Night of the Weredonk. Panic on Campus

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#10 of Weredonk

Hey there Furries!

Sorry its taken me so long to get this out, been in a bit of a writing "funk" lately and haven't gotten much done. But now that's over! (for the moment)

Recall how the last Night of the Weredonk was supposed to be an "In tandem" story? This is the other side of the coin, where John and Alex get into all sorts of shenanigans at their local college. (yes college, No cub porn here!).

I also know i have a nasty habit of creating cliffhangers for series, but the next one should be really interesting I assure you!

Special thanks for my wolf Nex_Canis for always being there for me :D

Oh, and there is some Feral on Feral smexings here. Just thought Ide throw that out there.

Have fun, Enjoy, COMMENT! and fave. Comments and faves make me write things faster, its a fact! :D

Much love to you all


*Ahem* I am the very model of a furry individual, I fap and yiff and write some porn for the people unequivocal. Now I've here got a story that defies all things anatomical with male sex scenes and bestiality with transformations beneficial!

....Song writing is hard!!! Just enjoy it :P it has M/M Sex Scenes and shouldn't be read by those under the age of 18, or who don't like this stuff :P

Night of the Weredonk, Panic on Campus

" I think I got this down....I take Dex out to the field with the boys..."


"Then we take them to the office one by one for "evaluations"."

"That's the idea."

"While you and Alex start work out at the college am I right?"

"That's the plan in a nutshell, we need to get the farmhands on our side before we can start expanding, me and Alex will basically be looking for new "cattle" for the next step".

"Alright, I think I got it, but can I just ask one thing?"

"Sure dad, shoot."

"Can you PLEASE put some clothes on?"

John grinned as he struck a proud masculine pose in front of his father, his tanned skin outlining every ridge and contour of his defined physique perfectly, while his cock stood semi erect in its sheathe.

"Aww, come on dad? Don't you want to get another quickie before I head off to school?"

Leo sighed for a moment then grinned up at his son. "You're an exhibitionist you know that? It's hard enough keeping my eyes closed when I'm walking around the house because you refuse to wear the slightest scrap of clothing. If I just get one peek at you or Dex I pop an instant stiffie and there goes whatever I'm wearing!"

"You know you can go around naked whenever you want to as well dad..." John then leaned over and slowly stroked his father's massive bicep.

"Hawww! Quit that! I'm barely holding on as is....and you know I hate being dressed as much as you guys do, but I have to keep up the appearance that I'm still human! And paying for all the clothes you have made me ruin has gotten expensive...."

John smiled as he sat down next to his father on the couch and placed an arm over his shoulder. "Tell ya what dad, when this is all over and done with, you won't have to wear a single shred of clothes ever again....and to top it all off, you will have a full herd of donks to service you...."

Leo twitched and let out a loud bray before playfully shoving John off him. "Ok! Ok! Out! If you keep this up we are going to be behind schedule!"

John laughed as he jumped to his feet and ran up the stairs

"Ok! But I get your ass when we get home!!" he shouted from upstairs

"Not if I mount you first!" shouted Leo

John laughed from upstairs as he barged into his room and began rifling through his dresser. He found a normal t-shirt and a pair of loose fitting shorts and quickly put them on, with some difficulty getting his erection to slip back into its sheathe. John then grabbed his backpack and climbed down the stairs, grinning as he squeezed his equine pride through his shorts as it left a rather large bulge in his pants.

As John stepped down to the final step of the stairs he shouted back to his father in the living room. "I'm going to meet up with Alex at his place before we go to school, Dex is out in the barn, just get him loaded up before you head out. See ya!"

John went out the door and waved goodbye to Dexter as he began dragging a rather large metal jug from the barn. Dexter smiled and waved back as his tail swished back and forth behind him. John had to admit, he was a bit envious of his brother and his level of freedom. No more school, no more clothes, Dexter had it made. He could only imagine how he spent his days grazing out on the field or fooling around with their sex crazed father like a real beast. John longed for the day when he could be just as free as his brother, but he had a job to do and he knew that soon enough the whole town would soon be seeing things their way.

Out in the distance John saw a large but slightly dirty truck with a large trailer attached driving down the road. He smiled and waved at Alex who was behind the wheel until he drove closer and stopped his truck right in front of him. John opened the door and climbed in and gave Alex a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for coming to get me man, you ready for today?" said John coyly.

"Ohh you know it...I haven't shot a load in three days and I'm about ready to pop..." Alex then roughly grabbed John's face and gave him a deep, tongue diving kiss.

"Ohh...someone is eager!" said John with a laugh as he looked down at Alex's obscenely tented jeans.

John then closed the door behind him and placed his backpack in the backseat and buckled himself in as Alex began driving down the bumpy road. While Alex drove and focused on the road ahead of them, John stared out the window with a smile on his face, giddy with anticipation for what was going to happen today and the plans they had set in motion.

"So, the team practices at 3:00, then it ends at around 5:00 yea?" said Alex

"Yea, that gives us plenty of time, and there won't be many people walking around except for anyone with night classes, which actually gives me a bit of an idea..." said John.

"Ohh? What's that?" said Alex.

John then leaned over and began whispering something into Alex's ear, who only nodded a few times until his eyes opened wide and he smiled a devious grin.

"Ohh're evil...." Said Alex, who suddenly began sprouting a coating of brown fur down his arms.

John smiled and slowly began rubbing Alex's arm "Shhhh, just hold on a bit, it won't be too long..."

Although it took some time to reach their local community college from all the way out in the country, the boys arrived on time for their first classes. After exchanging a kiss and a few playful gropes the two boys went their separate ways to different areas of the campus.

It was a long and boring six hours of classes for the two boys, each minute dragging for what seemed like forever as the boys got more and more anxious for it to be over. Alex tried to focus himself in his studies to keep his mind occupied, but he was finding that he was spending more time trying to keep his equine endowments a secret. John was having little luck as well, finding himself staring out into the distance, while his history teacher rambled on and on about the American revolution and John was thinking about home and the farm, wondering if Dexter's and his father's plan had gone well.

But finally at around 3:30 the boys final class ended and they both met at the bleachers overlooking their schools football field.

"So how you holding up?" said John as he lightly rubbed Alex's back.

"Nggggh...Fine..." he grunted.

John tilted his head in concern and leaned in closer to Alex

"Hey man, are you alright?"

Alex grunted and squirmed slightly in his seat, unknown to John, Alex had been sitting there for much longer than John had realized and had a full view of the entire football team during practice. The sweat covered jocks grunting and colliding with one another...their tight uniforms displaying their defined physique for all to see while frequent slaps on the ass and groping went on the entire time.

"I can't hold it in anymore...hawwww.....I gotta get off NOW!" demanded Alex. John nodded in disbelief as he watched a dusting of brown fur was beginning to rapidly to crawl up his arms.

"Easy, easy now..." said John as he tried to calm him down, but this appeared to have little effect as the fur was still quickly covering his body and starting to travel up his neck with no signs of stopping.

"Hawww....." brayed Alex softly as his fingernails grew dark and his body began to expand underneath his clothes, straining the fabric and causing a few threads to snap under the pressure of his growing mass.

John bit his lip and watched his friend writhe in pleasure and begin to give in to his more animalistic instincts, Alex then reached down and began to furiously grope his package through his pants that where growing tighter by the minute.

John gulped and tried to look away, but the very thought of Alex busting out of his clothes in all his donkey glory was a major turn on for him, he knew he had to get them both out of there before someone took notice and their secret was blown. John reached over and roughly grabbed Alex's changing hand and led him down underneath the bleachers as quickly as he could.

"Come on man...hold it together, I know you're pent up, but we gotta wait for the right moment." Said John as he glanced around making sure that no one had followed them down.

" hard...hawwww..." brayed Alex as he reached down and began to fumble with his pants until finally the top button on his jeans flew off and his full equine erection was released from his constraining pants and slapped against his chest. The massive shaft of meat throbbed angrily right in front of him; leaking precum down the entire shaft and emitting a deep musk that smelled manly and animalistic.

"Ohh you're going to get me going too hawww...." Said John as he felt a tingle down his arms and legs as a dusting of his own black fur begin to grow.

"Hawww...He-hawww...." Said Alex as he slowly began to jerk his equine male hood with wild abandon, accelerating his changes while his John watched right in front of him, transfixed on his growing muzzle and massive throbbing cock.

"Hawww...shit...." Said John as he felt the bulge in his pants grow even tighter and his clothes began to feel more and more constricting.

John looked around for a way he could salvage his plan, the coach was still filling up the water for the players so the football team was out, track was on the other side of the school and the soccer team was at a game that afternoon.

Alex let out another loud bray as his shoes began to tear and rip and his precum stained shirt was beginning to tear underneath his growing bulk. There was a particularly loud rip as his tail shot out from his backside and began to sway back and forth lazily as the torn remains of his pants pooled around his changing hooves.

John felt his own pants getting wetter and he knew it wasn't long until he couldn't resist his own animal instincts and mount Alex right then and there, but he still held on with the memory that this would be one of the few opportunity's they would ever have.

"Hawwwww!" cried out Alex as his shirt ripped revealing his brown fur coated chest underneath and his shoes where torn to shreds by the size of his hooves.

John fumbled with his pants to release his pained erection and relieve some pressure when suddenly he saw the coach left the water pump room with the large, heaving looking orange tub in both hands. He then began to slowly head out to the field while whistling an unknown tune while leaving the pump room door slightly open.

John sighed as his own erection was freed and the musky stench of his own equine maleness hit his nostrils along with the smell of Alex's fully transformed shaft only a few inches away from him. A shiver went up his spine and he felt the nub of his tail begin to press against the back of his pants.

"Shit...haww....can't..." muttered John as he reached down and gently gripped his shaft, beginning to embrace the true side of himself when suddenly he heard a loud whistle come from inside the building in front of him.

"Wait...Hawww....The swim team!" said John as he snapped out of his lust induced trance and took his changing hands off his cock. He recalled that the swim team was practicing as well. The fact that they were all dressed in skin tight, revealing speedos made the thought of them all being torn in half by massive donkey cocks and long ropey tails run though his mind.

"Alex, Hawww, ALEX!" said John as he slapped his friends hands off his cock.

"So...hawww...close...gotta finish..." said Alex desperately.

John sighed and grabbed Alex's muzzle and pointed him toward the still slightly opened pump room.

"If we can get it into wherever they pour the chemicals, then this will still work hawww! Don't you want a big heard of donkeys to service? He-haww!" said John as his long ears began to grow to the top of his head.

"He-Hawwww!!!" Brayed Alex as his cock throbbed and shot out a massive load of yellowish spunk onto the ground in front of him.

John smiled slightly as he stepped out of his shoes and slowly removed his pants and shirt before he folded them and placed them under the corner of the benches. He then helped Alex out of what remained of his clothes as well, admiring his thick coat of equine fur and the massive drooling tool that jutted out from his sheathe. John gave Alex's balls a playful squeeze as they grew in his hand to equine proportions causing Alex to grunt in approval. Finally John took a step back and let out a deep sigh as the fur that was slowly covering his body rapidly began to sprout everywhere.

John's ears began to lengthen until they reached a full donkey size and his feet cracked and twisted as the merged together until he had a pair of solid black hooves to stand on. His tail was the final thing to sprout after his muzzle and the rest of his mane had grown in, wagging from side to side in anticipation as the two donkey boys embraced their final changes and stood there as true sexually charged beasts.

"Come on...let's go haww..." said John with a smile as the two donkey boys ran from the benches to the door, closing it behind them silently.

"So, where is this thing haww? How are we supposed to get it in the water?" said Alex quietly.

"We are supposed to look for a small box connected to a big barrel tank...I once heard for a prank someone dumped a bottle of blue dye hawww... in there during practice. The swim team got called "the smurfs" for the rest of the year after that he-hawww" said John.

"Hehe-haw... classic..." said Alex as they rounded a corner and came upon a massive rumbling barrel with a small square box attached to one of the pipes leading into it. The box was heavily padlocked and smelled heavily of chlorine. John nodded and lifted the padlock slightly, regarding it curiously before setting it down and taking a step back. John then lifted up his leg and brought his hoof down on the box, shattering the plastic covering that the lock was holding on so tightly to, causing it to fall to the ground with a metal "clink".

"Nice...haww..." said Alex as he slowly began to rub his throbbing cock.

John joined quickly after him, and the two donkey boys began to grunt and softly bray as they felt their loads begin to build up in their low hanging balls. The two boys panted and brayed until finally their cocks flared and they shot out stream after stream of yellowish cum into the water filled box, which was quickly sucked up by the pipe and went right into the filtration system.

The boys stopped for a brief moment to bask in the glow of their orgasm, smiling at each other and sharing a brief kiss before their loins began to stir once again and they were back to work jerking their drooling shafts.


"Alright guys, good job! Hit the showers and I'll see you at practice on Thursday! Remember we have a meet next week and we have to be in top shape to beat ESU!" cried out Coach Richard as the group of 12 swimmers climbed out of the pool and grabbed their towels as they headed toward the locker room.

Each one of the boys was reasonably built, most of them sharing a similar swimmers build with only two or three of them slightly larger than the others with more clearly defined abdominals. The boys chatted amongst themselves as they placed their towels in front of their lockers, talking about plans for the weekend and what concerts they had been too recently. Until finally the entire team was in their respective shower stalls washing off the chlorine off their smooth hairless bodies and adjusting their packages through their tight fitting speedos.

"Man, I need to get a new suit soon, this one is already feeling a bit tight, guess it can't hold back 8 inches of meat huh?" said one team mate to the person in the stall next to him.

"Chris, you're such a cocky jackass" he responded before going back to washing himself.

Chris grinned and reached down to grab a bar of soap and began to scrub himself, washing down his defined abdominals and powerful arms. The suds slowly slid down his sleek yet defined form and pooled down his feet before going down the drain.

"Mmm...yea...8 inches of meat baby....fuck I can't wait till Friday...I just know Fred wants to work off some steam just as bad as me...." Said Chris as he groped his package through his tightly fitting speedos, un-aware that the bulge was slowly growing larger.

"Mmm...Can't wait to ride his ass like wild..." he muttered to himself. A dusting of gray fur then began to grow along his back, and his speedo was beginning to feel more and more constricting.

"Bet he begs for it....begs to be taken like a bitch and...mmm..." Chris continued to fanaticize as his cock emerged from the top of his speedo and throbbed slightly as it grew upwards toward his stomach. "Ohh...hello big guy...gonna have to calm you down, but don't worry...we can play later" said Chris as he looked down to his cock before turning the water dial to a colder setting.

Chris waited for a few moments for his erection to die down, but after waiting nearly a minute he was still as hard as ever...wondering what was going on he tried his hardest to stuff his cock back into his speedo so he could run off and get changed without anyone noticing, but then suddenly he heard a shout.

"AHHH! What the fuck is wrong with my dick!!!"

The entire team froze and turned around to see one of their team mates standing in the middle of the shower area, his speedo bulging obscenely and the black and pink mottled shaft of an equine standing angrily above the rim.

"Dude what the fuck?"

"Are you messing with us?"

"The hell is going on with you!"

"Ohh god, mine's doing it too!!"

The team turned and saw another member standing out of his stall, his strange cock standing out of his speedo like the other, although his was a dark black and drooling a stream of precum down the length of his shaft.

"What the hell is going on!!!"

"Mine's turning too!"

"Me too! Ohh god...Fuck!!"

Chris gasped and pulled back he rim of his speedos to examine his own junk, and sure enough he saw his skin bunching up at the base of his shaft and his mushroom shaped head began to flatten and show the beginnings of a flare. Fred moaned softly as he felt his shaft growing thicker and longer in the tight confines of his speedo, stretching the lycra fabric to its very limit until finally the pressure became painful. The rest of the team had already run out of the showers, so Chris decided to let his mutating shaft loose. He slowly began to pull back the waistband of his speedos, when suddenly he felt a surge of growth coming from his cock, and it shot out from its cramped confines and stood out proudly only an inch away from his chest.

"Wow...." He said to himself, impressed by his new size and girth as he stood so much taller than it had before. What was once 8 inches of normal human cock when erect was now over a foot long equine shaft, colored a dark brown and drooling an unnatural amount of precum from the blunted tip.

"Ohh god! Fuck we're trapped!" cried out one of the team members from the locker room.

Chris tore his gaze from his massive appendage and saw the rest of his team gathered around the double doors leading out to the pool, but what they didn't see where the thick metal pipes on the other side that barred the doors shut, locking them all inside.

"Let us out! Let us the fuck out!!" shouted three of the boys as they banged on the door with little effect. The rest of the team then scattered and Chris noticed that now all of them where sporting equine erections that sprouted from underneath the waistband of their speedos.

"The other door is barred too!" shouted one of them.

Another group attempted to break the door down but it didn't have any effect. Thinking fast, a group of boys lifted up one of the wooden benches from the floor and prepared to use it as a battering ram, when suddenly one of them cried out.

"Ohh ass...something else is happening!"

The entire team turned to see another one of their team mates writhing and clenching his stomach, doubled over in pain and gripping at his backside which was now covered in a thick coating of brown fur. He grunted and groaned as his equine erection slapped against his chest and began to merge with the skin, forming a sheathe at the base of his massive member until finally with a loud cry a tail ripped from his backside, tearing his speedo's in two.

"Ohh god...he's turning into a donkey like in Pinocchio! Fuck we gotta get out of here!!" said one of the members before he doubled over as well.

One after another Chris watched as the team fell to the ground, crying out in pain and mixed pleasure as their cocks merged to their stomachs and their speedos where torn in half by their growing tails. Yet Chris felt nothing, he reached back and felt no nub on his backside, but it was only then that he realized that he had been jacking off his equine erection with his other hand.

Chris grunted in pleasure as he felt the warm tingle of his shaft beginning to merge to his stomach and form a thick, leathery sheathe around the base of his massive cock. Slowly then he felt the tingle spread to his ears and fingernails. Chris looked down to his changing hand and watched as his fingernails turned a dark ebony black. He then reached up to the side of his head and felt his ears as they slowly began to grow longer between his changing fingertips.

The rest of the team was shouting out in pain as their tails writhed from above their asses as they each went through various transformations. One member had not given up on the doors even though his ass was now sporting a tail with a black furred tip and he continued to bang on the doors. With each pound his hands grew harder and tougher, and his fingers began to merge more and more into one solid mass. He cried out in fear as he watched his hands disappear and began to bang on the door even harder as his hands darkened and turned into hooves. He finally let out a loud bray of despair and fell to the ground crying, looking down at his hooves.

Chris suddenly felt a hand on his ankle and saw the mutated face of one of his team mates that he recognized as Mark, the team captain. His face was beginning to grow into a long muzzle but it was clear from his eyes that he was in a lot of pain. He tried to cry out for help, but the only sounds he could make where guttural brays. Chris then kneeled down and gently flipped his team mate onto his back and exposed his equine shaft. Slowly, Chris gripped the shaft and slowly began jerking the former captain off. Mark resisted for a moment, but then he let out a sigh of relief as the pain suddenly stopped and his changes slowed down for a moment. Chris then took his own cock and began to jerk off in tandem with Mark while the rest of the swim team watched. Chris smiled as he felt his shaft and his captain's shaft throb in his hands. Chris felt the warm tingle wash over him again like a small orgasm, causing him to gasp and let out a soft bray. Chris then saw his shadow and how his ears had grown to a massive size, and he felt the wiggling of a tail attached to his behind.

Mark sighed as his muzzle came in more comfortably, his face expanding and his teeth flattening. The pain and spasms that rocked his body had stopped and now he was filled with a warm tingling feeling. Like his naked body was being covered in a fur coat that warmed his entire body.

Chris let out a loud bray as his cock throbbed in his hand and he felt his balls begin to grow larger. Up from the size of olives to more the size of golf balls, then lemons. Chris grunted as he felt feral seed fill his balls and his shaft throbbed in anticipation. He then looked up to his team mates, all of them looking deformed and in pain. He then smiled and grinned his flattening teeth.

"Well, if we are fucked, we might as well enjoy it! He-hawww!!"

The others where more hesitant, but after watching how Chris had made Mark's shouts of pain silent, they all instinctively knew this was better than suffering. Some went off to benches and kept to themselves, jerking their cocks and letting out the occasional bray as a new change washed over them. Others where a bit more pro-active, some of them grabbing their fellow team mates and embracing them, grinding their massive shafts together as feet became hooves and hands began to lose their digits and merge together as they kissed in a wild, feral passion.

Chris then let go of Marks cock and let him take care of himself as he stared down at his own feet. He watched as his toes merged together into a massive block of flesh before turning a dark black. Chris actually smiled as he watched his feet that he had kicked so many laps with in the pool suddenly disappear. He didn't care anymore, he watched as the others began to embrace their own changes one by one, some of them even beginning to really get into the feeling of things. The one boy from the door earlier had even found a partner and was 69'ing as short pelts of fur began to spread across their backs and legs.

Mark let out a loud "He-haww!" next to him as his shaft throbbed and he shot out a yellowish stream of donkey cum that had just been made in his new massive set of balls. He laid there for a moment, basking in the afterglow as his fingers merged into hooves, and black fur began to rapidly spread across his body. He shakily then flipped over onto all fours, when suddenly Chris heard a loud "pop". Mark only let out a soft bray as his posture forced him into a four legged stance.

Soon another loud bray was heard as one of the boys on the benches had came all over his chest that was now sporting a gray pelt of fur. He then suddenly fell to the floor as his hands merged into hooves and his back had popped, fixing his posture.

One after one, the other boys shot their respective loads while Chris watched, feeling himself grow close with nearly every stroke, but wanting to enjoy this feeling while he still had hands. Each time one of the boys came, it seemed to set off the final stages of their transformation, and it wasn't long until everyone was on all fours. Chris seemed to be the only holdout as the room began to fill with partially transformed donkeys. Some of them where still growing in their pelts, while others ear's where still somewhat human.

Chris looked down at his legs as a gray coating of fur had nearly completely set in, when suddenly he felt Marks muzzle kneel in and rub his shoulder. Chris turned and looked at Mark, his ears still growing in, his front legs re-positioning themselves, and patches of fur that still hadn't quite filled in. Mark then turned around, lifted his tail, and presented his ass to Chris. The black, puckered hole of a true jackass standing before him, ripe for the taking and reeking of musk and man. Chris licked his lips and his cock throbbed between his changing legs, he knew this was it.

Chris let out a soft bray that sounded a bit like a chuckle, then sat up and positioned his cock at Marks entrance. Slowly, Chris slid his equine shaft into Marks rear, causing the both of them to grunt in pleasure as Mark felt himself being filled and Chris felt the warm insides of Marks equine ass. Chris then began to thrust gently, sending his shaft deeper into Mark until it reached the resistance of his prostate. Mark let out a loud bray of pleasure as his cock throbbed and squirted more of the yellowish cum onto the floor. Chris smiled then gripped onto Marks growing mane and began gently fucking him.

Thrust after thrust, Chris felt the warm insides of Mark's flesh caress his massive cock. Mark only brayed in pleasure as his final changes completed and his front legs stood solid on the ground. Chris let out another bray as he felt the tingle on his face as it pushed out into an equine muzzle. He felt his flattened tongue brush against his flat teeth and he let out a triumphant bray as he began to pick up speed.

The other team mates had been watching them, and it wasn't very long until the other ten members had paired off with their partners and had begun a massive equine orgy.

Chris cried out from his fully formed muzzle and gave Mark a powerful thrust as his shaft throbbed and jerked inside of him until finally Chris had shot out his first equine load. Mark was soon braying after him as his changes completed and he stood as a full jackass and shot out his second load within moments of the first.

The room began to reek of sex and donkeys as the rest of the team came to an orgasm, yellowish spunk began to pool around the floors of the gym along with the tattered remains of the former swim team's speedos.

"Well...that sounds like it went well hawww..." said John from behind the door.

"Wanna let them all out for phase two he-haww?" Said Alex coyly as he reached down and slowly began to grope his leathery balls.

"Definitely...." Said John.

The Warren Brothers

_Good News Everyone! This is an Adult transformation story experiment done by Professors Zeeme and Howler! Now this isn't meant for those that are a bit squeamish, so its recommended that you are at least 18 before you are exposed to Male on Male...

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Night of the Weredonk, New Employee Policys

_Greetings! Salutations and solicitations! This is an M/M transformation story featuring Incest, feral sex, forced transformation and rape! If any of these features just so might happen to bother you, I highly suggest you don't read it, close this...

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Night of the Weredonk, A New Breed

_Good evening, my name is Zeeme and I will be your waiter tonight._ _Today we have a lovely "For 18 and up only" soup that is served with a lovely M/M sex bread roll. As for dinner we have a "Sex Crazed Donkey" which is basically a meat heavy a...

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