My deep dark twisted fantasy pt. 13

Story by Musica Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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Dyamond, he is a deeply aggressive child because of what Ronny did... Revenge is best served cold blooded.

Dyamond: I drove to the club as I walked to the dressing room looking for someone! I looked at Ronny in complete rage, for he had to have seen Shadow as he was..., "Shadow got raped at Junior's party tonight, and you left him there!" "I don't know what you talking about." I looked at Blue as I asked everyone to leave the dressing room except Ronny; however, no one moved; therefore, I turned a bad bitch as I shot a bullet in the air, "CAN EVERYONE LEAVE THE MOTHERFUCKING DRESSING ROOM!" Everyone left in a flash, leaving Ronny and I as I told Blue to guard and make should no one comes in... I looked at Ronny, enraged deeply pulling out my demon; however, I pushed back the demon, "I'm gonna kick your motherfuckin' ass!" "No, after I kick your ass, I just might do you do Junior did Shadow! You know, Dyamond really is a man's best friend." I shoved him to a mirror behind him, and then he punched my face. We both dropped to the floor as he grabbed my neck, choking me as I thought fast and hit him to another mirror behind him, his blood flowing upon me as I then licked my lips of his blood. I kneed him in the balls as he whimpers and laughs, "Ain't no balls there bitch!" I looked at him, a figure of a man in the body of a woman as I then cut him with my claws, "You know what, you could have fooled me!" I punched him to the ground, stumping him to a pulp, throwing knives at his legs, piercing him with deep pain. "Your ass is mine!"

Blue: I listened from outside as I heard all the noise inside the dressing room, "Blue, what is going on?" "Nick, Kendren is handling some business, it's not going to take long....," Nick nodded as he moved away and Tray tried to get in, "Get back or I'll bust a cap in that ass wrinkled ass of yours!" Everyone moved back in fear, "L'il man, everyone else, this has nothing to do with you guys, I just need some room..." I left everyone in suspense just like I promised Kendren...

Dyamond: I pushed the bitch to a mirror as it busted from his body, then I stomped him again, making him gush out blood to where she was dazed deeply...; however, that didn't stop me as I continued to crushed him with my feet, kicking him and splashing more blood on me. All the blood I took from him seems to make me more powerful, "Come on, bitch! COME ON!" Ronny tackled me as I fell under the sinks, I grabbed the bitch's short fur and smashed his face on the edge of the sink and stabbed a knife within his head and withdrew it out of his head before he could die. I stabbed other parts of his body, then picked him up from his head, "It's bitches like you that makes it hard for people like me!" I punched him, my fist feeling like iron, "That's for Shadow!" Then I kicked him deep into her stomach with my hind paw, "That's for me!" I spit on him as a sign of I was done..." I walk to the door as I told Blue that it was time to good, and just for looking at me wrong, I punched Tray one good bloody time! "Damn, Kendren, you have to go home, you'll kill everyone!" I gave my finally hugs to Big Nick and the others, remembering them all as family as I left for home... leaving the mess where it belongs....

Big Nick: I went into the dressing room with Tray and saw Ronny under the sink, bleeding all over the floor. Tray: I picked up Ronny as I then cried, "Ronny, you okay?"

L'il Man: I laughed as I saw Ronny, "That's what your ass get! Looks like your ass got whipped! Question if you still conscious: Did you at less pinch the bitch..."

Dyamond: A few seconds later, the police came for the arrest of Ronny and Tray, and I showed them exactly where to find them... However, I know, that only one thing was still to be done... I then jumped in my car with Blue ,and when to check on Shadow at the hospital... My new heart.... Blood isn't sometimes thicker than water...