Guns and Gold, Chapter Two, Vengeance Rises From The Ashes

Story by Tobias Woadpaw on SoFurry

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Chapter Two, Vengeance Rises From The Ashes



Brody opened his eyes his vision taking time to clear. The young fox looked around his hands bound to the main beam of the barn next to his father and brother. He saw his mothers body on the floor and tears came to his eyes, the sound of spurs chiming in tune with boot steps. Looking up Brody saw Alec round the corner and approach them he struggles a little hearing the wolf chuckle at his futile actions.

Alec walked over to John and looked down at him. " John now I know you have it hidden away some where. So why don't you tell me where it is and spare your family more pain?..especially your daughter you know how men get out in the wild all by their lonesome." A sinister grin forms on Alec's face as John snarls and struggles. "You mother fucking son of a whore don't you dare touch her!!"

Alec leaned in just out of reach and spoke real quietly to him. "Then tell us where is the map you have, and you'll never have to worry about us troubling you none ever again..". they herd Mary scream outside and Alec's cohorts laughing. "Cant keep em in control for long john what's it going to be the map or the rest of your family?".

Brody saw his father look down in defeat. "Third stone to the left and four down in the forge outside its in there."

Alec grinded and walked out there was silence followed by the grinding of stone, he came back in holding up a ragged piece of velum. "You know John I never figured it would be easy, but I never figured you for a idiot neither so last chance where is the rest of the map im losing my patients!" his father looked up at the wolf and smiled then spat in his face. Alec pulled out his gun and shot him in the knee. "Wrong answer , Try again!"

John screamed in pain and hissed out a name. "Seamus Callahan!" .

Alec frowned and walked to the door sliding it partially closed, returning with an oil lamp. "well I said wed never bother yall again but I don't remember saying you would be alive!" with that he throws the lamp in and slams the door as it shatters. Glass cascading around the room and the wood catching fire as the oil spreads over it. Brody scrambling uselessly feels around for something, anything to cut the rope with. His hands twitch in brief pain as he grasps something smooth with jagged edges. Realizing he held a shard of the lamp Brody runs the edge over the ropes fraying them till they snap.

Getting up on shaky legs he unties he father and brother briefly looking over at his mother's body as the oil reaches it as sets it ablaze. Brody feels a tug on his shoulder and turns to see his father his eyes filled with tears shouts over the now roar of the flames as the hay caught fire.

"She's..she's dead son " his voice brakes as he says it "we got to get out of here well we can we can bury her later!" Brody nods tear eyed as he hooks his father's arm over his shoulder and they move for the rear door.

Cody waved them away coughing, "its blocked to we're trapped!" Brody feels panic begin to set in as the beams begin to blacken and the smoke thickens in the room.

John shakes his head coughing out the words "under the ...the bails in the last stall" he points over to a stall on the other side of the barn away from the flames. Brody and Cody lay him down propping their father up. they push the bails over and brush away the hay to reveal a trap door . it takes both of them to open it. Cody picks up John letting Brody lead the way laying John on a cot in the corner of the small room, both brothers pull the door shut and send them all into darkness.

Lighting a lamp John beckons them over to help him stand. "Dad what is this place?" askes Brody as the light falls on a few sets of guns, chests and cloths.

The older fox coughs "ill tell ya all about it son first though lets get out of here alive!" as the words leave Johns mouth the sound of the barn collapsing on the door they came through echoes in the chamber. With out needing to be told the two brothers help their father down the passageway to a bulkhead door. Cody trys to push it open but its bared shut form the outside. Even when he puts his shoulder into it id dose not budge.

A frustrated growl escapes his lips, "Trapped! " he slumps down next to his brother and father panting. "What do we do now dad? And what in the nine hells happed up there?! What was this all about who was he? Why was he after us?! Cody half yells glaring at his father. "What's going on dad?"

Brody looks at his father and the old fox sighs. "Well as you may have gathered your mother and I were not simple folk, at least not in the beginning of this all. "



Jake panted as he trudged after his father and Cain. The young wolf was by no means out of shape, life on a farm made sure of that. His form was lean and muscled and his fur was a glossy auburn red and deep brown . With the exception of his ear tips and tail tip which were black . shirt sleeves rolled up and vest was unbuttoned. He had stowed his pack jacket in his pack around mid day on account of the heat.

"come on pup pick up the pace!" called the gruff voice of his father form up ahead. Jake put on a burst of speed and caught up with the two adults. His Father Isaac was a tall and broad shouldered silver fured wolf.

He was always shirtless preferring to feel the sun and wind on his fur rather than through a shirt. When he was forced to have one on he chose to where a vest. His Marshals badge was clipped to his belt . the tarnished metal of his revolver glinted from hits holster as it taped a tattoo against the thigh of his coffee brown pants. Around his neck swaying with his steps was a bone pendant Jakes mother had carved for him.

Cain was a buck skin colored horse from one of the plains tribes. His pants were patched and worn. His mane was adorned with totems and a few feathers. His long rifle slung casually on his shoulder his pack on his back. Jake could not remember a day in his life when the horse had not been at his fathers side.

Cain ruffled the teenaged pups hair. "So Jake you must be exited getting to see the Crosse's after all these years eh?" the horse asked his voice kind and deep.

Jake became lost in thought as he tried to remember the last time he had been to see his fathers friends. Try as he might though he could not drudge up any memories about them. The horse chuckled and clapped him on the back. "Don't worry Jake it will come back to you once we get there! If I remember correctly you and Brody were inseparable, why I remember one time whe-"

Cain stopped himself mid sentence when he saw a cloud of smoke rising over the ridge line. The tangy scent of smoke hit Jake's nose making him sneeze. All three scrambled to the top of the hill, glancing around for the source of the acrid smoke. Off in the distance they could see the flaming wreckage of the farmstead.

"shit!" Isaac cursed and bolted toward the ruins son and Cain following his lead. As they got to the edge of the property thehy shrugged off their packs and ran over to the well grabbing buckets of water to douse the flames on the barn. Isaac started trying to clear away the ruble stopping as he lifted away as section of roof to find the corpse of Kathryn her fur partially singed. His mind seemed to freeze his heart almost stopping. Jake let out a yelp as his hand came in contact with the hot metal of the trapdoor . His son's cry snapping Isaac out of his shock running over to check on the pup. Jake's hand would be sore for a few days but nothing more

Grabbing a bucket the older wolf dumps the water onto the metal. The metal hisses as the water quenches it. He reaches down to try and open the trap door. Tugging hard he manages to get it open and jumps down into the store room.

Covering Kathryn with a cloth Cain kneels down next to Jake and waits to hear form Isaac. The next sound they hear is the click of a rifle hammer and the boom of a gunshot.


"let me get this straight you and mom and this Alec guy, you were all Mercenaries? " Cody asked unable to keep the shock from his tone.

Jon nodded. "we were family, until Alec-"

They all turned around as the door was wrenched open. Jon reloaded his rifle and handed a revolver to each of his son's. Body heard the sound of someone landing on the dirt floor, saw a flash of movement and in a panic pulled the trigger. His shot went wide a chunk of rock blasting away from the wall.

"DON'T SHOOT!!! ITS ME! ITS ISAAC!! " yelled a crisp voice.

John pushed Brody's gun so it was pointing at the ground and nodded for Cody to do the same. "Forgive us for being not being to trusting at present but where's your proof? "

There was the sound of something metal skittering across the floor and a metal object hit Johns foot. He picked it up and brought it to the light. It was a gold star the words U.S. MARSHAL stamped on it. Body saw a relived smile plaster itself across his father's face and he put down his rifle, taking the revolvers form his sons and holstering them .

"Saints alive Isaac its good to see you again!".

The house was a mess Alec's goons had trashed the place looking for the map piece. The adults sat in the living room as Cain did what he could for Johns wounds. Thankfully he was able to get the bullet out and stop the bleeding but infection was still a possibility.

Brody sat next to Cody in the kitchen the image of his mother falling limp replying in his mind. A voice shook him from his thoughts. He looked across the table at the wolf pup he looked lonely two years older than Brody. The fox finally zoned in and caught what was being said.

" -Sorry about your mother, My name is Jake by the way" said the wolf looking at his foot paws his voice quiet.

Brody just stared at him blankly before being nudged in the ribs by Cody. "im sorry about my brother he's in a bit of a shock we all are. Im Cody and this is Brody." Brody got up and stalked to his room tears lining his eyes . Cody sighed and looked back over at Jake. "Give him time he will open up, its good to see you again Jake it really is."

The Jake nods a smile forming on his muzzle. The sound of foot paws make him turn around as Cain and Isaac walk in John hobbling in using a crutch. All three of them looking grim Isaac looks at his son . "We are going to get a plot ready for Kathryn so she can be laid to rest proper son, I want you to go see how Brody is doing Cody we will need your help for this I'm sorry." Isaac says to him meaning every word.

Cody nods getting up and walks out the door, the others following him out. As the door shuts behind them Jake gets up and hesitantly walks to Brody's room. slowly opening the door he sees the young fox sitting on the foot of his bed looking at the wall.

"Brody? Are you ok?" Jake mentally hit himself for asking that, of course he is not ok his mother was murdered right before his eyes!! Brody's sobs broke into his mental stream of chastisement .

"I'm pathetic.." said the fox quietly " I can't even protect my own mother much less my family...I'm so fucking useless.." tears running down his cheeks the fox began to weep openly.

Before Jake could think before he knew what was happening he realized he had sat on Brody's bed and was hugging the weeping fox close stroking his back. Jake almost froze fearing the awkward moment and angry storm that was sure to come, but when Brody hugged him back crying into his chest he relaxed. "There was nothing you could have done they would have killed you to!" Jake told him softly. "Its not your fault Brody no one will blame you for what happened." They sat there for hours Brody finally calming down and falling asleep.

There was a knock at the door Jake jumped up a little realizing he had nodded off to Brody still in his arms. He untangled himself and opened the door seeing the setting sun out of the window in the room. Cain stood in the hall his hands dirty. "It's time wake Brody up and come on out back." Said the horse softly before walking back out leaving them alone. Brody and Jake walked out to the rear of the house and up to the top of a hill overlooking the property . There a cairn had been built on top of Kathryn's grave a large wooden tomb stone placed at its head.

"Kathryn Cross, a true daughter of the frontier. May she find peace in Mag Mell"

Each member of the party said their peace and placed a final rock on the cairn. After the final rock was set in place they made their way back to the house without saying a word. Jake was set up in Brody's room with a bed roll on the floor. As he sat down on the sleeping bag he looked over to where Brody was sleeping his back to Jake. The wolf sighed and climbed into his nap sack and tried to get some sleep.


Early the next morning Brody walked into the kitchen rubbing sleep from his eyes. He saw Jake at the table with a plate of food, and sat down across from him. "Morning kit." Said a clipped voice.

Looking over to the stove Brody saw Isaac cooking bacon and eggs . Not saying a word the fox pulled a chair over and sat down at the table. Setting a plate of food in front of Brody, Isaac turns back to the stove adding more bacon and eggs to the pans. " How are you fe-" he was cut off mid sentence by Brody.

"Who are you?! How do you know our parents? How do you know me? " demanded the teen kit quietly looking at the food.

Isaac sighed and flipped the food in the pan. "its not my place to tell you about-" again he was interrupted this time by John supported by Cain and Cody.

"Its ok Ike you can tell him, I have already told him that his mother and I used to leave an less then honest life. Best that they get the whole picture." The older fox said as he gingerly sat himself in a chair the other two pulling up stools.

Isaac chuckled and shook his head. " a fella can't get a word in edge wise around here it seems, but I will try." Placing plates of food in front of John and the others he resumes cooking. "As your father said your folks and I were not exactly stand up citizens ." The wolf sets a plate for himself and pours them each a coffee.

"We can't have been much older then you are now." He takes a sip of his coffee before continuing. " Your parents our friend Cedric and I were members of the Twin Pistols, a small mercenary band more of a family really of youths that was led by my brother Alec whom you have already met. We took on a few contracts, guarding wagon trains, putting down bandits , and the like. Sure we committed a few crimes here and there between jobs namely blackmail and smuggling. Nothing much to violent. Then we started taking on outsiders and as we began to grow and something changed, and things became more...troubling." Isaac paused taking a it of his food before he continued. "That's when I got out of there I could see the way things were going , I tried to get your folks and Cedric to come with me but they could not see what he was becoming."

John shook his head " We saw what he had been once back when we first started out, he just had this aura about him that made you trust him. We may not have earned a honest living but nothing we did never hurt nobody that was the deal!" He looked into the coffee in his cup. " But after Isaac left and as the gang grew Alec became bolder, took on more risky and violent jobs. And you mother and I we did not see it, the change that had overcome our friend. Not until someone was killed, and worse that was our wakeup call." He shook his head. "We got out, Cedric, your mom and I. We found Isaac who had joined the marshals by then and we took Alec down. When the dust settled we went our separate ways.

John cracked a grin "Remember that time Cedric filled his father's pipe with gun powder?"

Isaac laughed "The poor sod lit the match and BOOM!!! Hahahahaa he was convinced that it was a sign form God and never touch another leaf of tobacco!!" the two howled with laughter at the fond memory

Isaac chuckled what ever happened to Cedric? That drunk bastard still got a bottle in one hand, and a women in the other?"

John thought for a second "Last I heard he was in Standing rock." He lost all humor as he returned to the present. "That's where Alec will be headed, he's after it again Isaac and he has my little girl!! The bastard took my daughter!!! " the older fox made to stand but collapsed back into the chair in pain as his wounds reminded him they were there.

John slammed his fist on the table, "Fuck! What are we going to do I can't go after them, not like this! Isaac you have to go get her back!!"

The marshal nodded at his old friend, "We will after we get you, Jake and Brody to town so a Doc can take care of you proper. Then ill take Cain and Cody with me and well get your girl back!"

Brody pushed his chair back fast and jumped up. "No I want to go!! Im not a kit any more dad I can fight!!"

Jake found himself agreeing with Brody and got up joining him. "Me to dad you know I can handle myself!" Isaac shook his head.

"No this is way over either of your heads you may not be kids anymore but your still boys, and I am not putting you in harms way!" he said in a tone which gave no room for argument.

Brody glanced around at his father and brother for help but saw them nodding with Isaac's words he stormed out of the room slamming the door.

Later that night after he was sure Jake was asleep Brody silently climbed out of bed. Quickly getting dressed he headed out to the barn. Climbing down the ladder he approached the chests and sets of wepons his father and mother had stashed there. Opening his fathers chest he looks through the cloths there pulling out a worn brown leather preachers hat, a hawks feather stuck in the strap around its top. Brody set it aside and picked out a dark green vest, a belt with ammo pouches on it and denim pants . Brody changes into his new cloths and sets aside his old ones. He reaches for one of the revolvers on the wall "What are you doing?".