Sisterly Surprise

Story by Peregrine19 on SoFurry

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#1 of Tales of Seven Moons College

An intro to a furry incest story with a special surprise in it. My first submission

This is just the first part to introduce you guys to the characters there is no yiff the yiff will be starting at the start of the next part.

Sorry for any spelling errors and the over-use of the word and that may appear. I want your input whether on errors or writing style but if you troll I'll troll your ass.

And please help with the tags i got no clue.

Standard disclaimer, 18 or older, incest, bad words, and other bad stuff which you already know so being that you're here anyway evidently you don't care so I just have one parting comment, remember kids take a shower don't wipe it on the socks, enjoy all.

Tyler woke up one day to the smell of pancakes, "Maven is cooking again" yelled Alice, THAT woke him up, he bolted out of bed and streched his 6"4 arctic wolf frame before running full speed down the stairs to the kitchen to make sure his sister hadn't burned down the house, he got in just as the smell of burning food started wafting through the house "Damnit" said Maven throwing the burning scraps of pancake in the trash and brushing at the smudges in her white fur. Tyler's gaze was drawn to her large breasts where the majority of the smudges were. Alice came running in and his gaze snapped to the wall.

"Is the kitchen intact Tyler?". Tyler and his sisters were all arctic wolves, Tyler was 15 fit but not overly muscular and was black as the night, if they were their feral cousins he would be shunned because of his coloring. Alice and Maven were identical twins standing at 6"0 with large but not overly large breasts just enough to overflow in the hands, wide hips, perfectly sculpted asses, and just fit enough to see the definition of their muscles,they were 27 years of age a full 10 years older then their brother, when their parents died his sisters took him in and raised him, without incident except, for the odd housefire whenever Maven tried to cook.

As Alice was cooking hash browns and scrambled eggs, Tyler and Maven were sitting at the table talking about Tyler's college work. "You know Maven I wish people would stop commenting on the fact that I'm to young to be in college, so I'm smart deal with it" Tyler grumbled into his pipe "You should stop complaining and work to make friends then you wouldn't have to worry as much", said Maven rolling her eyes "That's not fair I try and I try but they don't respect me they think I'm to young. How can you make friends with people who think your just a teenager who thinks he's superior, which I don't but they tend to be dumb or drunk so we don't have much in common and then their is the whole bisexual thing which while accepted is still shunned, I mean how can I make friends with people who look down on EVERTHING about me". Alice shook her head at them both "This is to heavy of talk so sit down shut up and eat" they sat and ate in silence for a while

. When they were done Tyler loaded the dishes into their diswasher and started it. "Have fun at school dear" said Alice, Tyler gave a heartfelt sigh then went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for school. Alice and Maven exchanged a morose glance "We should do something to cheer him up, like throw a party for his classmates so he can meet them and score brownie points." Said Maven. Alice shook her head "No then we'd have a giant mess to clean up, I have a much better idea how about we let him in on the family fun." Alice says and winks Maven nods "Good idea but how should we intruduce him to it?" Alice leaned over and grabbed Maven's shoulders "I'll find a way, I did it to you right?" Alice grabed her sister's luxurious white hair and pulled her close for a deep loving kiss.

Tyler was walking from Psych when Sam walked up, Sam was a glorious six foot three and a half inches black panther his coat was well kept and his track kept him fit and muscular. Tyler watched him run from time to time he loved watching Sam's muscles bunch and loosen as he ran, Sam was the only person who never stared because of Tyler's obvious youth. Sam himself was 17 and thus younger than most of the people here which explains his understanding attitude. "Hey Tyler how are you man." Tyler looked up jolted out of his reverie. "Sam why are you talking to me don't you know I'm the pariah of this college, I mean even the goths make fun of me, this will destroy the social standing you've built up." Sam snorted. "Who cares what this bunch of losers thinks, I can't stand seeing you alone anymore so I wanted to ask if you wanted to study on Saturday...... with me." Sam coughed and blushed, looking out over the college. Tyler laughed "Of course you hairball machine why wouldn't I?" Sam chuckled "look whos talking you overgrown lap dog." Both chuckling the guys walked to the parking lot and said goodbye.

Alice watched her brother laugh with the handsome panther and breathed a sigh of relief. "I see you made a friend, a very sexy friend." She told Tyler as he got in the car. "Yes he is hot isn't he, we have a study date Saturday emphasis on the date I hope". They both laughed at the horrible joke on the way home, when they got home Alice said "Wait here me and Mav have a surprise for you" Tyler shrugged "Okay sure why not, is it a good surprise?" Alice snickered and walked inside, Tyler waited a few minutes and pondered about his new friend "Come in" Alice yelled from inside

To be Continued....