Cirrus - Chapter 4

Story by Kanga Liu on SoFurry

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#4 of Cirrus

Cirrus by Kanga Liu

Chapter 4

The candlelight flickered for a few brief seconds before going out, and simultaneously the lights in my bedroom flashed back on. I closed my eyes for a moment, hoping everything had been just a dream and that when I opened them again, everything would be back to normal. There wouldn't be a black rabbit lying in my bed and I would be standing in my room alone. While I was at it, I should also hope an angel named Cirrus never existed, my best friend never found out that I'm a self-cutting lunatic, my dad never divorced my mom, and Shannon was never killed. Maybe, right now at this very moment, I could finally awaken from this nightmare I called my life.

After I took a very deep and desperate breath, I opened my eyes. I scanned the bed in front of me, and saw that the bunny was gone.

I sighed in utter relief. Maybe everything that had happened was a dream after all.

"That would be nice, wouldn't it?" a sultry voice hissed into my right ear.

With a deathly roar, I spun around with my fists flying in all directions trying their best to connect with something. It proved to be purposeless when the bunny quickly sprung away from my punches with the agility of a bee and the grace of a swan. After landing on poised feet in the doorway of my bedroom, he leaned against the doorframe with arms across his shallow chest.

"You're feisty," he mused. After staring at me for a moment with glassy eyes, he flashed a devious smile. "I like that."

"Who are you? What do you want?" I couldn't tell if I was asking him a question or crying nonsense to myself. It was probably a mixture of both, I realized. "What do you all want?"


"Yes, all!" I screamed. "You and Cirrus obviously come from the same place. The only difference is that you have black fur."

"You would be right," he said, the smile not backing down. "Except there is a huge difference between me and that... Cirrus you're talking about. You see, I have black wings, as well, which is a big difference because it indicates that I come from a very different place."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, in the bible, there is only Heaven and Hell, right?" The winged bunny skipped past me and hopped back onto my bed, assuming a comfortable position with his large feet propped on top of the post at the foot-end of the frame. Taking a quick glance at his slender legs, I noticed that he had a tattoo of a silver star imbedded onto the surface of fur just above his left ankle. "Cirrus has white wings. You know he's an 'angel--'" He used finger quotations around the word angel. "--so he's probably from Heaven. I have black wings. So where do you think that means I'm from?"

I shook my head, debating whether to believe anything this rabbit was saying. "You must be from Hell."

"And I hear that you're not very bright."

"It should have been obvious from the beginning, but not because you have black wings."

"Ouch!" he said, taking on a dramatic pose with the back of his paw on his forehead and the other paw rubbing the area over his heart. "I also heard that you weren't mean!"

I stood in place, biting my lower lip. Even though I didn't want to seem like it, I was actually really scared. A devil from Hell was in my room... that could only spell trouble.

"What's your name again?" I asked.

"Lunsooguur," he replied, no longer being dramatic. "But only my probation officer calls me that. Please, you can call me Sugar."

That only made sense, because even though I knew he was a devil, he acted very... sweet. Too sweet. So sweet that I was starting to feel sick from just standing near him.

"Well, Sugar," I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking. "If you don't have any business here, you should leave and find some other poor soul to annoy. There's nothing for you here."

At that, Sugar let out a shrill laugh that sounded almost like a colicky newborn's cry. I patiently waited for him to finish, clenching my fists until I could feel my claws digging into my own palms. "Actually, Paris," he said, flicking a tear from the corner of his eye. "There is a lot here."

"Then, please, would you care to explain."

"And I will, you little bitch," he said, his voice changing from honey to acid in a split second and I didn't like it. He hopped off from my bed and sauntered toward to me, sending a shiver down my back. When his snout was only a whisker from mine, I gulped. "You look so scared."

I stayed silent, ready to attack if provoked.

"You look like you want to fight. I wouldn't do that if I were you. You will lose." He stroked a long, skinny finger against the side of my cheek. "That's a promise." I turned my face away, cringing at his cold touch. "You shouldn't be afraid of me, anyways, Paris." His voice returned to its sweet and suspiciously innocent tone, but I still remained guarded. "There's no reason you should be scared of someone like me. In fact, I'm here to help you."


"Well, I heard that a certain angel came down to Earth and didn't do his job properly. Instead of keeping you from harm, he only made matters worse. Am I right?"

"You know me a little too well for my comfort."

"Well, I can be pretty comfortable," he said, just above a whisper. "If you know what I mean." I felt his arms wrap around my waist, his paws rub against my lower back. My tail couldn't help but wag slowly from excitement. Other parts of my body were starting to get excited, too. I could feel the air coming from his snout against mine, which meant that he could probably feel my heavy breaths. "You see, Paris, us devils have powers a little different from angels."

I took this as the opportunity to break free from his gentle hold. I grabbed hold of his wrists and backed away from the devil to give myself a fair amount of space between him. "Like what?"

Sugar shook his wrists free from my grasp and massaged them as if they were in a great deal of pain. "Angels are very simple creatures compared to us devils, honey. They try to solve problems through finding yourself and emphasizing the positive and all that other Dr. Phil nonsense. They can never just fix the problem. That's what we're here for." He walked over to my desk, pulled up my chair, took a seat, and crossed his legs in the most effeminate way possible. "We don't make you work things out, Paris. We have the magic to simply make things better. Poof!" He imitated a mini-explosion with his hands. "All better."

"What are you... trying to get at?" I asked, not exactly sure whether to feel thrilled or cautious. I had a very good idea where he was going with this.

Able to read my mind, he said, "I think you know."

I stood in place for who knows how long before moving toward my bed to take a seat. I looked down at the floor for several minutes, trying to keep my thoughts and emotions from showing. I could feel my body shivering, but again I couldn't tell whether it was from excitement or fear. It was probably both.

"You're saying..." I said after a long period of deafening silence, hot tears streaming down my cheeks. "... that you can bring Shannon back."

The rabbit just sat in my chair. He didn't say yes. He didn't nod. But the smile on his face told me everything.

I almost lost my cool in that moment, seconds away from breaking down into a spastic attack, before Sugar cleared his throat. "Don't get your hopes up too high just, yet, Paris."


"It's true, yes, I can bring Shannon back to life, something a simple little angel can't do... but that doesn't mean I can just say a magic word and everything works out like a scene from Harry Potter. I first need something very crucial in order for this to work."

"What?" I asked without a second of hesitation.

The smile spread wider, like a flat line on a hospital monitor... except no one was dying. Instead... someone... would be coming back from the dead.

"What is it?" I asked again. "Tell me, please. I'll do anything!"

For some odd reason I felt an icy chill enter my room, and noticed that the lights on my ceiling flickered a little. "That's what I wanted to hear," Sugar said softly, the sweetness practically oozing from his words.


Cirrus was laying in his bed, wide awake in nothing but a pair of pink boxer-briefs and his blanket tossed aside on the floor. For the past few days, he had been thinking about the chain of events that had led up to the heated argument he had with Paris. There wasn't a moment that passed when he wondered if there was anything he could have done differently to avoid the fight. He always came to the same conclusion that if he just hadn't let his heart make decisions for him, none of this would have happened. He was sent here for one simple reason--to look after Paris and make sure he didn't hurt himself. Instead of following his orders, however, he ended up falling for the one he was looking after.

Cirrus rubbed his eyes and groaned. Regret filled inside of him, but at the same time he understood that he couldn't help what he felt. He really cared about Paris... and wanted to be there for him.

Maybe even stay on Earth to be with him... forever.

He quickly shook the idea from his head. "That's so stupid," he muttered to the dark ceiling. He turned onto his side so that he could look out his bedroom window. Stars never showed in this city at night, but for some reason tonight there were hundreds glowing bright in the hazy Seattle sky. Cirrus watched a blinking light float across the dark canvas outside--obviously a plane--and let out a deep sigh. "Why did he have to be so cute?"

All of a sudden, a painful chill traveled down his back. Outside, the stars began flashing brightly before blinking out of site, one by one, like the bulbs of Christmas lights burning out. Soon, there were no stars left in the sky. Nothing but a black slate and a crescent moon remained.

Something wasn't right. Cirrus could feel a dark energy--like a nightmare that doesn't go away, even after you wake up. Like when you're the only one in a room, but for some reason you could feel someone else is there... watching you with a smile.

"There's no way," Cirrus whispered. He sat up in his bed for a moment, debating what he should do. "Would... a devil really be here?" He thought about what he said for a minute. "But... why?"

As if someone whispered the answer into his ear, Cirrus sprung out from his bed and quickly pulled on a pair of black jeans and a light pink crew-neck. After slipping on some socks and shoes, he ran out of his bedroom and bolted out of his apartment. If anyone had to have guessed what was going on, they would have probably thought that his kitchen was on fire. They wouldn't know that something much worse was actually happening.

Something so much worse, no one could possibly imagine.


I sat on my bedroom floor across from Sugar, who was smiling at me like he had just won the lottery. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shot glass conjured from thin air and fall lightly into one of Sugar's black paws.

I was about to ask what it was for.

"I will explain," he said, setting the beautifully clear shot glass in the center between us. He looked back at me, batting his sultry gray eyes. "In order for a devil--such as moi--to bring someone back from the dead, we must first follow a few routine steps. Nothing too difficult, I assure you. Ready?"

I nodded. My mouth was too dry to say any words at this point.

"Good." He flashed one last devious grin before beginning his instructions. "What you must understand is that the rules are nonnegotiable. So what I say is what must be done and is the unchangeable law of the universe. No if's, and's or but's. No exceptions. I don't make the rules, okay?"

I nodded.

"Here is how this will work." He cleared his throat, pausing for a moment to think up of the best way to put his words together. "In order to bring someone back to this world from the dead, another individual must be traded in his place. It's simple math. The world must always have a certain amount of creatures occupying its space at all times. The angels create new life into the world through the birth of infants. However, in order for those new lives to be born, we devils must take the life of another to make space for the newborn. It is our job to cause deaths in this world, and yes, that may seem like an evil thing to do, but the dirty work we do is for a much greater and more saintly cause. That leads me to my next point." He raised a thin eyebrow at me.

I nodded, to let him know that I was following.

He nodded back. "Simply bringing someone back to this world who had previously died cannot be done whenever I feel like it. Doing so will cause a massive disturbance in our Earth's equilibrium. We would all perish as a result, the planet would burn, yadda yadda yadda. I'll skip that textbook stuff."

I nodded, but now I was starting to reconsider going through with anything this lithe bunny was about to tell me to do. Everything that was coming out of his mouth was now starting to be a little too much for my brain to fully believe to be reality. A lot more was beginning to be at stake... all for my own greedy wishes.

"Now, this is where things get a little... controversial, for a lack of a better word," he went on. "Because the world is in such perfect equilibrium, I cannot bring Shannon back to life unless another is sacrificed in his place. The task is pretty straightforward. You bring me someone, I take his soul, and then with that soul I can use it to bring back Shannon for you. Easy as pie."

I did not nod. I felt as if my body was submerged up to my chin in Arctic water. Every muscle I had clenched tightly at the thought of me killing another being. Well, technically, I wouldn't be the one doing the killing, but I would still be part of that individual's death. I was becoming less and less sure about this by the second.

"Sounds pretty simple, but there is just one catch." Sugar scooted closer to me, narrowing his eyes in a way that made me want to run away and hide. "You can't just bring anybody to me and expect some random fur's soul to be traded for Shannon's." I cocked my head to the side, confused. "You see, when bringing back someone from the dead with another's soul, the soul I take from the one you bring me must have roughly the same equivalence of love from you."

I shook my head. "You lost me."

"It's like this," he said, rolling his eyes. "Let's say you wanted to bring... you're mother back from the dead. In order for that to happen, I must need the soul of another person you equally care for. Like... your dad. Or another individual just as important in your life as your mom. Maybe even an uncle or grandparent would work, just as long as you have an equal amount of space in your heart for them as you did for the one you're bringing back to life."

"I am not sacrificing my mom," I growled.

"Don't growl at me, soldier. I have some good news for you. As much as your mother's soul would be very valuable to me, I would not be able to use it to bring Shannon back to life."

"Why not?"

"Because the two are not equivalent. You see, the love you have for your mom is a different kind of love than you would have for... let's say... a best friend, an enemy, or--in this case--your old boyfriend. The last time I checked, you never had sex with your mother. I mean, come on. Even where I'm from, that's just wrong."

I looked down at the ground, clawing off a piece of my carpet. "But... I've never had another boyfriend before. Shannon was my first. My one and... only one I've ever loved."

"In your case, another ex would not be necessary... for there is someone else in your life that matters to you just as greatly as Shannon... possibly even more."

I looked at him with a puzzled expression. "Who's that?"

I looked back up at Sugar to see a wide grin spread across his face. An almost menacing grin. "Jazz has a soul that competes with Shannon's for your love. He may be your best friend in your eyes, but what you don't know is that your heart actually yearns for a different bond with him."

"That..." I said before taking a deep breath to soothe my burning nerves. "... is complete bullshit. That just can't be." As much as I wanted to disagree with him, I knew subcutaneously that he was right. I always knew I had feelings for him, but I knew it would never happen because he wasn't... he didn't like males, like I did. And... even if he did... why would he give a miserable mess like me a chance, anyway?

Reading my mind again, Sugar let out a soft snicker. "That may be a problem, won't it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Here's the deal... this is very important, so listen carefully."

I flicked my ears back and forth to confirm that I was.

"Good," he said before continuing. "Jazz is a wonderful substitute. However, you have done something with Shannon that you never did with Jazz. I think you know what it is." He winked at me, and I blushed in return. "Sex is a saintly thing, no matter if it's between a male and a female or the same gender. Thus, Shannon is just a bit more valuable than Jazz is solely because you had sex with one but not the other. In order for this to fully work, all you have to do before you bring Jazz to me is... you know."

I've had just about enough. "No." I got up on my feet and stepped as far back away from the black bunny as the walls of my room would allow me to. "This... I'm not doing it. I am not having sex with my best friend--the one person I have left in this world who cares about me--just so I can trick him and offer him up as a sacrifice. I am not going to give up Jazz to be killed... even if it means bringing Shannon back to life. I... I refuse to lose him for my own selfish desires."


"So we're done. Please leave." My voice was low, yet firm.

For a moment, Sugar just looked at me, eyes widened with surprise. He probably didn't expect me to turn his offer down so easily--one that was so successfully pitched and ever so tempting. It was probably the hardest decision I had ever made in my entire life, but at the end of the day, I knew deep down inside I just had to refuse. My heart just couldn't let me accept it, and my brain was warning me that I would regret my decision if I did.

The black rabbit narrowed his cloudy gray eyes. I kept my eyes locked on his, not afraid of staring him down.

"Shame," he said, licking his lips slowly. "I came all the way here because I thought some poor soul needed my help. I was told you were stronger than this, and willing to risk everything for the one you love." His eyes were practically slits, now. "Shannon would have done it."

That stung. Stung... like a million bees stinging me in the chest mercilessly, over and over again. His words burned more than acid pouring all over my skin. His words were colder than the snow covering the peak of a snowy mountain in the middle of Siberia. His words... were truer than any promises made by the fairest of rulers.

What hurt about his words... was that I knew he was right. Shannon would have done whatever it took. Gone any length imaginable. Risked whatever he had left.

Just to see me again.

Sometimes I wished--hell, what am I saying, every night I wished!--that it would have been me that died instead of him. I didn't deserve to be alive in his place. Somehow... the universe had made a grave mistake by taking away his life instead of mine. He would have known what to do in this situation, and not thinking like an emotional wreck as I was doing right now.

"So..." Sugar tried again. "What do you say? Do we... have a deal?"

I broke away from his seductive stare. Instead, my eyes focused on a tiny red stain on my white carpet. That red stain was blood. Blood from cutting myself. I usually made sure not to leave any traces of my secret activity around in my room, but I must have missed that one small stain for some reason.

The silence lingered, but Sugar remained in place... waiting for a response. Glancing back up at his face, I saw a side of his lip curl upward. I could tell he already knew what my answer was going to be. He knew that he had won.

He knew that he had gotten himself a deal, and I would be that fool making a deal with the devil.


Cirrus stood outside of Paris' apartment, staring at the golden apartment number nailed to the door as if it was an old foe growling in his face and ready to attack at any moment. The evil aura he had felt earlier was coming from inside, but it was so intense that even touching the doorknob would cause him to collapse onto the ground in a fit of spastic seizures as a train of dark, grim thoughts crawled into his mind and soul. There could only be one source for this kind of power on Earth.

The aura was coming from a devil inside that apartment.

Judging from the enormous level of strength being emitted from the door, the devil inside was clearly no ordinary pawn just discarded out into the real world to go on some petty errand. This devil... was much more important. He was a lot higher on the totem pole. He was better at what he does than most, with the ability to manipulate even the most saintly of angels. He was as evil as they come and dangerous to his very core.

This devil was pure trouble.

At the moment, there was nothing Cirrus could do. He could not get past the raging aura surrounding Paris' apartment. All he could do was wait outside, until the devil left. Only then would it be safe for Cirrus to barge into the apartment and get the story of what was going on.

Cirrus took a glance at his leather watch to find that it was half an hour past midnight--approximately thirty minutes after Cirrus had gotten dressed and left his room.

"What could Paris be doing in there with a devil for this long?" he asked aloud to himself.


"So... can you tell me what that shot glass is for, now?" I asked pointing my chin at the one he had previously conjured out from thin air a few minutes ago, before he started explaining to me how the world worked and what I needed to do in order to bring Shannon back from the grave.

"I was just about getting to that," the black bunny with black wings and a bright white smile said. "This right here is not a 'shot glass,' as you young partiers might call it, though it does look like it could make a pretty good one."

"Then what is it?"

"It's what we call an essence jar. It's what we use to collect ingredients."

"Ingredients?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. "For what?"

"Potions!" he exclaimed as he spun the jar around on the tip of his long middle claw. "In order for me to replace Jazz with Shannon, it is important that he drinks a vital potion that I've made oh so many times for poor souls like you, I could concoct it in my sleep."

I waited for him to go on.

"This potion, however, requires one key ingredient I need you to get for me." He stopped spinning the jar on his claw and held it in front of my nose for me to take.

I did. I held it up to the light in the center of my black-socked paw. It glistened so brilliantly, I had to guess it was made from the purest of diamonds.

"All I need..." he said, pushing down the paw I was using to examine the shot glass so that my attention was fully on him again. "... is semen from Jazz."

I didn't know what my face looked like, but judging from Sugar's eye-roll, it probably looked as blank as an untouched canvas.

"I'm gonna need his cum, sweetie."

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

"That's where I leave you to get creative." He smirked. "Besides. Part of your mission to make this work is to make Jazz a complete equivalent of Shannon, remember? That includes having sex with him. If you pull this off right, you'd be knocking two stones with one bird!"

"I think it's two birds with one--"

"Who seriously gives a shit how it goes? It makes perfect sense either way. Look," He said while his eyes gave me a quick scan from head to crisscross legs, as if hungrily undressing me with those cat-like eyes of his. "I can... give you a few pointers on how to do it the right way, if you're willing to learn. You look like you could use a quick lesson from someone as good as me."

"What do you have in m--" I ended my question with a sharp gasp as I felt a paw run up my right thigh and sharp teeth softly nibble along the fur on the side of my neck. "Wait, what are you doing?"

"You act as if you're surprised that I would wanna fuck something as cute as you, Paris," he said in-between his sensual bites that gradually traveled down to my left shoulder. "Relax. I'm only showing you how to get the job done the right way, so that you don't have to keep going back to Jazz for another attempt at retrieving his sperm."

"Ah!" I squeaked as his bites grew more aggressive and his hand was now tugging on my warm package still protected by its denim shield. "... O-okay," was all I could say.

As he unbuttoned the fly to my skinny faded blue jeans and started pulling them down my legs, my mind began filling with indescribably pleasant sensations. It was like a feeling of flight, like I was no longer on Earth, but floating about freely in the ozone layer. At this point, I knew I was absolutely intoxicated with pure desire. I didn't want it, but I did want it. In the end, I really wanted it.

Once the jeans came off, so did my varsity swim team sweatshirt, and then followed my heather gray socks. I was left in nothing but my skin-tight, neon green boxers. I was not thinking very logically. Nothing I was doing made any real sense to me, anymore. I was only acting upon my wildest fantasies. Just last night I made love to an angel. Tonight, I was going fuck a devil.

With a forceful shove, Sugar pushed me onto my back as he climbed on top of me--pinning me to the floor. He weighed as light as a feather, and as he looked deep into my eyes, he gave my snout a furtive lick before going in for a slow, wet kiss. In between our little nibbles, our kiss would be broken apart for only a moment to allow us to catch our breaths. My eyes were closed now, but I could feel our noses nuzzling each other, before diving right back into the depths of each other's mouth once again.

As we grew more passionate and the air was starting to feel like heat waves, the space inside my boxer shorts grew tighter as my arousal grew to peak levels. Apparently, Sugar felt the stiffness, too.

"I can help with that," he said, and before I knew what he meant, he ripped my boxer shorts right down the middle with his own bear paws and tossed the remains to the side. "Forgive me, cutie. Sometimes I get a little too excited. It's not often that I get the chance to... fuck a fully breathing mammal on Earth."

"It's... okay," I said, even though Express underwear never came cheap. But the second he stroked the underside of my fully-erect cock with his soft, buttery paw, my thoughts were overtaken with pleasure once more.

"You're a lot bigger than I expected," he whispered into my ear. He kept a steady rhythm. Slide up, pause for a moment to apply pressure at the moist tip, and then slide back down. The side of his paw would gently hit my furry sac every time.

My mind felt like it was being taken over... like I no longer told my body what to do. Instead, Sugar was in complete control of me. As of now, I could care less about what I wanted. He could do whatever to me as he pleased.

"That's a good foxy," he said, continuing to breathe his hot words into my ear. "Let me see you fuck my hand. Go on. Pretend like it's my tight ass."

Obeying his commands, I slowly bucked my hips forward... and back. Forward... and back. Rather than his paw sliding up and down my pulsating shaft, I was humping into it. If doing it meant pleasing Sugar, I didn't care how ridiculous it made me look.

"You're so cute when you do that. Are you ready for the real thing, now?" he asked me before giving my ear a quick nibble.

I was in a complete daze, my mouth getting too dry to speak. Without a need for a response, however, Sugar backed away, rotated his body toward the completely opposite direction of me and proceeded to straddle me in a very comfortable reverse cowboy position.

I felt sweat starting to pour from every part of my body. His body remained sweat-free, but felt as hot as Hell itself. His ebony wings, now right in front of me, fluttered a bit before flattening against his toned back. He hadn't sat down on top of my cock just yet, though. His plump ass was hovering right above the head of my penis, ready to back into it and allow the initial penetration to happen, but he waited for a moment to look back at me over his shoulder. His suggestive eyes asked for my permission to go through with it.

I nodded, breathing out more than I was breathing in.

Without a seconds more hesitation, he dropped that soft, firm ass of his right down onto my almost painfully-throbbing cock. The stab into him at first was very careful and slow. I had about two of my eight inches inside of him, and for some time that is all that really went in and out of him. Gradually, we had a rhythm going, and as our pace started to quicken, more of my meat was stuffed into him. Inch-by-inch, eventually he was loose enough to take all of me every time his warm, plush cheeks slapped back into my groin. This bunny knew how to work a cock. That was for sure.

The loud slapping sound that resounded every time his tailbone met my abdomen was like music to my ears, and soon I was starting to reach my endpoint.

"Oh... oh!" I yelped, trying to hold it back. My paws flew forward and grabbed onto the fur on the devil's back with claws practically digging into him.

"Are you gonna cum for me?" he asked me over his shoulder. "Is my big, bad fox going to shoot his creamy load? Are you gonna make me your dirty little bitch?"

"Uh-huh!" I groaned, my tongue hanging out of the side of my gaping muzzle. Everything was starting to turn blurry. My body was about to give out, but not before it completed its only goal at the moment: to finish the job inside of this rabbit tailhole.

Suddenly, my dick was no longer inside of a warm cavern of muscle. I was about to protest, thinking I would left unsatisfied, but the asshole my cock was buried inside just a second ago was immediately replaced by a warm, wet tongue that wrapped itself around the base of my pole and made its way to the very tip, where it circled around the extremely sensitive head.

My gasp was enough to let Sugar know he was doing a more-than-proper job taking care of things.

"Come on, Paris," he said. I looked down at him to see his cute, exotic eyes staring right back up at me. His snout was rubbing against my tightening balls. "Cum in mouth, okay? Let me taste some of that fox cum. I want it all, Paris. All of it. Down my throat."

His mouth, then, plunged right down onto my cock. His throat felt so tight, yet so deep. Every time his nose hit the pubic fur surrounding the top side of my sheath, I felt the tip of my cock squeeze just barely past his tonsils. As he continued to bob his head back and forth like that, I was getting closer and closer to fulfilling his wishes.

Almost... there, I thought to myself.

A few minutes later into his blowjob, magic finally happened. My jaws clenched, my breathing halted, and my paws grabbed both sides of Sugar's slim face as I shoved every last ounce of my pink hook-shaped meat deep into his throat for a final thrust. Spurt after spurt, I felt myself empty every last drop of my thick cum inside of his gagging muzzle. I felt his throat clench, trying its best to swallow everything I had to offer him.

Like a good bunny, he drank all of it.

Once I released his head, Sugar pushed himself back away from me to let out a couple of coughs. I didn't realize I had been choking him. I was too caught up in the moment of ecstasy to be the slightest bit aware of my surroundings.

"I'm... really sorry..." I said, in between heavy breaths. "I guess... I got a little carried away."

"I like it when things get rough, honey," he said, wiping the side of his mouth with the back of his paw. "Didn't think you were to type who got off on swallowing. Usually guys like to shoot their load on my face. Doesn't matter much to me, cuz I kinda like the taste. Just remember that when you're trying this with Jazz, you can't drink any of his cum. All you have to do is listen for his breathing to start getting shallow. Once that happens, pull his dick from your mouth and jerk him off until he shoots his load into the jar."

I nodded, taking mental copy of that quick final note before going back to my dazed state. "That was... amazing," I breathed.

Suddenly, I didn't feel the same, anymore. I felt... really good! Words couldn't really describe it. In a normal situation, I would feel... I don't know... guilty after having sex with someone else again. Just like with Cirrus, I would have stormed out of the apartment by now to mope about my pathetic life and how Shannon must be looking down at me in disgust, but instead I just lied there on my back... feeling my face... smiling.

What the hell was wrong with me?

"You should know something, babe," said the sultry voice coming from the black bunny who was now sitting on the edge of my bed, smoking a cigarette that he must have taken from one of my desk drawers. His hard-on was still evident between his legs, surrounded by a purple patch of fur in the shape of an upside-down triangle. His smooth black penis looked to be about seven inches, really thick, and as straight and pointed as a dagger. I propped myself up onto my elbows to have a better look at him. "When you have sex with a devil, you become... different."

"What do you mean?" I asked, but not really paying any attention to what he was saying. Instead, my full attention was on that fully-erect member of his, jutting out towards me--enticing me to please every part of it. All I wanted to do was give it everything it wanted.

"I doubt you're even listening to me," he said, blowing out a puff of smoke. "But I'll answer you, anyways. You see, Paris, when you fucked me, your sustained bodily contact with me has transferred some of my spirit into you. Soon, you'll be acting a lot like me, Paris. That should come in handy, though, when you're retrieving your friend's sperm for me. No one knows how to get what he wants more than me."

I didn't know what was coming over me. All I really wanted to do was service this rabbit sitting in front of me. I wanted to suck him dry. Though I just had my orgasm, I still lusted for more. My sexual appetite had since grown much stronger during the last couple of seconds, if that were even possible. My hot and bothered urges suddenly became a sort of hunger. Just like how I needed food on a regular basis, I now felt as if I needed sex in the exact same way.

"I know you want it, Paris," he said, a dash of seductive naughtiness poured over his words. "Come and get it." He wagged his erection from side to side, and like a good servant, I got off my back, crawled over to it, and gave it a good sniff all around--starting from the base where his fuzzy scrotum was to the very tip of the beautifully pointed head.

"Now put your tongue around it," he said, putting out the end of his cigarette with the palm of his own paw and flicking it aside.

I did as I was told. I stuck my long tongue out and gently wrapped it around the head of his cock, massaging it. I could already taste fluid leaking from the slit.

"Now, slowly slide the entire thing down your throat."

I pushed my head forward. Getting the first couple of inches into my muzzle was easy, but the second half of it was a bit harder. With the help of Sugar's paw on the back of my head, however, I was able to squeeze in the last of his dick down into my windpipe. My cold, wet nose now pressed against his crotch, and the musk I whiffed was intoxicating.

"Try to swallow."

I tried swallowing, but all that did was contract the muscles in my throat to massage the entirety of his throbbing member.

"Mmmm... that's it," he purred. "Now, all you have to do is bob your head back and forth. Nice and easy. Remember, slow and steady wins the race."

He scratched me behind the ear as encouragement, and I looked up at him, begging for further approval.

This wasn't like me. What am I doing?

But I kept on sucking that tasty rabbit meat. I squeezed his ample sac with a free paw while the other held the base of the cock steady. I lapped at the tip like a thirsty wanderer who had just traveled through a desert for several days without a single drop of water. I nibbled the underside of the shaft, making the black rabbit moan even louder. I jerked him off as I juggled his balls in my muzzle. I even stuck a finger or two up into his loosened anus as I deepthroated him once more. That's what sent him over the edge. He couldn't hold it back any longer.

The first shot of cum hit the back of my throat, practically coating my tonsils. The second one shot right after, all over my tongue. The third splashed my snout as I was slowly pulling his penis out from my muzzle, and the fourth and final spurt glazed my right eyelid. I swallowed what was left behind in my mouth before giving the softening penis before me a good lick all over, cleaning it up as best as I could. Sweet. It tasted sweet... like honey. Once I licked off the last of the sticky nectar from his now flaccid member, I realized that I not only had his sperm on me, but I had it in me, as well.

"Congratulations," Sugar said to me as he bent over to give me a soft peck on the nose, licking up a bit of his own cum off my snout. "You are no longer the good boy you used to be, babe. You are now a very bad, bad fox."

All of a sudden, darkness overtook my vision and I could hear no more.

Shannon. I'm sorry.