Afternoon Tea

Story by Brodec on SoFurry

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This time, when Amber's eyes again fluttered open, there was no confusion or uncertainty. Her sleep had been black, exhaused, no dreams had haunted her to justify why she could feel lines of wolf seed matting the fur to her thighs, or why she could feel something slowly oozing out of her even still. The scent in the air was unmistakable, and all around her the pack still stood.

The sun was high now, she didn't have a watch so she couldn't be sure, but three o'clock seemed likely. She couldn't believe the patience of these beasts, having watched her all morning while she slept. She turned her head a little to peer around, trying to count the animals.

At once, all eyes snapped back to her, ears perking. She whimpered, having given herself away. Another of the huge shaggy beasts was already walking up to her. Terror started to well up inside her once again as she glanced down at the huge package swinging between his hind legs. She lay down, whimpering, back pressed to the ground.

As the huge animal aproached, her heart felt like it was going to rip itself apart, her claws were digging into the ground. She prayed he wouldn't hurt her, but she didn't want another of them inside her. The huge animal walked over her, and she lifted one thigh up, pressing it against his package. All at once, the huge animal started humping wildly, his front paws wrapping around her shoulders. They ended up a pile on the ground together, the massive wolf slapping his sheath against her thigh, the pent up animal desperately trying to breed her, while she thought for some way to keep him from taking her.

She reached down and wrapped both paws around his sheath, almost at once he was sliding free of that soft furred home. Hot, red dog-meat was slapping agianst her thigh, his thin precum already squirting from his tip as he started to swell. She shuddered and wrapped her paws around that throbbing organ. She ground her thigh against his underside, and pumped her rapidly-wetting paws up and down that dripping, pulsing member.

Her eyes closed as she felt herself becoming aroused, so horribly horny. Her sex was clamping around a shaft that was not there, her back arching and tail held off to one side. No wonder these animals wouldn't leave her heat was still so powerful she was enjoying being raped. Her paws squeezed tight around that rapidly thrusting member, feeling his knot swelling more and more. That tip slid between her thighs and bumped against her sex, and she moaned out loudly, feeling fresh, hot precum dripping over her clit.

Her paws finally locked around his knot, squeezing as hard as she could. The desired effect was reached fasted than she could have hoped. She held on for two arm-jarring thrusts, and then moaned as he thrust forward again, his shaft sliding along her sex. She pushed her hips down, making sure he didn't end up inside her, and tried to lift his shaft. All she ended up doing was perfectly painting herself with his first strong jet of seed. A white stripe of cum landed on her, from a large sticky gob on her for head, leaving a trail all the way down over her left breast to her tummy. The next arching jet hit her chin, and the next went into her muzzle.

She felt herself blush at the taste, thick, hot maleness filling her mouth. She swallowed on reflex and then cringed, realizing what she had done. Her thoughts were cut off by the continued marking, the huge animal's mess liberally glazing the helpless woman as she clung to that knot, praying doing so would keep her alive.

Finally, after what seemed a lifetime, her little shower came to an end. She felt him try to turn around and gave up, her cramping fingers letting go of the knot. He didn't seem to care, his still-squirting rod bobbing against his belly as he walked back over to the ring of males. The next was already coming toward her. He was massive, perhaps not as strong as the alpha but much heavier, and the sheath hanging between those legs was even more impressive. His tongue hung out of his muzzle as he rushed over toward her, his red tip already poking out of his sheath.

Panting, Amber tried to climb up into her chair, thinking if she sat she could just squeeze him between her thighs. She had one knee up on the chair, her right paw clutching at the back of the arm chair, when the beast jumped atop her. She was squished against the wood of the chair painfully, muzzle pressed against the back by the weight of the animal atop her.

He started to hump, just like all the rest. His sheath was squished between the cheeks of her rump, and it didn't take more than a few thrusts for the tight, cum-lubed wetness between her rump cheeks had him fully hard. She squirmed and whimpered, hoping he finished quickly. Her breasts were squished against the wooden slats of the chair's back, and every thrust made her nipples slide along them, the sensation was almost too much, it made her want to just lift her tail and...

All thoughts were cut off as he finally entered her. Her mind went white with pain. That huge knot, already half swollen, squished between her rump cheeks, spreading them lewdly as a mess of precum, and the other wolf's cum, squirted from her empty cunny, the rough thrust under her tail forcing a great deal of mess from her already well used sex. She screamed so loudly the wolves all around took note, growling at the male atop her.

He didn't heed any warning however. The hole he had just shoved himself was so wonderfully tight, it twitched and squeezed and clenched at random, and it was hot and virgin. He used her as fast as his powerful hips could, the chair creaking and groaning as he fucked her. His knot slapped against her ass with his every thrust, slapping hard enough bounce her against the chair and rock it back slightly. Inside that once-virgin ass, a mess of thin precum was doing its very best to ease her suffering.

Her claws dug into the wood and she screamed out each time he thrust forward. He was HUGE, atleast two inches longer than the alpha, and that knot was obscene, it felt like somebody was trying to shove two fists up her rump. She had a bad feeling that somebody would do just that, judging by the brutal force of his thrusts. Her cunny was clenching and oozing, squirting as her heat drove her body to love what her mind could not accept. She rocked her hips unwillingly, and could feel herself trying to loosen up, to take that knot.

He throbbed so powerfully inside her, it felt like he was still growing the way he pulsed every time his huge heart beat. His thin precum was filling her up, starting to ooze out around his member. The pain was mostly gone, left by a wonderful fullness and a strange pleasure when he thrust forward, and a desperate emptiness whenever he pulled back.

Finally, he howled and bit down on the scruff of her kneck. His hips rocketed forward harder than ever, and she felt him pop into her, first one side of that massive knot slowly worked its way in, then the other half followed. She ground her hips against him, so impossibly full of throbbing wolf cock. Her mind went white again when he came, and she could feel herself swelling and filling with that hot mess.

Her cunt clenched and squirted her thin juices and the mess of many males to the ground behind her. Her chair was smeared in cum from her breasts and tummy, her belly was round and bloated with a huge doggy dig and a gallon or so of hot jizz, or at least that's what it felt like.

The heat-filled part of her drifted off happily, mated and full, the rest didn't seem to matter so much any more, at least she was full.