Alone Time

Story by Eric Russell on SoFurry

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Alone Time

By Eric Russell

"Finally!" Josh murmured beneath his breath with a tinge of excitement. Stealthily he moved around the house, checking every room by turning the handles silently and cracking the doors open, peering into the darkness with one eye to make sure each living space was completely devoid of life.

When he made sure the house was empty, he let a jubilant shout, immediately shedding what clothing he donned, which consisted of a pair of checkered boxers. He padded into the bathroom, closing the squeaking old door behind him out of habit. Josh reached up to the mirror, pulling on the side with a grunt of exertion, popping open the hinge on the medicine cabinet. Upon successfully popping open the small holding space for bottles with white labels and small text, he spotted what he was looking for. Josh reached up quickly and grabbed a orange bottle strategically placed in the back. Holding it up to his face and squinting his eyes to better see the computer generated font, he read aloud "Take one five minutes before sexual intercourse, lasts up to two orgasms."

Jittery hands fiddled with the cap on the bottle until he popped the childproof top off with success. Tilting the canister to the side, he tapped out one of the pills and set it next to the sink. Carefully he screwed the cap back on, and placed it at the exact spot he removed it front, albeit he couldn't quite remember the direction it was facing, but he doubted it would matter that much. Grabbing his prize, he tilted his head back and popped the pill into his mouth. Waiting a second, Josh swallowed the tablet and closed the cabinet, looking into the mirror as he did. He decided to watch the effects of the pill on his body in the mirror as they would occur. But while staring in the mirror, Josh noticed his own rather slim sixteen year old body. His creator had been generous when creating him, giving his feline form a healthy coat of black fur. Green eyes contrasted against his dark pelt, complementing his face and giving him a rather intelligent demeanor when he considered something. But he had his flaws like any other being. Standing at a rather large height of six feet he appeared to be rather too spread out for his muscle mass, as he had almost no build. Years of refusal to working out mixed with a rather unhealthy diet seemed to have stunted his body development, giving him a very thin look and a very smooth, squishy body. Josh rather enjoyed his body though, leaving his form as it was despite his sister's constant onslaught of comments. God had been generous though when it came to his manhood, which he was extremely proud of and often flaunted to his girlfriends. A sheath protectively covered his rather large, 6 incher while two large orbs hung below it, the left slightly lower than the left.

With a gasp of excitement Josh saw the pills start to take effect. At first the changes were subtle, a slight bulge of his sheath with a flare of heat building up catching his attention. Instinctively he licked his chops and murred, closing his eyes to relish the sensations. His flaccid penis slipped from the sheath, dropping down fully to hang in an upside down U shape before firming slowly. Upon opening his eyes he was greeted with his mirror image, but this time a huge rock solid rod pulsing proudly along his belly. It was time for some fun, Josh thought to himself.

He turned the knob on the bathroom door, cracking it open an inch to peer through before stepping out into the hallway. Smiling due to the feeling of being on top of the world thanks to the sex hormones, the panther decided to take advantage of a little satellite television. Plopping down on the couch, Josh immediately grunted, standing up finding he seated himself directly on the remote, not a pleasant feeling at all. Grabbing the piece of technology, he set himself back on the cushion, loving how his bare bottom seemed to meld against the soft fabric. Josh hit the red button on the remote, flipping on the television and started flipping through the channels. Hidden in the 600's past the movies he found the forbidden channels. The playbunny logo flashed across the screen, followed by cheesy saxophone music accompanied by an electric keyboard. But Josh wasn't listening, as he already had removed the remote from his right hand and replaced it with his raging hardon.

Upon contact, the panther instinctively wrapped the fingers of his hand around his member tightly before pulling ever so slightly. A low gasp was emitted between clenched teeth as he squinted his eyes, eyeing the two well built and fully busted rabbits eating each other out in the infamous 69 sexual position. Closing his eyes, Josh imagined those same two rabbits were there in the living room, huddled together on the ground. His hand was not his own, but both of theirs, simultaneously playing with his sensitive sex, taking turns suckling on the thick red tip and gulping down the sweet pre. Josh opened his eyes up, whimpering as the two temptresses had been replaced by a message scrolling across the bottom of the screen. All feed had been taken down for the next hour due to minor repairs and maintenance to the satellite.

"Cant waste a perfectly good horny mood." Josh said out loud, turning off the television before looking down at his cock. Slowly he wrapped his right hand back around the pulsing hardon and started to jerk. The skin stretched and squished together as he moved his hand up, pulling hard at it before pushing back down, moving the pleasure from the tip to the base as each side's skin was alternatively yanked. His breathing started to hasten, as blood was pumped to his already rock solid penis, making it harder to concentrate on anything beyond those six inches jutting from his loins. Josh's left hand slid down past his jerking right one, wrapping his fingers around his heavy and full testicles, gently squeezing them and rubbing each one with his thumb as if he was coaxing the load out. His right hand hastened its already vigorous pace, turning the skin slightly red as he yanked repeatedly forcefully, adding more strength to each pull until he saw the veins start to flare and his urethra beneath the gliding skin. Josh couldn't help but groan aloud, as pre was dribbling thickly out of his cock's head, and draining down his knuckles and onto his stomach, making a wet splotch that only got thicker and wider as he kept going. Slowly he felt his resistance to the pleasure fading, as his balls started to tighten up in preparation to release their load reluctantly. The only sound heard within the empty room was the young panther's loud and raspy breathes and the quiet, wet sound of his yanking resonating off the walls. Finally he passed the point of no return, slowing down his movement now, using his wrist to maneuver his palm to continuously run along his urethra, pleasuring the sensitive part of his cock. Finally with a cry of relief, his balls tightened up fully within their soft pouch of skin as his urethra expanded quickly. One final jerk finished the process as he arched his back, his penis head slightly lifting as the first cord of cum splurted from the tip and landed on his chest, with another yank of his hand the second bit was released, this time landing a bit lower to puddle over his belly button and stomach. For a few time-stopping moments, all he could feel was the intense rush of cum sliding through his penis and exploding all over his body in thick loads. But with a sudden halt of all hormones, he dropped to the couch with a loud groan of exhaustion, now feeling the urge to sleep right there. His balls loosened up slowly, along with the slow but sure loss of his firmness. Slowly his penis was engulfed by the sheath and left silent, spent for the moment. Josh was used too, having put all his energy into that one explosion of pleasure. So he closed his eyes, turned to lay on his side and began to snooze quietly.

Later that night the garage door squeaked open as Josh's parents stepped in. His father noticed the playbunny channel immediately and became infuriated. But upon finding his cum-covered son asleep on the bed the emotion washed away. He turned slowly to his wife and said, "Looks like our son has found out the fun of masturbation...I'll have a talk with him in the morning." And with a silent confirming nod from Josh's mom, they went upstairs to leave their son asleep on the couch.