The Princess Canine: Chapter 2: Apologies, apologies

Story by Ether Simmons on SoFurry

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#2 of The Princess Canine

And the plot thickens. What will he do? Find out...

Lexter Alley stood in line at 'The Den' with three other furs, as they waited to get in.

Earlier that week, Lexter and his girlfriend had an argument about him not disclosing his beautiful study partner for his school project, a sexy female rabbit. Jamie caught them together having coffee and having a good time. When she confronted Lexter about it, they argued about his non-disclosure. Lexter finally managed to convince Jamie to meet him at the coffee shop after his audition, so they could talk about the situation. Unfortunately for Lexter, Sandra, the ballet dancer who danced the part of 'The Princess Canine', impulsively kissed him right in front of Jamie. Very much hurt and angry, Jamie left as Lexter chased after her.

Lexter left numerous messages on Jamie's answering service, and sent flowers as an apology, but to no avail. Fortunately for Lexter, he found out from her roommate that she would be at 'The Den' on Thursday night. He decided that the best policy would be to meet Jamie, introduce her to Sandra, and have Sandra explain what happened that day. Of course Sandra agreed to this, feeling very bad about her impromptu kiss that caused the ruckus.

Spika and Wally, two other dancers who danced in 'The Princess Canine', tagged along. In between practice sessions, Wally continually pestered Lexter over and over about what 'The Den' was like. With extreme annoyance, Lexter gave in and invited him along to check out the nightclub. Wally dragged Spika along, since Wally hated to go dancing alone.

Wally stood up straight and proud, dressed in his stylish dance outfit. It was designed to show off his nice leopard physique. He stood at 173 cm tall, and weighed 80 kgs, and possessed the body of a seasoned ballet dancer.

Spika was also dressed in his own stylish dance clothes that showed off his body. He was a cheetah, and possessed the same height and weight as his friend and roommate Wally.

Similar to Lexter and his roommate Barry's situation, Spika was straight and Wally was gay, and the best of friends. They liked to go out for a night of fun dancing together and scope out other furs around the city.

Not to be outdone by the two of them, the border collie named Sandra dressed in a very nice stylish blouse and dress slacks.

However, Lexter dressed in old torn jeans and an old t-shirt he found in the trash a year ago. The other three furs gave Lexter side glances at his shoddy outfit.

Wally spoke up. "I hope this place is fun and moving. I came here to dance, and I want satisfaction." He looked to the husky with expectation.

Lexter rolled his eyes in annoyance. "For the umtheenth time, they have a good dance floor, and..." he glanced at the well-dressed company, wondering on how they might react to the 'no-dress-code' atmosphere of 'The Den'. "...a lot of furs who like to dance... and..." he trailed off on that note. He added "I'm sure you'll like it."

Spika began to shake his ass to a tune he had in his head. "I'll do anything once, as long as it's got a beat." He gave a flirtatious hip bump to Wally, who joined in on the insta-dance maneuver. They enticed Sandra, and the three of them began to shake it up. The others in line watched the strangely dressed dance group.

The line advanced, and the four of them approached the doorman, a large sized hyena named Randy. Randy dressed in the standard 'The Den' uniform of a black mesh tank top and nice jeans. He was a good looking hyena who wore his weight well. Randy spotted Lexter, held out his arms to him and said in a deep and loving voice "Lexter! Husk! Howa doin'?"

Randy was a touchy-feely kind of fur who liked to greet others with a full body hug. Lexter use to feel a bit uncomfortable by Randy's continual need to hug, but his infectious warm and inviting nature won over Lexter. "I'm doing good, Randy." Lexter stepped up to the hyena and hugged Randy. He stepped back and gave Randy a look-over. "Looking good!" The comment brought an instant smile to Randy.

Lexter asked "Hey Randy, can I invite my friends into 'The Den'? Please?" He gave Randy a smile filled with hope and promise, even though he knew he was allowed to enter the night club for free, along with friends he invited.

Randy whole-heartedly smiled back at the canine as he fastened a clasp around Lexter's wrist. "Hey, no problem, husk. A friend of yours is..." He gave a glance to Spika, Wally and Sandra and stopped talking as he winced. " yeah... allowed in... uh..." He proceeded to attach wrist bands to each of them as he eyed their outfits with wonderment.

Lexter nodded his head. "Thanks Randy. I appreciate it."

Randy attached the last wrist band as he tried to suppress a chuckle. "Do they know its 'Ugly Thursday' night?"

Lexter shrugged. "No. It's their first time."

He glanced at the stylish outfits one more time and chuckled. "You don't say." and waved them inside. The four of them walked into 'The Den'.

'The Den' was so much more than a typical night club. Opened up about five months ago by a bear named Cowboy, it featured a large interior filled with fun and excitement. It held a decent dance floor, a well-stocked bar, a sunken pit area with pool tables and games, and several sections where the respective furs could hang out. However, it held a number of special attractions that appealed to its special clientele. For one thing, it was a gay bar. But it was unique among all other gay bars (or other nightclubs) in the city. It possessed no dress code. Any fur could wear whatever they wished (or whatever they didn't wish). As long as they weren't too naked, they could get in for a fun night. It also attracted the chubby fur chasers. Large sized furs and their admirers socialized among their own kind. It also hosted its own male review once in a while, which Lexter was a part of. And on Thursday, it featured an informal 'Ugly Thursday' night, a night where the uglier you were, the higher up the attractive social order you stood. Calling someone ugly was a sexual compliment on this night.

Lexter and company entered the nightclub. He took one look at his companions and almost burst out laughing. Wally, Spika and Sandra stared at the patrons in the nightclub in complete shock, as they viewed the ugly and sloppy dressed furs about the place. Everywhere they looked, ugly furs exemplified their inner ugliness with their clothes and bodies. A few furs wore vaguely non-ugly outfits.

After a brief pause, Wally hesitantly spoke up. "So... uh... we're at... 'The Den'... uh..." he stammered to silence as the chemistry of the place permeated him. He kept searching out even one nicely dressed fur. Spika's gaze also darted about the room in disgust.

Lexter shrugged. "It's 'Ugly Thursday' night. Sorry guys." He scanned the room and spotted his 'hopefully-still-a-girlfriend' Jamie sitting in 'Cub Central' in the far end. He turned to Sandra, grasped her paw and said "Come on." He led her through the crowd.

Lexter and Sandra weaved their way through the club. Other furs who recognized the husky said hi to him or waved. He entered the far end and walked toward Jamie's table, as he steeled himself for the impending argument. He spotted two male friends of his also sitting at the table with Jamie. Melvil, a large sized gay german shepherd, and Sugu, a large gay sized panda. Lexter knew that Melvil and Sugu were starting to date.

As Lexter approached the table with Sandra in tow, Jamie spotted him approach, and her face hardened into anger. She stood up to leave when Lexter grabbed her paw and pleaded "Jamie, please! Hear me out!"

Jamie jerked her paw away from him. "Don't you touch me, Lex!" She glared at Sandra and pointed at her. "You've got some nerve bringing her here!"

Lexter did his best to give an apologetic smile. "Jamie! Please... it was an accident..."

Jamie's anger rose to a new level as her icy gaze shined down on Lexter and Sandra. "An accident?!? You accidentally kissed in front of me?!?"

Sandra tried not to wilt under Jamie's icy glare. She nervously spoke up. "J-Jamie... it was my fault... I thought he was gay... and his boyfriend wouldn't mind..."

Melvil meekly spoke. "J-Jamie, this is a personal matter, so..." Both he and Sugu stood up to leave.

Jamie pointed a finger at the two of them and barked out "Oh no you don't! You both stay here and back me up!"

Melvil and Sugu promptly sat back down and took an active interest in their drinks.

Jamie jerked back to Sandra and yelled "So you thought Lexter was gay?!? Him?!?"

Everyone remained silent, until Jamie let out a snort. At once, the group began to laugh hysterically. Melvil pounded the table in glee as he exclaimed "Lexter? Gay?" Sugu kept his face on the table while he shook with laughter.

After a moment, the laughter died down. Much to Lexter's relief, Jamie smiled at him. She stepped up to him, held his paws in her own and said "Hoookay. I believe you. I'm sorry I was so upset."

Grateful for Jamie's forgiveness, Lexter smiled back as he held her paws. "No, you were right to be angry. That is why I brought Sandra along." He waved a paw to the border collie. "I made that audition, and she is dancing the part of the princess. I wanted to introduce her and show you that there is nothing going on."

Jamie nodded toward Sandra in silence. Sandra smiled back. Jamie leaned in to him and said "Thanks."

Sugu smiled at the situation, and decided to add his own dramatic comment. He turned to Melvil and exclaimed "Oh... oh Melvil... I must... kissy you..." and leaned in to kiss Melvil, which Melvil returned. They produced a very loud kissy noise.

Unperturbed by the noisy commentary from their friends, Jamie and Lexter passionately kissed.

Melvil spoke up at once in mock annoyance. "Hey, hey. Cut that out." He pointed to the two kissing huskies. "This is a gay bar. Take that hetro-stuff outside." Sugu smiled at his friend.

Lexter broke from the kiss, turned to Melvil and said in his own comical voice "Me... straight... you... gay..." as he pointed to himself and then at Melvil. Holding Jamie in his arms, he asked "So are you going to see me dance? As my special invite?"

Jamie laughed. "Of course I'm going, you twit. You're in it, and I wouldn't miss it." She placed a finger on his chest. "But you have to admit, that kiss looked bad." He ducked his head and gave a sheepish smile. She turned toward Sandra and said in a plain matter-of-fact voice "Hi Sandra, I'm Jamie. Please don't kiss my boyfriend anymore."

Sandra gave a nervous smile back. "I won't... I'm sorry ..." She took a small step back and said "Now that this is taken care of... I can leave you two..."

Jamie reached forward and grabbed her paw. "Oh no you don't." She led her to the table to sit down, which Sandra did. "I am a big fan of all of the dance events around the city. I wouldn't mind talking shop with you."

Grateful for the invite, Sandra accepted the friendship. "Thanks. I'd love to." The two of them fell into dance conversational subjects, and began to bond.

Lexter sat at the table, grateful to put the mix-up to rest. Wondering about Spika and Wally, Lexter stood up and tried to spot the two of them. At the bar, he could see Wally leaning on the bar, with his ass jutting out, swishing his tail back and forth. Next to him stood Spika. He appeared to be having a very animate conversation with a very large and ugly muscled male bear, dressed only in a kilt. The bartender brought both of them drinks, and Lexter saw Spika pay for them. That brought a start to Lexter. Isn't he the straight one, he asked himself.

"Hey straighty." Melvil knocked the table to get Lexter's attention.

Lexter turned toward Melvil. "Hmmm?"

Melvil asked "So, how did this big dance audition go?"

Lexter smiled, grateful to brag to his friends about his grand audition. He went into a detailed pawstep by pawstep account of his epic win, of how he snagged the part of the Wolf Prince. He explained each step of the audition with stunning detail, and how he stood up to the epically tyrannical choreographer Bilby.

Melvil and Sugu humored Lexter by pretending to care.

While the furs at the table talked, a large sized otter waiter named Pika approached the table and asked in a friendly voice "Hey dudes. Can I get you any drinks?"

As the others gave Pika their orders, Lexter suddenly remembered his need to getting Friday off. His face lit up with excitement. "Oh! Pika! Pika! I need a huge favor from you! Can you and I swap shifts? Your Thursday night shift for my Friday night? Three weeks from now? Please?" He gave Pika a hopeful smile and a pleading look. "It's real real important!"

As Pika wrote down the orders, he grimaced. "I don't know, Lex. I mean, my boyfriend and I like our Friday nights together."

Lexter said "But..." and let out a small whimper of desperation. "...I snagged that audition I told you about. The big dance takes place on a Friday! Pleeeease???" He bobbed his head and attempted to make himself appear even more pathetic looking.

Pika gave one look at Lexter and almost lost it. "I don't know. Can't you ask Peter? I think he's got a Friday night you can swap." He gave a glance about the nightclub and spotted the white furred rabbit taking orders.

"But..." Once again, Lexter whimpered. "... I already invited him and his boyfriend along as my special invites. I neeeed this..." He hung his head lower and gave an extra strong dose of puppy dog eyes. "Pleeeeease???"

Melvil let out a loud gruff. "Oh, for fur's sake!" He dished out a large tip. "Pika! This is yours if ya do it!" He gave an annoyed side glance at Lexter. "Anything to keep the pup from whining."

Lexter shot Melvil a mildly annoyed look before he turned his attention back to Pika. "Pleeeeeeeeeease??? Pretty please???"

Pika cracked a smile, scooped up the tip, and said "Sure." He trotted away.

Melvil let out an exasperated huff. "Well, that was sad." He rolled his eyes. "Remind me never to get into an argument with ya." Sugu barely kept it together.

Lexter chuckled. "Oh come on, I've seen you pretty pathetic at times." He glanced at Sugu and said "Remember last week when..."

Sugu started to nod when Melvil retorted back. "Oh come on! I had a mouth full of Novocain!"

Sugu laughed at the memory. "A sloppy kisser. Funniest first date ever."

It was Lexter's turn to laugh, along with Sugu. Melvil sulked while the others started listing other Melvil pathetic episodes.

Jamie and Sandra kept their conversation on dance events around the city. Sandra's eyes lit up when she found out that Jamie worked at the newspaper.

After a few minutes, Pika returned and served the drinks. The others paid for the drinks, and left tips for Pika. He looked at Lexter and said "I talked to Cowboy. It's all set." He trotted off to another table. That brought a smile of relief from Lexter.

After a few minutes, Jamie spoke up to Lexter. "Hey Lex. I'm always on the lookout for other dancers to talk to, and Sandra is great."

Sandra seemed much more at ease. "Yes. Thanks Lexter. You have a great girlfriend."

He gave a slight and modest bow. "Thank you ladies." I just got Friday night off and patched things up with my girlfriend, Lexter thought to himself. I'm on a roll. He held himself up a bit straighter. "Always glad to help." He suddenly realized pending business to attend to. "And now if you will excuse me, I will celebrate trading my shift by going to the bathroom.

Lexter stood up and worked his way through the crowd. He stopped by the dance floor and looked at the dancers enjoying themselves. He always did this. I might do some dancing before I head home, he thought to himself.

He approached the bathroom, but took a detour to the bar instead. Right now, it was kind of empty. Behind it stood Cowboy. Might as well confirm the trade with Cowboy, Lexter thought.

Cowboy was a large sized black Kodiak bear, with a hearty layer of muscle, along with some belly hanging over his pants. It was very evident, due to him wearing only a cowboy hat and jeans and nothing else. Cowboy was the owner and boss of 'The Den', and he opened the bar to reflect his style of laid back attitude. He spent his time wiping down the bar.

Lexter approached the bar and said "Hi Cowboy."

Cowboy nodded back as he wringed out a dish towel. "Hey there, Lex. Ya here for the night?" he said in his strong western drawl.

Lexter leaned on the bar and nodded. "Just for a bit, but I've got to head back home and do homework. Did you get that switching shifts thing from Pika?"

Cowboy nodded as he wiped down. "Yep. Got it and wrote it down. What's it about, pup?"

Never at a loss to talk about his dancing, Lexter said with a smile "I snagged the lead in 'The Princess Canine'."

Cowboy suppressed a smile. "The lead, huh? As what, the princess?" He put his arms up into the air, and did a bad imitation of a ballerina pirouetting around.

Lexter laughed. "No Cowboy. I get to dance the part of the 'Wolf Prince'."

Cowboy went back to cleaning the bar. "Well, that is good, good." A waiter approached the bar and gave an order, and Cowboy immediately went to filling it. "I don't know that much about dance, but I am happy for ya, there pup."

Lexter replied "Thanks." He straightened up, spotted Wally sitting on a stool at the bar all alone. Wally looked a bit bored by the environment, as he stared at the dance floor. Lexter ambled up to Wally, sat down next to him and said "Why so glum, chum?"

Wally shrugged. "This place is weird, Lexter." He kept his focus on the dancing furs, having a good time.

Lexter nodded, as he guessed on Wally's mood. "Every bar, every social environment has its own rules and hierarchy, Wally. You know that."

Wally nodded, still despondent. "I guess..." After a moment he spoke again. "I mean, at any other nightclub, I'd be the center of attention. I'd be asked to dance. Tearing it up on the dance floor. But here, I'm..." He glanced about himself. "...ignored. And this is a gay bar."

Lexter leaned back on the bar as he looked to the dance floor. "You will have fun on the dance floor. Give it a chance. Let the other furs here know you. I mean, ask someone to dance." He glanced at Wally and said "If you want, I'll dance with you." Lexter always enjoyed a good shake on the dance floor with anyone, regardless of the sex of his partner.

Wally nodded again. "Sure. Maybe in a while." He reached toward the bar and finished off his drink.

Lexter glanced about himself. "Where's Spika?"

Wally shrugged. "I don't know. He was talking to someone earlier... about a contest or something..."

The two of them watched the dance floor for a few minutes without speaking.

Lexter and Wally spotted Spika as he exited the restroom. Spika stood very still as he stared straight ahead. He turned toward the bar and walked to it next to Wally. As he got closer, Lexter noticed a small white stain on his muzzle. Spika approached the bar, stopped in front of it, and silently stared straight ahead at the alcohol behind the bar, as if in a daze.

Wally broke the silence. "What, Spika? Why the 'wow' look?" Both Wally and Lexter turned to face Spika.

Spika waved down Cowboy and ordered a beer. Cowboy gave Spika the bottle, Spika grabbed it and quickly took a very long draught. After he swallowed, he said "I just blew a very large cock." He re-emphasized with exaggerated paw motions "A very... large... cock..." He immediately took another sip of beer.

Lexter wasn't sure he heard that right, but didn't say anything.

Wally spoke up. "Um... what?"

Spika turned toward Wally and Lexter with beer in his paw. "Phobor? That bear I was talking to earlier? Well... he needed a partner for the 'Ugly Cocksucking Contest'... so I did it." He gave a brief shudder. "That was different." He gulped beer again and breathed deep.

Unfortunately for Lexter, he knew what the 'Ugly Cocksucking Contest' was. Once in a while, 'The Den' held an informal contest that took place on 'Ugly Thursday Night', where the ugliest furs would compete against each other with their respective partners. Judges would grade the performance of the cocksuckers, and judge the ugliness of the offending cocks. It took place in the restroom, to which Lexter found out once (unfortunately). Cowboy tried to put a stop to it, until the judges let him compete (and win). After that, he didn't complain too much as long as there were no objections from the patrons at 'The Den'. The enthusiastic crowds never gave a complaint.

Spotting the white substance still on Spika's muzzle, Lexter pointed it out, as he guessed what it was. "Oh... Spika?"

Spika touched it, and grabbed a napkin to wipe it off. "Oh... that must have happened... when Phobor pulled out..."

Lexter shuddered, as that image played through his brain.

Wally spoke again. "But Spika... you're straight... aren't you?"

Lexter listened, wanting to know the answer.

Spika shrugged. "Sometimes you gotta do things once... I just did..." He took another swig of beer.

The three of them sat in silence. After a moment, Wally asked Spika "So... you... swallowed?"

Spika nodded, and followed it with a full body shudder. Lexter also shuddered as the image played out in his mind. Spika immediately gulped more beer, as if trying to wash away a bad taste. "Aaah!"

Again, they sat in silence. Finally, Wally asked Spika. "So, did you win?"

Lexter craned his head toward Wally, stunned he would ask that.

Spika shook his head. "Naw... said I'm too amateur..." He swigged more beer, looked at his bottle and made a yucky face. "Bleah! That was nasty." He glanced at Wally with a look of disgust. "How the fur can you do that?"

Wally shrugged as he looked out to the dance floor. "It's an acquired taste."

Spika nodded. "Oh." He drank again. "Aaah!" He also looked out to the dance floor.

Lexter also looked to the dance floor and remained silent.

After a moment, Wally asked "So, wanna blow me?" He kept his eyes on the dancers on the dance floor.

Again, Lexter craned his head toward Wally with a look of astonishment.

Spika shuddered as he quickly shook his head. "No."

After another moment, Wally asked "So, want to dance?"

Spika finished the beer and put the empty bottle on the bar. "Sure." He grabbed Wally's paw, led him out to the dance floor, and the two of them began to dance up a storm. The other furs on the dance floor made room for the talented dancing pair, as they quickly became the center of attention with their dance expertise.

Lexter thought about what Spika talked about, and shuddered. Ewwwwww... Then, he remembered his original need to go to the bathroom. He walked slowly to the restroom door, afraid of finding any late 'comers' still in there. Fortunately, the contest was long over, and the crowds dispersed. Lexter went in and relieved himself. "Aaaahh..."

Lexter came out and looked at the dance floor again. Spika and Wally dominated the center of the floor, as they synced their ass shakes, tail twitches and arm movements to each other very well. Once in a while, they would reach out and grab a dancer, and entice them to their dancing realm. The two of them weaved their way through the furs on the dance floor. The crowd enjoyed their involvement very much. On the dance floor danced Melvil and Sugu.

Lexter smiled at the performance. He guessed he wouldn't have much time to dance tonight. I should wrap things up and head home, he thought to himself.

Lexter worked his way back to his table. He joined Sandra and Jamie as they enjoyed their bonding.

Jamie spoke up. "Lex, Sandra is perfect. I mean, she's a professional dancer, and knows a lot of the events around town."

Sandra smiled. "Thanks Jamie, but you're into the thick of things too." She turned to Lexter. "You have a wonderful girlfriend."

Lexter smiled at the two of them. "It was my pleasure to introduce you two."

As Lexter spoke, Sandra looked at the nightclub entrance and froze. After a moment, she spoke up in a hushed voice. "Oh my fur... what's he doing here?"

Confused, Lexter and Jamie looked to where Sandra had her attention.

Coming toward them was a husky in a wheelchair. He had an oxygen tank attached to the back of it, and appeared to be weak. He was in his forties, but gave the appearance of being a former athlete. Although he was clearly a husky, Lexter could spot a few signs of wolf features on him. A doberman dressed in a suit pushed the wheelchair toward their group.

Jamie spoke up. "Who is that?"

Sandra answered. "That's Alexander Worthy, the fur whose family died in that accident, that we're doing the dance for."

The wheelchair approached the table. Alexander spoke in a soft voice to the doberman. "Detreck, could you leave us alone for a moment?" The doberman nodded, and left. He turned toward the group and said in a weak annoyed voice "Well, are ya gonna let me join yer table, or leave me out here to rot?"

Immediately, Jamie and Lexter cleared a spot for the wheelchair, while Sandra gently pushed the wheelchair to the table. They reseated themselves, but remained silent.

Alexander gasped for breath and said "Do a dog a favor and let me talk to Lexter alone, will ya?"

Jamie and Sandra nodded, and left the table.

Alexander turned his attention toward Lexter and gently smiled. "How ya doin', pup?"

Lexter felt put on the spot, but didn't want to do anything bad. He stammered out "F-fine, sir." How the fur does he know my name, he wondered.

Alexander nodded, coughed, and spoke again, very slowly. "I'm Alexander Worthy, but... I guess you already know that, huh?"

Lexter nodded again. "Yes sir." He nervously sat up straight, not wanting to give a bad appearance for such a fur.

Alexander looked about himself. "So, you work at a gay bar, huh?"

Again, Lexter nodded, and kept his answer short. "Yes sir." How does he know that, he wondered.

Alexander returned his attention back to Lexter. Although he sat in a wheelchair, he gave the persona of strength and determination. "I heard ya got the part of the Wolf Prince... in 'The Princess Canine'... congrats."

Lexter kept nodding. "Thanks, sir." What the fur is going on, he wondered.

Alexander glanced up and down Lexter's body. "But... ya dont' look like a... *cough cough*... a ballet dancer. Ya look like... a football player." He leaned in a bit and asked "So, you ever play?"

Lexter shook his head. "No sir. I never had time, what with schoolwork and all." He shrugged. "I guess I took after..."

Alexander cut him off with a sharp voice. "Let me guess! Ya mother! Right?" His eye took on a happy glint as he breathed a bit faster. "I'll bet she's a beaut!" His voice rose in volume. "Tell me!" He breathed hard with excitement.

Lexter leaned in his chair. What the fur, he thought. "Well... yes sir, but could we leave my mother out of this?" He felt that Alexander was approaching a subject of great interest.

Alexander laughed hard, pounding the table. At once, it progressed to a coughing fit, followed by gasping and wheezing.

Immediately, Detreck came by and checked on Alexander. Alexander got his breathing under control and he settled down. "Leave me, Detreck. I'm fine." He waved away the doberman.

Alexander took another long look at Lexter. Finally, he began to speak softly. "Ya know, when I first met my wife Shina, I was a football player." He chose his words carefully, as he took shallow and even breaths. "On our first date, I just picked some random hoity-toity show from the newspaper, 'The Princess Canine'. Turns out, it was her favorite." He shrugged. "I was the flavor of the week, and she was a rich 'Worthy'."

Lexter had no idea where this conversation was going, but didn't interrupt it.

Alexander continued. "We got married, and had kids..." He coughed again. "...and even though I didn't father da kids, I loved them... very much." As Lexter knew with any mixed species marriage, the biological father was always an anonymous sperm doner, and the Worthy family being a family of cougars. "We had a good marriage."

Lexter felt very uncomfortable listening to this private information. He swallowed his discomfort and remained silent.

Alexander looked directly into Lexter's eye. "But, ya probably dont' care about the ramblings of an ex' football player, now do ya?" He pointed at Lexter.

Lexter shrugged. "Well sir... I was wondering why you were telling me this."

Alexander nodded, as he rested his paws on the table. He breathed deep the oxygen from the hose attached to his nose. He glanced at Lexter, now visibly uncomfortable by his presence. "I... um... well..." He searched for the right words. "As much as a cultural klutz as I am... sometimes I feel like the 'Wolf Prince'... and I thought that talking to you might help."

Lexter's mind reeled. He feels like the 'Wolf Prince', Lexter wondered. What does that mean? Lexter got the impression that Alexander was holding something back.

Alexander waved his paw in the air. Immediately, Detreck came by. "Detreck. Let's head out." Detreck nodded. As Detreck pulled the wheelchair out, Alexander pointed a paw toward Lexter and said "Dance well for me, son."

Lexter hated being called 'son' by strangers. For Lexter, only one fur could call him 'son', and that was his mother. But he remained silent and nodded, very confused by the experience. He watched as Detreck pushed the wheelchair with Alexander on it through the bar, and eventually out the exit.

Jamie and Sandra rejoined Lexter, along with Melvil and Sugu, at the table.

Melvil and Sugu were still smiling about their dance session. Sugu spoke up. "Oh fur, now those two friends of yours Lex are shaking. I mean, that whole dance floor really took off with that cheetah and leopard dancers."

Melvil, still smiling, sat down. "Yeah. Have them come back Lexter. Please."

Lexter nodded, not really paying attention. His mind still reeled from the experience with Alexander.

Sandra noticed Lexter's mood. She spoke up. "Are you OK Lex? What did Mr. Worthy say to you?"

Lexter shrugged as he looked at his friends at the table. "I'm not really sure. I think he just wanted someone to talk to."

Sandra and Jamie frowned at that. "What?" asked Jamie.

Lexter spoke on. "He talked about his life, and then his wife. And then he said that sometimes he feels like the 'Wolf Prince', and that talking to me would help him."

Jamie took an expression of surprise and confusion. "He feels like the 'Wolf Prince'? What does that mean?"

Sandra shrugged. "I don't know. I've never met him before."

Lexter stood up and shook himself out. "Well, I've got to go. I've got homework to do."

Jamie stood up and grabbed his paws. "But, we still haven't resolved our original issue." She leaned into him and tersely smiled.

Lexter looked at her confused. "What are you talking about?"

Jamie prodded his chest. "How about your 'study-bunny'?" Her smile lessened. "You never told me about her. Remember?"

Lexter blew out air as that argument came back to him. Exasperated, he said "Oh come on Jamie. She's just a study partner."

Jamie prodded his chest again, a bit harder. "But I found you two together. And, you said nothing to me, dog. Now why is that?"

Lexter searched for words. "Cause... cause..." He sighed. "OK, I'm sorry. You're right. I didn't tell you because I thought you might be upset by her." as he casually put his arms about Jamie "What can I do to make it up to you?"

Jamie lightly kissed him. "Introduce us." Her smile returned, warm and sincere.

Lexter nodded, and kissed Jamie. "I will."

"Bleah..." Melvil, who was getting bored with this week's episode of 'All My Fur', hung his tongue out the side of his mouth in boredom. "Oh come on. Either go back to arguing, or do it on the table." He propped his head on his paw. "Anything to get some action here."

Lexter released Jamie and said to Melvil "You wish."

Lexter said his goodbyes, left the table, and made his way to the exit to head home.