Two Kisses and an Apology

Story by Blackstone on SoFurry

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#7 of Three Masters

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: I read all comments and respond to most of them. If you have thoughts, feedback, or advice, I'd love to hear it, so be sure to post after you finish the story. Previous comments have been very appreciated and have encouraged me to continue writing the story. In a few cases, they've also had an impact on the story itself. But, regardless of whether or not you choose to post, I hope that you enjoy the story. For all my silent readers who are giving me 5/5s, adding me as a watch, or faving me: you also rock. And now onto the story:

Tom slowly woke up from the deepest sleep he had experienced in a very long time. It even took his muddled brain a moment to become coherent enough to identify what was waking him up -- a fantastic blow job. He decided to keep his eyes closed and just enjoy the wonderful sensations for a bit. Oral service, in the bunny's opinion, was the absolute best way to start a day. He tried to guess who could be blowing him while he also attempted to clear some of cobwebs out that were keeping his head foggy, making it so hard to think. Missy? Probably, he assumed. But for some reason the thought of the enslaved and feminized wolf tugged at something buried in his memory. The trainer had the distinct feeling that he was forgetting something. Something very important.

Mildly disturbed by this vague sense of unease, the Master opened his eyes. The first thing that he noticed was the he was in hospital garments, laying down in what what looked like a recovery room of some sort. Had he been in a car accident? He certainly felt a bit sore, now that he thought about it. Trying to reach back into his memory, the rabbit was frustrated by the side effects of the powerful anesthetic drug that was in his system. It also didn't help that he was being distracted by the gorgeous male lion in front of him, who was going to town on his erection. The good-looking maned lion was dressed in nurse clothes, but oddly enough also had a slave collar on.

Well, that must explain the blowjob, mused Tom to himself. After his accident (he wished he could just remember what it was...), they must have taken him to one of the Training Facility's secret hospitals. This nurse was probably tasked with making sure that Masters, such as he, were pampered and completely satisfied during their visit.

Looking up, the nurse realized he was being watched and pulled off from Tom's crotch. 'No! Don't stop, slave. Not when I'm so close.' the bunny wanted to say, but oddly, no sounds came out of his mouth. Did the doctors have to give him a tracheal tube or something? That would explain the trouble he was having speaking. However, the nurse was experienced enough to know exactly what Tom was trying to say. "I'm sorry, but I'm not permitted to allow you achieve orgasm. Doctor's orders. I just needed you erect so that I could take some measurements for your fitting. I'll let Doctor Stone know you're awake."

With that said, the enslaved lion nurse took out a ruler and began writing down various measurements regaring Tom's genitals onto a clipboard. Still incredibly groggy, the bunny just let the slave go about his work. He'd just have to ask the Doctor what this was all about when he saw him. Finished with his task, the lion left the room, leaving the Tom's saliva covered cock pointing towards the ceiling, still needy.

A couple minutes later, Doctor Stone entered the room, clipboard in hand. Following behind him was the lion nurse, who demurely stood in the corner of the room, hands folded behind him. "Hello, Tom. Now that you're awake, I'm happy to let you know that the operation was a complete success, and that all the alterations came out beautifully. Some of my best work, actually." Tom could only give the rhino a perplexed look in response, clearly confused.

"Oh, that's right. The aesthetic is probably playing tricks with your memory. Don't worry, it's just a temporary side effect of the drug we used on you to keep you under for the duration of the surgery. I'll just run through a list of the work that was done, so we can both be on the same page. The following procedures were taken care of while you were unconscious: Complete vocal neutralization, vasectomy, permanent hair removal in select areas, complete tooth extraction, tattooing, chipping, collaring, and ball ringing. Yep, that sounds like everything. Now, I'm sure you have many questions, but since you are now no longer able to speak due to the vocal neutralization, I'll just be continuing on with my explanation."

For a long moment, Tom's mind refused to process what he just heard. But when he ran his tongue over his now-smooth gums, yesterday's events came rushing back to him. In sheer terror, he tried screaming. Screaming in pain, objection, denial, panic. But no matter how hard he tried, not even a peep of a sound came out of his mouth. Thrashing around, the rabbit began trying to get out of the hospital bed, only to realize he was securely strapped down across his entire body.

"Now now, there's no need to become hysterical. Just listen to my voice and I'll do my best to introduce you into the basics of your new life. First, I suppose you should know that your name is no longer Tom. Your new name is Bitch. To announce and celebrate your new name and title, Mr. Daon has decided that your name was to be forever tattooed on your chest. In very large letters, I might add. To make room for this tattoo, we needed to permanently remove a good amount of hair from the area. The hair has been removed in the shape of a pattern -- the silhouette of the symbol for a dog's bone, like you may have seen on a dog's collar ID tag. I must say, I like the look on you, especially because your nipples are now so visible."

Tom couldn't believe was he was hearing. There had to be a way out of this. Maybe there was someone out there who owed him a favor, who could come to his rescue. Like Master Mason! That perverted boar owed him big time -- especially because it was that idiot's plan that got him into this mess in the first place! The rabbit seized on this thought, refusing to acknowledge the hopelessness or irreversible nature of his situation.

"Your sheathe and balls have also been denuded, as well as the skin beneath your new collar. The vasectomy is pretty straight forward to explain -- you won't be fathering any children in the future. You should be glad to hear that due to my advice to Mr. Daon, you were not castrated outright. But he didn't like the idea of you spilling any seed that had even the slightest potency, so, in accordance with your Bitch status, you'll be firing blanks from this point on. In addition, your pathetic cock will need a week of recovery time, during which I recommend against ejaculation. We'll be taking care of that for you soon too, so don't worry about having to restrain yourself."

Hearing this, Tom began recovering from his shock and instead started to experience a furious righteous anger. He was a Master and a Trainer! He couldn't simply be stripped of his privileged position in the organization just because he humiliated some slave. He'd have Doctors Stone's head for this! And Daon's too!

"We've also removed your teeth to make your training move along easier. After all, we wouldn't want you accidently hurting your new Master, would we? Before we extracted them, however, we took a cast that we used to make you a pair of dentures. If you behave, you'll be able to wear these during meals and social occasions. As for chipping, I'm sure you're familiar with the practice. Using a GPS system, your location can be tracked to anywhere in the world. This will come in handy in case you make a foolish escape attempt or to save Mr. Daon time if he doesn't want to have to look for you all over the entire estate."

'Daon was to be his Master?', Tom thought. There was no way he was going to degrade himself by sucking off that bear's cock. He'd make that son of a bitch pay for what the he did to him, no matter what it took!

"Again, collaring you're already familiar with, so I won't go into much detail there. Just remember that it can be used to punish or subdue you via a strong electrical discharge, should you misbehave. And a custom ring has been placed above your testicals, that includes a D-ring attachment. This will allow your new Master to escort you about the estate, wherever he chooses, by pulling on a leash that we'll be attaching to the D-ring later."

Dragged around the house by his now impotent balls? This really was too much. The flash of anger the rabbit had felt earlier was already beginning to lose its edge, and instead the former Master was starting to become very, very worried. As a trainer himself, he knew exactly how many times a slave had managed to escape the Organization's clutches. Zero times. It had simply never happened before. Not once. But he knew all their tricks and techniques. Surely, if anyone could escape, it'd be him. Right!?

"Now, with all that out of the way, let's introduce you to your new Master. Nurse Pussycat, you can bring the Master in now."

The lion left with a deferential "Yes Doctor." before coming back in moments later. Tom stared at the door, expecting Daon to enter any moment now. Instead, the rhino doctore gave a small chuckle, and said "Opps. I suppose you can't see him from that vantage point. Here, let me lower your bed closer to the floor." Tom wondered what the man meant by that as the Doctor reached out to press a button on the bed's control pad, which brought it almost to ground level.

Soon, it became all too clear, as Tom saw the massive black wolf-like dog known as Feral standing beside Nurse Pussycat. 'No, they couldn't possibly mean that... he... NO!!' the rabbit mentally screamed as realization dawned on him regarding who was to be his Master. He began struggling against his restraints as hard as he could while attempting to curse out the Doctor -- both proving equally ineffective.

"Stop making such a fuss. I'm sure being the bitch you are, you'll soon start to care deeply for your new Master. Perhaps you'll even come to love him, one day. After all, he has so much affection to give you. Here, I'll prove it. Feral, full display!" Tom watched in horror as the dog sat down and began to sprout an erection that was much larger than his own. Just like how the dog had done for missy. This couldn't be happening, the slave tried to convince himself. This couldn't be real. This was a nightmare.

While Tom experienced a brief mental meltdown, the Doctor repositioned the bed and removed its head frame, allowing for easy access to the rabbit's face. Seeing that everything was ready and in place, the Doctor calmly said "Bitch, you're about to taste your Master for the first time. I'd like for you try and understand that this could be a special moment between the two of you, if you let it. Think of this as your honeymoon. You're the beautiful bride and it's your responsibility to take care of your strapping young husband. Many years of happy marriage await you, once you accept the new life you've been gifted with. And it all starts at this very moment -- the first time Master Feral shares himself with you. As he begins fucking your toothless mouth, I want you to think of the blowjob you're providing as an intimate kiss, offered freely to your lover. You should do your best to pleasure him, caressing his arousal with your lips. I also want you to know that I'll be here for you all night, as long as you need, taking pictures of this once in a lifetime event. This is the beginning of what is sure to be a splendid relationship, and I'm honored to witness and record it."

Tom's once-firm erection had gone limp from fear and repulsion at what the Doctor was describing. He began begging silently to the Doctor, hoping the rhino would find even the tiniest scrap of pity or mercy in his heart.

Instead, all he heard was "Feral, face fuck!" and then watched as almost nine inches of red dog cock flew across the room towards his head. "No!" Tom unsuccessful tried to shout, as his mouth was claimed by his new Master. Despite Doctor Stone describing the event as something that would be gentle and beautiful, the truth, Bitch quickly realized, was that this was going to be a brutal face fucking. Toothless as he was, the bunny found himself only gumming at Feral's mammoth meat as he tried to bite down. It occured to him that his attempts at resistance probably only felt pleasurable to the beast. Worse yet, the dog obviously had no concept of patience as he unreasonably tried to force his entire length into the defenseless mouth and throat. In short order Bitch began gagging as his new "lover" consummated their relationship, using the rabbit slave's face.

As this scene unfolded in front of him, Doctor Stone began moving around the room, quickly snapping photos from multiple angles. The camera he was using could store up to one thousand high-res pictures, so he didn't feel any need to exercise restraint as he captured as much of the couple's first time encounter as he could.

Frowning, the rhino took as a step back as he watched the wolf-dog thrust heavily into Bitch's stretched lips. 'Bitch's cock is flaccid', he noted discontentedly. This photo set would come out much better if the slave was showing hard while he serviced his Masters cock for the first time. Snapping at the lion, the Doctor said "Pussycat, get him hard. Now."

Instantly the Nurse's lips were once again wrapped around the enslaved trainer's cock, doing his utmost to breathe life into the dormant cock.

In turn, Tom found himself unable to resist as he was used on both ends, his senses filled with the unavoidable truth of his reality. He tasted the earthy dog cock everywhere in his mouth. He smelled Feral's musky arousal as the dog's hefty testicals slapped against his nose. He saw the scrotum fly back and forth through the air. He heard wet squishing sounds, generated by the forceful mating. These, combined with the lion's blowjob, made it impossible for the slave to stay soft, no matter how hard he tried to will his cock to stay down.

"Very good, Nurse. We'll be sure to give him a Viagra before the dog starts in on his ass. No reason to take another chance that the Bitch's pitiful penis will mess up the photo shoot again. Now, Pussycat, go into the corner outside of the frame and start jerking yourself off while you pay close attention to their mating. Don't cum, though. Later, I'll want a five thousand word report on what you witnessed here, and how it made you feel. If I like what I read, I'll let you come sometime tomorrow. If I don't, you and I are going to have another sit down with the TENS unit. Understand?"

"Yes, Doctor Stone. I'll have the report on your desk by end of day. Thank you, sir." the masculine Lion said as he pulled his already full-mast six inch cock out. The maned slave then allowed his hand to gently travel back and forth over his dick, careful not to tease himself any more than he had to. It'd been over a couple weeks since the rhino had allowed him to come, and so the Nurse was justifiably very invested in pleasing the Doctor. Technically, he was the Hospital's slave, rather than the buff rhino's, but the Doctor had taken a clear interest in him. So much so that the "kitty cat" was required to inform other Master's that he was under orders from Doctor Stone not to cum, whenever they tried to reward him for a job well done. It was intensely sexually frustrating for the lion, to say the least, and it was only made worse by one particularly cruel otter Doctor who would regularly tell him "That's okay, Pussycat. In that case, just jerk yourself off for an hour without cumming. When you're done, come and find me. You can thank me by sucking a load of your favorite beverage out of my dick. Off with you, then. You've wasted enough of my time, and us free people don't have so much spare time that we can afford to stand around playing with our cocks all day, unlike some slutty kitties I know."

Complaining to Doctor Stone was out of the question, of course. The last time the Nurse had tried, the rhino introduced him to the horrifying TENS unit in a three hour marathon session he'd remember for the rest of his life. No, he wasn't willing to risk that punishment again. Which was why the slave was determined to write down every sordid detail of the bunny's rape in his report for the Doctor. He'd record what happened, how it made him feel, and what it made him want to do. And yes, if it earned him an orgasm, the lion was willing admit on paper that he was so desperate to cum by this point that he was actually fantasizing that the Doctor would order him to lick the dog's balls, adding to its pleasure while it face fucked the patient.

Bitch, on the other hand, was completely unaware of any other happenings in the room -- solely focused on the dog cock that was plowing his face. Even more worrisome was the fact that the dog's knot was starting to form. Tom started panicking. If the wolf-dog knotted his mouth, he'd suffocate for sure when his throat became plugged by Feral's length! But since the rabbit's face was covered by the dog's leg and stomach, Bitch had no way to alert the Doctor of his distress through facial expressions.

With a heavy push, the dog followed the course dictated by nature and did exactly what Tom feared, locking his arousal deep in the bunny's face as the knot stretched the bitch's jaws so wide that withdrawing was no longer an option. 'This is it.' Bitch thought, 'I'm going to suffocate on a dog's cock. And worse, I'll be erect while it happens.'

But just as Tom was readying himself to enter a state of blind panic, he realized he could still breathe through his nose. But that didn't make any sense, he thought to himself, as Feral began letting loose a river of cum into his stomach.

The Doctor, who had been paying keen attention the entire time while he captured the erotic event on film, noticed that Feral had knotted his Bitch, and had begun inseminating him with his ejaculate. Which, unlike the bunny's, was still very potent. "Oh yes, I knew I forgot to mention something. We installed self-cleaning tubes into your nasal cavity that run directly to your lungs. This will allow Feral to knot you at either end, without any real worry of harm. The only downside to this love making style is that you aren't getting to taste your husband's wedding day gift to you. Don't worry, however. Feral's been trained to occasionally lay down on his back to allow you to suck his spunk out at your own pace, without knotting your throat. Just think, in a day or two you'll be able to leisurely go down on your lover, mutually enjoying your new life together."

Bitch found that he was indeed able to continue to draw breath through his nostrils. The only problem now was that since Feral was fully embedded in his throat, the dog's nuts were, in effect, constantly pressed up against his nose. The slave was still able to breathe, but now every breath he took was thoroughly filled with the beast's powerful odor. 'It smells like dominance' came the unwelcome thought, as Bitch felt his still-very-erect cock firm up a bit more at the scent. The rabbit suddenly realized that every time his mouth was fucked in this position, he'd be forced to take in the dog's aroused (and arousing) aroma directly from the sack that was attempting to impregnate his face, for the entire time they were knotted together. 'I finally know what hell means.' Tom recognized. 'It's being made to do something unimaginably awful. And also being made to enjoy it.'

While Bitch was getting acquainted with Feral, Daddy was struggling to come to terms with his own feelings. He sincerely felt bad that hadn't been able to protect missy. Even worse, he was the one who had granted Tom's access to his little girl in the first place.

'It shouldn't matter, should it? She's a slave.' the heavily built bear tried to convince himself. 'And anyway, things happen all the time that she finds distressing. This time isn't any different.' But to Daddy, it was different. Everything else that missy had gone through had occurred because he wanted it to happen. The dresses. The chastity device. The teasing. The blowjobs. The Full Service duty. But intercourse with a dog wasn't a long terms goal, nor was it a fleeting desire he decided to have carried out on a whim. This was something that happened outside of his control, and it bothered the bear deeply. The guilt was eating away at him, and whether it was justified or not didn't make a bit of difference. Driven to resolve this cognitive dissonance, Master Daon went to seek out missy in her bedroom.

Knocking on her door, the bear waited for a surprised sounding "Hello? You can come in." before entering the room. Seeing the still arm-bound wolf laying down, he made his way over before sitting next to her on the bed. "Missy, we need to talk."

Already not liking the sound of this, Edwin replied "Of course, Daddy. What would you like to talk about?"

"About what happened earlier... in Tom's room. What I'm trying to say is, it shouldn't have. Happened, I mean. I feel bad about it, and I want to make it up to you."

Missy was careful to not let himself get too hopeful. He knew exactly how he'd like Daddy to make it up to him, but he also knew that particular request was unlikely to be granted. Just bringing it up now might make the bear go from being penitent to unsympathetic in an instant. But he had to try! The chastity belt was slowing driving him insane with lust, even at this very moment. If this went on for weeks or months, Edwin knew he'd have a mental break at some point. The youth decided that he'd have to bring it up as subtly as possible, to avoid getting another round of slaps to his pent-up sack."You don't have to do anything for me Daddy. I love you. But if you insist, do you have something in mind, Daddy, or can I pick?"

"I've already decided on how I'll make this right. Or rather, how you'll make this right."

"Daddy, I don't understand." Missy frowned in confusion. In his short time knowing the authoritative bear, he'd never see the Master act like this before.

"Here, I'll show you." Master Daon said, and then went to remove the girl's arm bindings. While he was untying them, he continued on. "I want you to do exactly as I say, no questions asked. First, reach out with your hands and take my cock out."

By this point, Edwin was completely lost. How was this suppose to 'make it up' to him? But he remembered who held all the power in this relationship, so he did as he was told and quietly took Daddy's penis out, after unzipping the bear's pants. Missy couldn't help but notice that the Master's dick was still soft, which was unusual when he was so use to seeing it at its full ten inch length.

"Play with it and get it hard."

This was starting to enter familiar territory for the nineteen year old. So while still very much confused, he was at least a little less anxious now that he was pleasuring Daddy's arousal. Within a couple minutes, the shaft was completely rigid, having reached its full glory.

"Now, use your right hand to squeeze my cock head." Missy complied, softly kneading the sizeable head in her grip. "Now pinch it." Following this command, Edwin took the cock head between his thumb and pointer finger, and began to squeeze a little. "Pinch it harder." The slave wasn't sure that he could use any additional force without the handjob becoming unpleasant for Daddy, so he didn't know how to continue. "Pinch it as hard you can, short of what you think would cause me permanent damage."

Now missy knew he was fucked for sure. It was a classic catch twenty-two. If he didn't follow orders, he'd be punished. If he did follow orders, he'd be punished for hurting the bear's cock. Though he was sure the mightily sized pole could take a good deal of punishment without getting damaged, there was no getting around that was going to be acutely painful. But why on Earth would Daddy want that? Missy could tell that Daddy was going to be insistent, though, so he nervously did as he was asked, pinching the cock head until he was sure it'd be bruised. The pet immediately stopped, however, as soon as he heard the bear draw a pained breath.

"You did good, love. I'm proud of you." Master Daon stated, as he stood up beside the bed and removed both his pants and underwear. "Slap my balls. Hard." After taking a second to absorb and understand the command, Edwin did as he was bid with an almost morbid sense curiosity: 'where could this be leading?'. The wolf took a practice swing, using a wide arched swing of his arm, like you'd use to shoo a cat off a counter top. His paw made contact with Daddy's walnuts with a meaty *thwak* sound, causing the sack to bounce around in a very animated fashion. Still sitting on the bed, Edwin looked up at his Master's face, noticing that it was scrunched up like the bear had just stubbed his toe.

"Again. Harder." Only hesitating a moment, missy swung his arm out again, this time with the strength you'd use to swat a wasp out of your face. Again he was greeted by a *thwak* sound, as the balls swung back and forth from the hit. Oddly, Daddy's "pride" wasn't going limp or decreasing in size. If anything, it looked even firmer and more impressive to the wolf.

"Again. Harder." Edwin swung like you see people do in soap operas after one character tells one of the others something outrageous and hurtful, his palm striking the testicals in a forceful sounding slap. Unsurprisingly, this resulted in Daddy hissing out in pain, between clenched teeth.

"That's it, missy. You got it. Now, slap my balls seven more times, just like that." Edwin hated to admit it, but he let the Master's sack have it, in full. He let out all of his anger and frustration in his swings, trying to make Daddy pay for everything the bear had done to him. The dresses! *thwak* The blowjobs! *thwak* The chastity! *thwak* The teasing! *thwak* Master Tom! *thwak* The dog! *thwak* His fucked up life! *thwak*

By the time Edwin had finished, he was panting a little and his palm stung. He could only imagine how the bear felt. And yet, the Master's cock was as hard as ever, herculean in its ability to hold the line. He looked up at his Daddy's face again and saw that it was contorted in pain. Suddenly, missy felt terrible. Why did he do that? Hurting the man didn't help him any. It didn't bring him any closer to freedom. It was pointless.

To Daddy's credit, the bear just stood there for a full minute, trying to ride out the pain. Finally, he said "Thank you missy. I deserved that, and you're a good girl for doing exactly as a I asked. I'm lucky to have you. Would you... kiss it? To make it feel better?"

Edwin was ready to do anything at this point, to assuage his guilt at the travesty of justice he'd just committed. It didn't matter that the bear deserved this and worse. The wolf didn't want to fall to a level where he longer recognized himself, or where he had to let go of all the values he held as a free teenager. And so, missy leaned forward, and planted a kiss on both of daddy's nuts. Then, he surprised himself by allowing his kissing to turn into a soft tonguing, as he tried to bring a little comfort to the abused scrotum.

As the wolf's tongue tenderly moved across the skin of Daddy's sack, he kept looking up, trying to capture the bear's eyes. But the Master's eyes were closed, and he himself was silent, letting his pet do as she pleased. Taking this as a sign of approval, or at least consent, Edwin brought up both of his recently-freed hands and began to stroke the bear's thick girth. Again the wolf heard the bear make a noise, but this time it was distinctly a sound of pleasure.

While he was working to help the Master get off, an unwelcome thought intruded into missy's consciousness. Similar to how he was working on Daddy's cock, the chastity device was also working on his own cock. Just as it had been doing all day, ceaselessly. Jerking him, teasing him, caressing him, and on and on -- only stopping when it sensed that the wolf was getting too close to the prohibited orgasm. So now the wolf was faced with a question. Why was he trying to get Master Daon to shoot his load? Was it for the bear's own gratification -- an apology for his sadistic treatment of the bear's balls? Was it so that the infernal chastity device would stop it's maddening attention, if only for a few hours? Or for some other reason?

Edwin also wondered, 'Does the reason really matter?'. After everything that happened to him today (which included getting off a rhino, two horses, a zebra, and a feral dog), missy decided he didn't have the energy right now to fully consider the subject. He'd have to analyze his feelings for Daddy some other day. If there were any feelings to examine, that was.

While missy had been lost in her own head, Daddy had been growing closer and closer to his approaching climax. As soon as he began moaning softly, Edwin realized that his Master was about to dump his sperm, and instinctively sat up to catch the tip of the cock in his mouth. Just as his muzzle covered the bulbous head, the bear's moans gained in volume as he began spewing out several swallows worth of spunk, which missy dutifully gulped down into her stomach.

Just then, two things happened. The first was that the chastity belt stopped its teasing torture, at last. The second was that her eyes finally caught the bear's, as he looked down at her while she still held his cock head in her mouth. Suddenly missy felt equal portions of dismay and yearning, realizing what that look was. Daddy was looking down at her with love in his eyes.