Through the Horizon: Under Attack, Part One

Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#17 of Through the Horizon

Hello all, here's the latest chapter of Through the Horizon. As usual a big thanks to Dasher Cheetah who helped me to edit it. I also want to thank Beep, who I mention in this chapter. I am going to write him into the story, but I do not own his charater. Beep belongs to Beep. So enjoy

Through the Horizon: Under Attack, Part One

Bane groaned as the alarm clock sounded its usual morning wake up call. He reached over and switched it off, then rolled over and cuddled up closely with his fox. Seamus chuckled happily and a bit sleepily, "Hun, you know we need to get up." Bane groaned and smacked his lips, then rubbed his muzzle against Seamus' neck as he reached for and began to gently rub the fox's sheath. Seamus moaned a bit as his rump unconsciously pushed back against his mate and he said, "That won't work babe, we both have meetings today." Bane chuckled as said with mock seriousness, "I'm the emperor, so I say all meetings are canceled in favor of us cuddling all day."

Seamus smiled and struggled lightly free of the wolf's grasp. He rolled over on top of Bane, straddling him and pressing his rump against his wolf's sheath. Bane closed his eyes and drank in his fox's affection. Seamus smiled and pressed his tail against Bane's goodies, then sighed softly before rolling off and standing up. Better to not get Bane too excited or they both would lose half a day of work.

He walked over to the window and opened the shades. The city below was dimly lit. Its citizens were mostly still fast asleep. Below the green parks shimmered in the dawn light as the sprinklers watered them. Seamus smiled as Bane walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around his fox. The wolf's strong arms and chest, as well as his taller stature, were a great source of comfort and pleasure to the fox. No one else had ever made him feel that way, or knew him in the way Bane did. Seamus said gently, "Bane, we have really done something amazing. Just look! All races getting along together here. We have taken enemies and made of them brothers." Bane chuckled as he glanced over the scene, then directed his attention back to the fox in his arms and said, "Yes dear but we still have a lot of work to do." Seamus chuckled as he nodded and said, "Exactly! So get dressed and get to your office. We have work to do."

Bane groaned as he walked into his working offices. The door behind him closed as he walked into the receiving room. He smiled as David looked up from his terminal at his desk. With a bright and cheerful smile, the younger wolf reported, "Good morning Sir! I have your coffee on your desk, your breakfast has been ordered and is on its way. You have a meeting with Minister Dasher at seven this morning. Empire reports and news are listed in priority order for you on your desk, as usual." The black furred secretary gave a surreptitious sniff of Bane's scent and glanced at his boss, while trying to look normal.

Bane chuckled and smiled as he headed for his office and desk, with the waiting magic black brew as he said, "Thank you David. I'm quite sure I don't know how I would get my work done, without you to prep it all for me so well and how you anticipate my needs. Like coffee waiting and keeping everyone who wants to see me at bay. Tho I don't always remember to say so, your efforts are much appreciated. That will be all, for now."

David bowed gently and backed out, shutting the door behind him. He hid well his faster heartbeat and breath but only because he was across the room from his majestically handsome boss. Bane sat at his desk and smiled as he turned to look out the window. The city below was slowly waking to a new day. He smiled as he heard the door open.

A familiar voice greeted him with a buttery purr, "Your breakfast, your majesty." Bane laughed softly and said, "Dasher, you're early aren't you?" The cheetah smiled brightly as Bane turned around and replied airily, "Always for you . . . and food." He paused at the door and sniffed a moment, then continued in with a sneaky grin. Dasher had brought two plates of steak and eggs, as well as a cup of coffee for himself. Bane smiled and got up to walk over to a small table he had placed against the room's panoramic window. Bane sat down with his coffee as Dasher joined him. The cheetah handed Bane his plate and watched as the wolf tucked into the food. After seeing his friend was satisfied, he took a seat himself.

Dasher leaned back comfortably and sipped his coffee before saying, "So how is the empire this morning?" Bane laughed and tossed back, "No idea. I haven't looked at anything this morning." Dasher chuckled as he grinned at Bane and said, "I figured . . . That's why I looked over it all. The city is in good shape and Ron has started planning the Emperor's Mansion. The wolves are almost done with the bomb and we have sent a specially designed ship to pick up and deploy the weapon. If everything goes as planned, we will get every one of them."

Bane nodded and said as he chewed a mouthful of his breakfast, "I hope so Dash but I'm not holding my breath. Even if we stop them this time, there's nothing to prevent them from doing it again. I don't think they are capable of seeing anything else as other than something to consume."

Dasher nodded as he said, "This is true, but unlikely. They will step back and analyze the events. They will not be willing to take such losses again. So until the build a much greater force than before, I think it unlikely we will see them for some time. As for everything else, its about normal." The cheetah then hid a smirk as he asked, "So, how's your food?"

Bane nodded and looked at Dasher with a squint as he said cautiously, "It is fine... Why?" Dasher looked at Bane's plate and said non-chalantly, "I think there is something missing and I know what it is. Haven't guessed it yet?" Bane squinted harder and looked again at the plate before growling softly, "You are not climbing up onto my plate." Dasher laughed merrily a moment before teasing back, "Not me. Tho you have but to ask... No, I was thinking of a certain younger black wolf. I caught the scent of David at the door and I think he would be on this table, face up or down, if you were but to hint he should be." Dasher grinned at Bane to show he was teasing but there was an unspoken question hanging there.

Bane got a distant look to his eye as he considered that and a few other things. He gave a tiny shiver, then sighed as he said, "I am mated now. Seamus has given you his blessing but I wouldn't cheat on him like that." Dasher smiled tenderly at his friend and soothed, "I know you well enough to know that. I was just teasing you and keeping you grounded. You have to know there are at least millions of people who lust after you or would willingly do what ever you asked? They don't have the pleasure of working with you every day. Why shouldn't David be on that list? He knows you pretty well already and talks with you often. You know as well as I do that he would kneel or raise tail gratefully for you."

Bane reflected on how true all of it was and it upset him. Sex was great, sure. But what did it mean if there was no heart or mind connections behind it? Yes, he could have his choice of willing bodies but that would really be just hollow pawing off for his own satisfaction. Shaking his head wearily Bane asked, "What was our meeting about?"

Dasher laughed lightly to bring his friends mood up and said, "It's good to be king. Unless you want to move to the couch, the next order of business is about the fox empire. We have been receiving intelligence that they could possibly be planning an offensive against us." Bane chuckled and observed, "As expected, if you can't beat it down with outdated rules and regulations, then try and kill it. Besides, we have dealt with their enemies. Their Emperor is needing a new focus to keep his people in line. If they had the time to think, his subjects would get the idea of getting rid of him!"

Dasher laughed and said, "Apparently so. We have an ally in the fox empire named Beep, who is running a pirate operation just on the other side of the boarder. He is giving us what intelligence he can get his hands on." Bane eyed the cheetah and asked, "A pirate? Can we trust him?" Dasher held up his paws as he told Bane, "I know its not conventional but he was willing to help out and we need an inside agent. Besides, how has this ever been a conventional empire?"

Bane nodded agreement and as they were talking, there was a bright flash in the sky above the city. The entire city shook as the blast shield slammed shut over the window of the room. The entire room went black as the power failed. Bane felt the room shake as the shockwave impacted the blast shield. The shield held but Bane and Dasher were tossed about by the jolt.

Dasher groaned and rolled onto his back. His eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light of the room. He looked around and recognized the interior of Bane's safe room. As the cheetah slowly sat up, his eyesight cleared. Bane was in his chair, his computer humming as Bane's paws entered commands into it. Beside him was David. The wolf had taken a bad bump to the head that Bane had cleaned and wrapped carefully. He had been spared most of the effects by his chair's built in safety restraint system. The cheetah stood up, drawing Bane's attention and Bane said, "Good morning sleepy head, I was wondering if you were going to stay out?" Dasher chuckled as he rubbed his neck and said, "Nope! Can't let you have all the fun. Any news?" Bane shook his head as he continued working on the screen and said, "The entire city is on lock down. From what I'm reading on my computer, only select area's have power." Dasher nodded and picked up his tablet to check it as he asked, "Any idea of what hit us?" Bane shook his head again as he answered, "No but I suspect it was an EMP bomb. It knocked out most of the city's power systems and the computer can't tell the backups to start because it also fried over half of the city's power grid in the process." Dasher nodded once more and took stock of himself as he asked, "What do we do?"

Bane sighed and rubbed his forehead as he said, "I have no idea. I have checked the room's transporter and it can send us anywhere I command it to but where is safe? Where do we even need to go most?" Dasher thought a moment before responding, "We need to get to Ron and then the secondary control room. Its at the very bottom of the city and should be in one piece." Bane nodded that he agreed and said firmly, "Alright."

The two walked over to the transporter and each touched the pedestal. Bane handed Dasher a blaster, belt and charge packs with the caution, "Here, we may need this." Dasher put the belt on and checked his weapon as he nodded and Bane energized the transporter.

Bane and Dasher appeared in the lobby of Ron's office. Ron's secretary had been blown against the wall by the shockwave, as Ron's office doors had been blown off their hangers and had been thrown against the wall. Bane walked over to the lifeless body of Ron's secretary and shook his head sadly. The fox had been impaled by shrapnel and was laying in a pool of blood. Dasher stepped into the remains of Ron's office and looked around. The blast shield had not closed over the windows, glass had been blown all over the room. Bane stepped in and heard a faint tapping. He walked over to the safe room entryway and pressed the external release command.

The door slid open to reveal Ron busy at work trying to hotwire the door open. He looked up and stumbled into Bane's arms. With a squeal of fright and relief, Seamus followed suite and Bane held the pair of foxes tightly. Dasher cleared his throat and observed dryly, "I hate to break up such a touching scene but we have a bit of a problem?"

Ron looked into the remains of his office and the first words out of his mouth were, "Yes and I just had the walls painted." Dasher's mouth dropped open in shock, then he began snickering in his breathy feline way and gasped out, "YOU are SO gay!" The four males laughed at that before Ron turned to see his secretary pinned to the wall. Ron's paw shot to his muzzle as he gasped loudly, eyes wide and stricken. Dasher moved in between the fox and his view of the body, his long arms going around the other three. Dasher said softly, "I'm so glad you both are safe. I don't think Bane or I could go on if we found you there." They all held tighter to each other, knowing it could well have been so. Seamus shook his head and the tears from his eyes, growing angry as he turned to Bane and demanded, "Who did this?"

Bane shook his head, "I don't know but they will regret it." Bane let out a low growl as his hackles rose with barely contained rage and they looked out onto the city. Entire parts were being consumed by fire. Bane snarled as he turned to walk out of the room. The doors of the waiting area burst open and through them stepped a heavily armed wolf, dressed from head to toe in black.

Bane quickly raised his blaster as he shoved Ron and Seamus aside with his body but the wolf fired first. Bane was grazed by the passage of the missing energy bolt, in the arm. Dasher turned and fired as he crouched, hitting the wolf square in the chest. The cloth absorbed the energy from the blast with no seeming effect on the wolf and the wolf turned his weapon on the attacking cheetah. Bane took the opportunity and leapt at the wolf. Bane's attack caught the wolf off guard and they both fell backwards, rolling on the floor. Bane snarled as he clawed at the attacking wolf. The masked enemy pulled a knife and drove it deep into Bane's shoulder. Bane howled in pain and was pushed off of the wolf. The wolf then jumped at Bane, intending to complete his mission of killing the Emperor but gave a yelp of surprise.

Bane had pulled the knife from his shoulder and driven it deep into the wolf's stomach, turned it up and jabbed the point of the blade into his heart with a savage thrust! The wolf gave a mournful howl and fell limp, his life's blood pouring over Bane's paw and fore arm.

Dasher rushed over to Bane and threw the now lifeless attacker off his friend. Bane whimpered in pain, clutching at his shoulder as it bled freely. Seamus rushed to his mate, medical kit in paw. He opened it and retrieved a pad. He carefully dabbed at the wound, being careful to clean it completely with the antiseptic soaked cloth. He then took out a light and shone it onto the wound. Dasher watched in amazement as the skin sealed itself shut and remarked, "That is almost as good as a magical healing spell!"

Satisfied with his work, Seamus put the light back in his kit as he blinked and looked up. It was easy to forget at times that the cheetah came from a universe with slightly different rules and ways of doing things. Tech and Psi were things he was used to, not magic. Seamus said, "It's a new toy I invented. I suppose it would look like magic but it is merely science." Dasher smiled and said, "A rose by any other name . . . "

Bane nodded and stood carefully with the help of his mate and dear cheetah friend. Ron growled and clenched his fists as he and stated, "That's it . . . now I'm pissed!" He walked back into his safe room and retrieved a large box. He sat it on the remains of his desk and opened it. Reaching in he retrieved four blasters and handed one each to Bane, Seamus and Dasher, keeping one for himself. He then gave Dasher a pair of what looked like soft leather fingerless gloves, with four gull grey metal studs on the back of each.

Dasher weighed them, noticing they were surprisingly heavier than they looked. He looked at the fox who explained, "These are an upgraded version of the claws I had previously given you. Dasher these are unbreakable and can even slice through solid metal. Try extending your real claws and see what happens but point it away from anything first."

Dasher put on the gloves and made a fist. They were a perfect fit and felt like a pair of kid gloves! He held up his fist and flexed his index finger. From the grey metal stud on the back of the glove, above that finger's knuckle, slid a geometric lattice that locked into a metal blade. Dasher tensed harder and more blade formed until it was 20 inches long! Three other claw blades slid out to form a full set, that he turned and admired. One could see how sharp the edge and points were! They were works of art and the cheetah smiled with delight as he looked to Ron. The fox went on as if he didn't notice and said, "Guys, these blasters have only one setting, on. They will blow a hole in almost anything with less shielding than a ship. Be aware of what is down range beyond your target because some of the energy will continue past your target when it no longer exists. These are the latest in a long line of improved weapons intended for the scavengers."

Everybody nodded, understanding what must be done. They turned toward the door with Bane reaching it first. Peering out into the hallway, cautiously, a blast shot past his ear and blew a doorway apart further down the hall. Bane hefted his blaster and stuck it around the door frame, returning fire. His shot hit the attacker dead in the chest.

Bane watched as the unknown figure was thrown backward into the wall. He then slid downward, collapsing into a pile of smoking fur. No blood, the shot had burned thru, cauterizing and cooking the flesh around the hole it left.

With a nod of satisfaction, Bane turned to his friends and announced, "It seems we will have to fight our way to the control room." Four sets of blasters, four feral grins and one set of metal claws greeted him and Bane proudly said, "Gods help whoever we meet!"