Hitting the Space Bar

Story by Kodyax on SoFurry

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Cover Art by Alex Cockburn http://www.furaffinity.net/user/o-kemono/ Story by me. I go through cycles in my inspirations and this is part of me doing science fantasy space opera. Yes, I know there are some of you that have just had their minds blown with the idea that space opera could be made to fit into the fantasy genre. But here you have something of an attempt of mine to tell a tale inspired at least in part by and old D&D setting I love and will never forget as it was just that much fun to play in. I will come back to this reality if you will as it is something I think about from time to time. But for now I hope you will enjoy this story I have created for you.

Hitting the Space Bar

A pale yellow egg shaped craft with a dorsal fin like a shark, the flukes of a whale and the paddle shaped flippers of a manatee drifts towards a cluster of asteroids that are connected by glass bridges; each one studded with various buildings of the same enhanced glass as the bridges. A trio of flying saucers deploys from one of the asteroids and flies around to fish egg ship as if to challenge it but they escort it to one of the ports without incident and then fly back into whatever hangar they originated from. A series of hanger doors open up to receive the vessel as it levitated into place and docks inside the asteroid and the hiss of escaping gases can be clearly heard as atmospheres on the ship and inside react to one another once the doors to the outer void close behind it and as the conjoined environment normalizes so those inside safely as bio-mechanical insects from within crawl over the outer skin to do any necessary repairs.

Blue skinned giants with massive six fingered hands at the terminus of twin thin arms telescoping from bulbous spherical torsos and rainbow colored fezzes, vests, four legged pants and slippers are the first to depart from the Celestial Nomad as their crew departs behind them. The giants each have three eyes spaced out equally around their cone shaped heads with a series of holes above and below the eyes that one would guess functions like their ears and noses. Twin mouths lined with gold leaf form vertically on the front and back of their alien faces which open only to give orders to one another and the lesser being among their crew.

The crew hired by the Myrrkhanyx is made up entirely of human-animal chimeras evenly mixed between scaled reptilians and furry mammal types running the gamut of sizes from small rabbits, mice and caimans to largish buffaloes, bears and komodo dragons. Among those wandering out is a russet brown furred lupursyn with a mossy green mohark, solid moss green eyes with neither pupils nor irises, black tiger stripes, a black raccoon mask in a black leather kilt, rucksacks on the belt holding up said kilt, hooded cloak, cestuses and features a tribal green tree of life tattoo over his heart using a quarterstaff as a walking stick with a pair of sickles hanging from his belt. Like everyone else of the crew, the wolf-bear goes over to the paymaster who gives him a pouch of gold coins and the Myrrkhanyx puts a hand on the lupursyn's shoulder to indicate it wants to speak to him.

"There is a special bonus in there for you, Kodyax," the Myrrkhanyx states from its front mouth, "When you get the chance, press the block to your forearms and it will grant you a special enchanted tattoo that will mark you as a master marine."

"This thing?" Kodyax asks as he brings up a silver block about the size of a man's hand but it seems smaller as the lupursyn is a full six inches over nine feet tall. "Any special properties?"

"It works with the Tree of Life Tattoo you already have to improve its magic working on your body." The Myrrkhanyx states, "That spell you were talking about, the bubble of life spell? We know it quite well, plus it will add an invisible field of force that will mix with your aura and protect you from harm. It's the least we could do after you tore into that monstrosity that was clambering aboard and would have decimated the ship if not for your actions."

"Part of doing my duty as a marine," Kodyax says as he presses the thing to his arm and feels a slight pain, like when one gets a tattoo. "Plus abominations like that are among my specialties. I hate them and do not suffer them life if I can help it."

"We will be in dry-dock for a month to resupply," the Myrrkhanyx states, "When we leave we would like to hire you for the journey."

"I'll try to make myself available," Kodyax says in a promissory fashion and then departs.

Kodyax makes his way towards the Monster Quarter where chimeras like him are welcome with a pair of silver six pointed evening stars on his arms. However as he makes his way to the tube leading there a gang of five pistol packing human bandits try to bar his way and demand he fork over the money he just got. Unfortunately for the bandits, Kodyax is well versed in the ways of there kind and before the leader can finish his spiel, the lupursyn has bashed his head in with one end of the staff.

It takes a moment for the death of their leader to register as the other four just stand there staring in disbelief as he collapses to the ground. Kodyax uses the time to stun another bandit in the chest and force him to his knees and clutch the area his heart is located and concentrates on breathing as his ribs have splintered and piece of his own skeleton has pierces his heart before clubbing one of the two girls of the group in the head. She drops to the floor and coughs blood as her companion bleeds out from his wound as the other two decide to beat feet and go looking for an easier mark.

The one eyed red head sees that she's been abandoned by her compatriots and does the only thing she can think of to keep herself alive and turns whore. She crawls over to him on her hands and knees and licks at his scrotum. He bends her over the railing inside the tube he is going into and then proceeds to strip her nude.

Embarrassment plays on her face as she allows herself to be stripped but she makes no move to resist him. Instead she crawls under his kilt and goes to work licking his scrotum and sheathe to get his cock out so she can suck on it. Kodyax smirks as he lets her get him hard enough to penetrate her folds and when he is that hard he again bends her over and shoves his phallus between her legs and takes her with authority.

She starts to cry as she is taken as her body registers pleasure even if she wishes it wasn't so but eventually she gives in and just lets him use her as a fuck toy, a position she's unfortunately used to. After he climaxes within her, Kodyax takes her into the Monster Quarter and trades her leather armor and weapons in for a pair of sandals, a collar and a red leather hooded cloak. It's then he calls her Red and she knows that until he frees her, whatever name she had before is no more as her name now is simply Red, slave of the ranger Kodyax.

"Well, bless my soul, it's Switchblade Scarlet, tamed at last!" A lady minotaur beams as Kodyax walks into a boarding house with Red in tow.

"She was one of five thieves that thought they had an easy mark in me," Kodyax jokes.

"Finally bit off more than your gang could chew, eh?" Molly Cutter coos as she fondles Red roughly. "A bunch of her friends murdered my husband. Would you be willing to sell her to me when you're done?"

"Sure, Molly," Kodyax Zavaj beams. "I take that bounty you posted still stands?"

"The month of free rent for evidence of justice served?" Molly asks and tosses the head of Red's boyfriend on the desk, the ring leader responsible for actually killing Molly's husband. "I know that head, and yup, he was the ringleader and this little tart was his favored bitch."

"Why did I drop out ofWizardCollege?" Red mutters to herself. "I could be on a star ship. But no, I had to get involved with a gang..."

"Come on, Red," Kodyax growls and pushes her up the stairs.

Red is pushed onto a bed that is barely large enough for the two of them together which is cause for some concern for her as she feels his hands roughly on her breasts again. The rough caress of the chimera is actually turning her on as she touches a chaos symbol tattoo on her chest just above her breasts. A smile comes to her face as she considers the magic locked in that tattoo for her to command as it allows her to alter her own form nearly at will and considers what she wants to do right now as the monster takes off her cloak and sandals so she is naked on the bed.

The feel of fur on skin is something Red is still getting used to although it certainly feels nice enough. She moans as she feel the big canine cock fill her up again and she feels his hands on her breasts as she starts to get the impression that she could get used to this actually. On her chest the scarlet chaos emblem lights up of is own accord as if responding to an unconscious desire from its mistress to be used but what form to choose?

Almost as if response to the fact she is getting fucked by a chimera a new menu of potential forms opens up her mind to choose of different types of generic furry females. As tempting as the prospect is, the question comes into Red's mind as to why now and what will happen if he ejaculates in her while she is in that form. Previously, when she used the magic of the tattoo to alter her shape before, usually as a disguise for some caper she and the gang where planning, she was careful never to have sex in that form as semen has a chance of making the change permanent for some odd reason that she never could puzzle out.

Kodyax howls when he climaxes inside of her, which scares Red half to death but re quickly regains her composure when he takes her with him to a bar where humans are decidedly unwelcome. Red does see a familiar face who is neutral enough for her to talk to and when the Jake the gnoll witch doctor sees them come in he laughs and slaps her ass for old times sake. Jake used to do favors for her gang and thus is friendly enough not to want to put a dagger in her back at first sight.

"Well, well, well," Jake giggles darkly, "Got yerself caught didn't ye?"

"Yeah, Jake," Red says with a sigh and then turns to Kodyax, "Master, may I have a semi private conversation with Jake?"

"What would Jake want with you, Red?" Kodyax asks.

"I want to ask him something," Red explains.

"Red now?" Jake chuckles. "What sort of questions do you have for a crazy old witch doctor like me?"

"It's about my tattoo," Red admits and points to the one on her chest.

"The changeling tattoo I did for you years back?" Jake asks and she just nods. "What about it?"

"It glowed and I felt it burn," Red whispers in Jake's ear as his eyes go wide. "The menu in my head changed too. Usually it offers to change my hair color, or my race into a hobgoblin or an elf. This time it offered me chimeras."

"And you were fucking Kody at the time?" Jakes asks and she just nods. "Interesting, very interesting. Remember what I told you about having sex while transformed, Red, it doubly applies if the form chosen is a chimera."

"What's going on, Jake?" Kodyax growls.

"Nothing much, Kody," Jake admits, "I gave the lovely lady a tattoo that allowed her to change her shape temporarily but certain activities have a chance of making the change permanent. Now the tattoo is going to allow her to transform into one of us apparently."

"In other ways, if she choose the right form and I dump a load in her," Kodyax says with a smirk, "There's a chance I could make a bitch out of her?" Jake just smirks and nods as Red blushes and rubs the tattoo in question. "Oh, the possibilities."

In a flash the human turns into a pink vixen magenta on the outside fading to fuchsia inside with ruby hair. Her eye turns a solid fandango with no pupils or irises but she can still see quite well. In fact the only she notices is that she doesn't feel as drafty now as everyone looks at her.

Red holds one of her own hands in front of her face and realizes what just happened as she looks at Kodyax and gives him an embarrassed smile. He motions for her to kneel before him and she does so as a prelude to performing fellatio on him. A bunny comes over with a tray of meat stew and beer; sees Red and shakes her head as she was glaring at Red when they came in the bar in the first place.

Kodyax does not let Red suck his dick to climax, but instead bends her over the table when she gets him hard enough and takes her right then and there. Red sighs and just lets him take her as there is little else she can do as she does her best not to moan too wantonly in public even if deep down inside a part of her is getting off on all this. The fact that she's providing a floor show is not lost on her as she feels his shaft getting harder and harder as Jake walks around to the other side of the table as Red suck him off.

The humiliation of being taken in one end and out the other is incensing to Red who dares not bite Jake even as the bunny comes over with a paddle. Red looks up and pleads with Jake non-verbally as he looks to see the bunny and takes his dick out of Red's mouth lest she inadvertently bite him when Mona does what Jake knows she wants to do. Mona grins like a proverbial fiend and just whacks away at Red's flank's mercilessly until her butt cheeks are nearly as red as her hair.

Mona accidently whacks Kody with a swing which causes him to swap holes on the table with Red dropping to the floor and Mona being plowed by the bear as the pink furred bunny squeals in delight. Red is both relieved and jealous as she sits on the floor and taps the right side of her face with a finger. In her mind she is going through the pros and cons of making this her permanent form.

As Mona is getting her turn on Kody's pole, Jake sees Red in deep thought and goes over to her. He fondles her breasts which makes her smirk and look up at him. He looks down as he makes his inquiry.

"What are you thinking, Red?" Jake asks with a smirk.

"Among other things?" Red asks to which Jake just nods. "If I want to go back to being human anytime soon."

"Or at all?" Jake asks.

"Pretty much," Red says, "If I get stuck as a vixen will the tattoo allow me to change colors?"

"Certainly!" Jake responds with the kind of nodding that would make a bobblehead jealous. "That's the least it can do."

"I may also have to think I about getting my fixed," Red speculates. "Or would that happen automatically?"

"No, you'd have to see somebody about getting the eye to regenerate," Jake says honestly.

Suddenly the door to the common room bursts open and a squad of five scaled humanoids with a vague fish like appearance runs in start throwing nets. One of those netted is Red and before Kodyax can react one of the fish folk points at him and casts a sleep spell on him. Jake starts shaking Kodyax as he is pretty much the only fur that can take care of the situation as things like that are among the things he hunts.

The wizard among the fish folk recognizes Kodyax and knows like heck that taking him down will mean they can get their captives and get away and still be breathing. So once the other four have netted a potential victim it yells at them in their own guttural language to high tail out there before the witch doctor can revive the ranger. He revives and glares at where they came in as he grabs his staff and growls a command word that has the staff transforming into a bow before he goes off to hunt the fish folk down.

Kodyax is fuming as he tracks the fish folk by scent, although a part of him inwardly smirks that a human could follow those stinkers by scent this is so easy for him. When the trail leads to a sewer main he rolls his eyes and mutters "Why am I not surprised?" to himself before following them down. It's more that a little dark in there as the mask starts to glow the green of spring which gives him just enough light to see as he makes a mental note to see what magical tattoos Jake knows about when this is all over as the enchantments he put into the mask tattoo are working out just great.

A demon faced creature with the general body of a ten armed octopus but with a green and purple body stalks Kodyax almost as soon as he enters the station's underground. While the bui8lders of the station did hollow out the asteroids and put many metal and concrete structures, much of them are still natural stones and thus form a labyrinth of caverns in addition to the maze of streets that exist for most of those that live at the station. For Kodyax, going after the fish folk is a matter of pride and prejudice as he knows those things perform foul rites to the elder gods, rites that include sentient sacrifice and besides the fact the Red is his bitch, he also has enough empathy that he does not want her to be killed now.

Behind him the decopus does its best not to make a sound but the mask has more than a few enchantments, many of which are designed to help him hunt and detect monsters. Among other enhancements is a spell of detection keyed into things like the abomination behind Kodyax so while the lupursyn may not react to the thing he knows it's there. In fact by not acknowledging its presence he hopes to lure it into a false sense of security.

Without warning, Kodyax spins around and puts an arrow between the things eyes as the mask glows more intently now. The monster flails its many arms and crawls back in retreat, frightened by the attack and the magic put into the mask tattoo that makes Kodyax seem especially fearsome to things like it. Kodyax keeps firing as he utters a prayer that makes his arrows far more effective in taking out things like what is before him.

The creature starts to wave its arms and intoning something in whatever language is its native tongue and while Kodyax has no idea what spell it's thinking of casting, he's sure it will not benefit him any as he casts a quick spell on his own bow that turns its string the color of a summer field of grass. With each pull he draws invokes an enchanted arrow of pure emerald energy to manifest without the need to reach into a quiver. Each successive arrow slams into the monster and forces it to retreat as its own life force leaks from the holes his earlier shafts poked through its alien skin.

A fissure opens below the thing's body as it collapses when Kodyax kills it and climbing up through the tear in the floor is a shaggy giant with a vertical mouth of way too many teeth to be friendly. Each mighty arm of the furry ogre has two forearms and fortunately the clearance isn't quite enough for it to rise from the floor as it hunches over and tries to grab Kodyax. Kodyax gives it a face full of emerald energy for its efforts as he moves to get a better vantage point to put an arrow where it will do maximum damage as the alien giant has to catch itself to make sure it stays on track.

Kodyax actually knows what kind of terror this is and uses that knowledge to force it back into its hole and back into the dream lands where it belongs. Drawing upon the magic available to him, Kodyax fires an arrow that turns into a net before bull rushing him back into the hole and makes sure it closes after it so that he can get on with rescuing Red and Mona. He is thoroughly annoyed by what he just had to do and deal with as he goes back to the trail of the being he was pursuing before the trail gets too cold.

Tracking by scents gets a bit harder in what counts for the municipal sewers of a space station made from hollowed out asteroids for reason like one might think. The stench of things best left unmentioned is more than a little distracting, not to mention more than a little bit nauseating as Kodyax does his best to ignore the distractions and concentrate on the gang of fish folk he came down here to chase after and possibly murder if that's what it takes to save the victims of the cultists. At some point the trail goes through what looks like a wall although with some observational skill this proves to be an illusion set up to conceal and entrance to a somewhat secret temple.

A general feeling of dread pervades the space inside as cloying incense of a particularly pungent variety hangs in the air like a smoky fog. Phantom sounds like chanting and music of a dark ceremony flavors the sonic landscape of the chamber as he does his best to silently stalk about. Visibility is rather limited and with the other senses bombarded by other factors, Kodyax is left to guess where in here the cultists may have gone.

Help comes in the form of a scream as a random female patient has her heart torn out by the high priest as she lays on altar spread eagle. The others watch in horror as the dead whore rises from the slab as a heartless zombie and offer to pleasure the priest without saying a word. Kodyax arrives just as the second bar patron is made a heartless zombie in this same manner as next they march Mona to the altar before enjoying themselves with the zombies.

Chanting from the fish folk begins to reach a fever pitch and while most of the words are not recognizable but one name he hears loud and clear: Dagon. That name Kodyax recognizes and its very mention fills him with dread. The likelihood of him committing murder here just went up considerably as worshippers of that deity are ones Kody knows he must slay to keep them from carrying out wholesale murder throughout the station.

As the high priest raises his ceremonial dagger high above his head, Kodyax takes careful aim. The blade falls to the floor harmlessly as the high priest falls to join it; with an arrow right between the eyes. The other twelve cultists of Dagon draw daggers and look around fervently for the interloper that dared interfere in their ceremony.

Kodyax knows the special effect of his face tattoo doesn't really work on fish folk so he takes his time and lines up his shots and invokes some of the other enchantments he has on the long bow. By the time they hit an individual cultist each arrow might as well be a sharpened caber for the sheer amount of punishment it puts out as each one falls with a gaping wound to the chest. Red sneaks as best she can behind the altar and grabs the dagger the high priest dropped as the other Cultists are starting to get the idea that they annoyed someone they shouldn't have crossed.

Half their number are dead or dying before the cultists get an idea where the shots are coming from and they try and flank him as a result. This leads two more to get decapitated as he switches to the sickles for really close work. With only a third of their number left they begin to think about calling on the zombies for aid but the girls are now lifeless corpses with the death of the high priest.

In their panic of trying to decide what to do, Kodyax halves their number yet again as he makes vague promises in the dark to see every last one of them embraced by the void that is death. The last pair of them murder each other rather than face the ranger's sickle as Kodyax just smirks and goes over to the altar and ties Red to is as well as Mona. Mona gives him a fading smile as he walks around so that is groin is front of both their faces and than lifts his kilt so they can both lick at his sheath and scrotum.

The two females do their best to work in tandem to get Kodyax nice and hard; knowing full well that more than likely one of them is going to get his prick shoved in their box. Both Mona and Red want it at this point as Red is starting to come around to the idea that maybe switching races to her current form might not be such a bad idea. Mona is not exactly wanting what Red wants but then again she wants his shaft for her own cooter but for her that's just her own selfish wants more than anything else.

Red is the winner of the phallic lottery this time around as he pierces her soochy with his cock. She moans and under her Mona pouts as she can feel Red's rack grind against her own and while she sometimes does do two girl show the fact that Red was once human and is now a vixen getting reamed with her own body being used as a muff mattress kind of offends her. Kodyax can sense Mona's dissatisfaction and while he has plans for her as well, he is not about to reveal those plans just yet.

His knot quickly forms to lock his phallus within her cunt as he switches from sliding in and almost out of Red to making his member careen around inside of her to hit as many of her pleasure points as possible. Her mind is racing as when she was human her old boyfriend would hit a few spots on accident as took his own set of pleasure from her body, but the chimera is making sure he strikes the point as hard as he can with his stiff shaft and actively trying to make sure both of them are having fun at this. She starts to find herself looking to make the change permanent if it means getting a male to give her this much pleasure.

Underneath it all Mona twitches her ears in annoyance as she hears the moans of the vixen as her own coochy drools in anticipation of maybe getting a nice schlong to sample. She regrets having her ears so exposed when Kody and Red howl together as he shoots his climax inside of her as she has an orgasm. When Kody can take himself out of Red again he frees the females and immediately after he does this Mona goes for his cock to see if there is any cream she can gleam.

Kodyax just shakes his head as she kneels under him to suck on his sausage. He slips a collar around Mona's neck nearly identical to the one he put around Red's neck. Red smirks and starts eating Mona's muffin as best she can, partially as a way of welcoming her into the pseudo-family that is being recruited.

Butchers of a less than savory type come in after the constabulary have been notified of the activity. A mage is called in to seal the chamber from further use by cultists as Kodyax collects a bounty from the administrators of the stations, who just so happen to be part of the same consortium that hired the ship that brought him here in the first place. As for Mona, she gets registered as Kody's sex slave along with Red as they relax in that same bar night after night until it's time for Kody to leave.