First Time, Part 3

Story by Ipex on SoFurry

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Part Three

I have never had a nightmare, one of which is filled with pure terror, it was as if I were re living it all over again, right there in person.

"Please STOPP OWWWWWWWWWWWWW UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT HURTTSSS" feeling the pain kick in as the wolf sinks inch after inch into the boy biting harder on his neck as he punctures the skin drawing blood, trickling down the boys neck and chest as the wolf licks his large tongue tasting blood sending signals to his brain to fuck the bitch. He grabs hard and thrusts the rest of his cock into the boy's tight hole ripping him open.

Screaming I bolt upright in my bed and I feel my arms suddenly pinned and thrown beside me as I thrash around.


"Heath!, HEATH!, its me Thomas. Your ok, you fell asleep. You were having a nightmare" recognizing the voice as Thomas's as I stop thrashing and lay back down, feeling his grip lesson on me as I raise my arms up and wipe away my tears.

"What, how, (looking around, noticing I'm in my bedroom, and its dark outside) how long was a I asleep for, I mean the last thing I remember is the kitchen and you looking at my head" stuttering as I try to remember the finer details.

"After I looked at your head for you, I told you I was here to help and you suddenly broke down, you fell asleep as I held you, and for how long you been asleep id say around 8 hrs. It was roughly midday when I came around" he replied softly as he looked directly at me.

"I guess you want to know what that was all about" sheepishly blushing hoping he would say no, and leave.

"In time but first, I'm starving and I'm taking it you haven't eaten well since work yesterday?" he stated, as Thomas rolled over and stood up off from the bed, turning around I caught myself admiring him. Most half breeds opted not to wear any clothing, some did but Thomas, well he only wore pants, leaving his upper body exposed, catching myself staring I turned away.

"Um, yeah lunch time I guess when I last ate" speaking softly as I mimicked his moves and got up slightly wavering on my feet, I felt Thomas quickly at my side.

"Don't rush yourself" he replied and guided me upright and held me softly till I made the first move for the door, as he followed closely behind, tailing me as I made my way to the kitchen, he took a step to the counter and sat on a stool as he watched.

Opening the fridge I put out steaks, T-bone, mince meat and looked up at him and said "I have never really cooked for well anyone else but well you know human's, so from what I heard you guys, people, I mean" Stuttering as not knowing what to say.

Thomas interrupted "Hehe, its ok Heath, Yes we do well I do anyway. And I love my meat" licking his jaw as his thick red tongue rubbed over his canine fangs.

Smiling at him as I then decided to pull out the pork chops as well laying it all out on the counter as I pulled out boards and the knives and pans, opening up the meat and disposing on the wrappers as I started with the steak and T-bones, and placed them in a tray and started marinating them, as I then placed the mince in a bowl and started adding eggs and preparing for rissoles.

Turning around, completely unaware of the constant unbroken look I was getting from Thomas, catching me off guard as he says.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I take it you eat heartily yourself? I don't mean to sound rude but I do prefer stocky look to bone skinny" he smirks as he catches my eye

"Umm yeah I guess I do, I mean I was on wrestling squad back home and the weight class so I was taught to eat lot of protein and bulk up I guess" smirking back as I look down. WAIT was he cracking onto me, no he wasn't just a compliment I'm sure.

"Well looks like your doing it right then, looks real good Heath (again licking his jaw and exposing his sharp teeth) do you still wrestle?"

"Uh no, I wasn't allowed to join the squad here due to being at a disadvantage, I mean I could keep my own but well I'm not as strong as well your kind" I mutter back as I blush hard.

The steaks, t-bone and pork chops on the pans cooking as I place the rissoles in the oven turn it all on low heat and turn about to face Thomas.

"Shouldn't be too long really, do you um want vegies with it or just meat" enquiring as I stare back at him

"Meat is just fine Heath thanks" he breaks the eye contact and looks down his jaws open as he goes to speak.

"Listen Heath, I'm concerned for you a lot, probably a lot more than I should be but I have to know, the apparent bite marks on your neck and there was the crying at the table and that nightmare. Was it a cause of something recent or from a time before you moved here?" Thomas keeps looking down as I prop against the fridge door.

"Why are you concerned more than you should be, aren't you doing just the job you have too? I quiz him, keeping my stare on him.

He doesn't answer and I sigh and keep going.

"It was recent, very recent like as in last night recent". I muster up the strength to speak out loud, as I start shaking.

"I think I was raped and I say think cause I kinda enjoyed it in the end. By a cani-dog, I was drinking here, and well the door rang and I ran to answer it slipped hit my head and well next thing I'm at his place and well..." I pause as the tears start flowing, I hear the chair scrape as I'm suddenly enveloped in Thomas's grip again as I hug into him, pushing my face in his chest as I sob softly.

"Heath, you tell me who did this, ill rip his fucking throat out, Ill fucking make him pay for what he did" he wasn't speaking, he was growling, it frightened me as I tried to pull away.

"NO, you cant, promise me you cant and wont tell anyone, He will kill me, He didn't say it but I know he would please don't" I whimper as I try to pull away still but held firmly tight by Thomas, feeling him tremble with rage. Puzzled I stop and say

"Please I don't want to cause trouble" shaking

"Was the stench on the clothes in your bathroom his?" he says, his voice returning to normal

Nodding yes, he releases his grip as he strolls around the kitchen looking down, I turn around and flip the steak, T-bone and pork chops quickly as I turn around he is looking at me.

"I'm sorry it's well as I said before I shouldn't be concerned as much as what I have been, and it is not because I don't want to for your safety. (Sighing he takes a huge breath, releases it and looks back at me) its cause I want you to myself Heath". He mentions as he takes his seat back at the counter.

Blushing as I stammer and go to say something, but stop and turn the burners and oven off. Staring back at Thomas, I go to say something but stop. I force my shaking legs to move as I stroll up to Thomas as he spins on his seat to face me, he spread his hind legs apart as I come up between them and step in close.

Leaning in, shaking as I let my instinct and urges take over and lick his black nose not breaking eye contact, My hands dropping to his pants as he growls softly and reaches down to unbutton them furiously as he finally rips them open, the button snapping away hitting the floor as he picks me up and lifts me up onto the kitchen table, pushing the items off the item as they fall to the floor.

Grunting as I spread my legs and wrap around his thick waist, Thomas pushing his thick tongue in my mouth licking the inside as I moan and suck on his tongue, I feel him grip and pull me down on the table, my arse exposed over the edge. I feel his cock head hit my tender hole as I whine.

He pulls away as he rests his head against mine groaning in my ear.

"Sorry babe I got to do this" he says softly as I feel him bite into my neck softly as he licks over the bite marks left from the officers fangs as he growls protectively and bites down holding me in place and thrusts his hips upwards forcing his thick red canine cock past my arse ring, as I try to throw my head back to scream I feel Thomas's thick paw over my mouth as he shoves in harder.

Screaming into his paw, I feel my own cock rock hard and leaking precum, matting against his chest as I spread my legs wider trying to take his canine cock.

Thomas releases his grip around my neck and stares down at my face, covered in sweat, tears streaming down my face as he holds his paw in place and whispers

"I have to breed you heath, I'm sorry, I'm soo sorry" he grunts and starts thrusting in me, watching me as every thrust he makes inside me brings on new pain as his cock stretches me wider and wider to take his cock.

He starts pumping into my tender and raw hole, forcing his cock inside me, I feel a wave of pleasure over me as his bulbous cock hits that spot inside me as I quiver and suddenly want to please him no matter what he wants, I want to please him and do as I'm told.

He takes his paw off my mouth as I whine softly begging.

"PLLEASSEE fuck me, breed me make me yours" yelping with every thrust he makes inside of me.

Thomas, no longer concerned if I'm in pain, his animal instincts have taken over, his needs telling him to knot his bitch and breed, claim this boy as his own, scent him mark him. Throwing his head back as he howls his knot growing as he grips Heath's waist and pulls him down harder on his cock over his growing knot as the boy screams.

"OOOOWWWWWWW FUCKKKKKKKK" Screaming as I try to pull off, feeling his claws in my hips as he holds me tighter than before I feel his knot forming inside me, scaring me I try to relax but it just keeps growing and growing.

Throwing my own head back I bite my tongue as I grunt and spit flys from my lips, my vision narrowing as it all seems to get darker, and darker.

"AAAAARRRRRRHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL" the sound coming from a distance from what I thought, my ears deafening to the sound as my eyes shut and I feel my body go limp, I feel my cock spurt and cum flies out over my chest and hits my face.

Groaning I pass out.

You would think that after passing out so many times that I would be somewhat used to it..... But I'm not.

Shielding my eyes from the sun as it pours in through my room, grunting as I roll over my back and feel I'm alone in the bed as I stretch my arms out as I whine and look down at my exposed body.

My hips covered in multiple claw marks, my hands guide up my body to my sore neck feeling the fresh bite marks, then finally down to my arse as I slipped a finger down and winced as the pain hit me. I was covered in cum, well my cum, I could feel it leaking out my arse and once again covered in hair and had that smell about me.

"Heath, oh fuck thank god you're awake" Thomas said as he stepped in my room.

"Huh what time is it?" I reply as I lick my dry lips.

Handing me a glass of water "It's 1pm on Sunday, you passed out on me last night after what I did to you, shit Heath, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that to you, it was the last thing I wanted to do after you told me about being raped" he started to whine as Thomas looked down and away from my gaze.

"Thomas, I didn't exactly let you do it on your own, I mean I wanted it, and well you gave it to me, and well as much pain as I'm in now, I really liked it" I say as I go to get out of bed and stand up in front of him, my legs feeling like jelly again. Walking right up to him I reach up and lightly touch his jaw and pull him to look at me as I step up on my feet to reach him for a kiss as I stumble and my legs give way.

As I fall Thomas grabs me and leans. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. He kisses back; relieved I remember and pull back

"Oh shit, dinner I forgot" blushing as he laughs at me.

"Never mind we can go and have dinner, well for lunch right now" Thomas said as he smiled at me and guided me out to the kitchen.

He guided me to sit down, and I did ever so lightly sit and watched Thomas prepare the reheating of the meat. Just as he was dishing it up on the plates and handed me mine, his phone went off.

"Shit, what now, and on a Sunday "he growled as he looked up and smiled at me as he walked around and grabbed his phone from his shorts pocket opened the phone and held it to his ear, listened and then looked directly at me, his face dropped, no longer smiling.

Looking at him intently as he finished the call, "Ok thank you, ill let him know I'm over here now making my visit. Thank you sir, yes sir will let you know thank you again". Thomas's voice no longer had that warmth to it, and it was freaking me out, as he closed the phone I said out loud and quickly

"Thomas, what is it what happened, Tell me now please" shaking as I looked into his sad brown eyes.

"Heath, its your parents" Thomas hesitated then continued "Their dead"

My world started spinning, my breathing shallow and in quick secessions. Gripping the counter for support as I once again let myself be taken into unconsciousness.

And, again the last feeling had was Thomas grabbing me before I hit my head on the floor.

End Of Part Three

So, more sex in this one, I hope you all enjoyed. It's a shame what happened to Heath's parents what will happen to him. Will his own government step in and take control or will the new world government he has been living in step in and decide what to do. Who Knows?

Once again, thank you all again for your support. I am looking for someone, to quickly proofread and give me ideas, any help be greatly appreciated and in return perhaps a spot in the story line hehehehe.