Corrupting An Angel, Chapter 1

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#1 of Old Stories NOT being Continued

An angel needs help rescuing a child from harm, but doesn't plan on meeting a demon in a priest's disguise....

NOTE: Tegan Chance is copyright to me, Xaziel is copyright to DarkNightSong. We co-wrote this story together, and have RuthofPern editing for us.


Tegan Chance landed roughly, her wings not large enough to truly keep the young hybrid aloft in flight, but she had to try to save the baby she'd seen in a vision from the heavens above. Her wings flicked and settled over her back, and she swept her paw through her mid-back length silvery platinum blonde hair, pushing it out of her honey-golden eyes.

She wore a thin white gown that clung to her curves and ended mid-thigh on her legs. Over the silken material of her dress, an over-gown of a rather transparent mesh-like woven material completed her attire. A pair of white and gold sandals protected her feet from the ground and laced up her firm calves.

What stood out most about her was not her wings, but rather the combination of species that she was. Her ears were long and flopped forward, protecting the inner recesses of them, like a lop-eared rabbit. Her body was white and black spotted with a white belly, just like a snow leopard. And her tail, feet and paws were like a red panda's. Pure black over her forearms and paws, and from her lower calves down to her hind paws, the only distinguishing colour on the black part of her calves being the gold straps crisscrossing up her calves from her sandals, her tail striped with red and golden fur down its length.

In all truth, the young hybrid was lost, not sure at all where to find the baby she had seen. But she knew it was here, somewhere. Not just on Earth, but in this city. Luckily, she was near a church, and decided to seek shelter from the night inside it.

Having grown impatient, the man walked back and forth between the pillars inside of the Chapel. The engraved paintings through the windowsills of the Lord and his Followers among the Heavenly Chorus would be fixated into beautiful wonders of stained glass. Xaziel stood by the right side of the Church, leaning against one of the many white hollowed pillars.

Wearing a Priest-like outfit coloured in all black up to his neck, where the small white cross could be seen as the clerical collar was clearly visible, though what others wouldn't know was that it certainly was fake. He was no 'Father' or 'Pastor,' rather this man was exactly the opposite. Intentions to corrupt those who gave themselves over to this place of Illusions, which meaning even the Church itself was nothing but a mere plaything of the mind. Dark cold eyes swept over the entire area, especially with the sudden entrance of a new potential victim. Pale white hands rose upwards to the man's stomach and stretched across his chest, as Xaziel's eyes drifted over to the one with the small white wings. Her spots were the next thing that caught his immediate attention. Now without hesitation his feet moved forward one step at a time to the one that entered within his realm.

Tegan headed towards the church, a smile gracing her lips as she saw the priest coming towards her. Each movement she made was graceful, not of a contrived gracefulness, but rather a natural gracefulness, easy to maintain as well as watch. As she neared the priest, a tremor raced through her. It was a feeling she'd never experienced before, so she was unaware that it was her angelic alarm saying he was not what he seemed. She wrote it off mentally, pausing her steps as they drew close enough to talk without shouting across the distance between them. "Hello, Father. Might your church be able to shelter me for a few days?"

A grin lit his face upon hearing the words of the sultry female before him. The swaying of her body had him eyeing her precariously but with interest as well. Raising a pale hand outwardly enough for the anthropomorphic female to touch he would then speak, "Of course, lovely angel. All are welcome in the Church, there are no exceptions..." He'd trail off and drag his fingertips to her collar bone, tracing a small cross along her body.

Slow incantations whispered from his mouth, "Obtutus super mihi per vestri eyes, quod subsisto ut vos es. Vos iam belong hic, quod nusquam magis. Ut vos es iam, vestri animus. Vestri Mens. Vestri Somes. Obfirmo quod Redimio. Subsisto quod vinculum ut unus. EGO sum solus Deus vos vadum teneo forever magis."

The same dark eyes grazed down her body, examining the spots and fluffed red and gold tail. This creature was stunning and oblivious to what she had encountered, as Xaziel was going to use to his advantage now. "Come along, and seek no more." He spoke this time in normal English to the Hybrid. Xaziel's arm held out for her to cling to and he began his steps back into the church.

The lovely hybrid had never been one of the warrior caste of angels, fighting to keep the earth free from demons and devils. She had been a joybringer, a select group of angels that would bring happiness and peace to the people of the world. Of course, she was still rather young for an angel and had never been out of heaven until now. Even the language he'd whispered was not one she'd heard up among the other angels before, though most of the older angels would have immediately recognized the language and that he was bespelling her.

Her paw gently rested on his forearm as he led her into the church, her touch conveying peace and an almost unnerving sense of joy to him. In a soft, almost lyrical voice, she replied, "Thank you, Father. Your hospitality is much appreciated by tired wings and sore legs." Her steps were just as graceful with his help as they had been before. The fluffy gold tipped striped tail flicked from side to side as she walked, her sandaled hindpaws never truly seeming to touch the ground as she moved. Entering the building, she felt as if a heavy burden was lifted from her shoulders, though she hadn't even realized she'd been carrying one.

Matching her graceful walking, Xaziel brought her forth even further into the Church. Passing many of the white hollow pillars, eventually passing the last set and found himself standing near the podium with her. Placed right before the stairs that would reach aloft with the presentation floor, a long white table was visible to them both clear as day, "My dear. You seem to have something bothering you. Why don't you lay down upon the cleansing table and we can turn away the woes and pains of your day?" The coyness of his voice hidden by complete acting kindness, the fake priest grinned without showing his teeth.

Xaziel was already beginning to tire of keeping up his illusions. He knew that if he let his teeth show, two long visible canines would appear before her. At that point the hybrid would know what he really was, which was not something the Demon wanted. That's right. Xaziel was a cold-blooded Demon. Good thing that the young and innocent Angel didn't know Latin just yet.

Sighing softly, the triple hybrid smiled at him, the peace of the 'church' already seeming to soothe her soul some. She knew that it wouldn't hurt to share her concerns though, especially not with a priest who would understand her need to save the baby she'd seen in her visions. She climbed up onto the presentation floor and sat down on the table before untying her sandal straps and setting them to the side. The sheer part of her dress vanished, leaving her in the short white silken sheath-dress, and she turned, lifting her hind paws to the table and stretching out.

Another soft sigh slipped from her, almost as if in pleasure at the feel of the table under her, supporting her. "Well, Father, this is my first time out of heaven. I'm not even sure if I should have come myself or given the information to another angel. You see, I, along with a few other angels, can see things that are happening. But we can't always tell where the happenings are. My vision was of a child, an infant, who was in some kind of danger or trouble. I'm not too sure which it was, but the innocent baby needs saving. I... I guess I couldn't wait for another angel to get free to look into my vision, and came myself. But as you can see, I'm probably not the best choice to have come to this infant's aid. My wings are small and I'm rather clumsy when I land, though any other time I move, I don't have that issue."

A hefty sigh came as well from the man while his eyes drifted along the white silky dress that covered up most of her midsection, knowing all too well that the straps that held together everything could be easily shifted off of her, though that would come at another time. "Oh my, a child in trouble. Certainly not good; however, I think its best that you not worry. The prediction you saw, it was for the future, yes? Meaning it will not happen tonight, so worry not. Relieve your woes tonight, and regain faith." A slight emphasis of his sarcasm on that last word echoed in his head, even if he didn't hint at it in his voice. In Xaziel's head there was no such thing that existed, nothing could match the powers of lust, hatred and sorrow in his realm.

Making his way towards the hybrid, both arms outstretched towards her to lay his hands upon her legs for a moment, caressing the slender thighs of the female. "Let us pray together?" He once again coyly grinned at her, knowing that she knew not of what was to come from him. Tonight would be the night that this Angel would fall.

A smile graced her lips again, immediately bringing about a change from worry to peace and joy emanating from her. "I would love to pray with you, Father," she said in her soft, musical voice as she looked at him, her golden eyes half covered by her silvery platinum blonde bangs. "As for my vision, I'm not sure if it's the present or future. But I...I'm not feeling that sense of urgency I did before coming into the church."

The feel of his hands on her thighs sent a strange jolt through her, another strange sensation she had never before experienced. This time, she couldn't shake the feeling from her as well as she could the first one. This one seemed to build inside her, making her ache between her thighs. She tried to hide her reaction to the sensations, but some of her reactions just couldn't be hidden as she felt herself dampen at his touch, as well as a gentle tremor raced through her body.

Watching the reactions of the Anthro, he began to lick at his lips in anticipation. Hoping she hadn't noticed him savouring her responses, Xaziel wrought his hands slowly along her thighs and upward to her stomach remaining above her dress. "Leave your worries aside, child...and wade into the waters of 'faith'." To the Demon, all this talk of faith literally made him want to puke in his mouth. Disgusting filth of talk it was, quite simply that faith to Demons was taboo. Clenching his fingers into the fur of the female he plucked at her a few times, "Close your eyes, and relax..." He once again trailed his voice off. Resuming, he began to move his hands slyly up her body to fondle her breasts.

If anything this was a meal to be savoured, to cherish. It wasn't common for an Angel to come down to Earth itself, let alone come without an entourage of bodyguards. Though with the info given to him, it was obvious that this particular Angel in question barred no help in mind to the situation. How foolish that choice would be and the consequences that would soon follow, were already heading into a collision course with the hybrid before him.

Tegan nodded to him, her eyes closing as she felt his hands settle over her stomach, the thin fabric of her dress the only barrier between his hands and her belly. Quivers still raced through her as he brought his hands up her body, making her tremble as the needy ache in her grew stronger. Her teeth grabbed her inner lip, trying to keep from making any noises, though her nipples hardened under her dress. The fabric tented over her nipples and breasts, revealing to him just what his touch was doing to her.

Feeling his hands resuming their path up her body to her breasts, she shivered and her eyes flew open. "F..father?" she asked in whispered confusion. She didn't think he was supposed to be touching her like this, but, oh, God, it felt so good. How could she stop him? How could she let him continue?

Noticing the hardening nipples from the female, a toothy grin finally broke from him revealing the two long canines. 'Shoot! I better not let her see this!' He thought to himself as soon as it happened, he attempted to close his jaw just as quickly before she may have happened to notice. The dark eyes of the man closed as he soon leaned in to the body of the Angel, "It's okay...just stay still. You have inner demons working against you...and I can help with that." Lies such lies he told her, but he hoped that at this point she was gullible enough to believe them.

The same fingers pinched against her nipples and plucked off relinquishing them from the hold he had upon her. He coursed them back to run back down her sides while feeling up her curved, sensual body, eventually making his way back to her thighs. "You trust your 'Father.' Don't you?"

A low cry slipped from her before she could stop herself. Oh, God. His hands... they felt so good on her body, but also, so very... alien to her. No one had ever touched her the way he was touching her and she couldn't control her reactions to the caress of his hands. She had seen the canines, but wrote off the sight as something else than the truth. The long line of her back arched from the table, her wings fluttering a little under the graceful arch, as he pinched and pulled her nipples. The pleasure created from that simple touch raced through her, settling into her nethers, and his words finally sank home in her mind.

How could she, an angel from heaven itself, have inner demons? It just wasn't possible. With that thought in mind, the beautiful hybrid angel struggled against his hands, trying to free herself from the priest's hands as they gripped her thighs. "S..stop... P..please.."

He had control of her at this point, with no possible way for the Angel to escape now. Xaziel figured that it wouldn't matter if he revealed what he really was to her, but he'd still tease her and work some lust into her young body. "Stop? Oh we're just getting started my dear..." Again trailing off the Demon worked his hands to part her thighs, showing her dark purple panties from underneath her silky white dress. Pausing for a moment, Xaziel glanced back up to her only to soothe her fears, "I'll be 'cleansing you' tonight, from those Demons."

His body simply leaned forward at this point to pin her against the white table, not allowing her to get up from her position. Having the advantage of gravity on his side, Xaziel worked himself up further to get his body on top of hers completely. Aligning his lower body with her own, he soon gave her rough but controlled grinds against her sex, knowing that the stimulation at this rate would drive her wild with insatiable lust.

With his body over hers, pinning her to the table, Tegan knew she was trapped, unable to get away from him as his groin pressed and rubbed hers roughly. She had to stop him from continuing his actions and again spoke up, though her voice, while still lyrical in its tone, was trembling with the building need in her. "P...please... F..father... stop... T...there... aren't any... d...demons in me..."

The innocent angel twisted under him, trying to dislodge him from his position, but her movements just served to inflame the fires inside her, aching to be put out. Once more, she bit at her lower lip, trying to hold back her cries of need and pleasure the actions were causing her. Her paws came up and she pushed at his shoulders, trying to get him to stop what he was doing. She still hadn't put two and two together yet to figure out what he was and figured that her being an angel was causing some issues for the priest.

Not able to deny his own lust for this beautiful Angel before him, he soon brought to fruition the source of his needs. Sliding off of the female with a graceful movement, he unbuttoned his pants without even speaking to her. "My dear, it's apparent now...that you're going to find out who I am. So I may as well tell you myself, now shouldn't I?" Another toothy grin came from Xaziel's face, "I'm a Demon, no Priest exists here. You're also trapped here, within my realm... As soon as you entered this place you were doomed little angel. Oh how the good have fallen, to be corrupted by my very own hands." A snap of his fingers made the table flip upwards allowing her body to be thrown onto his suddenly so she couldn't get away from him. One arm wrapped around her waist as he used the other to lead her own hand to his crotch. "You'll come to worship me and me only, Angel."

The moment he'd gotten up from on top of her, she tried to slip off the table, but had found herself stopping to listen to his words. Why? Why had she stopped? She could have gotten free of him, but something kept her from climbing off the table. Golden hues widened as he unfastened his pants and she blushed, turning to look away. Whatever it was that had held her back suddenly released her as the table flipped upright, flinging her against him. The innocent young angel found herself held in his arm as his hand found her paw, pulling it down. Her back arched as she tried to pull her paw from his hand, trying to stop the next thing that was about to happen, but his will was inexplicable and he drew her paw closer to him. A gasp slipped from her as she felt something under her paw, stirring to full life at the gentle touch of her fingers.

A low cry slipped from her as she finally wrenched her paw free from his grip, the feel of what was under his pants indelibly burned into the pads of her paw. "I'll never worship anyone but my own God and you are definitely not Him," she spat, anger coursing through her for the first time. How dare he tell her she would worship him? He was not her God and never would be.

At the touch of her fingertips against his growing shaft, the Demon growled at her words. "And you think you can stop me? When I'm finished with you Angel, you'll know who the True God really is." Softly his hands coursed back down her body and pulled her against her will, shoving her along his expanding meat. He wasn't about to let this Angel tell him what to do, she'd know her place by the end of the night whether she wanted to play along or not, though he had to admit that he certainly loved her spark.

With the table still inclined upward he shoved her fully against it at full force, knowing that the blow would cause some disorientation to her mind, allowing him the chance to take advantage of her. Following the blow his hands tore down her panties to her thighs. Hearing the rip of them coming off of her body made the Demon cackle at her. "This will be too easy!" He said this in English, then quickly followed up with another incantation. "Binding vinculis tectum hoc animal, et non permittimus nec motus huc!" Golden chains shot out from behind the Hybrid Angel, covering her ankles, arms, and waist to hold her against the table preventing her from any chance of escape, even when there was none at all for her.

Tegan flung her head back as he pulled her towards him, forcing her to rub against the stiffening pole that was quickly prodding into her belly, wanting inside her. Despite his words, she struggled against him, right up until he shoved her back against the table. The back of her head hit the table hard enough to cause her some pain, but not enough to incapacitate her. While she was woozy from the blow from the sudden movement of her body against the table, the spark of rebellion still burned in her eyes as her paws moved up to her head, holding the spot carefully as the chains suddenly appeared and held her down.

Peering at him through her bangs, her golden hues flashed with her inner fire, and a snarl ripped from her lips. "You will not get away with holding me here against my will!" She struggled against the chains as they tightened around her limbs and waist, holding her in place. There was no way she could let him do... well, whatever it was he was going to do to her. Not only could she not allow it, but despite the burning ache between her thighs, the very ache created by his touch, she had to fight against the chains, against him, to try to free herself. No matter what damage was inflicted upon her, she had to get free.