Dog Gone (19)

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Dog Gone (19) By Roofles

So many pairs of eyes. All a tinge of yellow in the darkness that slowly reveals itself as my own eyes adjusted to its veil. The sewer systems had the canal running through the middle with two walk ways on the sides. The metal pipes clung to the walls like plant life, sprouting from the stoney walls. The smell was as...strong as I assumed it to be. But my nose kept sniffing even through that bile. So many strange new bodies and smell all with the same scent.

"I'm looking for 612." My voice echoed in the cavern.

Only a uneasy silence replied. The bodies didn't shift or move but stared at us as if we were the oddities here. Curiosity finally made one step closer. He sniffed at us and pulled back with a low growl his ears folding back as he glared. But he easied up and sniffed at us again.

Like a stranger would a dog I offered my hand for him to sniff. Yet I didn't hesitate and I held no such thing as fear of him. He smelled each digit and the palm, his eyes never left my face though. It was clear he was untrusting of others. They all were and I couldn't blaim them. It was a survival instinct after all, fear. One of those primal things the body knows all too well. It can be over powering. It can turn ones own body against them. Their mind betrays them as their body gives into it. How trivial. And meek. Something a sheep would do.

"Spudnik." I said to him and his uncropped ears lifted. "Your name that is." And from there it began. I pointed at each dog and named them. Random things really. Whatever came to mind. I didn't have time to be creative. By the end of it I was having fun, in a twisted way of course...

"Sir Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia," I lowered my arm as I looked at the last one. He was trying to sound the name out, at least he had something to do now. There were only 62 here. Strange, the other 8 must be in the facility somewhere.

Some jumped around, fawning over me and I just pushed them away. Mindless creatures really. Tricked into obeying through a concept of chemical reactions triggered by the keyword of a name. What makes a man, I wonder? What makes a slave...

"Now then that's all settled and done with." I pulled the closest one over who had kept saying his name over and over again. "Tell me. Where is 612."

Spudnik stepped forward as the other one pulled back, folding his ears. This one didn't know but maybe that dog would. He was roughly the same size as the other dogs but his fur pattern was off. His fur was dominated by brown rather than black. The normal brown markings were black in turn. His whole body was brown except the black marks on his chest, paws and under his muzzle. Interesting. The others seemed to follow his lead. What made him unique also seemed to be what put him in charge. Even though they all were equal in every other aspect.

"612 , out of the series, is not here." His voice was gruff and heavy.

"Sir." I corrected lowering my brow a bit. Insubordinatation must run heavy here without a clear defined leader. "Is not here, sir."

He lowered his head. "My apologies. Sir." He said it without hesitation or disdain. No clear sign that it even offended him. He almost seemed happy to say it. At least I knew he wasn't a man...

"Good. Do you know where he is at then?" I questioned feeling as if he were groveling before me. As a dog should in front of it's master.

"We have marked the location of all those who have come through. We can give you the last known sighting of him." The dog spoke with respect and stood firm, like a soldier in front of a general.

"That'll have to do. I want you to round everyone up. Any unnamed are to be brought to me forthwith." He nodded. "The town above my lab has been taken away and I need it back. It'll also serve as a good encampment for those who join us. There are more than enough supplies and housing." And if not...I'd simply have to make room for more. "Get any ammunition and guns that are evaluable. Arm everyone to the teeth. Lock down the four entry points and I'll meet you at the northwest wing. Recruit any other dogs you come across on the way. We'll storm the city and take back my facility."

Spudnik saluted and began barking orders to all the dogs in the area. They ran back and forth as they hustled on. I didn't even need to train them. They really were perfectly bred creatures. As they ran back and forth they made sure to keep their distance even if it was clear they wanted too. They would be useful to my means. The thought didn't even make me pause and I found myself smiling despite myself.

"That's a bit cold, don't you think?" Biscuit finally spoke up after I shut the door behind me.

"I told them what to do, gave them names. What else do you expect of me? Take them for a walk?" We finally had gotten out of those sewer pipes. It was simple enough after all. Straight on downwards until you reached the next stair well. The pipes ran throughout the whole facility as if it were a town built on the ruins of an older one. They would move up through one of the side ways and to the town. Garrison it for our arrival and before the storm would set.

"I mean they are your Brutus...kind of." The husky continued. He hadn't looked at me since we entered the tunnel.

I motioned and he followed and we headed down through the medical bay. "They're clones." I stated. "Created for the soul purpose of organizing and serving of mankind. Function and diligence of such are beyond their comprehension. They know only to obey and serve for the better of mankind."

Biscuit didn't seem to get it though. "That doesn't seem right. Even if thats the case shouldn't you treat them with respect."

"I do. I did." I was a bit taken aback. I didn't think I was mean to them...was I? I had just been myself...

He shook his head. "It wasn't the same. Your not the same." He stated rather bluntly. That annoyed me. Before he said I was. That my name didn't define who I was and now he was saying this.

"As far as I'm aware of." I replied as composed as always. "I am." I wondered if it was the lack of emotion I expressed that was now beginning to ruffle his fur. I didn't react to things as I had before and my face must've looked as if it were made of stone. To show ones emotions so easily, to wear it on their sleeves was truly childish. But if for social interactions I needed them well...

I folded my ears back and grinned widely scratching my head and made the biggest dopey expression I could. "Sorry. This whole thing is just so crazy I'm just trying to keep my mind together." I laughed loudly. Fakely. He brightened up and wasn't so tense. He joined in and placed an arm around me as we continued down the hallway.

"Ok. I was getting worried bud! You were all like so not you and stuff." I could say the same thing about him really. His whole charade was getting old fast... Douglas might've not notice but the subtle remarks and looks he did gave him away. We both were trying to hide our true colors these days it seemed.

It would be stupid of me to keep someone around that I didn't know. Or could trust. Biscuit earned his loyalties by freeing me. But why would he go to the troubles? Stephany didn't seem to answer that riddle. I doubt I was the one who sent him to pick me up. I would've used one of the Brutus models if that was the case. They were far more easier to use. They were original design to be used as tools in the place of man. To face war so man did not have to; police, firefighters - all so that man would be safe and they would do what needed to be done. But Biscuit was not like that...

His own mind and body. An at any time that single command would turn him against me.

"Biscuit." I said the name coldly and he stopped and turned to look at me.

"Yeah, Gravy."

"Be a good dog." His eyes widened before they drooped down. A tendril of drool slipped from the side of his still slighlty opened muzzle. "Now tell me. Who you really are." I tried to hold the spite back in my voice but it soaked my mouth.

"Biscuit." Was the only thing he said. It only furthered annoyed me. This dog knew more than he was letting on and at any moment he could turn against me.

"Yes. I know your Biscuit but tell me who you really are. Why are you here. What's your goal in all of this?" I swung my arm in front of me growling at him. Was he responsible for all of this? Everything. My memories, my life, being in this damn body! My body was boiling over with rage at it all. All of this.

"I'm Biscuit. I'm here with Gravy. I'm helping Gravy." He said robotically.

I frowned. That growl built up in my throat and I snarled in his face. An animal growl that no man should ever show. I brought my hand up as if to hit him but I stopped. It felt like someone had gripped my wrist and was holding me back even though I wanted to so badly...

"That's enough." I turned and swung my arm but no one was there.

It took several steady breaths to settle that rage inside. It had come from out of no where. All directed at the dog in front of me...for what reason? I couldn't be sure. Maybe he was just just an easy target. How sad was that. Like some asshole coming home to his wife and taking it out on an innocent loved one. As if I was just an animal, a monster...a dog.

My shoulders slackened and I rubbed my brow. This whole thing was messed up. No...that didn't even begin to describe it. I wondered what would Doug do in this situation... A genius such as I reduced to asking for help from a random reporter. The cruelity of this all, the irony wasn't lost on me. I looked up into that blank face. The dog was still staring forward blankly. And I found my hand rubbing his cheek. Through that thick soft fur that defiantly needed a good wash.

"Poor Biscuit." I growled as the voice seemed to come from behind me again. I took another steady breath trying to ease my nerves. I was slowly going insane. Lovely. What I needed was another cup of coffee.

"Fine. Just shut up and I'll fix this." I pulled the metal case from inside my coat and flipped it opened reveal three syringes. One had a light baby blue liquid inside, the other a creamy milky white and the last a dull gray that looked like cement.

I took the gray one out and adjusted the dose by stabbing the needle into my arm. I emptied half of it, grinding my teeth and wincing as it churned like cement into my system. My veins pumped up even through the fur and it felt like someone was twisting my arm in both directions at the same time while lighting it on fire. But it was only that arm and my chest that tightened. My other arm was fine. I didn't even let it finish pumping into my system as I jabbed the dog in the neck with syringe. Draining the rest. A used needle was the least of his concerns though.

I took a few steps back and watched as his body twisted involuntarily to the drug now coursing through his system. But I could already feel the effects as I watched him keel over. My mind was stabilizing as if I had just a jolt of pure caffeine. And I felt fantastic. Even with this weary dog body of mine, I felt as if I could take on a whole army of Brutuses.

"How you feeling, bud?" I asked but it was as dry and hollow as it always was with me. Though this time I kind of felt it. Which was nice.

Biscuit slapped a paw to his neck as if a bug had just bit him. He scratched at it mercilessly and let out a whine. "You shot me! You shot me! I can't believe you actually shot me!"

"Every dog needs his shots." I shrugged pushing past him. My left hand still felt tight and stiff as if I had been holding something far too tightly for far too long. But my mind felt better. I felt better. "And sorry." I could feel my ears fold back. Madness had almost consumed me. Almost devoured my very body with the insanity of this all. But if I hadn't been Doug before, that lingering piece of him that held me back...then I would've lost it all, heh. How stupid. The thing that could've destroyed me was the very thing that saved me.

"No worries. Just don't ever use that phrase again." He warned with a growl.

"Do you even remember it? When your under the influence?" He shook his head; good. For now I'll let him keep his secret. When he was good and ready I'd ask him again. And only if he wants to, he'll tell me. "Biscuit, be a good dog."

He froze and his ears jumped up and his eyes widened and I laughed.

"Your not under its effect anymore." I looked at the syringe. "It's something I originally developed for people with brain injuries. I'm rather glad it worked." I offered another shrug even though his eyes grew wider.

He quickly caught up as I continued down the hallway. "Wait just a minute!" He grabbed my shoulder and I looked back at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes?" I asked innocently giving him large puppy dog eyes or the best I could do.

"You didn't know it'd work? What if it killed us instead? Or left us nothing more than vegetables! I'm a carnivore! I need my meat." Ah yes, the stupid Biscuit act again. Charming and loveable.

"It restores the use of dead brain matter. I think." I scratched my chin looking up as if pondering it. I only did it to make him freak out more. Rather if he was really freaking out or just playing the part it was still enjoyable to do. Maybe, like me, both those parts were the same man. Doug and Eddie. Biscuit and his other part. Two different sides of the same coin.

He let go of my arm and his jaw dropped. I shrugged. "Glad that it worked. Oh." I turned around looking back at him. "Call me Doug from now on." I smiled. It really was a better name.

For a few seconds he stood there. Watching my back. I did have a swagger to my step that wasn't there before. And I laughed turning around. "You coming or you just going to stare at my ass?" And turned back around wanting to jump up and click my heels together. I felt so much younger than I had before. I felt great, amazing. Renewed and fresh.

By restoring the once dead parts of my brain did I in turn restore what was overwritten? Even looking at my paw I could see a hand there. Underneath this fur and flesh. A human hand. I miss it so. Being this thing has truly worn on my nerves. My very mind.

"You an idiot." He laughed following in my heels. "Your the assman remember." He nudged me with his hip and I pushed him back. He returned the favor and we laugh as we toss an arm over each other shoulders.

"Dreamland Access. Granted." The voice said above us as the glass panel doors slid open.

"I insist." I said bowing opening the way for the dog.

"No no!" He waved his paws. "After you my good sir."

"Well how about we go in together then, my friendly chap?"

"Why isn't that the most brilliant idea I've ever heard! If I do say so myself, good sir." He adjusted the monocle that wasn't there and dipped the top hat he wasn't wearing. "Shall we?" He offed his arm and I slid mine inside the crook of his and with it we went in together.

Several beds had been laid out all around the room. Each were connected to their own machine that was in turn connected into the center of the room that rose up high like a tree trunk covered in wires. On the ceiling was a painting of a canopy of a tree. The walls were blue and they had clouds painted on them. It felt like a nursery really.

"Dreamland, huh?" Biscuit asked moving into the center of the room and looking around. He whistled, I didn't even know dogs could whistle, before looking at me. "What do you make of it brainiac."

I touched the walls, inspected the beds, looked over the machine connected to the head of one of the beds (some kind of life support system) and along the floor to the main pillar in the center. It served as the support beam for the whole room.

"Well. It's a machine connected to the beds." I said with a shrug. He frowned and grumbled snooping around some more.

"Over here." He called drawing my attention away from the 'tree' in the middle of the room. Several of the cords were the power supplies. The other ones...I couldn't be sure about.

Biscuit had opened one of the cabinets and had pulled out an over sized metal biking helmet. Or at least it looked like one anyways. "What cha' got there?" I asked keeping an eye out around us. The beds were empty but they had been used. For what was the real question.

"I don't know. Some kind of metal bike helmet." He came to the same conclusion I did...which made me feel like an idiot. "What if I-,"

I snatched the helmet from him before the idiot had put it on. Even if it wasn't connected into anything there might've been a -

The helmet dropped from my hands as metal prongs shot into it. It would've drilled two holes into the husky's head if he had put it on. I really didn't understand how he stayed alive for so long. I glared at him as I picked it up. His ears folded back and he gave me a weak smile.

"Thanks." He muttered stepping back from the helmet.

I turned it over and looked inside. There were several metal ports for similar forked prongs to dig into one skulls. There appeared to be some kind electrical current flowing through them. Even not connected into a visible power source. Scary thing.

"It looks like you attatched this..." I said rather wearily. "To your head and it connects to the bed and then from there... I'm not sure." I tossed it onto the bed onto the nearest bed. "Want to give it a go?"

He only glared at me. I laughed.

"Give me a sec." I spoke up as I searched through the desk. Flipped the laptop open, it was similar to the one I had back in the lab, and began searching through it. "Some kind of dream state. It looks like what they put me into... but appears to be an older model. The project was abandoned after the amount of failures they had produced from it. Or from the looks of it, corpses." I shuddered at the thought. Strange. I had seen so many things before now and it still unnerved me.

I looked back at the metal helmet. No wonder why they had so many failures. Most people couldn't survive with gaping holes in their head... "Some kind of alternate reality where... Biscuit?"

He was breathing heavily. Looking around at everything. He kept twitching turning around sharply before looking the other way. He picked up one of the tables and tossed it over. Kicked the next one and grabbed one of the stools and began bashing the central 'tree' with it over and over again. I wasn't sure if he was angry or sad though. A mix between the two. Yet he was snarling and nearly foaming at the mouth.

He yelled, cursed and shouted smashing that stool agaisnt that metal trunk until it broke. The stool in his hands had been under such trauma that it just broke apart in his hand falling to pieces on the floor. So he punched it. And punched it. And when that didn't work he gnawed on the side of it.

"Biscuit!" I called his name again, shouting it this time. He looked at me still growling and gnawing on the tree. "The hell are you doing?"

He pulled back spitting rubber, metal and wires. "It tastes disgusting."

"It's not a real tree. I don't think a real tree would taste that good either though." I scratched my cheek and winced. It still hurt. A dull ache.

"You said this thing turned you into a crazy mad scientist." He kicked the tree again and I shook my head.

"Possible that it was used but I highly doubt it reading over the charts. An earlier design that was the foundation for what happened to me." I watched him from the corner of my eye though. I doubt he had gotten that mad because it had effected me. It was more personal than that. Then again I really didn't know how close me and Biscuit was. So there was the chance the idiot would do something like that if the situation arose. "We can talk about this if you want."

I stepped forward and offered a smile. It was only thing I really could, well that and a hug. So I opened my arms. I didn't know the life he had before he met me. The hell he must've gone through in this place. "I'm always here if you need me, bud. A friend, a shoulder or just someone to listen. Or buy you a drink." I joked trying to make it as casual feeling as possible for him. I knew this couldn't be easy. So I kept it as light as possible. Almost a friendly jest if he wanted to see it that way.

The look on the huskys face made me hold my breath. Before he cracked into a grin and laughed. "The hell you spouting on about?" I returned the look. Before following with a smile and a shrug.

"It wasn't anything. Just teasing, ha ha." I stuck my tongue out and he proceeded out the room. I watched him go and me ears fell back a bit. Biscuit. Just who the hell are you?