Roommates: Reya & Jason

Story by shadow_senta on SoFurry

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Jason just got intcollege and lucky for him he got a sexy Vixen for a roommate. Only problem is that she's. Really stuck up and can't really get along with anyone. See if it could work out

"Oh, I can't believe my little boy's already off to college!" Jason is a pretty odd wolf. He's tall with smooth black fur and a odd fur mark of his back that looks like an "S" but sideways. "Don't stay up to late! And do your work!" Jason was finally off to start life on his own. But Jason got to the dorm registration late so he had to get one of the co-ed dorms.

He went off to his room passing wolves, cats, dogs, and a bunch of others. To him this was home, he finally arrived to his room and let himself in. Then when he opened the door, he saw a vixen standing in front of him. She was beautiful, she had fur like red velvet, eyes like emeralds, and a long luscious tail with a white tip. He stood there taking in every aspect of her until he noticed the annoyed look on her face.

"Oh sorry, hi my name's Jason." "Look, this is my half of the room that's your half, I get the bathroom in the morning you get it at night. And as long as you stay out of the way we won't have any problems" "I'm sorry, I think I did this wrong." "I don't like the living arrangements any more than you do, lets just take care of ourselves and not bother each other" "I don't see a problem with the arrangement." "Just stay out of my way, by the way my name's Reya " Jason just shrugs it off and starts to unpack his things on his.

"So what did you come all the way out here for?" "To get my degree and leave." "That's it? No partying? No fun?" "Yeah, we come here to work, get our degrees and leave. And that's what I plan to do." "C'mon, college isn't only about working. What about spring break?" "I go home and study." "No way, you can't be serious." "I am, I just do what I'm told and do it." "That sucks, your in college now, let loose, live a little." "Just shut it, you don't know what I've been through. So just Butt out." "Fine then, I'm just trying to help." "I don't need your help." Finally sick of her, Jason decides to leave for the day. "You know, you should change your attitude or when you find someone you love, they'll just push you away to find someone sweeter..."

Jason returns to the dorm to find all his stuff packed up and Reya sleeping in his bed. He didn't notice earlier that there's only one bed... So Jason decides to get back it her. He thought of a plan to take the towels from the bathroom and her clothes when she gets into the bath in the morning. So now the morning comes and he hears her getting up. He sees her go into the bathroom and he goes through the plan once again. But when he went in to take the stuff, he noticed he ran in to early. He opened the door and saw an almost naked fox standing infront of him. He panics and runs right out the door. "WHAT THE HELL!?" "I'm sorry, I forgot." "What the fuck?! I told you I have it in the morning!" "I-I'm sorry...."

After that incident, Jason decided to just forget about the whole payback thing. Then the first day of class came, he had only four classes. He had Physics, biology, calculus, and English. Physics was his favorite subject because of how easy it is. He arrived at his class and sat down in the third row. He noticed that Reya was in the same class, she seemed to be so intuned to the subject. She gave her full attention to it and wrote down everything the teacher said. The professor would choose the smartest one in the class to grade the papers, and one day the professor walked up to Jason and gave him a stack of papers and said "Do your best." So Jason had to stay after class to grade all the papers and then he got to Reya's paper. He was really suprised when he saw it, she got almost every single problem wrong. She seemed to be so interested in the subject but didn't know how to do any of it. So he sadly marked off all her mistakes and kept going.

The next day during class the professor called her up after class. "Excuse me Ms. Notoka, may I speak with you." "Yes?" "I saw your paper and I have to say I am very surprised." "Really? Well I have been paying attention during class and-" "You got almost every answer wrong" ".......... what?" "Well you did almost every problem wrong. I thought Mr. Degora made some mistakes but, he didn't. I would highly suggest getting a tutor if you wish to pass this class. Why not try asking Mr. Degora? I'm certain he will help you." "I guess so, thanks for the tip. But umm... you wouldn't mind helping me find him would you? Because I don't really know what he looks like." "Don't worry, I'll call him up after class tomorrow." "Thank you so much!"

So the following day, Jason ended up drifting off in his thoughts while drawing. But after a while he heard the guy next to him say something. "Hey Dude, nice drawing. Who's the chick?" "Oh I didn't even notice I did that. Her name's Reya.... She's my roommate." "Wow! You get to sleep with that chick! Nice one man! By the way, the name's Lanon." "Well it's good to meet you but please don't let her know I did this...." "Why not? Wouldn't it be like a complement?" "Well... We kind of had an incident that wasn't very good..." "What happened? You break her computer or something?" "N-no... I accidentally In on her while she was getting in the shower..." "Oh sweet! Was she naked?" "Half... She only had her underwear on..." "Damn dude, so you got to see her titties?" "Please stop... I don't wanna talk about it... See, I think I like her...." "What?" "Well it's this strange feeling I get when ever I'm around her." "Well... Wouldn't it be a little weird that two roomies are in love?" "I don't know, but I think she hates me because of the bathroom thing." "Hey don't worry about it, that shouldn't stop you." "I guess so..."

Later after class Jason heard the professor call him up and he saw Reya standing next to him. " Mr. Degora, may I have a word with you." "Of course, umm... Did I make a mistake on the papers?" "No no, I simply wanted to ask you something. Would you mind tutoring Ms. Notoka? She doesn't seem to understand the materials well enough." "Umm sure..... wait.... is this her?" "Yes, why is there a problem?"

Reya turns around to see Jason standing in front of her. "Umm on second thought I don't think I need tutoring after all. I just need to study a little more is all." "Is there a problem between you to?" "Well.... We're roommates...." "And? That doesn't seem like a problem." "Well we had a little mishap..." "Oh it couldn't have been that bad." "YOU SAW ME NAKED!" "I said I was sorry like a million times!" "YOU WERE WIDE AWAKE WHEN YOU RAN IN!" "I didn't mean to!" "FUCK YOU!" "Cmon I said sorry." "Sorry doesn't take back the humiliation I endured on that day!" "Can't we talk about this later?" "Why?! I have nothing to hide! You're the one who's running in on girls. Cant we just try to start of our day off with a nice shower, NO! We have to deal with little pricks like you that keep annoying us!"

"...... Well I'm sorry you feel that way.... But that was the first time I ever saw a girl like that and it wasn't on perpose. I haven't seen any other girls like that nor will I until I find the right one. I didn't mean to and I take full responsibility for what I did. But you'll have to find another tutor for her because there is no way I'm going to tutor this.... this.... woman! So good luck finding one with an attitude like that!"

"Well I guess I'll have to find somebody else... do you know anyone that could help me?" "Well he's the only one in my class that actually knows the material so.... You'll just have to figure this one out yourself..." "...... So your telling me that out of all your classes.... He's the only one to understand?" "Well yes... No one has passed my class yet." "Great.... and you couldn't have told me before I told him off?" "It was to exciting." "Just perfect...."

Later that day Reya decided to try to make it up to Jason by preparing dinner and patiently waited for him to get back to the dorm. Jason ended up getting back around eleven and the food was already cold he saw Reya laying down at the table and decided to carry her to the bed. He layer her down, turned on her clock and covered her up. There was no way that he could be mad at her now. She stayed up waiting to eat dinner with him to make up for what she did. He went and put all the food away and got a blanket and fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning Reya woke up with a surprise, she didn't remember getting up and she felt really hunger since she didn't get to eat last night. She walked over to the kitchen and notices Jason laying down kn the couch. "Hey Jason, wake up." "Huh? What happened?" "You fell asleep on the couch." "Oh sorry, but I didn't want to wake you up." "You know I was waiting all night for you to come back." "Why?" "Well.... I wanted to say sorry for the way I was acting...." "It's fine, I know you have your stuff to deal with. Plus school and having to deal with me." "That stuff isn't important. But you owe me." "For what?" "I made dinner and stayed up all night waiting for you. So long I didn't get to eat." "Tell you what, I'll take you out for breakfast to make up for dinner." "Sounds good, I'll go get ready."

"All I have to do is make him forgive me, then I'm in the clear." So Reya and Jason went to the local dinner to get some breakfast. "Hey umm... Thanks for the food..." "It's ok, I'm glad we were able to do this." "Well I don't think this is going to make up for what you did after all." "What?" "Well I did wait for you. So you owe me a lot more." "Well, what else could I do?" "The mall." "What?" "Take me to the mall." "What for?" "A small shopping spree." "Look I'm not made of money." "Well than, why don't you make it up to me my way." "It depends, what do I have to do?" "You'll be my pet for one week." "What? No way!" "Why not?!" "I didn't do something that bad to you!" "It took all day to get that food ready. I had to go to the store, buy 70 bucks worth of food and cook it and you didn't even get home to eat it!"

Jason stopped his yelling and realized she was right. "Oh crap, she did that for me and I didn't even realize it." Jason thought to himself. "Fine, I'll be your pet.... But I want to at least sleep in a bed, I don't like sleeping on the floor." "It's a deal then, one week starting today. Oh also I want you on a leash." "What the hell is she thinking?! I can't go out in public with a leash!" Jason thought to himself again. "Look, I'm not gonna wear a collar." "But you're my pet, and pets need to be on a leash. It's a law, and trust me it'll look good."

So Reya and Jason head back to the dorm. Reya walks over to her dresser and pulls out a red and black collar. "Here you go, put it on." "Why did you even have this?" Reya just stood there quiet. "What am I supposed to tell him? That I'm into this kind of stuff." Reya told herself. "Umm, it was the collar to my old... Umm... Rabbit." "..... You had a collar... On your rabbit?" "Why not, I didn't want to lose him." "Right...... So do I have to keep this on all the time or can I take it off?" "Well you can change the collar if you want, I have four more." "..... Right..." Reya laid out the collars, the collars looked ridiculous to Jason. But this is the least he could do since he made Reya wait after the amount of work she did. "I'll stick with this one..." "Good wolf."