My deep dark twisted pt. 11

Story by Musica Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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This is where all the shit happens. Lex, Dyamond's boyfriend, had sex with Shadow, Dyamond's best friend. And now, she knocked the fuck out of Shadow

Dyamond: I then went outside where L'il man called Shadow a ho, "In which direction?" "Over to the left!" I ran as I ran to the car where I saw Shadow in the car, "No, No, get out the car Shadow, they are going to rape you!" "We ain't going to rape no one! Get your ass from this car!" "Let him out the car first!" Reggie: "Who you think you is, Super-Save-A-Ho?" Shadow: "It's cool Dyamond, I'll be right back." "No, it's not. Get out. Get out now." "Damn. You better get away from this car! Just because he ain't all stuck-up like you." I look at Shadow, "No, let me out..." "What I thought you was going with us..." "Naw, I can't." "Okay, he said let him out! Let her out before I call the police..." "Old cock-blocking-ass bitch! DAMN GET OUT Trick, hurry up! Get you G-string ass out!" They threw him out the car as I slapped him, "Look at you! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! Why you try to leave with those fool?" Shadow looked at me, drunk and confused, "They just wanted me to dance..." "They can see you dance inside. Look at you! You all drunk and shit! You were going to let them run a train in you?" "No, no you are overreacting as always Dyamond!" "What you trying to do, make a career out of this?" "Maybe... Not everyone can make it in life... Sometimes you have to use what you got to get what you want." I rolled my eyes, "You sound like Ronny... Just stay professional. You only been here 3 weeks and you already getting sucked up into this shit!" Shadow bucked his eyes at me, "You already caught up, so what's the difference? I know what happened between you and Ronny.... They told me. I'm fin to go back inside." I was enraged as looked at Shadow as he walked away..., "You don't know the whole truth though..." I became steamed as I drove home a few hours later. I walked to my house door about to open my door, when I see a familiar face I saw before, it was Miron, the first fur I gave a table dance... "What are you doing here? What you want?" "Can I come in?" "Hell no, don't come to my house again..." "Why? I always make sure you get home safe." "Oh my god!" I rushed to open the door, as Miron gets closer, "I need time, please Dyamond, let me in!" I close the door on Miron as I run to Shadow's room to see he isn't there; however, as I opened my bedroom door, I see Shadow and Lex in the bed together! I go after Shadow as he runs into the bathroom crying, Lex trying to stop me from killing him. "Wait a minute. Just calm down. I can explain everything. It ain't what you think!" "It ain't what I think; I think you were fucking my best friend in my house!" I run into my closet as Lex still gives me excuses about what happened between him and Shadow. I rambled through the boxes in my closet as I pulled out my gun, trying to shot Lex, to make him hurt as he hurt me. I first shot at a book then shooting at a lamp. Lex ran as I stopped at the door, my blood boiling as my demon struck out at that moment. Shadow cried as I knock on the door, "Open up the door, bitch." Shadow whimpers and cries, "I'm sorry" I snuffed as I responded, "You're not sorry. Shut up. You always with somebody's man! Open up the door." I was so frustrated, and tried to look at the positive comments, "You know what...? I ain't even mad at you, 'cause you a ho. I knew you was a ho before you moved up here! I should have never let you live in my house! And I should have never brought Lex around you anyways, that was my mistake! Why, Shadow? Why...? The only reason I hurt so much is that I thought of you as family.... I thought we promised to be caring towards each other, but I guess you don't care!" I acted as if I left until Shadow opened the door, then I knocked him out onto the floor with my fists, "Bitch, you think I was gonna let you get away with that? Get your shit and get the fuck out of my house!" He sat there scared. Sometimes blood ain't no thicker than water... and sometimes family will bring you down quicker than strangers.