The heart's lust pt.2

Story by Musica Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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Sorry... It toke me forever to make pt 2 XD

I stood on the dusted path on my way to Jany Fizs, thinking why my fate set out to be this way. "Why would Wolf hurt me?" Apparently, Hunter was tired of my saying the same thing and slapped the shit out of me, "You stupid slut, you never understood that he has a demon and he was under lock and key and maybe you loved being used!" I took out my sword and drew it to the demon's neck; however, he went deep inside of me and pulled the blade towards my neck, "I could kill you, but I wasn't to get myself together." I continued down the path, for I was determined to get my love-life back (Which he won't); however, I was blocked, blocked my a beautiful view on top of a small hill. The bird were singing, the water is calmfully flow and the smell of bread made my mouth drool, "Sorry to interrupt but this is a terrible view, Malik!" Hunter pushed me down the hill, "What the fuck Hunter?" He wasn't uspet but disappointed, "I told you that I hate the view!" "That doesn't mean you push me down the hill," I dust myself off and continued until stopped again; this time by a forest with trees that match the height of giants, "This is Jany Fizs, the forest village, somewhere in this village lies your second brother Demon." I nodded as I used the scroll of curse to find the second part of Hunter, "I have four counter-parts: Peace, rage, lust, and hell," I understood as I spoke back, "And Wolf has the rage piece, right?" Hunter nodded yes, "It is really four complete people, Me, and my four brothers, so after we grew deep each other we became one; however, one day, they went berserk and took over this boy in that similar house your parents lived in, then he just fell into it. But after fighting over whos fault it was we split up and never spook of each other again..."

Hunter and I discussed the method of the Seayagate...., it seems to be a disease called by someone of great bane. Hunter explained that Seayagate wasn't able to control his power; his curse was too much for him to control, "Do you know where power comes from Malik?" I shook my head no, as Hunter then explained, "Power comes from our mitochondria, the cell that was said to only provide energy; however, it was also said to contain Make, a substance of enegry used to make magic." I smiled, understanding where he was going with this..., "And the ulimate make is contained within the ten bad bitches... you need them to be able to stop Wolf and the other two wolves." I've heard of the ten bad bitches... they were the top ten blacklist furs.... They used their sexy abilites to rob people of their money.... It's like Robin Hood, "Take from the rich, then taken by a bitch..." We walk until I then see in the distance a red house with a naked fox on top, saying..., "Blackey's Bitches" We both looked at each other as we rushed to the house, "They have to be here... I know it..." Hunter opens the door, smiling as he spoke, "Lockie, I'm home!" A fox, red and curvish came from the kitchen door..., "I knew you would be back..." Lockie and Hunter sat down and he explained about the whole problem today, "Oh dear... You need the girls... I'll go fetch them..." She ran here 60lb ass to the back as I was dazed in her ass, "Yeah... Lockie and I go back since I was 16... That is the day I lost my virginity..." I looked at Hunter, wondering his age now... Lockie screams as she then is hung from a rope, "We have to go!" Hunter grabs my arm and runs out the house, seeing Wolf on the outside, laughing, "EVERYTHING MUST BURN!" He grabs me by my neck, choking me... choking me to death....

To be continued 0_o (DOM DOM DOM!)