Slave Worlds: Chapter 1- The meeting

Story by catsmaster432 on SoFurry

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Went life change what do you do

I have work hard to write this out and that chapter one is done and I hope you like it. I was going to write more but before I do I want to know what people think of it.

Chapter 1

The Meeting

My alarm clock goes off and it's one of those ones that keep getting louder. As it's beeps I roll over and look at the time and it's 7:00am. I reach out to the clock and push the button to turn it off, and said to myself "school day". I stand up and get myself dress I don't dress fancy, I were blue jean and a tee shirt most of the time. Then I went over to the bath room which is only five feet down the hall. As I'm in there I look at myself I am 6ft 2in and 240 pounds and my black hair. I bush my hair that gown out and need to be cut. Next I bush my teeth and walk out and go to the living room with is only five feet down the hall which hall leads right into it. I look at the clock in the living room and it says 7:15. I walk over the froth door with is at the back of the living room and pick up my keys to my old 1995 Buick and watch and wallet.

I drive myself to school which is only about 6min a way. I garb my book bag and head inside were I meet up with my friends and I call out the Adam who is about 5ft 9in and 170 pounds and who just seem to always wearing black however he is not Goth or EMO he just like wearing black and has long black hair for a guy. I walk fast to them and said "What up".

Adam then says back to me "Nothing much".

Then he opens his locker and gets out his binder and book out because he do not carry all his stuff like me. Adam and I was join by our other friend and talk about games we are playing but before we can finish the bell rings. we all went different ways I don't know what they have first hour but I have green house.

I go into room and wait for the students then class start and we learn and how grow and what to add plant it's petty boning. However, today we are going outside to the green house to have hand on learning. I was put to work cutting plant back to the their pots. It not hard all you have to do is cut the stem were it is over grow. I finish that and then move on to next type of plant this one I you don't cut the stem you just cut the flowers off so the plant focuses on growing. Then the bell rings and I on with the rest of the day.

Nothing big happens the rest and It is finally the end the day I go home. Went I got home just before I went inside I look in the mail box and was a letter address to me so pick up and contend inside. I open the letter and read it

Dear Cody:

We send you this letter to tell you that you have been pick by the Phoenix. We are sorry that this letter is so vague but we had to be.

"What hell is this all about is somebody trying to screw with me" I said to myself. I then take the letter into my room were I lade down on bed. Then read over and over the letter trying to find so clue that it's a fake. Then I look at the envelop there no address that means somebody put this in the mail box them self's. Then I put the letter back in the envelop and throw across the room and sat down on my futon and play my Xbox for so time. I was doing petty good and look over at the letter I was trying to get out of my mind but couldn't get over it and that's went things went down hill as I was trying to hard to focus and throw me off my game. So I give up and took a shower and went to bed.

The next day I got up and did basely did the something as yesterday but I was in flog and friends noised. They was trying to find out what happen all day. Four days go by and I and flog and now my teacher want to know what's up with me but I insisted that there was nothing wrong. It wasn't until Tuesday next week that I said anything. This is very odd because I talk a lot but not in class though.

Wednesday I roll over to look at my clock but it not there. So I sit up in my bed and look round I but can't see it dark but just then the roof started light up it was slow. Well the room started fill with light I ready know that this is not my room but I turn my head to left because I see a wall to my right.

I jump all most out of my skin went I look and saw a haft cat haft person kneeling at my bedside. I regain my composure and she look up at me then said "I sorry, I did not mean to scare you" as she said that I reassure myself that she was not a treat for now.

Then she look at me and ask, "Are you hungry if you are, I will go get you something"

I look at her and back up a little then stand up and was expecting her to as well but went she did not I took another step back from her.

She look up at me and asked "Are scared of me master". Then she look down and back at me and then said, "Master you do not need to be scared of me, I". then stop and look down and look back up at me and said, "Master I am.. Scared of... you" then look and then reluctant look back up at me then said, "Master I have never served a human before".

I look over her: her eyes are cat like, her fur covers her body, but it a light coat, and it was light brown all but a 4in ring on her tail that was white and ears are cat like.

I sit back down on the bed and ask her what her name was.

She replied with head turn to the side "Master that up to you, master can I ask a person question"

Yes and why does you keep calling me master.

She then waited for a moment to make sure I was done talking the said, "Thank you master, have you ever owned a person before"?

I jump back at the question and look at her funny. She lowers her head. I look at her and said "no". I reach out at her to see why here head was so low but as I did this her ears twitch and I jerk my hand back. She look up but did not make eye contact with me.

"Master, are you hungry"?, she ask again and Put her head back down.

"What wrong" I ask

"Master I sorry for that question, I offended you".

"What, no you did not I just was expecting you to ask that question that's all" ,I quickly replied. Her ear stand up and she almost stand up. She stops and quickly goes back to keeling.

"I'm sorry master", but stops went she see me looking at nails that are cut haft way back her finger.

"Does that hurt" ,I ask

"Master it does hurt but all felines are require to have their nails cut back this far so we can't hurt somebody with them", she replied. "Master do you want to touch me she ask"?

As she said this I relies that she saw me try to touch her and I bush just a little.

"Master please touch me" she ask.

Went she said that I bush a lot more and I said "What" with confused and embarrassment!

"Master, I think you have to do this I think if you do this you well not be as scared of me."

After she said that she reach out for me hand and brought it to the top of her head and then place it on it and bought her hand back down her sides. I leave me hand were she leafed it for a minute. I then rube me hand over her ear and head then start to relaxes a little; Next I touch her arms. I like I kid that just got a new toy and was exploring it. This went on for then five minute went I relies what I had been doing. I look down at her and was expecting her to be mad but she wasn't in fact she was loving me touching her.

When I stop she said, "Thank you master for petting me, master may I now go get you something eat now"

I look at her with some trust now and she smile back at me and I said ok.

"Ok master but you have to stay here in this room and I will be right back with bakin and eggs master, I have make them and then I will be right back" she said. Smile and stand up and bow at me and walk over to wall on the other side of the room to the door with no door handle on it open automatic and slide out and she walk out and just before she walk off she bow one more time like it was a unspoken promise to return.

I then lade back down in the bed and started to try to think how I got here and were is here. I got up and walk over to were she stand before she leaf I was expecting the door to not open but went it did fell down on my ass. I back up as fast as I could. I look outside the room I was in a steel building well that what I thought at less. I herd voices coming down the hallway and look at were they were coming from it was at the end were the hallway turns I turn around and walk back in the room. lade back down on the bed and just before I could fall a sleep.

The door open and was fill of the room with the smell of breakfast she kneed and handed me the plate and then she said, "Sorry master but there no table and the she look down and said, "Mater use can use me as one if you want".

"What, ok were going to have to talk", went I said that she finch and lower her head down to the ground. I quickly realize that I had worded my words wronged and said, "No I not mad at you its just I do not know what's going on that all".

She head rise just a little and she look up at me and said, Master I will tell everything I been told about what has to you". she took a deep breath and I started to eat my beaftist.

"Ok master I first saw you were unconscious and you just and just got your Master IFF and Slave Control implants but I was not your slave at that time" she said. I was cooking went the captain of this ship told me I am your's now. He then said I was to clean this room out I just finish clean your room went they bought into this room and that went I kneel at your side and was waiting for you to wake.

"Wait you're my what" I said.

She look me in the eyes and said proudly, "Master I am your pet; your slave; your maid; your cook; your property.

Master you need to Know my race fail to make it to space in time. All race that are sentinel are require to make it to space with in 3916 year from there city building stage. They can take as long as it takes to get to there city building stage went there the timer starts. Then they are require to colonize a plant with in 1563 years after that. The last thing is to join the empire and to learn to speak Null witch is your races English the Vex will train people the to teach it.

What makes humanity weird is the only sign of them is on Earth but has in it air is has a compound U23.9N47.5E99.3T4C.3 which is very rare and is only in plant that was colonize by the Masston. They were a super race that use the rule the galaxy but they leaft no one know why and they took all of technology with them. Then the galaxy was thrown in very large power sugglebroke out which in the end there were three race out of the 49 some that was fighting for power was left and they are the Vilkin the Hilkin and the Vex.

The Vilkin are head of anit-war act and watches for sign that would start a war and stop it. If one does start they stop it quickly with overwhelming power. They are also take care of all of the treaty.

Hillkin take care of markets and set price and make the markets compile with their laws, however they have little say in the slave market but works with the Vexs to help them have fair prices.

The last race are the Vex a race that are well know for there control on the slave market. They also watch younger race from stage to stage. They have right search: any ship, vassal, planet, and port they think are not follow there laws. They are also head of the Slave protections act which state that if a owner terminates their slave the owner must turn over the died slave body to them. In also state the unsold slave are to be taken care of by law. The new part of the act is controversial and state that any and all slave that has a child regardless of it origins that child may not be separated from the mother until it matured. One other thing they do is the Breeding House Control Act which state how many can be breed and how there living condition are to be and people who owned the houses has to pass difficult test and buy very costly license and had to go thought random cheeks in all Breeding Houses are now rare.

The last thing is Vex have teams that go to enslave plant and take slaves. However the race the one who are not taken from their plant the will have some remaining freedoms but in returned then they will take no military action angst the teams or there planet will not be aloud to be have what little freedom they have left which is anything that does not interferer with teams work in sort the ones who fight back are killed and space travel off-limits for them.

I lad back down in the bed and close my eye and then open them and I did repeatedly and she just sire at me wait for me to do something then said, "Were in a ship right".

She look at me smile and said, "No this is a vassal master".

I look up at her and ask, "What the differences"?

"Master a vassal can hold a small ship" with a grin that was covering her face.

"What's with the smile" I ask her.

"O master it just that you not scare of me anymore and you love the food I made you". she looks down and said softly you did like it.

I look down a the plate that I clean and was wanting more and say back "I love it".

Her head just shot up and her grin exploded and she replied back in a very excitedly manner, "Thank you thank you master thank you".

There was I knock at the door then that went she look at me and stand up from her kneeling and walks over to the door and open it. There was a feline looking being but it had no tail and blue fur and had a collar around her neck with a name tag that said Momo.

Momo look at my feline with a sadness then said my master is wanting to meet with your master now.

Then Momo said softly has your master pick a name for you. My feline sadly sake her head no and Momo walk off.

My feline walk back over to me and said, " Master if you follow me I with take to the meeting". then she grab the plate out of my hand and help me up. She and I walk over to the door. Then walk infornt of me and said master please don't get rid of me and then she kneel and begged me to keep her. I was so confused by this so I put my hand on her head kneel down and said, "why would I get rid of you, you have been nothing but helpful to me".

She lug at me knocking me back and hug me and whisper into my ear thank you master I never want to go back to him and started to cry and whimpering. I just put my hand on her back and her hear and slowly petting trying to console her. Well I was consoling her I fund I small line that was 2in wide and went from her left shoulder to right above her butt. Her fur was just starting to grow back. I thought to myself what did she do that would make him use a whip on her. What did she do to make. Nothing! there is no way she did anything and I was filling with anger that came out of no were. She must have seen the anger in my eye and she quickly got off me and went to kneeling with her head on the floor and didn't move and went silent.

I look at her and knew this anger was not to her but the person who whip her. I put I my hand on her head again and said you have nothing to worry about I am no mad at you not at all ok. She look slowly back up at me who was standing now.

I help her up and said well we don't want to been late. My um... I Will being giving you a name went we get back.

She leads me down the hallway to the right and walk. She walk over to door on the left and push a button and wait as the ship's AI the said verified Master Cody and unnamed slave. She lower her head went the AI said that. I see that this and said "Don't worry about it went we back I will give you a name. The door opens!