Chapter One, Ghosts of The Past

Story by Tobias Woadpaw on SoFurry

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Part One Dig Two Graves

Chapter One, Ghosts of The Past

Brody was cursing under his breath, he hated mucking out the chicken coop! Every Friday afternoon hefound himself there cleaning up after those evil smelling birds. The young fox's nose twitched and he sneezed dropping the old used hey on himself. "Aw God dam it all!!!" wiping the festering droppings from his pants he gathers up the mess tossing it into the compost pit.

Rounding the corner of the barn he almost runs into his older sister Mary . She stifles a laugh looking at her filthy brother."Fall into the compost pit again Ringer?" holding her in a exaggerated manner.

He growled under his breath. He hated that nick name. it was one his father gave to him on account of the single band of black fur on his wrists and neck. "Don't call me that, I have a name so use it dammit!!" Brody stomps past her in a huff.

Frowning she follows him "Calm down Brody I'm just fooling with you, you know that!"

Her brother sighs " You know I hate being called that silly name! ".

Ignoring his protests she stops him " Cody says he needs your help putting up the last part of the fences for the cows and getting the wood in for the fire. Ill finish up the chicken coop for you ok?" .

The young fox perked up at this. He loves working with his older brother. Saying to his sister "Thanks Mary the new hey is already there just collect the eggs!" he runs off toward the new pasture his brother was working on.

His brother Cody is three years older than him and a lot more toned as far as physique. His arms andchest were well defined. Combined with the fact he was a whopping six feet in height and Brody could see why most women look at him like he was a God. "Hey squirt you going to help me or are you just going to keep undressing me in your head." Said Cody without turning around.

Brody stopped ogling his bother and smirked to himself as he remembered when he had told Cody how he felt about one of the trader's sons a year ago. Instead of rejecting him or hurting the younger fox he hugged him. Brody remembered how scared he had been then the feel of his brother's arms around him, telling him it was ok and he would always love him.

Blushing Brody grabs the other end of the fence post and grunting helped set it into the slot. "Well I can always dream can't I?" he asked with a cute smile on his face making his brother laugh.

As the last post was set Cody looked into the sun set and sighed. "I won't always be around you know, you need to be careful who you tell. Not everyone is going to take it well. "

Brodys ears went back , "I know and ill be careful about it. But how will I know who I can trust or who else is like me?".

Devon walks to the wood stack, " You will know when you meet them, just like other furs when they find there mate it might not be immediate but you will know." .

Brody's ear twitches in annoyance at Cody's answer letting out a sigh and joining him at the wood pile grabbing a few logs. Devon comes up behind him and bumps him playfully. "Come on mom will have dinner ready soon" and starts fast towards the house.

In the brush on the farmsteads border several pairs of eyes watched Mary as she left the chicken coop.

The scream split the air making Brody and Cody drop wood and sprint back towards the barn. As they cleared the stable the butt of a rifle swung out and caught Cody in the stomach doubling him over. Brody ducks down and attempts to jump at his brothers assailant when a arm loops around his upper body and bowie knife point digs into his neck.

"Hold on dar pup wouldn't want to kill ya just yet the boss would not be happy ! nope not at all !" said a deep voice that reeked of tooth decay and whisky. The smell making him want to wretch, looking up he saw Cody still clutching his stomach. A mountain lion with a brimmed hat and a vest holding a rifle to his head. A commotion came from the other side of the barn as Mary screamed for help. Her cry was cut short as she was pushed forward onto the ground. A Beagle walks over to her revolver in his hand. He smiles down sadistically as she tries to right herself awkwardly with her bound hands. The Beagle moves to kick her when a blow to the head knocks him squarely off his feet .

He flails on the ground jumping back up snarling then stops as he comes face to face with a large gray wolf looming over him. He looks up at the Lupine practically towering over him in a brown duster coat his wide brim hat shadowing his face as the wind plays with the hawk feather in its band. "S-s-orry boss thought one of the brats got away and did it! Honest! " the wolf smiled in a way that

mixed amusement with sinister intent. The Beagle smiles moving to get up when the wolf kicked him hard! Once! Twice ! seven times the wolf kicked him, each time ending with a growling word. "That ! Is! No! Way! To! Treat! A Lady! " he hauled up Mary gently smiling at her like an uncle. "I apologize for my associates manners he seems to have lost them I assure you it won't happen again Mary." Looking at him aghast the vixen stutters looking horrified "H-How did you know my name?!" the wolf looks hurt at her question.

Before he can answer though he is interrupted by the sounds of a shot gun and rifle being coked. "Get the hell away form them you bastards!!!" growls Brody's father who was aiming the shotgun at the back of the wolfs head his wife behind him her rife pointed at the Bear holding Body at knife point. The wolf seems to stiffen then relax, when he spoke his voice was smooth but edged like obsidian. He turned around slowly Brody's eyes went wide. A shiver of recondition went down his spine as he saw the cold ice chip blue eyes of the wolf now facing his father "Now is that any way to treat an old old friend John? " . The wolf smiled "Its been a long time John Cross." He nods at Brody's mother ,"Kathryn a pleasant sight as always".

She smirks at him and tightens her grip on the rifle. "Wish I could say the same Alec". Hearing the wolfs name Alec, Brody felt something click on his mind. fuzzy, inconsistent memories from when he was a kit came back to him. Remembering being held by this wolf and hearing his voice.

Cody's voice snaps him out of his memories, "Mom! Dad how does he know you guys? Who is he?"

Alec a look of mock hurt appearing on his face clucked his tongue. "I'm hurt John you haven't told them about your one of your closest friends? The brother of their Godfather no less!"

Brody's father snarled "That was years ago Alec you lost the right to call your self our friend after what you did!"

A feral snarl ripped from Alec his face the epitome of outrage and anger. "AFTER WHAT I DID?! IM NOT THE ONE WHO BETRAYED THE FUR WHO TOOK HIM IN! IM NOT THE ONE WHO RAN TO MY GOOD FOR NOTHING -!" he stops himself and takes a breath chuckling looking John in the eyes that smile creeping back on to his muzzle . "It does not do us any good to revisit that part of our history. Now let's drop the act you know why I am here and it aint just for tea and talk, drop the guns " He points a pistol at Cody "or ill shoot your son." The click of the hammer being pulled back and lock into place echoes in Brody's ears his eyes fixed on the barrel of the gun.

His parents slowly lower their rifles and set them on the ground glaring at Alec. The wolf smiled that evil smile. "Good now where is it John where the fuck did you put the map?"

John and Kathryn share a glace before he speaks. "we don't have it Alec as you know dam well-" anything else he might have said was lost in a gunshot.

Brody herd himself scream, his mother's body hitting the ground as blood seeping from a wound in her shoulder. John yelled out cradling his wife's body blood matting both their fur. Alec walked behind him and placed the barrel of the gun to the back of Johns head.

He cocked the gun and calmly asked "now lets try again where is the map?"

John never taking his eyes off of his wife growled out through clenched teeth. "I told you we don't know where it is you crazy son of a bit-" Alec struck him with the but of his gun John went limp and collapsed on his dead wife. Brody elbowed the bear in the gut and ran towards his parents he heard his sister scream his name and the world went black.