Bane's Untold Love Story

Story by Charlene Haliwell on SoFurry

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*Note: Bane,Tailia, and other references to the batman series, are the property of DC comics who wrote him into their batman series. All rights remain with them. This is a work of fan fiction, nothing more.* ~All story developed and written by Barbara L. Carrin AKA Nicolletta Taylor~

Nikki was a small frail looking young woman. She grew up disguised as a boy in the town next to the inescapable prison known as the pit. She threw away her disguise at the age of fourteen, where it became pointless in the heat, for it was either die from heat exhaustion or show she was a female. In the years that followed, she would often wonder if it hadn't been better she died. The city was corrupt, and cruel, especially to women. Those who survived were hardly distguishable from the men without their clothing. But Nikki was an exception, and she soon learned it was not always to her disadvantage that this was so. Being dainty could be to her advantage. The men thought her weaker than themselves, and often were easily overcome by the skills she learned by watching the men in the pit. When Nikki was nearing adulthood, she watched a man go into the pit. Instinct told her, he was different. He would come out some day. He was worth her TIME. She spent the next few years sneaking around, and eventually discovered the gaurded entrance to the pit. By using her wits, her strength, and her soft body, she wormed her way into weekly, then daily visits into the prison. Having spent her early life pretending to be a male, she fit in with her heavily wrapped body, no one knew the difference. Within a week, she had found the man. She learned his name. It was Bane. She learned a lot from just watching the man. He was strong, eloquent if he needed to be, intelligent, and, above all else, he could not be broken. When he took the life of the child into his own hands, Nikki was 22 years old. She finally approached him, knowing if he could care for this child, he would not kill her for approaching. When she was close enough, she threw back her hood, revealing her long honey golden tresses as, freed from the confines of her hood, they spilled tumbling down her back in the the faint light from the moon which shone on her fair face and glinted in the blue of her eyes. Bane looked up, his brown eyes impassive, showing no hint of surprise when he saw her standing there, his thin lips slightly curved in a mocking grin. His strong, leader quality voice rang out in the silence of the room. "You dd not think I did not see past your disguise girl, did you?" He laughed humorlessly, but never the less his eyes roamed her body, not quite hungrily, for he would never show so much, and, for a fact to one who knew less about him, one would almost think he despised her, that he wanted her to melt into the floor, when in reality he was seeing softness where a man aught. Nikki was unphased. She had studied this man for nigh on two years nearing the end of three. She understood the rules of his world, and was willing to gamble her life that she could slip through them enough to be with this man when he left this prison. "No, I knew you knew me for who I was the moment you made eye contact with me." She replid, her voice clear, steady, and sure. "And you do not fear this death which I have given these other women who came whilst you were here? Do you find me soft, weak? Think I need someone to nuture my soul?" He responded in his unique voice. "No Bane. I wish to become your pupil." Silence reigned in the room, the child still sleeping peacefully in the big man's safe embrace.In this moment, there was saftey, there was relaxation, there was time to sleep, at least for the child, which Nikki could now see was a small girl. She smiled inwardly to herself. yes, she had been right about this man, who cared so deeply for this child which was not his. A harsh, cruel laugh echoed through the room. "My what? I have nothing to teach a girl, nothing a pretty little thing like you should be interested in. Go back to the surface world where you belong, mine is full of darkness, I was born here, I left once, I probably will never leave here again." Against her better judgement, Nikki decided to seal her fate. She trusted she knew him well enough to survive this, but her instincts still screamed run girl before he does you like the others. A few strides brought her close enough to him that his masculinity rolled off of him in heady , intoxicating waves. This was no mere criminal, full of oil, spit, and lies. This was a real man, and she wanted a taste. She leaned closer, careful to control her reactions, and sat down next to him on his makeshift bench, her thigh, bared by a split in her covering clothes, touching him, her head angled so she could better see the child clasped securely in his grip, her soft, fragrant hair waifting over his hard, well muscled arm. He can't be more than a few years older than I am, she thought, studying his reaction from the corner of her eye, noting when his breath hitched just the slightest, and his muscles tensed as if expecting an attack when she lightly laid her fingertips on his bare arm. "Woman" He stated coldly, "you are playing with fire. And this fire won't burn you and leave you behind, this fire will consume you untill there is nothing left." "what if I told you that was what this woman wanted?" She replied. "I'd call you a damn fool, and tell you to get the hell out of my sight." He responded, his light brown eyes darkening with desire, his voice a hint huskier, the only clues that what she had said had been the right thing to do. She allowed herself a small sigh of relief, and tempted fate a wee bit frther by placing her entire hand on his arm, and looking up at him, her entire body thrilled just to be so near this man. "I think we both know, at this point, I'd never make it out of here, not in one piece. I wish to stay with you, and in fact have not left this prison for the last two months. I have eaten what you have eaten, slept where you have slept, and gaurded myself from others whilst I learned from you by just watching. There are a half dozen men who now know I am no man, and if they bring their friends, I shall not leave here alive." "That is not of my concern, woman. You knew the risks you took in coming here, you shall live with them. I will be no one's shelter." "Then what about the child in your arms? She will die without you to protect her." For once, Bane jerked his gaze down to bore into hers, a startled mistake on both of their parts, for she instantly flushed with heat, and she felt rather than saw his interest spike a good hundred degrees. He leaned close, heat flaring in his gaze and captured her lips in a punishing kiss, hard, almost painful, hot, and exciting, catching her lower lip he nipped it, drawing blood before abruptly jerking away, his breathing harsh, an obvious need emanating from him. Even as she watched, he brought it almost totally under control. Before she could really think, she gently took the slumbering child from his arms and placed her, stll soundly sleeping, on the rags which were her bed, covering her so she wouldn't chill, before slipping off her layers to stand in a slimming outfit of a dress with thigh high slits which allowed manuveability with decency at risk, but not lost. The gown was of a silvery material, one extra-ordinarily strong, and stain repellent. It was also highly elastic, and molded to her curves almost like a second skin. When she turned to look back at Bane, he had risen to his feet, his face unreadable, but his body speaking volumes for what his face concealed. Every tightly bunched muscle, every tick in his clenched jaw, every barely discernable twitch of his hands spoke of his needs, both to defend the helpless child, and for release. For a brief moment, Nikki feared for her life, then Bane was stalking her like the predator he was, and she allowed him to capture her, to roughly run his strong, muscled hands through her hair, to attack her mouth with his own, to press her softness against every inch of his hardness. She hadn't quite expected this, she had begun to think him devoid of lust, since some of the girls before her were much more...well they just had more. None of them had aroused this in him, he had either sent them away to be broken by others, or done it himself. One persisant wench had her nck snapped while she was attempting to force him to kiss her....and yet the knowing of the brutalities these other women had suffered, the knowing of the violence which Bane meted out with such ease and precision, only made this desire he seemed to feel for her more heady, the moment more tantalizing. He wrestled a hand into her dress, the tough fabric not even so much as stretching more than needed as he found and cupped one palm sized breast, squeezing, playing with it, teasing her roughly. His mouth was suddenly at her neck his teeth nipping her fair skin, drawing a small trickle of blood as he suckled and lay her on the gorund where they stood, lowering his loose pants until his glory was there for her to see, to feel as he wrapped her small hand arund the hard pulsing core of his need. She swallowed, realising how big he was now that he was well, in the palm of her hand. She played with the smooth, velvety steel hard shaft, her small hands caressing him, driving him wild, as proven by how quickly his breathing grew ragged, his muscles strained. SHe wasn't sure why he didn't take her then, but suddenly felt his hand between her legs, one calloused thumb sending shivers through her body as he stroked masterfully a spot she hadn't known existed. Previous encounters with male anatomy had either left her bored, or bloody, depending on if it was her getting what she wanted, or them taking and doing so in large groups. This sensation he was arousing within her drove her mad, she became a wildcat, her nails digging into his suddenly bare back as he lowered himself to hovering mere inches above her. She could feel the heat pouring off of him in waves as he stopped within an inch of entering her, seemingly testing himself as he stroked her with his thumb untll she was all but thrashing silently under him, then he spread her lips with a forefinger and thumb, and drove himself home. He was so large she had to keep from crying out in mild pain and shock, but he stayed where he was, forehead against her pulsing throat, muscles clenched like bungee cords stretched too taunt, and when she felt the shock and pain pass, only then dd he start moving, thrusting hard, long, and deep, mooving slowly, then faster and faster untill they both went as taunt as a drawn bowstring, and he sealed her cry of surprised release with his mouth as he slammed in one last time, balancing all that muscle on his forarms so as not to crush her. For a short time they lay that way, as she felt his seed coursing into her, and him gradually growing slightly less hard. "Damn you woman, what have you done to me." he muttered hoarsly, his body shaking slightly as he stood, wiped himself clean on a cloth near the empty rag bed they had failed to utilize, and dressed, leaving his shirt off. When he was done, he helped her to her feet, then almost seemed non plussed for a milisecond before returning to the militarian style man she knew. "You will bunk with me from now on woman. Since that is the case, I'd best know your name. It's none of my concern, but I'd rather not continue calling you woman for the rest of your years. You will do as I say, when I say, how I say, and you will not leave my sight nor impede me when I am in a rush. AM I understood?" "Yes. My name, is Nikki." "Nikki, you had best find yourself enough rags to make these two beds big enough for three, because she sleeps in the middle, ALWAYS. You wished to be taught by me. Here's your first test. You gaurd her while I have ..other matters to attend to. She is not to leave your sight. If she is harmed by anyone other than a fall, I WILL kill you." "I understand...Bane." Nikki said his name like a caress, and for a moment, she thought she saw an emotion foreign to his face in Bane's eyes, but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared. The next few days were more of a struggle than her entire visiting existance had been thus far, mainly because anytime Bane caught her attempting to rewrap herself in the bulky inconspicuous he glared a look of such hate she would not have been surprised if the garb burst into flames at the very touch of it. It became a game with the other captive prisoners of the pit. A good dozen or more hated her for simply having managed to fool them for so long, another handful for simply being a woman in a place where women were not welcome. They would sneak out in packs to ambush her, hopeing to either kill or capture her, and this remove an extra barrier surrounding the child. Nikki learned that no one was safe during these trials, often bane would join them at half strength, just to test whether she would defend herself or the girl first. She always chose the girl. As the days went by, she beat off more and more men, then suddenly, there were too many, and niether the girl nor Bane were around. It was one of those days when Bane had taken the girl to a new spot, and would send a random trusted person of ten to come get her. But this time as she sat eating the food that was given to prisoners, she felt a chill go up her spine. She lept up from the table, sure it was merely another batch of her usuals. But it wasn't.Her fists made her stance ready, she looked into the eyes of men who's skin was now the ashy tone of death, who were built like pro wrestlers, and who normally, in the surface world, would have been pumped full of steroids. But, down here, she knew, they were built from practice. An icey fear settled in the bottom of her stomach-there was no clean win, and certainly no escape for her from this one. When the first guy swung, she said in a deadly calm tone of voice" Bane will gut you". It was said calm, it wasn't shouted, but she knew one man in the food room was watching her for Bane. The man would hear Bane's name, and kow something was wrong. Bane would have to save her this time, or she would die. The man swung, and she ducked, lashing out with a powerful punch to his solar plexis, which did nothing other than to bruise her fist. At that point, the icy fear in her stomach turned into a stone of dread. These guys had trained for this...for her. She kept her gaurd up, but even so, forty men against one woaman, no matter how well trained, will not end well for the woman.She went down when a blow swerved and smashed into her cheekbone, shatttering it. She knew nothing until she woke hours later in a place so dark she wasn't even certain her eyes were open, or that she had not gone blind from the blow. ********************************* A skinny man sitting four isles down looked up at the mention of Bane's name. No one here knew him by past, name, or description other than the skinny youth. He was Bane's younger brother, had followed his brother to this hell hole, and would follow him anywhere. He saw the woman who had trapped his brother in her web surrounded by men, and resumed his consumption of the food and drink in front of him. Maybe the bitch would learn, he thought, ignoring the sounds of scuffles. He was in no hurry, he'd eat, take care of some needs then stroll to his brother and report the bitch's arrogance in assuming Bane would do anything for her other than fuck her senseless. ********************************* Bane sat with his back to th wall, Talia sleeping curled up against his side. His instincts said another fight was brewing, but as he looked down at the sleeping girl, he didn't have the heart to force her to hide. His brother would be along soon, and he could give him the code that would lead Nikki to their new hiding place. Sure enough, he heard the sounds of a brawl echoing from the mess hall , and the thud of a body hitting the floor limply. he grimaced, imagining it his lovelly little mercenary offspring, and ran a surprisingly gentle hand over the sleeping child's shaved scalp. Soon, he would have to let her escape, because ther was no wy he could protect a child from the same fate her mother had suffered. Without the years of training and dedication that Nikki had put herself through, he doubted very much she would have escaped the brutal raping this wee one's mother had suffered. Absently he heard the sounds of a body being dragged away. ********************************* Nikki woke to a severe pounding in her skull, and realised the left side of her face was swollen larger than a grapefruit. Attempting to move her lips resulted in agony, attempting to open her mouth caused her to make an inarticulate strangled noise of bone shattering pain. She felt rather than saw the men surrounding her, heard their muttered discussions, then came the blinding white light. Somoen had opened a hole in the rock walls, and pure unfiltered daylight illuminated the room which was filled with angry men, and the only entrance or exit was blocked by four more of the same. One man hauled her to her feet, and ripped the gown from her body as the room spun in dizzying circles around her.In too much pain to comprehende what was happening, she half staggered, half fell after the man gripping her bare arm in one fist. He walked to the center of the room, dragging her when she did not walk on her own, and then grasped her by the neck and lifted her bosdily off the floor. The sudden rush of air on her naked flesh snapped her focus, such as it was, to her surroundings. "This woman has done as no bitch before has been allowed to do. Not only has she eaten our food, but she's taunted us with her body, and beaten us with it as well. Well, now the time has come, for revenge to be enacted against her. Her body is now ours for the taking, helpless against whatever we shall do to her, and I know many of you have her caught in your fantasies. When I let her go, she is to be used by at least thirty of us....then dragged to an empty cell, and left die.But hear me well, she MUST be alive when she is dragged into that cell." The men in the room let out a muffled cheer, and surged forward when he released her uncooperative body. Nikki was grabbed by firs tone then another, until a kind of pecking order was established, and the men set down to have some fun. The first wasn't too bad, neither was the second, nor the third. by the time the fourth was getting started her body was feeling more than worn out, and about this time some signal was given, and she was raped from every angle, by multiple men at once, breasts bitten, the spots between her legs and buttocks sore and bleeding, her throat raw, her neck bitten countless times. When they were done, she welcomed death. They left her in the cell, and she drifted away into blackness. But when she did not die within a few nights, the men started to come back for more, and then more. Weeks went by, then a month, then two. When she still didn't die, the leader of the group came himself to visit.It would be his final mistake. ********************************* When the skinny little man finally arrived to speak with his brother at the apointed time, the fight had been over for nearly twelve hours. Hwas pleased the bitch hadn't shown her face again. He rounded a corner, stopped, and made the call of the dove six times, one for every year that seperated their births. A hawk's scream answered, and he continued. ********************************* Bane stood with his arms crossed over his solid chest,legs planted, face unreadable when his bastard little brother rounded the doorway. "Where is the woman, brother?" "I haven't seen her since mid day meal Bane" he responded quickly, almost too quickly, his eyes darting to the child, like always trying to discern her true gender. "Why lie to me brother." Bane started to respond, then he saw his bastard brother's eyes widen in comprehension. "The child that bitch no boy. Might I ask the same of you brother, why lie to your own flesh and blood?" and with that the smaller man was off running. bane wasted not a moment, all thoughts of Nikki dashed from his mind as he woke up Thailia and told her it was time. Then they were running, running, and Bane was sheilding her with his body as he made sure she escaped before being dragged back, taken down, and destroyed. His last vision of thailia was her climbing over the edge. Then he was fighting for his life. When bane awoke, he was being tended by the prison's surgeon. the next few weeks werehazy, and when rescue came, he was the last one out. ********************************* Thalia's body gaurd reported to the 15 year old young woman. "Miss, there was no woman inside. We looked everywhere." ********************************* The man leaned over her stick thin figure, his beady eyesassessing how much fun she would be to rape one last time. he never got the chance, because, for once, fate was with her, and the old iron post, threatening to fall for decades, fell at that precise moment, and smashed his skull into the ground. Nikki felt what was left of the bile in her threaten to leave at the sight, but was determined to keep the fluids in her body, whee she would need them most. the prison had gone silent, which could only mean one thing...everyone was either dead, or they had somehow managed to escape.Biting her lip she forced herself to stand, holding her weight up with her near stregthless arms as she grabbed posts and columns to drag her wasted body out. Whatever out might hold for her, it was best to have tried than to have done nothing. She somehow managed towrap one of the wrags around her nudity, and stumbled out for several yards, making it to a main tunnel before colasping in a heap, which is where she was found three days later, by Bane. ********************************* bane scooped up the body of yet anther unfortunate cell mate, his mind numb, just needing to work. As his strengthn returned, so did his desire to find Nikki. But she was nowhere to be found. When they had rescued the ast of the survivors, they were all male. He knew in his heart she had died. He was about to thro the body o the pile of corpses, when it shivered, and let out a weak, raspy cough. Startled, he looked down, and realised this prisoner was still alive, even with his hair matted and filthy. A weak whisper came from the man's parched, cracked lips. feeling obliged, bane leaned closer to hear the man's dying words. "Bane, don't leavbe me again." was all that Nikki managed to rasp out. Bane felt a chill run through his body as he looked at the emaciated body in his arms. It surely couldn't be. he walked with long ground eating strides to the nearest stretcher, shoving the medical personell away as he laid the figure on the oct. "dude, why waste my nap spot on a corpse?" Asked the man angrily, then he gasped as he saw the faint rise and fall of the figure's chest. "You, get me some soap and warm water. You, grab me some fliuds, you, do whatever you must to keep this woman alive." bane snapped out the orders, his heart aching as he prayed it weas not his mind playing tricks on him. He gently peeled the ragged cloth from the haggard, sunken face with the large lump on the left cheek, and opened it the rest of the way. The woman was not as emaciated as he had thought, merely petite and with a fragile build.

The way it SHOULD have ended - caution, true story slightly edited

A young vixen like creature walks down a wooded path, her blue eyes taking in little of the scenery around her. She walks slowly, as if in a daze, pain and heartache written all over her face. She wears simple jeans and a tank top, a sweatshirt tied...

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