Falling Apart Aside: 5-1 - Nekoboy History

Story by reihanfeoru on SoFurry

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#8 of Falling Apart

Nocti's Journal, side entry. While Nemi, who's apparently my new owner, is still asleep, I thought I should write this out for future reference. I'm back up on his wall of shame and completely deprived of my senses, so it's not like I have anything better to do. Even stranger is that he had me turn into a younger version of my Growlithe form, using a "Mimi Form" card. He called me an "inuboy", despite me still being herm, and called himself a "nekoboy". It's now one of my defaults, thanks to Buster.

While being paraded through the other pets and used as his mobile cushion, I sent an email to Vega to let hir know what's going on. Shi got back to me almost instantly, completely approving the whole thing. Shi said shi couldn't give me any info, but shi found out what was going on. Shi also sent me a file with Nemi's background. I've read it five times since being put up here, and it's... Let's say it explains a lot about him.


Nemi grew up in another timeline of the Pokemon World that was almost identical to this one. A few major events changed between them, but shi wouldn't go into detail on that. He was born as a human named Lincon Germanis, and lived outside of the Nido Dynasties in Poketara. During his schooling, he learned a lot about psychology, but for some strange reason, he decided to drop out of school and become a servent for a wealthy Nido family known as the Faranights. Yes, the family of my mate in another timeline, though Marcus wasn't with them in that one apparently.

"Lincon"'s family left for Hoenn, but he stayed behind. The Faranights decided to give him the name Nemi, and trained him to become one of their most loyal servants. He was happy with his life, as they treated him just as well as he served them. They called in the best psychology teachers they could find to train him as part of his job, and even managed to find a man named Pluto Kinsora to train him in hypnosis. The reason? He was to turn unsavory subjects into loyal servants or well-mannered pesants.

The Faranights eventually gained authorization to adopt him as their son when he turned sixteen, and he was injected with royal Nido blood to force that point. I guess humans and morphs are more compatible than I thought. Regardless, his sense of loyalty grew more and more... until his eighteenth birthday.

During a party that was being thrown for him, the Bonemaster Knights stormed the castle, proclaiming the Faranights to be traitors in the eyes of the gods. They killed nearly eighty people, including Nemi's entire family. Nemi himself was visiting the other timeline's version of myself, who was thinking about becoming one of his servants. Ironically, that would be around the time I was starting to fall for Fallon in this timeline. When he found out, he was devastated. Homeless and hunted, he wandered off into some dark alleyways with the other Nocti following him.

It took two more years before the Knights found him. The other Nocti had apparently died protecting him, but it wasn't until Vega came along that he was safe. Shi apparently left a massive blood trail in hir wake, killing off Knights in order to help bring down the church for the gods. Nemi had hit an absolute low in his life, and Vega offered to make the pain go away. Because of his strogn sense of loyalty, he pledged his life to hir.

He was brought to this timeline's Breakwater Hideaway, and his memories were mostly wiped out with the destruction of the other timeline. There were a few details that even Dialga couldn't touch, though. One of them was the memory of losing the other Nocti, another being the love of the Faranights, and the last being his vast knowledge and skill in psychology and hypnosis. Vega turned a lot of his sadness into false memories of his "induction" into hir harem, making him believe that shi was the one who taught him what loyalty and humility meant. Of course, shi did it to protect him from the harsh reality that he was in another timeline, so none of what happened to him in his past would have occurred in this one.

When his desire to own a few of his own pets surfaced again, shi gave him full permission and complete access to hir VegaCorp library of outfits and sex toys. Shi says that his only pets so far are Len, who shi gave to him, and myself. Shi then asked me in an aside to let myself go and become his submissive, at least for a while. It wasn't because of the reason behind him doing this, but as a personal favor. Shi wanted me there to make sure he stayed safe.

In the last paragraph, shi told me why I wasn't told a lot of this sooner. Only those with "Omega"-level access are allowed to know anything about the other timeline. Everyone was from that other timeline, but only Altair, Sirius, Vega, and Ceti have any knowledge of it's existence. Everyone else had their memories wiped, aside from the small pieces in Nemi's memory. Since I'm going to become Nemi's pet, and in some ways his guardian, I was given access to everything, but only after my week is up.


I actually wrote back and told hir to make him a part of Team Dawnfall, as a non-combat and non-rescue member. I'm assuming shi approved it, since I see him listed on my roster. As for my becoming his pet... Hell, if shi says there's a good reason, there HAS to be a good reason for it. We'll see soon enough.

I do have one more side entry... But it's not something I'd normally put into words. You see, I was going to write about my own "induction" as Nemi's pet, but one of the three from above are being brought down for their own welcoming. I'm going to include it as part of my journal, only as reference... ugh...