this chain a pair of hands worked a crank, rolling the chain up. The figure stepped into the light revealing the beautiful and firm body of a grey cat, her blonde hair in her eyes as she smiled reeling in her bait. The large green croc stumbled into the warehouse moaning after his naked prize. Soon he managed to make it where he was fated to be, between two large conductors. The master mind behind this trap threw the switch and the conductors tapped into the power source suddenly beaming through the conductors as licks of energy lashed out at the powerful croc. He howled in the first agony he felt in years. The beams of energy grew more powerful as the croc zombie was belted with gamma rays.

The chemical that gave rise to the sex zombie empire rapidly multiplied and scrambled in the blood of the howling croc. He suddenly started to grow, his muscles expanding as he grew with greater power. Mutating, long throbbing tentacles grew from his back and arms. He suddenly roared with strength as he sported two large cock between his legs. He was now large and powerful, and by the time his transformation was done, He roared bearing his sharp teeth at the scared rabbit that cowered against the door to another room.

The large green mutant roared as his tentacles rushed forward and wrapped around the rabbit making her scream in terror. Another tentacle snapped the chain, the naked rabbit found herself staring into the glowing eyes of the growling mutant croc as the tentacles slithered across her body, squeezing her tits, and squirming over her nipples. The rabbit blushed as her screamed turned to moans as she felt the squirming appendages caress and molest her body. Drawing her in close giving the rabbit a long lick up her chest and across her face. Just then she cried out one of the thick tentacles pushed into her as she curled her toes feeling the large piece drive deep into her. The rabbit moaned as her tits bounced, the large tentacle fucking her as the other forced her to spread her legs as she was suspended in the air.

A creepy smile curled across Dr. Keller's face as she watched her pet be taken by the large creature. Suddenly the green mutant looked over to the large rusty door where the rabbit was cowering and sniffed the air. Tentacles rushed forward smashing it and pulling it apart. The grey cat suddenly looked worried, the beast was breaking into her secret stash! The tentacles pulled out two more women and a man that screamed in terror as they were handed by the powerful appendage. What was left of old worlds cloths were ripped to shreds, the two women screamed as they were forced to the ground in front of the large croc, they screamed, a mare and zebra, held in place by tentacles around their necks as he cried out feeling large cocks pushed into them from behind.

The only man, suspended in the air with the rabbit gasped as a tentacle opened and devoured his dick like a hungry snake. The screams of terror were quelled with moans of pleasure, the large croc gripped the mare and zebra's hips as he thrust his large cocks into them. The women were side by side on all fours, moaning with pleasure as their breasts bounced under them. The rabbit moaned with her mouth full as she hung in the air, a tentacle drilling into her wet pussy and another filling her mouth. The man, a cat groaned and struggled in the grip of the tentacles as the one sucked him off , devouring his cock, sliding up and down his shaft leaving a dripping trail in its wake.

Dr. Keller got over her secret stash being raided by the new born creature, she smiled again watching the raping orgy. So destructive, so powerful, so.....useful. The women screamed with pleasure as the creature fucked them harder and faster, drilling into their wet pussies as they rocked back and forth faster, their tits bouncing wildly. The tentacles fucked and sucked harder as the creature drooled, feeling the many pleasures at the same time for the first time. The croc howled and threw back his head making the girls scream as his many cocks throbbed, the green mutant filled the many holes with hot cream as he came, even the tentacles that weren't fucking shot streams of hot cum onto faces, backs and tits. The croc dropped the lifeless bodies to the ground and roared again. "Roooooooowwwwwrrrrrr" only suddenly to be interrupted by the hissing of the grey cat in the corner. Dr. Keller drew her hand up against a man of the area with circles marked on it.

Almost as if it was instinct he knew what it meant and the two started making their way out of the warehouse, to fulfil Dr. Keller's plans. That night Kraken was born and just as they left moans started to rise from the warehouse as the once lifeless bodies started to rise and looked around with dead white eyes.

End part 1

Day of the Sex Zombies part 2

Several days later, night once again fell on a refugee like camp, a section of a small town fenced off with all sorts of barriers, ranging from chain link fencing to cement blocks. Hundreds of the horny ghouls pressed against the walls and fencing...

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Invasion of the Sex Zombies part 2

Barbra slowly opened her eyes, an image of a fuzzy face slowly materialized into the face of a young wolf. "Oh...ooh..Ash she's awake." He called out not minding the horse's ears as she closed her eyes again at the sound of Terry's voice. Barbra sat...

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Invasion of the Sex Zombies part 1

Los Angeles Airport Control Tower "O.k, O.K! Calm down lady, I still don't really understand what your going on about. Where is your plane coming from and what is your problem so I can contact the appropriate authorities." The control tower...

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