My deep dark twisted fantasy pt. 6

Story by Musica Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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#2 of My deep dark Fantasy series

I am sorry, but this the last part.... Many of the things I make is nothing but pure blood spills and squirts from the left and from the right.... I shall determine myself more to continue....

I roared as I sent my blood to attack his heart, "Give up, I know everything about you..., I know your every weakness. BRANCHES OF SIN: BEAUTIFUL DARK TWISTED FANTASY!" Every attack that I knew, I summoned as blood needles, blood swords, blood crosses, blood knives, blood demons, every type of evil released as my will, "Kill him!" Impressively Alex was about to evade every attack I tossed at him, "I am sorry brother, but I have to kill you! BLOOD'S FINAL DESTRUCTION!" A blood-fill explosion exploded the gang's hangout, leaving nothing but Alex and I in the middle of nowhere, "Don't worry about who I fire! I am the true demon!" It pounced on Alex as I felt my blood..., leaking..., and my claws inside him also... His heart fades from beating as I stood up and howled the death, the death of my own brothers! I looked at the Gangbangers as I saw in surprise, my brothers, Bolt, Balto, Lucario, Jesse, Cam, and Ronnie, the six laid dead as I sighed in my final relief. The others were released from the barrier as I faded into the real world, hugging me as they saw the war was finally over. A portal lead back into Furry Cum as everyone held hands and went back into insanity....; however, I have found my way through it all... It seems like I am one of those wolves that love to be conquered, to be commanded.... All I want is sex...,the hot, wet, disgusting sex. Bloody, lustful, beautiful sex... Through this way... Started from a journey into the deep dark....Came my deep dark twisted fantasy... My true heart; I welcome you home at last... For better or worse....