Tales of Redstreak Chapter 11

Story by AdmiralQ on SoFurry

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#17 of Chakat Universe

Red has to do hir best to protect Whirl in a strange place. Note Tailswisher belongs to hir Furaffinity owner Tailswisher and the Charatcer Tamira by Dragontalon.

First thing Red felt was cold, very cold. Shi shivers a bit as shi tries to remember what happened. The cop, the cop pulled hir over then nothing. WAIT! Where's Whirl? Shi dares to open hir eyes and finds the cub shivering nearby. Red goes over and hugs the cub trying to warm hir up. Shi feels a blanket covering hir and shi looks outward again to see something that amazes hir. At first glance the being appears to be a anthro horse morph. However she had pure white fur, golden hooves tail and hair, and most surprisingly a swirl type horn. She had sky blue eyes and upon further look she was naked, very tall and buffed. 'It looked like you could use the blanket. It happens to everyone they take out of cryo."

"Thank you."

"Hey we captives have to look out for eachother, they call me Tamira."

"I'm Chakat Redstrak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze and this is my niece Whirlwind, child of Coaldust and Medallion. Where are we?"

"I have no clue than it being a lab of some kind. My first memory was waking up strapped to a table. And all I've seen is the lab and the hallway that connects it to out room and the gym attached to it."

"What do they want with us?"

"Experiments." Red looks around hir room. There was a large mattress and a standard bed in one corner. A shower that had completely clear glass so anyone could see anyone showering. Then a replicator near a table that had a chair or two. There was two doors one was between the sleeping area and the kitchen area the other was in the wall made of clear glass. It seems they will have no privacy while here. Whirl finally wakes up and looks around.

"Where are we uncle?"

"I don't know except some kind of lab." Whirl looks around worried and asks.

"Are they going to kill us?"

Not if I have something to say about it." The chakat pair spent a few minutes warming eachother up when a group appears. It was a group of humans in paramilitary outfits with a couple carrying something. The clear doors opens and the guards came in first. With their attention on Red and the others the guards carrying their load move over to place a taur on the mattress.

Oh good your awake!" A figure shove past the guards. It's was a human female about 30 years old in a stereotypical scientist garb, even with thick frame glasses. Red makes sure to put hirself between Whirl and the human. "Oh no need for that though it's fascinating that you protect hir despite not remembering hir. Maybe you do have a bond with hir, Shi is genetically your child after all."

"I won't take your word on that considering you kidnapped us."

"I have no interest in hir except what shi can make you do. If you will cooperate shi will not be harmed and be well taken care of." Red looked back at Whirl who was clutching hir hind leg and Red felt hir fear and the comfort shi got from near near Red. Red then looks back at the female doctor and says.

"As long as shi is taken care and unharmed I won't resist. If you break it you will regret it."

"Excellent, well he have to prepare the lab so I will see you soon." The humans then left and Red goes and checks on the being they dropped off. It was a taur with autumn orange fur and dark brown fur gloving the taur's hands and feet. The taurs hair was a redish brown. Carefully touching the taur Red pulls the taur so it's laying on it's back. The taur was a chakat. Shi was young maybe early twenties, what was interesting about hir was that though shi had a white underbelly it ended below hir breasts and hir breasts were the same orange as most of hir fur. Shi also had a strange metal collar around hir tail.

"That's Chakat Tailswisher. Shi's been here a few months. Shi will wake in a few minutes to a few hours depend on things." The unicorn states.

Turned out to be only a few minutes as the the chakat opens hir eyes to reveal sky blue eyes. "Hey you okay?" Red asks.

"I will be, well I'm mixed on being relieved that your here and sad that your here."

"The feedback I know. I'm Chakat Redstreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze and this is my niece Whirlwind, child of Coaldust and Medallion."

"I'm chakat Tailswisher, orphan so no child of."

"I'm Sorry to hear that." The door opens again and the guards appear. "Redstreak you will come with us." One says and Red looks down to Whirl and rubs hir head.

"Stay strong Whirl." The young cub nods and says.

"Please comeback uncle." Red just smiles back and leaves with the guards to whatever fate had for hir, again.

Red walked along the corridor flanked by the guards. This place could have been anywhere from what shi sees of the corridors. After a few minutes they lead hir through some large doors to what was obviously a lab. The female Doctor was there looking and tapping a PADD. The doctor looks up and smiles. "Good your here, please lie on the bed here on your back. Red did as told and just as shi lies down the doctor presses a button and clamps appear holding hir in place.

"Hey!" Red yelps, "I'm cooperating!"

"You are but this is a safety precaution for you and us. Some of our subjects reactions can be violent." Red sighs and relaxes the best shi can as the doctor works on a console for a few minutes before shi approaches with a large hypo. She presses it to Red's next and a hiss is heard. The doctor steps back and activates something. At first Red felt nothing then a tingling started in hir body. It felt weird at first then the tingling became painful, VERY painful. Shi couldn't help but scream out in pain before losing consciousness.

Whirlwind watch hir uncle being led away and shi was very afraid for hir uncle. Tailswisher felt this fear so shi tries to comfort the cub and asks. "Why do you call hir uncle? Thanks strange to do for a chakat."

"Well I always heard that uncle Red was special. I've heard my parents and aunts say that Dad and Red have the same body and they do have the same base scent."

"That must be hard to tell them apart." Tamira comments. Tailswisher shakes hir head.

"Not as hard as you think with our empathy. So that still doesn't explain the uncle thing?"

'Well From what I heard Uncle Red used to be a boy so it was easier for hir to adapt to the uncle than the aunt so that's what I call hir."

Tailswisher and Tamira kept Whirlwind occupied for a long while before Red was dragged back in. Shi wasn't awake as shi is laid down on the bed and the guards head out. Whirl immediately runs to hir uncle. Tamira says to comfort the cub. "Shi's still alive, they wouldn't bring hir back if shi wasn't." Whirl with Tailswisher in tow head over the Whirl shakes Red. Red groans and starts to get up.

"You okay uncle?"

"I think I will be whirl, MAN THAT HURT!" It was then that Whirl notices changes in hir uncle. The jaw of hir muzzle was red now and went down past hir neck before splitting to the shoulders. From there in heads down hir arm and covers hir two middle fingers. It then continues down the side of hir upper torso and on the flanks of hir lower torso before ending at hir butt. Whirl also notices that the white fur that marked the scar was a normal gold now.

"Uncle could you lower your head?" Red did as asked and Whirl felt for the scar and couldn't find it. "Your scar is gone Uncle."

"I figured they injected you with nanites, they would heal that though the red stripe is new." Tailswisher says.

"Nanites?" Whirl asks.

"Little ity bity robots and can do anything they're programed to do. They allow me to do this." From hir fur gray stuff appears and covers the chakat head to toe in seconds. Before it recedes and a foxtaur was in hir place. Shi poses for them as the two other chakats stand their jaw dropped.

"You like?" Whirl is the first to responding.


"So far I can take any taur shape but I do prefer me." The gray appears again and the chakat Tailswisher returns. "I think she is doing different experiments with all of us."

"We with you two anyway she made me into a unicorn because I think she likes them so she uses me for fun, in fact." The door opens again and a pair of guards come in and look at Tamira. "Yup right on time, cya all later." She gets up and follows the guards out as the close the door.

"We going to happen to her?" Red asks.

"Not sure, She'll be gone for hours then returns a little exhausted with a hint of sex in her scent."

"You know her name sounds familiar to me. I keep seeing an imaged of a buff female mouse."

"That's Tamira, Shi's a herm bouncer for Double H but shi's been missing for a year. Which means you wouldn't know hir unless...."

"Hir nanites are repairing the memory damage." Tailswisher interrupts. Red looked down at hir hand and sees the stripe on hir palm of hir hand. It goes down to the wrist where it's a normal gold. Shi looks past that and shi remembers more of the mouse herm. An enforcer for the club shi was tough but with hir friends easy going and lovable. Shi was badly injured and that's all Red could remember.

Tamira was there when Red woke up from hir latest round of sleep. Shi walk over to the female and shook her a bit. With a groan Tamira opens her eyes and sees Red. Red asks, "You okay?" Tamira nods and replies.

"If she didn't keep us by choice she be a good mate, she knows her sex play well." Red lets Tamira go back to sleep as shi returns to the pile that shi, whirl and Tailswisher sleep in.

Overtime Red begins to remember hir life before the crash. One of the hard times that cause both Tail and Whirl to hug hir and project is when shi relives Mounty's death. The doctor studied what happen with the interaction of the nanties and hir brain. In time Red fully remembers who shi was. Meanwhile Tail was giving more test and not only could shi shape shift but can clone hirself. It seemed shi had a different style of nanites and needed an outside regulator thus the tail collar shi has. Should shi lose that shi be stuck in any form shi had at the time. Tamira was regularly taken away for more sex with the doctor and Red felt helpless to save any of them.

Somewhere out in space.....

A ship drops out of warp just before a dense asteroid field. The ship was an interesting stie. The bulk of her was an old Akula class starship but the nacelles were of a newer sleeker design than standard. As the ship begins navigating the field to the station deep within we go to the bridge. There on a redesigned bridge Bombshell look to the view screen from hir command cushion. While the Sun was in good shape after her refit it did dent hir funds so shi need more than the usual jobs. Hence the Sun is now running a cargo run to an out of the way station to pay the bills. Hir brother makes the Sun glide elegantly through the field. Eventually the station appeared in a void area of the field. It was a combination of asteroids and metal. Bombshell presses a button on an arm rest. "Station Control this is Sunovagun bringing supplies."

"Sunovagun welcome to our station please dock at hatch 5."

Bill moved the sun in to position and slowly closes the distance. Eventually Bill says the words. "Hatch secured." Bombshell gets up and heads to the hatch. She goes through hir two doors with the first shipments following hir via Sun's bots. Fifteen feet later shi goes through two more doors and to a human face.

"Welcome Captain Bombshell. Glad that you made good time."

"While the supplies you wanted are valuable to a station they're not overall valuable and the Sun is well able to take care of herself."

"Well that's good for us now let me see the items before payment." Bombshell directs them the the first crate and the human inspects the merchandise. Bombshell glances around and sees people working on the station, panels open and wires everywhere. The human notices to where the chakat was looking at. "We figured to save time by having you dock where we needed the items, they all check out by the way." They both sign the padd and the payment is made.

A couple hours later Bombshell was wandering down one of the station's corridors. The lights flicker and Bomber looked up cautiously. While the Sun was in refit shi heard of the disaster of Hesperia Station where many died when a crippled freighter blew and the station safeties were woefully poor to deal with it. Many of the station's admins have been jailed for negligence. Heck if it wasn't for another former Starcorps ship now freighter the whole station could have been lost. After a minute the lights return to normal but a panel opens in the bulkhead. Ever the curious Bombshell looks in and sees a lift. 'why you this be hidden?' Bomber thought and shi presses a random button. The lift ges down and in a couple of minutes opens to a room. Bomber looks around but only finds medical supplies. Returning shi presses another button and it sends hir even further down. Another couple of minutes and it opens again to another corridor. Shi walks down the corridor till shi gets to a big area and gets a shock. At the far end was a large room with a glass wall facing hir. In it shi saw 3 chakats and some weird kind of horse morph. One chakat with gold fur and a red stripe across hir flank was showering while and autumn orange one was playing with a cub who's fur pattern was familiar. The horse was reading a padd. Shi activates hir commbadge. "Bombshell to Sun."

<Sun here Captain.>

"Are you hooked up to the station's computer?"

<Of course, it's mainly a simple station mainframe but there is a highly secured area that is strange for a station to have. No match for me of course.>

"Well can you find the sensor near me and loop them."

<Done, what are you up to Captain?>

"Not sure yet. Just seeking some answers. Am I clear?"

<Your clear Captain.> Bomber then walks to the room.

"You okay in there?" Shi asks. The Gold chakat comes out and sees Bomber.

"BOMBER!" Shi races to the wall with water dripping behind hir. "Please tell me your not captured too or part of this group?"

"I just hauled in supplies and I guess a malfunction reveal a lift to me and here I am." The voice and the empathic signature showed that this was Redstreak. Looking over the changes. "What happened to you?"

"Kidnapped and experimented on. Get us out of here." Bomber hits hir commbadge again. "Sun tell the crew to be ready for a quick departure. How's the transfer coming?"

<Nearly done captain.>

"Good can you beam us up?"

<No you're in a shielded area.>

"Alright." Shi goes over to the door, pulls out hir phaser and vaporized the door lock. "Follow me." The group heads down the corridor Bomber came from and take the lift up. It was a bit cramped in there and Tailswisher just had to say.

"Makers I hope no one farts." To which Red replied.

"Too late." Everyone groans till Bomber sees Red's grin. Trying to hold back a laugh Bomber says.

"That's not funny."

"Then why are you chuckling." Red retorts. Finally the lift stops and opens and the group gets out.

"Can you beam us up now?" Hir answer was the familiar hum of the transporter. When the transport was done Shi saw that hir guests were placed in quarters near eachother then heads to the bridge. "What's our status?"

"Cargo transferred and everyone's aboard. What's going on?" Bill asks.

"Redstreak was being held here against hir will with some others and experimented on. We leaving but we don't have the ability to figure out all that they did to them."

"So what course sis?"

"I know someone who owes me a favor, set course for the Pegasus."

Tales of Redstreak Chapter 10

Antilles walked up to a familiar house, sadly in the past it was mainly to deliver bad news. The last time he delivered bad news was when Redstreak was considered dead. Thankfully he had good news this time. He knocks on the door and it opens to...

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