You Call Yourself a Bully?

Story by Eric_S on SoFurry

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Picking on the wrong person can get you into more trouble than it's worth.

An update? No way! Sarcasm aside it feels good to actually be able to post something again. Not sure when something new is going to go up but I have a whole lot of stuff which I have started and not gone back to. I hope to get something else up sometime soon but uni and a general reluctance to write anything has been holding me back somewhat. Anyway enjoy


Today had been a slow day for Leon Baldwin. The wolf had never been interested in his studies and if it wasn't for the fact that he had been threatened to be thrown out of the house he would have left already and taken up an apprenticeship instead. As he sat in the back of his English class with a bored look on his face, his mind started to wander as to what he intended on doing when he got home. He didn't want to have to do his homework but it simply wasn't worth sitting in detention again for not having done it. The sound of the lunch bell was soothing to his ears as he packed his things into his bag before heading for the door.

Stopping off at his locker, he opened it up and dumped his English workbook inside. Muttering to himself, he pulled out another book and shoved it into his bag before the sound of a voice behind him made him turn.

"Yo dude, you still up for Saturday?"

It was Rebecca Latham, a rabbit whom he knew from primary school and the one he was constantly teasing about how short her skirts were becoming with every passing day.

"Yeah I'm still game. I'm not missing it for the world. I wanna show Lachlan that I can kick his arse any damn day of the week. Where are the others?" Leon asked as he closed his locker and slung his bag over his back.

"Getting lunch from the cafeteria duh. Why those idiots want to get food poisoning is beyond me,"

The cafeteria was a usually a bustling hive of activity around this time meaning that unless you got here early finding a place to sit could be close to impossible at times.

"Damn looks like we got no spots again..." Leon muttered as he looked around the crowded cafeteria hall.

"Over there in the corner, I'll go get us the spot, I think Ben and George are in the lunch queue somewhere," Rebecca responded as she bounded off to take the table before anyone else could have a chance to. Turning his attention to the slow moving line, Leon carefully scanned every single face until he came across the familiar ones of the mouse and the doberman.

"What are you knuckleheads doing in this line huh? Do you wanna be sick again?" Leon smirked as he poked George in the chest over the metal railing that separated them.

"Hey now I don't like this anymore than Benny here does but it was either this or don't eat lunch today and I am not sitting through physics with a hungry stomach," the doberman snapped. Unlike himself or the others in his group, George was the only one who actually put some effort in his study and this was more than reflected in his grades which usually stood a good twenty percent or so above Leon's.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say you fucking nerd!" Leon retorted as he followed the pair while they paid for their lunch, "Have either of you seen any of our 'regulars' while you were here?"

Benny pointed over to one of the tables in the middle of the cafeteria hall. One of the tables was essentially empty save for one snow leopard, his lunch and what appeared to be a textbook of some sort.

"Hey look its twinkle toes again... you guys have anything planned for dickbreath over there?" Leon asked.

"Ruin his lunch of course. Faggot needs to learn his place that being different will be the cause of all sorts of problems," Ben smiled as he led the three of them towards the snow leopard. Franklin Nielson had always been a target for bullies from day 1. Initially it had been about the fact that he wore glasses and the good grades he got. Being mocked and ridiculed for being a nerd was nothing new to him however and he had always managed to shrug off most of the comments that had been thrown at him. But ever since he had accidentally outed himself a few months ago the bullying had become a lot worse with Leon and his buddies being one of the main causes of it.

Hanging back slightly as Ben approached the snow leopard; Leon watched what the mouse had in plan. Looking up from his book for a brief moment, Franklin seemed unamused at being disturbed, especially by Leon and his cronies, but still he tried his best to act in as civil a manner as possible.

"Can I help you?" he asked icily, his eyebrows narrowing at the mouse that was now leaning over him. Ben didn't say a word as he leaned over and spat onto the pasta that sat atop Franklin's lunch tray. George then quickly followed this up by spitting some milk on top of the tray as well. Franklin stared daggers at the both of them, a stunned look of outrage plastered on his muzzle.

"What the fuck guys? What the hell's your fucking problem?" he demanded as Leon strode forward and flipped the tray upside down onto the table.

"You're the fucking problem you fucking queer!" Leon sneered as he followed the others to where Rebecca had secured them a table. The snickering of the nearby students made Franklin's face flush slightly as he quickly gathered up his things and headed for the nearest door... which also happened to be right next to where Leon and the rest of his troupe happened to be sitting. Just as Franklin was about to pass by, Rebecca stuck her leg out, managing to catch the snow leopard mid stride and tripping him so that he fell face first onto the floor. Everyone was laughing now as Franklin quickly picked himself up and dashed out the door, trying not to tear up from the sudden embarrassment in front of everyone.

"Heh good one becky," George smirked as he gave the rabbit a high five before turning his attention to his lunch.

"You know," he said in between his chews, "For an 18 year old he certainly doesn't look it,"

"No shit Sherlock," Rebecca responded, rolling her eyes in mock disgust, "I still think he's a 16 year old girl,"

"Wouldn't surprise me," Leon added, "fucking queers thinking they rule the roost here, all of them should go and kill themselves. Would make the world a much better place to live in,"

Leon and his gang wouldn't stop there for the day however. The wolf always enjoyed making fun of those who he believed to be less important that he was and he had something in mind which he had been planning for about a week or so. Just as lunch was about to end, Leon managed to corner Franklin in the male toilets near the science department. As he entered the toilets he found the snow leopard busy washing his paws in the basin.

"What's up dickbreath? You done pawing your client off in the toilets? Or are you washing the cum off your face?" Leon smirked. Franklin let out a disgusted snort.

"Honestly, what the fuck is your problem? Seriously you guys are just as persistent as Ms. Montgomery's lab reports," he huffed, "Can't you bastards go one bloody week without giving me a hard time? Or is that request too much for that tiny brain of yours that can't seem to process more than the eat, sleep, fuck mentality?"

"I wouldn't so rude if I were you fag... bad things happen to people who can't keep their mouth shut," Leon smiled as he blocked Franklin from leaving.

"Yeah and bad things also happen to those that don't leave other people alone... now move! I'm gonna be late to class!" Franklin demanded after adjusting his glasses and attempting to shove the larger and more heavily built wolf aside. Leon more than easily held the lightly built snow leopard back and instead turned the tables by quickly side stepping and yanking both of Franklin's arms behind his back before slamming him against the tiled wall of the toilets. The snow leopard winced in pain as the sudden impact of colliding with the wall caught up with him, his glasses becoming crooked, preventing him from seeing properly out of one of the lenses.

"We make the rules around here you fag. You gotta learn not to rock the boat," Leon snarled as he manhandled Franklin into one of the open cubicles before forcing him onto his knees, "You made a big mistake by coming out you fucking queer, you should go back into that damn closet you came out of,"

Shoving Franklin's head into the toilet bowl, Leon held him down as he flushed the toilet, taking care to lift the snow leopard's head every now and then to make sure that he didn't drown.

"Hope you learn your lesson from this you fucking fag," Leon bellowed as he dunked Franklin's head in for a second and then a third time, "We don't like your kind around here,"

Yanking Franklin's head out by his hair the snow leopard coughed loudly in between gasps for air, a symphony that sounded wonderful to Leon's ears.

"We'll be in touch," Leon muttered as he started to leave. By the time he reached the door, Franklin still hadn't recovered entirely from the rough treatment but he still happened to muster up the strength to utter an ominous warning.

"Don't think... about going to sleep tonight," he spluttered, "You will live... to regret it!"

"Yeah whatever you say queer, whatcha gonna do? Call the limp wristed brigade onto me? Please..." Leon dismissively remarked as he left, closing the door behind him.

Leon easily shook off Franklin's warning and didn't think much of it as he sat in his last class for the day. He wasn't paying attention as usual and the hour soon passed before he had known it. Thankful to be free of another day's torture at school, the wolf spent most of the afternoon sleeping and only came down for dinner when called for. Logging onto his computer, the wolf loaded up MSN as he looked reluctantly at his maths homework due tomorrow. Almost the instant he logged on a message popped up on the screen in front of him.

"hey dude heard what you did to the queer today. good job on giving him a swirly,"

It was Rebecca, there was no missing that display name and purple font.

"yeah was good. fag made some threat about not going to sleep tonight. I have no idea just who he is fooling with this tough guy talk," Leon typed

"lol! he's full of hot air, he can't do anything to us,"

"yeah I know. I have no idea who he thinks he is,"

The conversation went on for hours and after watching a movie and reluctantly having done his homework, Leon was quick to retire to bed, Franklin's warning still making him chuckle slightly as he switched off the light.

"Limp wristed fag... who the fuck does he think he's fooling?" Leon asked himself as he started to drift off to sleep.

"Commander we need evac right now! We're not going to last must longer here!"

"Stand your ground soldier! Reinforcements are on the way!"

"They'd better! We're getting slaughtered out here!"

Leon shifted uncomfortably in his MJOLNIR armour as he sat in the pelican dropship, assault rifle at the ready. As the large vehicle flew over the trenches that separated the UNSC forces and the Covenant forces he could see that it was not a pretty sight. Craters pock marked the battlefield and bodies lay scattered across the landscape as bullets and hot plasma flew back and forth.

"This is SPARTAN Leon-327 reporting for duty, anyone alive down there?" he asked on the open comm. channel.

"A Mark V? Damn man they sent in the big guns!" a marine gleefully cried as the rattle of automatic fire started up again, "We could use your help sir!"

"Consider it done,"

"LZ is hot boys! Lock and load and give them squidheads a taste of Hell!" the pilot called out over the speakers as the dropship slowed to a halt just centimetres above the ground. Leon was the first out and firing bullets almost immediately as he gunned down one opponent after another, pausing briefly to slam a fist into a grunt's head that had seemingly popped out of nowhere.

"Come on you want some of this?" he bellowed as he threw a grenade into a crowd of jackals and grunts where it detonated, "Alright let's go! Start to push them back!"

As the UNSC forces started their slow march forward, a specialist elite remained crouched silently behind one of the many energy shields that dotted the battlefield, his active camouflage creating a barely noticeable distortion of the air around him. He was different to the others on the battlefield though. He was on the hunt for a certain someone and to take them alive with a specially designed weapon.

"There he is," he thought as he eyed the individual in the blue MJOLNIR armour. Pulling out a plasma pistol he overcharged it and readied a grenade.

"Alright we got em on the run! Let's mop up the rest of them!" Leon ordered as he slammed another magazine into the weapon. Charging forward and kicking an elite in the chest, his armour let out a loud alarm as his shields suddenly drained to empty.

"Oh shit!" he uttered as a plasma grenade suddenly stuck to his breastplate.

"You're coming with me!" an elite in white armour snarled as the grenade grew brighter before exploding with a bright blue flash.

When the blinding flash had finally stopped burning Leon's corneas, the wolf looked around confusedly at his surroundings. He had never been stuck by a grenade before so it stunned him as to how it had happened.

"I'm not dead am I? How the hell did that happen?" he asked himself. Tall trees surrounded him on all sides and what little light there was bathed everything in a dark form of illumination as fluorescent mushrooms gave the ground a sickly bluish glow.

"I had hoped that you would come to your senses soon enough,"

Looking up from his gauntleted paws, Leon glared at the elite which had stuck him with the grenade moments earlier.

"I don't know who the hell you are or how the hell you got the better of me but you are going to die now elite!" Leon roared as he dashed forward and lunged for the throat.

"Not so fast wolfy," the elite smirked as it waved a few fingers. Without warning, a mass of tentacles rose up from the ground and wrapped around all four of Leon's limbs, pulling him to the ground with a loud thump.

"I warned you about going to sleep tonight... it seems that you really are as stupid as you look," the elite continued before changing form into someone a lot more familiar to him.

"Franklin!" Leon growled as he tried to pull himself free of the tentacles that bound him, the enhanced strength the armour bestowed him all but useless against the tight grip of the tentacles.

"Did you not believe me when I warned you? You may hold power in the real world but when you dream you enter my world... I am more than just the Franklin you love to bully... much, much more,"

Leon stared disdainfully at the snow leopard as he paced around.

"You're a dead man tomorrow you hear me!" he bellowed.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that... Leon," Franklin mused, "You see I've been probing your mind for well over a week now and... I am not pleased with what I found,"

Another tentacle rose up out of the ground and wrapped itself around Leon's throat, squeezing it in such a way so that the helmet popped off with little effort, revealing the wolf's head.

"So if you want to get out of this place in a relatively good condition I suggest you shut up and listen," Franklin hissed as he corrected his glasses before continuing to circle around the wolf.

The tentacles that had gripped Leon's limbs were soon joined by even more as they started to rip off the pieces of armour one by one.

"I had always thought that something was screwed up in your head from the moment I saw you and that has only become more apparent to me as I've gone through your thought patterns," Franklin continued, "You may have noticed me from time to time, that one individual who always lagged behind and never partook in whatever bullshit you ever dreamt up,"

Leon's eye twitched as he tried to think back over what he had dreamt in the past few days and the more he thought about it, the more that he remembered. The technician who was always "calibrating" the guns, the midfielder who never seemed to go further than the half way point, the engineer who always demanded somebody protect him at all times... they were all him?

"What are you doing in my mind you fag? I'm gonna fucking smash you!" Leon growled.

Franklin's eye twitched once as the tentacles finally pulled the last of the armour plating off, leaving only the black, skin tight bodysuit left to remove.

"I never gave you permission to speak," the snow leopard hissed. With a wave of his paw, Leon watched in stunned silence as a new tentacle rose out of the ground and wrapped itself around his throat. As he opened his mouth to gasp for air, it made a beeline for his muzzle, not stopping until it was partly down the wolf's throat. Leon's eyes widened as the tentacle started to slide back and forth slowly as his body stiffened almost instinctively. He didn't dare to bite down on the intruder lest something else was to happen to him if he did.

"Now where was I? Ah yes what I found. Now I seem to have noticed that you've had this issue since you were younger... now you see I never quite understood the mentality that you fuckers seemed to have... picking on kids while even in primary school. You've got a really sick mind there you prick!"

Leon started to tremble slightly as the bodysuit that was now protecting him came apart with little effort. A new tentacle wrapped itself around his midsection and squeezed tightly, making Leon gag on the tentacle that was sliding back and forth in his mouth while yet another one had now seemingly wrapped itself around his ballsack. The slightly slimy sensation was driving him mad as he struggled to breathe properly and listen to what Franklin was rambling on about.

"Now as for you, you homophobic piece of shit, have you ever given any thought about what it's like to be gay? It's not the limp wristed brigade that you seem to have gotten into your head but rather a more emotional and raw response that you could never believe," Franklin uttered, his voice now dropping to a whisper as smiled evilly

Walking back in front of Leon, the snow leopard waved a paw around, ordering the tentacles to pull Leon down onto his paws and knees, the tentacle that was pistoning in and out of the wolf's muzzle not stopping for a second "No woman could ever satisfy you after you've felt what it's like to be dominated by another guy,"

With a click of his fingers, a tentacle rose up from behind the wolf and slapped both of Leon's buttocks before resting against Leon's tailhole, the mucous that was starting to come out of the tip, lubricating the wolf's pert hole.

"Any last words before I show you what you've been missing out on?" Franklin asked. He wasn't expecting an answer of course, not with the tentacle that was currently plunging deep into Leon's throat.

"Nothing? Very well then... enjoy," Franklin laughed as the tentacle that was currently prodding against Leon's backside started to push itself in. The wolf tried his best to resist however and let out a muffled squeal of pain as the tentacle pushed past his tight hole and impaled itself deep into his ass. Leon clenched reflexively as the tentacle started to move back and forth inside of him, rubbing over his prostate as it slid in and out. Leon was outraged that he was being treated as little more than a mere fucktoy for Franklin's amusement and it only infuriated him more as he became aware of how hard his cock had now become. It pulsed gently in time with his heart as the desire to get off started to rise inside of him. The tentacle in his ass throbbed blissfully as it pumped in and out of Leon's tight hole, coating it with copious amounts of mucous as it slid in and out without much resistance.

"Looks like somebody's enjoying themself," Franklin laughed, "And it's not only me from the looks of things as well,"

Without warning the tentacle inside of Leon's muzzle suddenly erupted with load after load of fluid, forcing Leon to either swallow it or drown. After its tenth or so spurt, the tentacle finally pulled itself free of Leon's muzzle. The wolf coughed violently as he took deep breaths to replace the short and rapid ones he had been forced to take up to now. As the fluid quickly absorbed into his body, Leon felt his willpower starting to be sapped away from him. His mind clouded over and he found it hard to think as Franklin walked in front of him before crouching down in front of his face.

"Now that's not so bad now was it? The fun is only just starting though. You're not gonna want to do anything else apart from wanting to get off in a few moments and I can guarantee that you don't get off till I do," Franklin laughed as he threw his shirt aside and started to unbuckle his trousers. Leon let out a soft moan as the tentacle in his ass now started to withdraw itself from its tight and warm confines and sank back into the ground, leaving the wolf hungering for something to fill him again.

"Over here mutt," Franklin growled as he tugged roughly on Leon's head, "Let's see if you pleasure a real cock as well as you do tentacles,"

The wolf stared dumbly at the feline cock that now stood proudly in front of his eyes. While not as long as his own, it certainly looked a lot thicker and the barbs that appeared dotted along parts of the shaft didn't look all too comfortable either.

"Either you do it your own pace or we do it at mine!" Franklin hissed as he nudged the tip of his member against Leon's lips. The wolf looked up at Franklin's face for a moment before trailing his gaze down the slender body and back again to the cock that threatened to push past his lips. Leon had no idea just what possessed him to lean forward and to give the cock that had been offered to him a lick. It twitched slightly as it pulsed in time with the snow leopard's heart as Leon started to explore the shape and all of its contours with his tongue.

"There's a good boy," Franklin muttered as he started to enjoy the sensation of Leon pleasuring him.

Pushing the head into Leon's maw, Franklin let out a satisfied moan as he slowly slid the first half of his member into the wolf's warm mouth. He didn't fear the sharp teeth that surrounded his cock on all the sides for he was the one in control and if Leon tried anything he would ensure that the wolf would live to regret it. Being forced into submission was something new and unusual to the lupine and he gagged slightly as the feline's cock shoved its way into his mouth.

"What's the matter? Uncomfortable? Good!" Franklin smirked as he withdrew himself from the wolf's maw before shoving himself roughly back in, "Remember either your pace or mine!"

As reluctant as he was to do it, Leon knew that he had no say in the matter as he started to suck on the head gently before swirling his tongue around it. Some pre oozed out of the tip and Leon's expression turned sour as he tried to pull of the cock in his mouth.

"Such a bad wolf!" Franklin growled as he roughly grabbed Leon by the head and summoned a tentacle out of the ground to wrap tightly around the wolf's ballsack and his hard, throbbing shaft, "Since you cannot be trusted to perform an even basic action I'll have to do it myself... I fucking warned you,"

Roughly grabbing Leon by his head, Franklin slammed his cock deep inside of Leon's mouth, forcing the wolf to deepthroat him. Surprisingly enough he didn't seem to gag making Franklin wonder for a second how he had managed to do so if it was his supposed first time doing it. Not that it mattered as the snow leopard pulled out before slamming himself back in to the hilt. The sensation of Leon's tongue running along the underside of his cock made him moan softly as he pushed himself in as far as he could go. The sight of the wide eyed wolf made him smirk slightly as Franklin humped Leon's muzzle relentlessly, pulling out all the way before slamming back in, his balls slapping against the wolf's chin.

"Nng... fuck that's good," the snow leopard muttered as he conjured a tentacle up from the ground to slowly prod against his tailhole. Franklin had something in mind that he knew would really screw with Leon's mind.

As the tentacle slowly pressed its way into the snow leopard's ass, Franklin was dimly aware of the fact that not only had Leon stopped resisting but was now actually attempting to aid in getting him off. Not that the snow leopard would relent under any circumstances. He had allowed Leon his chance to do things at his own pace but that offer had expired a long time ago. Pulling off the tentacle, Franklin plunged his cock back into Leon's muzzle before pulling out and back onto the tentacle. Some more pre oozed out of the feline's cock as Leon started to suck on Franklin's shaft, running his tongue along the underside before swirling it around the head a few times. The constant stimulation was pushing the snow leopard closer and closer to his peak as he returned to pumping himself back into Leon's maw while the tentacle in his rear pushed in deeper to rub against his sweet spot. It wasn't much longer until Franklin roughly shoved himself forward, forcing Leon to deepthroat him, before unleashing a torrent of warm sticky cum into the wolf's mouth. One spurt followed after another, forcing Leon to swallow every single one as Franklin kept the wolf's head in place while he rode out his orgasm. The tentacle slowly withdrew from the snow leopard's ass before sinking back into the ground without another trace.

"Now that wasn't so bad now was it?" Franklin smirked as he released his grip on Leon's head before pulling his cock free, still as hard as ever and dripping with a combination of saliva and cum.

"Who's the fucking cockslut now bitch?" he continued as he slapped Leon across both cheeks with his hard member before walking around to Leon's backside, "The fun is only just beginning so I certainly hope that you aren't worn out just yet,"

"The moment I get out of here I am going to smash your face in faggot!" Leon growled as he squirmed against the tentacles that still tightly bound his limbs to the ground.

"So aggressive... such a bad wolf," Franklin mused as he clicked his fingers once more. The tentacles that bound Leon's arms to the ground soon quickly mobilised and yanked them behind the wolf's back before another set of tentacles burst from the ground to pull Leon's chest to the ground. The ones that had control over his legs, forced them apart and to raise his ass as high as he could while yet another tentacle grasped Leon's tail and pulled it back over his back, revealing his tight and pert hole. Smiling to himself Franklin dipped a finger into Leon's backside and was more than satisfied with how slick the wolf's ass. Leon subconsciously clenched around the digit as it probed his insides before being slowly withdrawn.

"Don't even fucking think about it you fucking fag!" Leon growled as he squirmed against his bindings, feeling the head of Franklin's shaft nudging against his tailhole. The snow leopard didn't pay any attention however as he eased the head of his shaft past the pert hole.

"Nng... fuck you're tight," Franklin grunted as he slowly slid the rest of his cock into Leon's ass. Even despite the lubrication that the tentacle had applied earlier, Franklin was having a little difficulty getting himself in all the way, the wolf's ass resisting his cock from pushing in any further.

"Fuck you, faggot!" Leon screeched as he struggled to free himself once more.

"Shhh.... enjoy it while it lasts," Franklin hissed as he quickly silenced the wolf by summoning a tentacle to wrap around Leon's muzzle. Grabbing a hold of Leon's ass, the snow leopard started to slowly ease himself in and out of the wolf's tight ass, grunting slightly with every thrust as the resistance to the feline's cock slowly melted away. His cock throbbed as the warm confines of Leon's ass, squeezed and massaged every inch of the engorged shaft.

"You're good at this you know... so many... ugh... so many men would love an ass this tight," Franklin snickered as he started to build up some speed. The sound of muffled grunts made the snow leopard smile as he reached down and gripped Leon's shaft. It pulsed in his paw a little as he started to stroke it, coaxing out a bead of pre from the tip.

"See it's not so bad after all... you just need to learn to enjoy it," Franklin continued as he held onto Leon's ass with his other paw and started to slam his cock in to the hilt, moaning loudly with every thrust. The muffled grunts of anger and pain that came from Leon's muzzle sent tingles of ecstasy down Franklin's spine. Releasing his grip on the lupine's shaft, Franklin leaned over the wolf's back and nibbled on his neck, his long deep thrusts soon giving way to short shallow ones. Leon's ass squeezed and massaged the snow leopard's shaft, as it bottomed out inside of him. Franklin's cock throbbed inside of the wolf as the snow leopard started to pick up some speed, driving his shaft as deep as he could and letting out loud growls of satisfaction.

"Want to take back... erf... take back those words slut?" Franklin hissed as he smacked Leon's ass roughly with a paw, "I certainly hope you learn something from this,"

As Franklin drew closer to his orgasm, the snow leopard went all out, pumping his cock deep inside of the wolf's ass, his balls slapping against the wolf's with every stroke. Leaning over Leon's back, the ragged panting of the snow leopard and the rapid pounding of his cock sent tingles of rage and pleasure through Leon's mind. Why was he enjoying this? He certainly wasn't gay! With one last deep thrust, Franklin let out a loud growl as he shot one long spurt of cum after another deep into Leon's ass. Each one as copious as the last as the warm, thick sticky fluid filled the wolf out and started to dribble out of his used hole.

"Fuck yeah that was good," Franklin whispered into Leon's ear, "I certainly hope this was an eye opener for you that we are not to be messed with. I don't want to see you or any of your friends giving me or anyone else a hard time in future got it? Remember... try any more funny stuff in school... and I'll be back!"

Leon woke up breathing heavily and sweat dripping off his forehead as the events which he had just experienced played back in his mind.

"That was certainly a fucked up dream..." he muttered to himself as his breathing started to slow back to normal, the familiar darkness of his room reassuring him that he wasn't in the nightmare still, "Fucking fag... messing with my head like that,"

Looking down at his sheets, the sight of something poking up against it and the presence of a moist spot as well, sent a tingle of fear down Leon's spine. Shakily reaching down with a paw to his tailhole, the wolf let out a squeak of surprise as the sensation of something warm and moist covered his fingers. Pulling his paw away he brought up in front of him and shone some light against his now sticky fingers... there was no doubting just what it was. Leon was speechless as he started to tremble slightly.

"That... that couldn't have been real," he whispered to himself as he got up and padded off to the shower. He was going to need a long hot shower to wash away the sensation that he now had.

Back at school the next day, one of the first things that Leon did was to confront the snow leopard that had scared the crap out of him the night before. The snow leopard seemed surprisingly calm and collected when Leon shoved him into the nearest empty toilet block that he could.

"Right you gonna get it you fucking fag! Nobody fucks around with my dreams," he growled as he balled his paws into fists. Franklin giggled a little which served only to infuriate Leon further.

"Oh you really are clueless aren't you... last night was so much fun and I see you don't believe any of it... perhaps this will convince you," the snow leopard chuckled as he extended a wrist out towards the wolf. Deep blue tentacles quickly erupted from an opening on the leopard's wrist and quickly wrapped themselves around Leon's head and neck, squeezing tightly in an attempt to choke the wolf.

"Remember these," Franklin laughed as he enjoyed the sight of the wolf squirming in his tight grip, "These are the same ones that I used on you last night and oh how much fun we had then. If I were you I'd suggest you leave me alone from now on,"

Flicking his other wrist forward, another tentacle burst forward and snaked its way down to the wolf's shorts before burying itself in his boxers, curling around his ballsack and the tip prodding against his tailhole.

"Or I'll be back with a vengeance and you're friends will suffer the same as you have," Franklin cackled as he withdrew the tentacles that had wrapped around Leon's body before leaving, his laugh echoing in the ears of the now trembling lupine.