
Story by sorath on SoFurry

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The following few chapters will be a change in the POV and they are happening at the same time but at different locations.

'Wonder where I should go now?' I asked myself as I landed the helicopter in front of the empty warehouse. 'I'll catch up to Sorath in a few days probably.' I decided as I carefully took the rotors off and rolled the rest of the Blackhawk into the warehouse. "I guess I'm safe enough here to take a quick nap. Maybe something interesting'll happen. I never did have good luck when I was so close to a city." I said as I yawned and curled up into a little ball.

Next thing I know, I'm waking up to the sound of gunshots. As an automatic reflex I grabbed a pair of my twin swords and unsheathed them in one smooth motion. Then as I looked around I realized that the gunshots had stopped and a car was driving away from the scene. I carefully stepped out of the building and saw a man lying on the side of the building, bleeding from a gunshot wound to the leg. 'I can't just leave him here. I guess I'll help him out.' I thought as I quietly snuck up to his side.

As I looked at the wound I saw that the bullet had hit the femoral artery. "Up you go." I told the man as I lifted him up on my shoulders. "What the hell are you?" he asked me as I carried him inside. "I'm the person who's gonna save your life. You've lost a lot of blood." I informed him as I put him on a clean metal box and went to get my tools. I opened up my medical box and grabbed some forceps, a needle, a little vial of coagulant, a little bit of morphine, and some bandages. As I turned around I saw him staring at me. "What?" I yelled at him as I crossed the room to his side. "You're a fuckin pussy." he said pointing at my face. "You son of a bitch. You must be delusional from blood loss." I stated with a slap. I inserted the needle full of coagulant and pressed down the plunger. I them switched to his other arm and gave him the morphine.

"You aren't gonna feel a thing." I told him with a slight smile on my face before carefully inserting my forceps into the wound tract. As I reached the end I felt that the bullet was a pretty small caliber, so I wouldn't have much trouble getting it out. After I pulled it out and bandaged the guys leg up I hefted him onto my shoulders again and took off towards the road. "What're you doin?" he asked me with a slur. "I'm not a hospital boy. I only saved you because I didn't want a dead body at my hiding place. Now shut up while I get us a ride." I said over my shoulder. I got to the road and saw a black Mazda Miata sitting in someones driveway.

"I love my job." I said to myself as I put down the man I was carrying and pulled out my lock-picking set. After I opened the front door I unlocked the other one and put the stranger into the passengers side. "Hold on motherfucker." I said after I successfully hot-wired the car. I shifted it into reverse and flew out as the owner ran out the door screaming at me. I then stopped for a second to shift into drive when something hit the bumper of the car. I peeled out as driver of the truck behind me started yelling curses at me. I just floored the gas pedal and started weaving in and out of traffic. The car had a GPS unit built into it so I looked up the address of the hospital on it. Once I had the address I turned the GPS off and took a hard right into oncoming traffic.

After dodging cars for about three minutes I saw the hospital at the end of the road. I was heading straight towards it when the cops turned on their lights and sirens behind me. "Looks like this stop aint gonna be pretty." I told the person beside me. "Whatever shit was in that second needle, it fuckin works." he told me before passing out. "This is gonna hurt a lot." I told myself as I turned my wheels as far to the right as I could. The front of the car hit a hydrant and caused the damn thing to start flipping. I held the guy back in his seat so he wouldn't get hurt anymore than he already was. After we stopped flipping I jumped straight out the windshield and ran right into the alleyway beside the hospital.

"Don't just stand there you idiots. One of you needs to go after whoever was driving this car while the rest of us get this poor man into the hospital." I heard someone yell behind me. I noticed a wall was blocking the end of the alley so I turned around and saw someone running at me. I jumped onto the wall and started climbing up it as fast as I could. "What the hell is that thing?" I heard the policewoman say below me as I climbed onto the top of the wall. As I looked around I saw that I was on top of an apartment building. "I shoulda hoped for a good meal instead of just something interesting." I said as I layed down on my stomach and fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up feeling something on my head. As I started to raise my head up it went down to between my shoulder blades. I then stood up and stretched without even checking what was on my head a little bit earlier. "You're a pretty kitty." I heard someone say behind me. I froze out of shock and just stood there with my arms straight up in the air. I then felt something rubbing against my tail and turned around to face whoever it was. As I looked down I saw a little seven year old girl. "Hi kitty, my name's Madison." the little girl told me as she pointed towards herself. "Nice to meet you Madison, my name is Delilah." I said as I sat down again. "Oh my gosh you're a talking kitty." she stated as she pointed at me with a surprised look on her face. "Yes I am." I said as I rubbed her head. "You're so soft." she said as she started petting my fur again. "Thank you." I said as I patted her head again. She stopped rubbing my fur for a second and then she jumped onto me, knocking me over onto my back. "Why did you just do that?" I asked her as I tried to carefully pull her hands out from around my stomach. "I won't let go until you promise not to leave tonight." she said as she held on even tighter. "Madison, it's time to go." I heard somebody say from the stairwell. "Your moms calling you so you'd better go." "Not until you promise." "Come on honey, we have to go. You're going to be late for church." I heard the voice closer to the door this time. "I promise not to leave while you're at church." I told her as I succeeded in pulling her arms out from around my stomach. "See you when I get back." she told me as she ran to the stairs. "Mommy, I just met a talking cat!" "Really Maddy?" "Yeah. She's got black fur, green eyes, and her fur is soft as a cloud." I stopped listening after that because I was tired and it was getting hard to hear them.

I decided to go and get a few things from my temporary base before the girl got back. 'Good thing I can run.' I told myself as I dropped from the top of the building into the alley. I looked through the trash and found a trenchcoat with a few holes in it, a baseball cap, a pair of sunglasses, and a bandanna. 'I look like either a bum or an undercover cop. At least I have my pistol if I need it.' I thought as I felt for my hip holster. When I felt nothing there I remembered that I left it with everything else in the chopper. 'I really wish I didn't have to risk this right now. Daylight is not good for me. I can't believe that I remember my pants and lockpick set but forget everything else.' I thought as I walked out onto the street. It wasn't crowded so it only took me a few minutes to get back to my base. I grabbed my ankle holster, a small medikit for Madison if she got hurt on the rooftop, my pistol with an extra clip, and my own trenchcoat. As I put on the coat and holster I thought of what I was supposed to do for the rest of the time until church got out. I decided to do a little training with my swords.

I just decided to look at the clock and was startled to see what I did. 'I have to get going. Madison will be on the roof in seven minutes.' I told myself as I ran to the road. I saw a man on a sports bike stopped at a stop sign and approached him. "How much for the bike and helmet?" I asked him with my hands in my pockets. "It aint for sale bitch." he told me before lifting up the facemask and spitting at me. I dodged the loogie and pulled out a stack of bills. "I'll give you twelve grand for it." I said in a serious tone of voice. "What the hell?" he asked in a bewildered tone. "Fine, I'll go up to sixteen." I told him as I added the rest onto the already large stack of bills.

"Deal." he said jumping off the bike and ripping the helmet off his head. "Here you go." I said as I handed him the bills and picking up the helmet. I pulled on the helmet and hopped onto the bike. I revved the engine and peeled out. I somehow avoided getting seen by the cops for the whole two minute trip. I pulled the bike into the alleyway and took of the helmet, putting it on the bikes handlebars. I quickly climbed up the side of the building and took of the jacket and holster. I put them both with the medikit over in the corner of the building. As soon as I sat back down the door to the stairwell burst open and Maddy ran out of it. Once she saw me she ran and jumped on top of me. "You're actually still here." she said nuzzling up to me. "I told you I would be." I said as I turned her face towards mine. I looked and saw that her nose was bleeding and she was bruised very badly.

"What happened to you?"I asked as I went over and grabbed the little kit I had. "Daddy got mad at mommy for something and started hitting her. I told him to stop hitting mommy so he hit me instead and made my nose hurt." she told me without looking into my face. "Look at me Maddy." I gently said as I turned her face towards mine and started cleaning the blood off her little face. "You are a beautiful little girl. You need to be strong okay. If he ever hurts you or your mommy ever again, come get me and I'll take care of it." "But daddy told me and mommy that if we went to the police he would kill us." "But I'm not with the police so he can't do that. I won't let him hurt a hair on your head." I said as I kissed her gently on her forehead.

"DAMMIT BITCH! Tell me where that little brat went." I heard a man yell from the stairs. "She's on the roof." a woman said. The next thing I heard was a gunshot. "That was my mommy's voice. The other one was my daddy's." she sobbed as she burst into tears. I picked her up and carried her over to my stuff with me. I put on the coat and discreetly put my holster on without her seeing it. I heard the door slam open behind me so I turned around. I saw a man pointing a Glock at Madison's head. "Die you little brat." he said as he shot at Madison. I stuck my arm in front of her and let the bullet go into my arm. "So you want to die first huh? Fine with me." said Madison's father before emptying the rest of the clip into me. "Delilah!" Maddy yelled from my side. "Lets go Maddy." I said with a slight tone of anger in my voice. "Time for you to die already." the man said before drawing out a Colt Peacemaker and pointing it at Maddy.

When she tried to take a step back she started falling over the edge. I jumped in front of her and grabbed her hand before I got shot in the back. The shot had knocked me off the edge with Madison. I grabbed her and put her above me before we hit the ground. She landed on top of me and looked me in my eyes. "Please help me. I want to get away from daddy." she told me as she started to cry harder than earlier. I saw her father looking down at us. "Are you sure that you want to leave him?" I asked as I slowly withdrew my pistol from the holster. "Yes. I wish he would just die!" she yelled over me. I aimed at his leg and shot. As I picked Maddy up and got to the bike I heard a crunching sound behind me.

I put Madison down and handed her the helmet I had earlier. "You're supposed to wear a helmet when riding or driving a bike or motorcycle." "You need it more than me. Besides, we'll only be on the road for a little while." I said as I felt her climb onto my back. "Are you sure that you want to come with me? I don't even know where I'm going." I asked as I turned on the engine and revved it up. "I always want to be with you Delilah. I love you." she told me as she hugged me tighter than ever. "Hold on tight." I said as I drove out onto the street and reached the bikes maximum speed.

"Will you please hand me that blade right there Maddy?" I asked pointing towards the floor. "Here you go." she said as she struggled to hand me the end that needed to be inserted into the chopper. You're really strong." she told me when I climbed down the ladder. "I know. Have you ever been in a helicopter?" I watched her shake her head back and forth very quickly. "If you have to go potty then go now before we leave. I need to get this out of here and into the parking lot." "Okay. Don't leave without me." she said as she ran towards the bathroom. As I pushed the chopper out the doors with one hand I decided to go get her a present.

I wrote Maddy a note and put it on the chopper before getting onto the bike and heading into town. Pretty soon I found the electronics shop and headed inside. Once I got inside and looked around I grabbed a portable radio, a laptop, a few jumpdrives, three pairs of high quality headphones, and about seven packs of batteries. I slowly walked up to the counter and set each item down. After I watched him scan my items I put my right hand in my pocket. "Card please." he said holding out his hand. "I'm not paying with a card." "Nobody's going to steal from me again." the man said as I watched him pull out a shotgun and point it at my face. "Off with the hood." he said jabbing the guns barrel at me. "Here's the money I owe you for my items. Keep all the change." I said as I put a thousand dollars on the counter. "Wha... How the hell did you get that much money?" "That doesn't concern you. Have a good day sir." I said as I walked out towards the bike. I watched as some men came walking up to me and surrounded me.

"You've got a lot of stuff there. Do you think you could give us a little money?" one sleazeball in front of me asked as he took a step towards me. "I don't deal with people of your character. You are all nothing but common thieves." I then felt a wire around go my neck and start tightening. "Big mistake." I said as I unsheathed my hidden wakizashi and stabbed through the persons leg. As I felt the wire go loose and heard a thud from behind me the man in front of me was staring in horror. "You wouldn't happen to have a car would you? I don't think that I can carry these things on my bike." "Nobody fucks with us." a voice beside me screams. I turn to face the man and slash at the weapon he was holding. "MP5's are illegal you idiot." I told him as the weapon fell to pieces in his hands. "Kill her you idiots." somebody behind me said. I did a backflip over the group and got out of the circle.

"I need a car. Whoever gives me their keys will get my bike." I said holding up my keys. Beside me, I saw a man in his bakery window praying. I heard a shot come from beside me and felt the bullet go into my arm. I swung the side of my sword at the next shot and hit it back at him. "Just give me a set of keys and you all live." I told them, being serious about this warning. "What are you dumbasses waiting for? Shoot the bitch." somebody in the middle said. I looked beside me again and saw that the man had left the window and went back into the shop. I turned back to the gang in front of me with their weapons pointed at me. I ran into the group, dodging the bullets and slashing at almost all of them. Once I got to the last person he dropped his gun and went to his knees.

"Here's my keys. Please don't kill me." he begged me as I saw him throw his keys at my feet. "Here's my keys as well. Was that so hard?" I asked as I tossed my keys in his lap and picked his keys up off the ground. "What car is it?" "It's the green stationwagon on the other side of the street." I just burst out laughing at him. "Stay out of the gangs buddy." I said before the wind blew my hood off. I pulled it back up and looked to the guy who was running away as fast as he could. "I think I'll get a cake for Maddy." I told myself as I walked into the bakery. "Welcome. How may I-" he stopped as he saw me standing on the other side of the counter. "Don't kill me please. I have a family to support." he said as he threw his hands over his head. I was wondering why he said that before remembering to sheath my wakizashi again.

"Sorry about that. I forgot it was still out." I said as I put it back in the sheath. "What do you want from me?" he asked while still cowering behind the counter. "I want a cake. Could you make it chocolate for me please?" "Wait a minute. You're a woman?" he asked while getting closer to the counter. "Yes. I would also like roses on it, I always did love those." "Did you kill all those guys alone?" "Yes I did. Now that I think about it, could you make it a red velvet cake instead of chocolate? I think that would suit the roses more. Please make it vanilla frosting too." "Where's your gun though? I know you didn't use that sword for all of them with those bags in your hands." "I used the sword only. Can I please have my cake now? I'm already behind schedule." "I just need to decorate it. I pulled them out of the oven an hour ago so I can frost it right now for you." he said as he disappeared into the back.

"Don't forget the roses." I yelled to him through the door. I decided that, since I was waiting, I'd go and put my stuff in the car. I walked back into the bakery just in time for my cake. "That'll be nine eighty five." "Here you go." I said handing him two hundred dollar bills. "Mam, I think you made a mistake. You gave me two hundred dollars. I only needed a ten dollar bill at most." "Keep the change, it's a little thank you for the prayer earlier." I told him as I walked out the door.

"I'm back with a surprise Maddy." I said as I walked to the copter. "You're back." she yelled as she ran towards me. "Yes I am. My arms are full right now so please get out of my way for a minute." "Sure." she told me as I saw her move out of my way. As soon as I put the bags down in the helicopter she tackled me from behind and drug me down onto the ground. "Let's play Delilah." "Okay then." I said as I poked her belly, causing her to giggle. "That tickles." "You mean like this?" I asked poking her again. "Stop it." Madison laughed. "But it's fun." I laughed as I continued to tickle her. She then got off me and started running away. I think that it was about two minutes later that she was tired and we stopped playing tag.

"I got you a few presents." I said as I reached into the electronics bag. "What is it?" Maddy asked with wide eyes. I pulled out the radio and handed it to her. "What is this thing?" she asked holding it up by its string. "It's a radio so you can listen to music. I also got you some headphones and batteries for it." "Thank you Delilah." she said as she grabbed a pack of batteries and ripped them open. "How do you put in the batteries?" she asked as she grabbed two. After I showed her how to do everything we both sat and talked for a while. I listened to her story about her life so far and she respected my wishes not to talk about my past.

"Lets load all our stuff up and head out." I said while stepping off the copters side. "I loaded everything up while you were gone. I needed something to do." "I think that a good job like that deserves a treat." I told her as I grabbed the bakery bag. "What is it?" she quickly asked. "You sound like a broken record." "What's a record?" "Nevermind, just have some cake." I said opening the box. "Where are the plates?" "Why not just eat it out of the box? It's a lot easier and I have two plastic forks in the box already." "Okay." she said before crabbing a fork and stuffing cake into her mouth.

"Do you smell something?" Maddy asked while sniffing the air. "No, are you sure that you smell something?" I asked her after swallowing a mouthful of cake. "That's why I asked if you did." she told me as she sniffed even closer to me. Once she sniffed my fur she backed away. "It's you." "Are you telling me I stink." I asked between bites of cake. "You don't stink but it's a funny smell. It's pretty strong too. You need to take a bath." I swallowed my cake and put the empty box beside me. "You need to get some sleep now. We'll be taking off once I finish with my bath." "Goodnight kittty." "Hey. I'm not your pet." I told her while walking off. "You might not be my pet but you're still a pretty kitty." "Thanks Madison." I said as I closed the bathroom door.

'This is not good at all.' I told myself as I took off from the parking lot. 'I need to stay away from humans and cats for a while. I can't stand it when this happens. Every fucking year at the same exact time this shit happens to me. How could I forget the date? It's the only date that I want to remember and I couldn't.' I just continued mentally scolding myself until I had to land in a forest clearing. I turned everything off and proceeded to take off the rotors.

Once I finished that I cut off some limbs from neighboring trees and placed them over the shell of the helicopter. Once I finished that I decided to go and see what was around the area. Before I did that I wrote Madison a note and left her a loaded handgun. I chose to go to the left of the chopper and search that way. As I walked I heard something following me somewhat silently. I continued walking for about one mile and I still heard that thing following me. I unsheathed a set of twin swords and turned around to face whatever it was.

As I looked closely I saw that it was a mountain lion following me closely. It stopped about five feet away from me and sniffed the air. 'Oh crap. Please don't tell me he's smelling my scent right now.' I just kept on facing him as he tried to circle me so that I couldn't see him. I continued watching him carefully as he stopped trying to circle me and, instead, he decided to come towards me. I put away my twin swords and pulled out a backhand bladed katana instead. "I don't want to have to hurt you. Leave now before I have no choice." I tried telling him even though he doesn't understand English. He got right up to me and then tried to get behind me again.

I continued to avoid letting him behind me for about two minutes before he got irritated with me and started trying to scratch my leg with his claws. Every time he tried that I took the unsharpened edge of my sword and knocked it out of the way. He then lunged at me and knocked me onto the ground. I quickly took the end of the sword and hit him on the bottom jaw before pushing him off me. I stood up and watched him run off. 'Looks like I'll have to be more careful out here from now on.'

I thought as I decided to walk in a circular path until I reached this point again. Once I got back here I would go back to the helicopter with Madison. As I was walking around I heard the sound of trickling water so I decided to go and check it out. As I silently walked closer towards the source of the sound the birds continued singing. When I got to the source of the sound I saw that someone had dammed up a small creek and the water was overflowing back into the dry creekbed. I continued to search around silently until I heard a few voices.

I could tell by the tone of voice that it was a small group of males. "There's a chopper around here dad. Bob and Jim went to check it out." I heard a teenager say. I continued to listen to their conversation while trying to maneuver around and see what was so secret that they had to be all the way out in the forest like this. I finally found a small gap in the trees and took a look. I saw a rather large moonshine still with three men around it and one armed woman patrolling around with an M4 rifle. 'How the hell did they get one of those?' I asked myself while examining all of their faces.

"They outta be fine Jacob. They're both good shots and they took a couple rifles. Whoever's in that chopper is good as dead. Do you smell something?" the woman asked while taking a few more sniffs of the air. 'Damn scent. It couldn't have found a worse time than right now. At least I can control myself, unlike Veronica.' I thought to myself as I snuck off. Once I was about fifty feet away from there I started running back to the helicopter.

I was just about at the clearing when I heard a shot being fired. It sounded like a handgun so I wasn't worried as much but I still ran faster to the helicopter. I stopped silently and walked out into the clearing. The handgun I left with Maddy was lying at my feet and I saw those two men uncovering her hiding place more. "Seems like we have a nice little girl here Jim. Do you want a shot at her before me?" one of the men asked while he put zipties around Madison's feet and wrists. "That wouldn't be right Bob. She's only a little girl. Just let her go, she hasn't seen anything yet." After hearing the other man say this I was shocked.

"You're crazy not to get in on this." Bob said as he lifted Maddy up with one hand. "This is wrong and you know it. I won't let you do this to an innocent little girl." he said while pointing his rifle at Bob. "Go ahead and shoot me. If you do though, you'll have to go through the girl." he said as he put Maddy's head on the gun barrel. I took my chance and attacked. I drew my sword out of its sheath and sliced the back of Bob's heels, cutting the Achilles tendon. I turned around and saw that he had dropped Madison and the other man had picked her up and covered her eyes. I rushed at the man on his knees and decapitated him with one swing. "Thank you sir. I was afraid that I would have to kill you as well." I told him as he cut off Madison's restraints. "I am sorry that I must do this but my secret must remain intact as much as possible." I said as I slammed the hilt of my sword on his skull. He fell unconscious immediately.

"Why did you kill the nice man?" "I didn't kill him. He's just asleep." I said before I grabbed Bob's head, grabbed Jim by his shirt, and started walking through the woods. "Don't leave me again!" "Don't worry. You can use that rifle to kill anybody who attacks you. I'll be back in a minute." I told her as I headed back to the still site.

The first thing that I heard was the man arguing with the woman. I didn't pay attention to them as I walked through the tree and into the field. "What the fuck are you?" the teenager screamed as he pointed a finger at me. "This man," I said holding up Bob's head and ignoring the rude boy, "tried to force himself on the seven year old child I have in my care." I told them before throwing the head at their feet. "This man however," I stated as I held up Jim's awakening body, "tried to stop him."I said as I layed him down on the ground at my feet. "As compensation I would like two gallons of your moonshine." I said holding out my paw. "How about we give you lead poisoning instead?" the woman asked before opening fire on me.

I dodged most of the bullets as I ran up to her and punched her in the face, knocking her unconscious and causing her to drop her gun. "She's still alive because I let her live. I shall be taking the rifles that I have obtained from her and those two for myself as well. Now where is the moonshine?" I asked while swishing my tail back and forth. "Just take them and keep this still a secret." the old man said while, grudgingly, handing me two milk jugs. I opened one and took three large gulps before putting the lid back on. "Wow that's good shine. Don't tell anyone about what I am or you'll die." I said with a slight grin on my muzzle. "How do we know that you let her live? You could have just been too weak to kill her." the teenage boy exclaimed.

I simply located a large oak tree and punched it with my full force. I turned my head around and let them see that my arm was about three feet into the tree. I pulled it out with a quick tug and picked up everything I had to put down. "Good luck with your business." I told them with a wave as I began walking back to my helicopter.

"Lets get ready to leave Maddy." I told her as I put the gun and moonshine jugs into the back of the Blackhawk. "Oh my gosh you're hurt. Are you okay?" "Just a few bullets. I've been hurt a lot worse before. We have to get ready to leave." "Why are we leaving now? It's only twelve." she said pointing at her watch. "I know but I need to get some sleep." "But I'm hungry." she told me as her stomach grumbled from not eating anything since yesterday. "How about this? I'll go fishing while you put everything outside the helicopter inside. That includes the guns that those men left." "Okay." she said as she started picking up the guns. "Don't forget to uncover the little blades as well." I told her as I walked off towards the lake I saw on the way to the still.

As I got to the lake I saw how peaceful and quiet it was. I took off everything except for my pants and dove in without a care in the world. I saw a lake trout and took off after it. I snuck up on it and caught it with my claws, quickly dispatching it with a slice across the throat. I resurfaced and put the fish in my coat. 'I should've brought something to carry the fish in.' I thought to myself as I dived back in after covering the fish with the other part of my jacket. After I spent about an hour in the lake I had caught about twelve fish, but I had gotten hungry so I took the ten fish that were left back with me to our little camp. As I started the fire I noticed that Maddy had gotten everything into the helicopter. "Good job girl." I said as I ruffled her hair. "Thank you." she said as she started petting my wet fur. "Give me a little bit to get the fish ready for cooking." "Can I come with you? I wanna learn how to do what you do so I can help out." she asked with a plea in her eyes. "I hope you don't have to do what I do honey. If you want then I can show you how to fillet and butterfly a fish." I said as I walked off with a knife in one paw and the fish in another. Once I reached a flat rock I looked back and saw that Madison had kept my pace exactly. I proceeded to show her how to fillet a fish and butterfly them. She tried to do the last one with less than standard results.

She kept on trying to apologize on the way back to camp but I continued to tell her that everyone has a hard time the first time they do it. We then watched the fish as it smoked above the fire. We ate some and then put the rest in bags for later. I showed her how to load and shoot the thirty ought six after that. "If anything tries to attack us while I'm asleep I want you to be a big girl and shoot it, okay?" "I'll try." she said with a little bit of hesitation in her voice. "I know that you'll hit whatever it is. You're a great shot." I told her with a smile before crawling into the Blackhawk and going to sleep.

I awoke to the sound of a rifle shot a little bit away from my right. "HELP ME!" I heard Maddy scream. I unsheathed a set of twin swords and ran out to her. I saw a black bear only about three feet from her so I charged. "Get away from her!" I yelled as I chopped off his left paw. He tried to slash at me with his other paw, which I quickly chopped off before stabbing straight into his head. I withdrew my sword from his skull and watched him fall down at my feet covering them in his blood.

"Are you okay Madison?" I asked as I turned around. She nodded before bursting into tears. "That was so scary. Hold me mommy." she said before grabbing me around the waist and burying her face in my stomach fur. After the shock of her calling me mommy wore off I picked her up and took her back to the helicopter where she fell asleep clinging to my tail. I just decided to join her as I nodded off.

The next time I woke up was when I had to relive myself. After I finished I noticed that it was nighttime. I put the blades on and turned on the engine to let it warm up. As we took off I noticed that Maddy had woken up and came up to the front seat. "I gotta pee." she said while rubbing her eyes. "There's a toilet in the back. It's directly behind where you're standing." I told her without looking away from in front of me. After three hours passed I looked behind me and saw two fighter jets. "You are flying in restricted airspace. Land your aircraft." I heard the radio beside me say. "No." I said over the radio back at them. I turned on the elevation maintenance system we installed before going behind my seat.

"If you don't land your aircraft we shall be forced to shoot you down." I heard the radio say behind me as I loaded up my pistol and the M4. I leaned out the side of the helicopter with my harness attached to the pilots seat so I didn't fall out completely. I put the engine of the first jet in my pistols sights and fired. It didn't do anything so I put it back in my holster and leveled the M4 at the engine instead. I fired about six times before the engine finally gave out and the jet started falling. The other jet fired a small rocket at me so I shot the rocket and blew it up right behind our tail rotor. I then fired about seven times at the other jets engine before it gave out and the pilot had to eject.

"What was that?" Madison asked as she rubbed her eyes again. "It was nothing honey. Don't worry about it." I told her as I took off the harness. I got back in the pilots seat and turned on the active sonar. I noticed that we were being followed by a drone so I targeted it with one of the few missiles I had and fired. After a few seconds I sat back and watched it fall from the sky in the side mirrors.

As the sun started to come up I found a nice place to land. I landed in a snow filled clearing and turned off the engine. "Stay in here while I go buy you some warmer clothes." I told Madison as I hopped out of the helicopter with my trenchcoat, sunglasses, and bandanna on. I reached the road after about ten minutes of running. I saw that the paved road was perfectly dry and clean. As I watched the cars fly by I flagged down a person driving a scooter.

"How much do you want for the bike?" "Seven grand." she said from inside her helmet. "Do you have kids by any chance?" I asked pulling out my cash and starting to count it. "Yes I do. I don't see why that's any of your business though." she told me as she pulled off her helmet. "I just wanted to know." I said as I handed her nine stacks of hundred dollars bill. "You gave me nine thousand miss." "I know." I told her as I climbed onto the bike.

"You need the money more than me." I said as I sped off with the helmet in my hands. I pulled over when I was out of sight and put the helmet on. I looked at the bike closely and saw that it was a jet black Yamaha Majesty. 'I think I'll stay here.' I told myself as I drove into town to see what I could get for Madison to wear.

"I'm back honey." I yelled as I got off the bike. "I got you a coat and some warmer clothes." I said as I looked through the helicopter for her. I didn't see her and started to panic before I heard something behind me. I turned around and saw her face down in the snow. I picked her up and put her on the edge of the helicopter before handing her a set of clothes to change into. "While you change and get warm again I'll get everything set up for our new life here." "We're going to live here?" "Yes, we are going to live in Canada." I told her before I started cutting down trees for our new house.

It's been about five months since I was forced to leave Sorath and the others. Madison and I have finished hiding the path to the clearing with our little cabin in it. I told her what I used to do and she was shocked that I could do such a thing without provocation. She's eight now and has a natural born talent for shooting. We've tapped into the power grid, without being found out, so that we could have electricity in our cabin. We also have a stable internet connection close enough to us for me to use. I make sure to keep up with the governments efforts to find me and the others. Madison goes into town whenever we need something that we can't get ourselves since she knows that I can't go out much.

I gave her a set of twin swords for her birthday and she never lets them leave her sight anymore. She was a little hard to teach when it came to swordsmanship because she had a hard time with the thought of using both swords in fluid motions. She has gotten much better than I expected someone her age to be capable of, and we spar against each other on occasion. I take it easy on her and use my backhand blade so that she doesn't get hurt. Miraculously she seems to keep pace with me for about four and a half minutes before exhaustion makes her sloppy and desperate. We even have occasional shootouts from time to time, with me always winning decisively due to my level of experience.

She's matured to the emotional level of an adult in the short time that I've taken care of her. I think of her as my own daughter, even though I never had a child before and she has also decided to call me mom instead of Delilah. If I ever meet up with a member of the former company then I might go back with them, if they let me bring Madison with me. I guess that I don't always have bad luck when it comes to cities.