A New Way Through

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#5 of Un-Categorised

A story written for Charn's gift swap initiative

Tsochan (C) Ruset'12 Xallithid (C) Twilight Master The Dark Knight & Game Inspired by DarkKnightGraafen

It was dim and gloomy in the throne room, the pale green lights burning in the sconces did little to chase away the gloom and the only light that shone through from outside was a sickly green colour. Even this light couldn't do more then make it look as if the thick green panes of glass that formed the domed roof were glowing. It was perfect for Xallithid's mood however, dark, gloomy and damp like him. He turned his head, his long proboscis of faintly moving purple tentacles hiding his mouth flexed as he shifted his body and let his gaze roam around the empty room. The ribbed black iron that held up the glowing green dome hid the crushingly cold depths of his ocean home but the roof only held his attention for a short while. Soon enough he was looking back toward the sorry sight that lay sprawled on the floor before his throne. A bone white skeleton, another thrall reduced to bones to be ground and fed to his pets; their mind, the soul of their essence claimed by his dark presence already, sentience crushed into energy that enhanced his body, made him stronger, brought him extra strength and new insight gleaned from their flickering thoughts as they perished the final death.

It had left a bitter taste, despite their catatonic insanity at the end the human had managed to retain one overpowering thought that had soured the meal, 'triumph'. The dying soul might well have just been insane but during the delightful process of tearing their mind apart his thrall's thoughts had been made clear. This was his last minion, his last living human and now he'd devoured them he was alone again. Sighing the squid like entity stood up and moved away from his throne room. Slowly he traversed the bounds of his house feeling the gates and portals that sometimes led through to other places. Water dripped on his head, splattered his robes and fell upon the flagstones all around. Water was constantly dripping from above in the corridors or oozing as cold rivulets down the walls and across the floor feeding the strange lichens that illuminated his home. Grumbling when he found no active gates Xallithid retreated to his quarters; it had been some time since a worshipper had pried open the gateway through the angles to impinge upon his world. He settled himself in the large chair before the stone globe of his world then reached out to caress it with his sticky fingers, engulfing part of it with the tentacles around his mouth. Using the model as a focus he closed his eyes and let his senses expand out into the world. Casting his vision out across his world he started seeking a way to reach out. As usual however there wasn't anything, his world had drowned eons ago when he rose to dominate it, the only way in or out would be if someone opened a path from the outside through the void. The void though... well it was the emptiness between creations there was nothing out there for him but Xallithid turned his gaze that way regardless you never knew some lost traveller might be out there for him to ensnare.

Slipping his consciousness through the bedevilled twists of reality was difficult even for one as great as he; he had to stretch the focus of his mind deeper than before, twist it through the level of consciousness mortals could not breach. Xallithid felt his mind slide through the energy point between the neutrons and protons in the core of an atom. He cast his mind through the negative point where nothing existed and touched the boundary of the void. As usual there was nothing, just the endless emptiness, a vast expanse of nothing that had no boundary except. He felt something just coming into the range of his senses, his mind brushed the whispering edges of the endless nothing beyond reality and found an alien sense, alien by its sheer existence in a place where nothing should ever be. It was no lost traveller or ship that had been cast adrift it was large and solid; he perceived roaring flames of the darkest shade, red so deep it could shame black. There was disharmony to this ebon flame however a pure and crystalline song of boundless hope that made Xall flinch back in distaste. The two opposing forces should have ripped one another apart but somehow they continued to exist. Some sort of powerful will must have been joining the two and keeping things stable. He couldn't work out what it was or how it existed, its boundary was defined but its interior thrummed with space and distance as it moved through the void, drifting with no purpose. Considering the void was endless the chance of finding this thing again would be nigh on impossible so the squid like being directed his consciousness closer, reaching out to try and see beyond the boundary to what lay within.

The moment his thoughts touched the boundary of this strange enclosed space he was drawn in. At first it was just a sensation of passage to be expected as he tried to weave a path through the impossibility that protected the realm within. It soon became a head long dive as something reacted to his presence and dragged him within. He was flowing faster, further, dropping through layers of song and fire and then the flames roared in his mind, reaching out and seizing him! For a moment Xallithid felt violated, the connection with his body back in his home realm thrummed with energy and then the pull of the void on his body started to increase. Screaming in shock he tried to retreat, to fling his senses back out into the cold void but something had hold of him. More and more of his being, his thoughts were being drawn down the tenuous mental link between his body and this realm. He was pouring into it, moulding into a familiar shape as light and sound, feeling and scents invaded. Hard floor tiles beneath his feet took shape, his eyes blinked open and were assaulted by bright spot-lights. Robes clung to damp purple skin whilst his tentacles probed the air before his head, tasting, sampling, trying to discern something about what was going on as his eyes adjusted to the bright light.

"Welcome... you... are most unwelcome here," The voice that spoke was dark, a deep sound that reverberated at the end with a deep roaring sound, the memory of heat. Turning his head Xallithid regarded the figure who had spoken, squinting through the unaccustomed light. Maroon hair that glistened like metal... large curved horns, a shaggy unkempt tail that hung down from behind athletic looking legs clad in leather. Shading his eyes with one hand the squid looked higher, black curled fur formed a light covering over a muscled chest and then there were this creatures eyes. Burning amber beacons that stared out of from behind the low hanging fringe of maroon hair. Shaking off the strange compulsion to stare into those eyes that flickered through is mind Xallithid raised his hands, tentacles slithering, twisting around each other as he dropped into a defensive crouch.

"This place where are we? Release me at once and I may permit you to keep your sanity." His situation was unusual, he could feel himself back in his quarters and yet here he was in a body that felt solid. A mental trick, an illusion... whatever this strange place was it would not win, not against him. Watching with hooded eyes, ready to lash out if this creature attacked Xall waited to see what it had to say for itself.

"My sanity, how gracious of you after invading my realm," tilting his head the creature examined him, the mask of red fur around his eyes catching the light from above and reflecting it as a metallic shimmer. "You invade my home... you come here uninvited and now threaten me? I think not... you will be an interesting specimen to play a game with."

"Games!" Drawing himself up straight Xall took a half step forward, "I am not here to play games creature, bow and submit unto me, I am Xallithid one of the Old ones from beyond the angles."

"And you can call me Tsochan, this is my weaving... you are an invader..." grinning wider he stepped forward, moving with a rippling grace, his slender body long, lanky and muscled. "You have a choice... submit or play a game. You can feel what I am doing to you I am sure... draining your essence, drawing you through the beyond, soon you will pool fully into this realm and be ripe for the picking."

It was true, he could feel his essence being drained, pulled through the twisting interstices between his realm and the void, pulled across endless nothing. If it kept up he'd fully manifest on this side of the sphere of flame and song and he had a feeling it wouldn't be in a way that would benefit him. "I am Xallithid, I will listen to your proposal," he might be able to force himself back out or distract this creature long enough to get deeper into the realm, he could sense the hot, warm, tantalising scent of souls within this place, powerful souls.

"It is simple, you are old... and grand I can feel it, you are also starving so this is the deal. Behind me, through this door you will find my champion. Beat them at a game of his choosing and all the souls within this realm are yours... lose three rounds and I will claim you as mine."

"And why not fight me yourself, I am not helpless, even like this I have power. I could fight you now... damage the construct between the void and this weaving." Tentacles shifting, scenting toward the dark creature he let several of the purple appendages brush across the black fur of his chest. "I could retreat back to my home and leave yours exposed."

Stretching his arms above his head, stretching his back and standing on tip-top Tsochan emitted a low chuckle of delight, "You could, or I might manage to eject you back into the void before you can harm me. But this way... a game what could be more fun. Win one round and you win it all, lose three and I win... a gamble but an all-out fight could wipe out the souls you seek to devour." Settling back onto his feet the demon wrapped his wrists about two of Xallithid's tentacles, caressing them gently, pressing his warm furry stomach against the slimy appendages in a provocative manner. His eyes focussed on the squid's own eyes. "So what will it be the game or do we fight?"

He considered it, it was a tempting offer, there was bound to be a catch there always was with these demonic creatures. But he was Xallithid, he could win any game this fool came up with. He might be almost a match for him but any champion would be woe-fully outmatched. "We game; your soul shall be even sweeter when I suck it dry."

Chuckling Tsochan retreated out of reach of those moist tentacles and then stepped back into the shadows, revealing the path to the door. No words from the demon, no cocky threat he must have been running scared. He'd probably have fled this realm by the time Xall finished with his champion. Drawing his robes about him he stepped forward, pushing open the door confidently. He could feel a steady trickling of his essence into this place but it just made him more powerful, more majestic and divine. He was still connected to his realm; his powers were waxing as he swelled to meet the challenge. The champion would fall and before its end all in this sphere would acknowledge him as their divine master. Letting the door swing shut behind him Xallithid found that he was at the bottom of a flight of metallic stairs. He started to ascend and as he did strange screens positioned on either side flickered to life displaying words.

"To win you must leave the board at one of the three green exit points." "You must move when the Dark Knight Commands you to "MOVE" "Each move must be made at a 90 degree angle to your last" "You may not go back only forward" "Only move when the Dark Knight commands it" "If the Dark Knight catches you the game is over" "You may pick any of the three starting points to enter the grid"

Shaking his head at the nonsense Xallithid stepped onto the platform at the top. Stretched before him was a large 7x7 grid, it consisted of round platforms each connected by a narrow walkway. The whole thing was suspended above a fog filled cavity that was lit by green and blue lights below. Mist separated Xall from the grid by a good three feet but as he watched it slowly flowed back to reveal three platforms that were independent from the central grid. The starting points the rules had spoken of and on the far side of the grid three of the platforms were illuminated by bright green spotlights.

"Child's play..." Xallithid murmured to himself as he looked out across the field, searching for the demon's champion. Suddenly the central exit point made a loud clanking sound and descended out of sight into the swirling fog. About a minute later it brought something with it, the fog parting to reveal a featureless black helmet. It was recognizable as some form of mammal, the muzzle carved with silver fangs and the ears outlined atop the head giving it shape and distinction. The grill that covered where the eyes should have been looked restrictive however and the purple squid was unsure if they would be able to see out of such a contraption. As Xall waited more of their body came into sight. The figure cut an imposing image illuminated in the fog from below; mist seemed to coil about their form then flow off their robe to re-join the mist below. With long, waist length dreadlocks cascading over his shoulders and down their back the figure's long aquatic tail was almost lost in the heavy garment they were wearing. It covered their body and had no visible opening, as he spread his arms wide Xallithid could see that it was all one piece a shapeless black form shrouding satin robe that coated the dreads and hid any hint of identity from view.

"Pathetic," Xall growled with amusement, if this was the demon's best champion he had lost. Striding forward confidently he started to summon his magic. He could feel the ethereal energies of his home realm pouring through into his body, reaching out with one hand he started to summon a sphere of dark energy. His foot touched the second platform and then he started for the third intending to march across the grid and blast the ferret's champion's body into chunks. He was half way when the Knight pointed both hands at him and boomed "MOVE" in an angry tone that made the metal grid beneath his feet shake. With a sharp clang the walkway he was on dropped and pitched him into the fog. Xall fell, reacting sharply, trying to arrest his fall or reverse it as he plummeted into the fog. Slowly it turned green and clung about his body making it tingle. He should have hit the bottom by now surely but all he could feel was the clammy touch of the fog and a sharp, tingling sensation in the back of his mind. Tentacles waving about before his mouth wildly Xallithid tried to right himself, to stop his fall but the tingling grip of the green mist made his head hurt. He blinked and a sharp pain lanced through his temples before he slammed down with a thud into the grillwork of the game board. He was back at the start and something felt very wrong, his powers were not reacting, his mind was foggy and less of his senses were responding it was as if he was being smothered. The world was shrinking back to just what he could see through his eyes, his other-worldly senses were being hampered and the connection to his realm to his power was becoming cloudy. Raising his head Xallithid hissed, tentacles twitching across his mouth as he clambered back to his feet and glared at the knight.

"What are you, I sensed nothing... you shall die!" he crooked his fingers at the creature and made a tugging gesture, lashing out with all the energy he could muster through the strange vortices that led back to his home. It was a powerful spell; it was designed to flay flesh from the body of a mortal, blast their shell of organic meat until just the bones remained and release the soul for his enjoyment! It was less satisfying then the more personal touch, there was less chance to toy with, enslave and abuse his victims but he refused to let this demon's toy champion thwart him again! Lifting his hands before his face Xall screamed the final words of power, infusing his spell with all his dark energy. The tentacles that adorned his face parted, revealing the soft, beaklike mouth that was hidden behind them. A dark sphere of pulsating indigo energy formed between his hands and with a wet slurping growl of triumph the dark god hurled it across the field toward the awaiting Dark Knight.


The booming voice of the Dark Knight shook him to the bones and the tightness in his head returned. He watched in shock as the green mist erupted from beneath the grid and engulfed his spell. He felt it snap, the corruptive energy powering the spell lashing back against him. Xallithid crumpled like a wet rag to the floor, slick tentacles slithering against his neck as he heaved and wretched in pain. "Not.... Not possible," he gasped groaning as the tightness increased, he was being squeezed into this body, touch, sight, sound... that was all that remained to him. He could barely touch the other dimension, the vortex of power that was his birth-right! Lifting his head shakily he looked through bleary eyes at the Dark Knight who was still standing exactly where he had been since the start. A flickering light off to the side caught his attention and he turned to look at the screen that had appeared. It slowly listed the rules again and then flicked to another image.

"Xallithid - Losses 2 of 3."

Staggering to his feet the squid-like being drew a deep breath then started to walk out onto the grid. "Fine... I will bring you down your own way." He paused on the first platform and waited and soon enough the Dark Knight seemed to shift, lifting satin clad arms he spread them wide in what was a very imposing show.


The command echoed through the still space and Xallithid shuddered at the sound, there was a compulsion to step forward, three options available to him and so he moved swiftly onto the platform ahead. Once there he paused, waiting to see if the Knight would move or if it would be his turn again.


Once again the compulsion drove through his body, the urge to move but the instinctual direction only gave him the option to walk to either side the way forward when he thought about it engineered a feeling of wrongness, a sensation that it was not the right way. Walking to his left, moving across the steel walkway to the next platform he was awarded by a strange sensation of delight. It tingled its way down his back and he was soon turning to face the way forwards. At the next command he stepped across to the platform directly ahead of him and again suffered the same thrill of delight at having made a move. Shaking his head to try and clear the sensation he looked around warily, this was not right this place was moulding him to itself every time he obeyed the rules. Drawing a heavy breath Xall tried to resist the tingling pleasure that erupted in the back of his mind when he obeyed the rules. He wasn't very successful as the Dark Knight took that opportunity to step forward, gliding one step closer. His satin robes rippled with as he strode across the metallic grid. His steps were silent; there was no clump of heavy boots just the whisper soft sound of satin against fur. Once he was in place the Knight stood facing forward, not making any attempt to look at Xall and boomed out the next order.


Groaning softly, Xallithid tangled a hand in his tentacles and tugged, trying to focus his mind as again the tingling sensation walked across his skin. It felt good, stronger than before, more charged with promise if he obeyed and with a hesitant step he stepped forward, crossing to the next platform. He had barely reached it and the tingling sensation had only just started to fade when the Dark Knight boomed his order to MOVE across the field of play again. Groaning in shock Xallithid had to go right, taking two quick steps to the next platform his breath coming in sharp gasps as he felt his otherworldly senses constricting further.

Shaking his head, trying to clear his thoughts the demonic entity pushed his mind back, trying to find some way to flow back out of this body and back into the void. All his exits were blocked; it was like his consciousness could only flow in one direction and then "MOVE!" echoed in his head and concentration fled as he took a step forward, moving almost eagerly for the sensation of pleasure that brought. As soon as he was in place the platform behind him suddenly illuminated showing where he had been. The dark helmeted mustelid then strode forward, gliding in those dark robes to the next platform directly in front of him.


The order was spoken in the same tone as before but the tingling sensation that swept over his body was even more powerful and with a whimpering groan he walked right, stepping to the next platform. The light came on behind him and he sank to one knee panting heavily at the crushing weight bearing down on his mind. Looking up, shivering inside his clammy robes Xallithid pressed a paw to his swelling cock, wrapping hi hand around it through the wet fabric of his robe. Tugging on hi thickening shaft he raised his head and watched as the Dark Knight turned and strode to stand on the platform directly ahead of him.


Whimpering and shaking his head Xall slowly clambered to his feet, trying to resist the urge to walk forward. The burning, tingling desire that gripped his purple hide felt like a second skin and his cock was hard now, tenting his robes and tingling with pleasure. He couldn't resist it and with a moan he walked forwards onto the platform directly ahead of him. He watched with a mixture mounting horror and unblockable pleasure as the Dark Knight walked forward, crossing the intervening space between him in a few easy steps. He reached out, the satin cloth covering his arms forming a wall that slowly engulfed his body on either side.

"No... no release me I am Xallithid I am..." he screamed as a thick green mist seemed to flow out of the satin robes, engulfed his body, his own robe stopped hanging off his shoulders, he could feel the fabric melting away, dissolving and then the mist was wrapping against his slick purple hide. It tingled, it seemed to be squeezing in against his body, covering him from the shoulders down, growing tighter and amplifying the pleasurable tingling that had been assaulting his body ever since he started to play the game properly. For a moment he was held there, his cock pulsing, grinding against the knight's stomach. The satin arms of the dark knight closed behind his back and the green mist flowed up the tentacles hanging before his mouth then engulfed his head and everything went black as the last connection with his true self was severed and he was forced into the mortal shell his body had become.

The first thing Xallithid did when consciousness came back was to start jerking his limbs from side to side and try to reach out to his power. He didn't need sleep; he'd never been properly unconscious before even when sleeping. It was a terrible thing to have to go through, waking up and finding your body restricted; the dark energies that should have been yours to command absent. Blinking eyes that felt hazy and gritty he tugged hard with his arms trying to pull them back down from above his head. They refused to move, the best he managed was to cause the chains that were hanging him from the ceiling to clank. His feet barely reached the floor beneath him and the room was damp and filled with that wretched green mist that clung to his body. As it glided over his slick hide he shuddered and bit back a moan as what felt like a warm sucking mouth tugged on his dick. He tried to use his tentacles to reach up and pull the shackles off his wrists but he couldn't focus, his ability to concentrate was shot thanks to the teasing around his enlarged shaft.

"Hello Xallithid," a familiar voice spoke just as a pair of burning amber eyes stepped out of the darkness. "Are you ready for this? Your new life starts here with me tonight."

"You... will pay for this demon... you cannot hope to hold me for long and once I am free... ooh... no... what..." he trailed off as two long metal poles descended out of the darkness to either side of him. Straining against his bonds he could just make out the span of material that was being held between them. He couldn't trace its source not in the darkness and fog but he did see a pair of bright amber eyes suddenly light up the mist directly in front of him. "Let... me go..." it sounded half-hearted even to his own ears and the ferret just laughed and with a deep clanking sound the machine operating the poles moved forward.

The material pressed in against his legs, soft satin fabric that stuck to his skin then started to wrap around them as the poles started to spin. The fabric was wound tightly about his legs slowly ascending his form, forcing his legs together, restricting even his ability to wriggle. The fabric also wasn't helping, it was so soft; a silken layer of teasing material that squeezed about the already soft and luxurious texture of his hairless skin. The wrapping process reached his groin and just continued upwards without stopping, pinning his junk against his body, just wrapping over it, trapping it and making him groan. The soft satin felt astoundingly good he could have cum from the touch alone but it also worryingly constrictive. It trapped his shaft and despite how much he wriggled it helped to keep him teased and hard but without some sort of external stimuli he would not be able to cum. The machine stopped, the fabric held tight across his stomach and then the chains holding his arms up and to the sides suddenly tightened. They forced his arms down across his chest, making him cross them like some sort of Egyptian mummy. The machine then started to move upwards again, causing the fabric to grow tighter, more constrictive and as soon as his arms were properly held in place by the spinning fabric the manacles unlocked allowing the satin to claim his arms completely.

Xallithid was then forced to draw his tentacles up, pulling them toward his mouth to get them out of the way as the satin engulfed his body up to his neck. He cut his eyes from side to side desperately searching for some way out but all he saw was the demon ferret smiling at him and behind him the dark, imposing figure of the Dark Knight.

"Welcome to your new home Xallithid... maybe you'll think twice before breaking into my home next time." Tsochan said with a grin then stepped aside. The satin clad otter stepped forward and raised his paws and bellowed out his command.


The poles started to spin again and with a muffled moan Xall felt his head starting to be trapped, squeezed on all sides by the spinning fabric. It wrapped around his tentacles, pinning them against his chest and neck, he tried to pull them out of the way, to keep them free, to attack the demon but the tight wrap of stain material was slowly immobilising them. Soon enough he couldn't even twitch them let alone pull them free and the satin span up over his eyes, encased his bulbous horn surmounted skull. As soon as the last clear section of his body was wrapped in satin the fabric contracted against his body. It was rubbing on every part of his body, every desperate, defiant shift and wriggle he performed made it squeeze and press and hold against his body in a soft, tormenting grip. No matter how much he struggled, or squirmed he couldn't get any leverage to pull free. He was trapped and it held his dick firmly in its tormenting grasp, keeping him trapped on the edge of orgasm without any sign of letting up or granting him release.

Tsochan watched the entombed elder being with a smirk, the way he was squirming and wriggling inside the layer of cocooning satin was a clear indication that he hadn't quite given up his attempts to escape. Leaning forward the demon placed a paw firmly on the bulging shape that tented the satin between Xallithid's groin and pushed firmly against it. He was rewarded by a muffled moan from the squid like mummy and slowly he pushed harder, sliding his trapped guest backwards toward the waiting sarcophagus. The demon slid the squirming body into the snug fitting coffin and then continued to play with his thickening cock, working his paw up and down over the slick, silken satin fabric. He could well imagine the indignity, the humiliation a being like Xall was feeling at being trapped like this, tormented like this. He'd had his own experiences in such situations before but right now he was taking great delight in making the tentacle horror's life a humiliating experience of trapped, impossible to escape from pleasure. The satin felt lovely against his paw so it was bound to feel twice as bad wrapped about a cock. The entombed shape below him started to buck and twist, squirming as best he could inside the confining sarcophagus and it didn't take long for Tsochan's paw to wrap about the length of this demonic beings shaft and squeeze. Jerking him off and not slowing for a moment as the muffled groans and whimpering shudders increased. Finally he was rewarded by the sight of Xallithid's body stiffening, his cock pulsed in his grip and the satin grew darker with a wet patch that spread and no doubt soaked into its prisoners skin letting them feel their own cum spreading across their body. Grinning wickedly Tsochan drew his paw back and watched as the satin constricted on its own against the limp body trapped inside, causing him to groan again.

"Enjoy... welcome to life Xallithid..." he stepped back, watching as the coffin lid slid into place, a stylised stone carving of the tentacle sporting nether horror. He heard one last desperate moan from his new guest before the stone lid settled into place leaving him trapped, tied and tormented by the magically imbued satin wrappings. He was in for a very long, very dark, intense torment of sexual pleasure, held powerless and immobile by the soft satin. Release however would always be refused; the satin itself would never quite be enough to make him cum only when Tsochan decided to take the lid off and play would there be any hope of Xallithid finding any form of release.


A Joining - Part 4

Hanare & Story (c) Russet'12 Alex(c) Twinburner "Oh fuck me..." Hanare whimpered, eyes riveted on the green shoot that was closing in on his cock-slit. It was moving steadily through the translucent tentacle that had capped his dick. The moogle...

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A Joining - Part 3

Hanare & Story (c) Russet'12 Alex(c) Twinburner Drawing down a lungful of thick, humid air Hanare groaned, there was just no relief from the relentless assault. He had lost track of time for a bit, entering a hazy state of befuddled bliss. Shaking...

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A Joining - Part 2

Hanare & Story (c) Russet'12 Alex(c) Twinburner Hanare had lost track of time, after his orgasmic release into Alex the moogle had just lain still, panting heavily and trying to regain his breath. What roused him to his senses was the feeling of his...

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