Megalopolis - Rescue of a Queen

Story by GoliathWildcat on SoFurry

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#5 of Megalopolis

Villains shouldn't be rescuing people, so why's he at it again?

Rescue of a Queen

By Chris Gilman

As a scream pierces the night the black pegasus jerks himself up in the wide bed he sleeps in alone tonight, his wings spread wide in surprise. Turning his head to one side, his thick mane of hair drooping to one side, he strains to hear something, anything. He hears the scream again and realizes it isn't in his ears, it's in his head. "Damn, I left the estate tonight to get some real sleep in a bed by myself," he mutters as he flops back onto the bed. Another scream in his mind though makes him leap from the bed and grab his loincloth from his pile of clothes and secures the chains that hold it to his hips. "This better be good," he mutters as he stands up to his full height.

With a whoosh he reaches for the small candle burning beside his bed and lets the fire cover his thick mane and tail, his wide wings catching the flames as they spread along the feathers, and finally erupting around his ankles and wrists. The flames burn nothing but light up the dark room as he walks towards his penthouse's roof exit.

"Where are all the heroes when you need them? Out catching purse snatchers probably," he grumbles to himself. Looking out over the glow of Megalopolis he frowns, "Why would this person's cries come to me?" Standing on the edge of the roof he leaps into the dark night and closing his eyes he follows his mental compass towards the cries that fill his mind with fear and terror, "What is happening to this person to make them summon me?" As he closes in on the mental screams he sees the Omniscience Hotel coming into view and frowns, "Awfully high class for something like this to be coming from."

The shaft of mental terror comes to him again, pain and fear like nothing he had ever felt before, not even from someone in the throes of their worst nightmares. With a frown he focuses on the windows of the room that the mental cries originate from and with a huge flap of his wings flings a fireball towards the facade of the hotel. With a fiery roar the windows to a dark room explode outwards and Nightmare flaps through the opening to land heavily in the room, his arm bracing him in his crouched position.

A young arctic vixen lays unconscious on the bed, her ample chest barely moving and her face and body clearly suffering from a severe beating and rape. Her brilliant white fur is matted in places with blood redder than her hair and several cuts mar her beautiful pelt. Nightmare's flames flare brighter at the sight of such cruelty as his anger fuels the fires of vengeance. "A villain I may be," he thinks to himself, "but there are limits to what I will allow."

Climbing down from between the vixen's legs a tall black wolf sneers at the flaming form that slowly stands up from his crouched landing. "What have we here, a Hero?" the young wolf asks with a sneer on his muzzle. "Heroes should know better than to interfere with me and my pleasures." The wolf growls heavily as he pulls a gun from the bed beside him and, before he can be stopped, shoots the vixen twice in the chest before spinning to point the weapon at Nightmare, "Too late for this little bitch hero. Now die!"

With a mental surge Nightmare flings a flame from one hand and focuses it to a pencil thin beam, down the pistol's barrel, and into the ammo within. With a roar the gun explodes in the wolf's hand and he screams in pain, clutching the bloody and mangled ruin that is his hand. The tall and muscular equine slowly walks towards the whimpering and cowering wolf, his heavy foot falls sounding like the approach of death itself, "Who said I was a Hero punk?" He can clearly see the darkest fear in the wolf's mind and looks at the wolf with a grin of pleasure and pure malice. He spreads his flaming wings wide and his eyes almost seem to burn as he looks down with contempt at the wolf, "I am Nightmare, and now I know yours." With a violent mental thrust he plants a mental image so real into the wolf's mind that he lives his worst nightmare.

The black wolf sees himself, tied to a wooden X by cuffs that cut painfully into his flesh, as multiple males take their turns raping, torturing, and abusing him. Females in leather watch and laugh as they snap whips out to cut into his sensitive flesh. The females cry out to him, "Who's the big bad wolf now pup?" The males taunt him, "You're the bitch now asshole." The wolf screams higher and louder than when the gun blew his hand into ribbons. He can actually feel the pain of his tail-hole being violated repeatedly by males larger than him, of the whips cutting into his flesh and across his manhood and family jewels. The stink of his own fear and the reek of the pheromones fill his nostrils. He pisses himself in fear, both in the realistic vision inside his mind and there on the floor. To him, his ultimate nightmare has become a very real Hell on Earth. "And all cause I show it to you, punk."

Nightmare looks down at him with his flames still reflecting in his eyes as the wolf screams, "Noooooo! Please I beg you! Stop! PLEASE!" The wolf thrashes on the blood and urine soaked carpet, his body twitching as if the whips he feels are all too real.

With a low grunt he turns his attention away from the wolf to examine the vixen and is surprised to find she's still alive, though barely. Putting a hand to her neck he can feel a weak pulse still and his mind still finds her own vivid with pain and terror. "Why did your cries for help come to me of all people?" he asks quietly as he looks over her abused and battered body. It was clear that the wolf had raped the female for hours before he had arrived. "I better get you some help girl if you're going to make it," he says to himself as he uses tiny flames to stop the blood flow from her many cuts and the two bullet holes.

With a crash the door from the hallway bursts open and two goons in suits with automatic weapons step in. Seeing their boss on the floor, screaming in absolute terror, his right hand a mangled mess, they eye the flaming black horse with fear. They raise their guns towards the figure that looms before them.

"Not this time," he cries as with a fiery flash twin lances of fire shoot down the barrels of the guns to set off the ammo magazines. They both explode in violent eruptions and the goons drop to the floor adding their screams to that of their boss's, their blood mingling with the rest on the carpet.

Not wanting anything else to step in and find him like this he scoops up the injured vixen and frowns at her weak whines and whimpers of pain, "It'll be alright young one, I'm not going to hurt you." Turning he spots a black leather messenger bag and snatches it up with a grin and thinks to himself, "A little extra information never hurt me." He steps quietly to the blasted opening in the wall and leaps with a flap of his wings into the night's darkness. "I might be an asshole, but I'm not a sadistic one," he whispers as he leaves the scene, hearing the first sirens arriving to handle the mess he left in his wake. Looking back over his shoulders he sighs heavily, "You'll live you sadistic bastard, and for the rest of your pitiful life you'll remember this night, but not the way you wanted to."

As he soars higher, the updrafts lifting him, he extinguishes his flames while hidden by a thick cloudbank. With strong flaps he speeds up and then lets his wings glide him towards his estate. He reaches down and pulls a small device from a hidden pouch in his loincloth with one hand which sticks it in his ear. A small holo-display wraps over his right eye and a sleepy red squirrel female answers with a yawn, "Yes Master?"

He grunts softly as he speaks into the small device the same squirrel had made for him, "Daniele, get that medical station of yours ready, I got a critical victim coming in."

The squirrel's blue eyes snap open in surprise, "Master?!"

"Do what I told you to Daniele," he says with a snap to his voice. "There is no time to waste if we're going to save her."

The small squirrel bows her head in submission to the large equine, "Yes Master John, I will have it ready when you arrive."

He smiles, "Good girl, we'll be landing at the estate in ten minutes." Reaching up he shuts the communication device off by pulling it from his ear.

Looking down to the vixen still in his arms he frowns in worry, "You just hold in there, little lady, and we'll get you fixed right up."

Ten minutes later he lands at the back entrance to his estate and walks in carrying the vixen, her blood dripping onto the floor as he passes. The small squirrel comes running up the corridor wearing only a white lab coat and pushing a rolling stretcher that he gently sets his burden down on it.

He watches the squirrel chitter to herself, "Looks bad, very bad. Not a moment to lose." She pulls out a small box and starts taking sensors out of it to stick onto the patient before her.

Putting a similar device to the communicator in her right ear she triggers a holo-display over her right eye and frowns, "Please Master, we must get her into my medic tank immediately. I'm reading five minutes till her heart gives up, if she's lucky."

"Then hurry," he says and starts wheeling the stretcher down the hall at a run and through several doors that open automatically for them. With the last door he pulls up and stops the stretcher as the squirrel goes over to an almost full tank and grabs a small oxygen mask and squeezing a thick, clear gel along the edges of it, applies it to the vixen's muzzle. "Step back Master," she says as she stands back from the stretcher and seems to focus on something that isn't really there.

Tapping at the air in front of her the squirrel triggers a small thin armed robot to swing down from the ceiling and around to gently lift the limp vixen from the stretcher and move her over to the now full tank where it slowly lowers her into the thick liquid. As the arms of the robot retract from the tank the squirrel taps a few more areas in the air in front of her as the tall equine looks on in silence. Several thin tubs are hooked to her by small automated arms in the tank and the squirrel sighs softly as she pulls her device from her ear.

Turning to the tall equine she kneels and looks up to him, "I've done all I can for her Master John, her recovery will now require time and her own willingness to recover."

John reaches down to gently pet her long hair back from her face, "I know you have Daniele, now go get some more sleep, I need to wash." He looks to the tank and the floating vixen therein, "The computer will alert us if something happens right?"

She nods, "Yes Master."

He sighs softly and smiles down at her, "I've told you that you don't need to call me that little one." He gently pulls her up and with a gentle push sends her on her way. She shrugs and smiles up at him with that loving look she's had since that day three months ago when he'd broken her out of the government's research facility. "She always seems to want to please me more than anything else in the world, is this just because I rescued her?" he asks himself in a whisper. "Those government dogs must have been crueler to her than I can imagine," he thinks in the most private corner of his mind. He gives a silent sigh and leaves her to return to her room as he steps closer to the tank enclosing the vixen floating inside.

Resting his hand on the clear tank panel he closes his eyes and looks into her mind with a gentle thought, he sees a confusion of images and thoughts, but he also sees her worst nightmare and realizes that she just gotten done living it. With a last gentle probe he finds what he's looking for and takes a half step back from the tank. He opens his eyes and looks at his unconscious guest, "I'm sorry Shelly Leblanc, I wasn't there sooner. But at least here, you are safe. Here, no one will rape you again."

Turning from the medical wing he lets his wings droop in exhaustion as he slowly walks down the hall to his master suite. Stepping into the room he grunts in exhaustion as he pulls off his loincloth and drops it in the laundry chute. Entering the large bathroom he walks over to the shower and starts it letting the water warm as he leans on the counter and looks into the mirror. "Nightmare, you're supposed to be a villain. Why do you keep saving people?" He looks at his face in the mirror and lowers his head as he whispers, "'Cause you might be greedy and will gladly sell information to the highest bidder, but you're not a killer."

Pushing away from the vanity he enters the warm water streaming from the shower heads. He stands there in the warm and relaxing water and lets it rinse the blood and sweat from his pelt. He lets loose with a long whinny-sigh and closes his eyes as he momentarily relives the last hour of his life again. Taking a bottle of fur cleaner he starts to slowly wash himself, making sure to rinse the thick foam from his body before he finally shuts off the water.

He hears a shuffling of feet and turns to see Daniele standing there in her sports bra and panties holding a one of his silk robes for him. "You forgot your robe... Master..." she says quietly as she looks at him with a shy expression on her face.

He realizes he's naked in front of her but doesn't hide it, she's eighteen and if she didn't want to see it she could have just stayed out of his bathroom. "Thank you Daniele," he says as he engages the fur drying feature and raises his arms, wings slightly spread, to let the warm air dry him entirely. He turns slowly around and can almost feel her gaze enjoying the view of his butt. When the air finally stops and he steps out to take the robe from her and slip it on he asks, "How's our guest?"

"Her vitals are slowly showing improvement Master, but it is still too early to tell," she responds in a quiet voice as he cinches the robe loosely around his waist.

He strokes her cheek lightly as he walks into his bedroom, Daniele murring in pleasure at his touch. He notices the small cleaning robot Daniele had designed scrubbing the floor where he had tracked some blood in. Turning away from the little robot he ignores it as he lifts the top sheet of his bed and shrugs off the robe before he crawls into his red silk covered bed. He leans his head back and toggles the lights off with a wave of his hand.

He opens one eye and sighs, seeing Daniele still standing there holding her hands before her as if in prayer, "Alright, come here lil one. You can stay here tonight if you want to."

She immediately brightens and jumps into his bed and snuggles up against him chittering in pleasure. "Thank you Master..." she says as she drifts off to sleep and soon is sleeping soundly in his arms. He looks heavenward and sighs as he asks himself if Shelly will be the same way.

Early the next morning a chime wakes them both and Daniele is immediately alert to the medical system's message that marches across the holo-display she presses into her right ear. Looking at John with a measure of surprise she answers his silent question, "Your guest is waking Master, much sooner than expected."

He gets up and picking up his robe slips it on as Daniele races down the corridor to her own room to slip something on other than her underwear. Entering the medical wing he isn't too surprised to find Daniele there ahead of him. She is tapping at the air in front of her as she focuses somewhere other than in the room. Looking at the tank he sees the white vixen twitching, her black ears, hands, and feet all moving with tiny motions that don't shift her in the thick fluid.

Stepping up he rests his hand on the tank and closing his eyes gently reaches out for her mind, "Calm Shelly, you're safe." He can feel her surprise through her confusion and pain and he sends gentle thoughts to her. "You're safe, we're helping you."

A vivid image of the wolf who raped her appears in his mind and he chuckles lightly, "He won't be doing much for a while, I showed him how abominable his acts were." A shaft of curiosity makes him smile and he softly paths to her again, "Why I made him feel exactly what it means to be raped my dear little vixen."

A flood of joy and relief washes through the link to him and he smiles slightly as he opens his eyes and looks over at Daniele, "How is she?"

"She's stable Master, but she'll still have to spend three days in the tank to heal fully." Her eyes return to focus and she bows her head towards John, "I'm sorry I can only speed the healing so much Master without risking her continued health."

He reaches forward to gently lift her chin and gives her a soft kiss on her nose, "It's alright little one; heal her as quickly as is safe." He looks back at the tank and can see the white vixen's green eyes looking out at them. "She like you has been through a terrible ordeal, and I am offering her safety here as I did you."

The vixen weakly forms a smile on her muzzle as she hears his words through the liquid she's in. He nods to her and Daniele nods too in agreement, "Yes Master John. If you wish to return to bed I can stay here to monitor her to ensure the tank is doing its job."

Raising an eyebrow at the young squirrel he does a quick scan and finds no malice towards this second female on the estate, only a wish to do her Master's bidding. "Alright little one, but when you're done you can return to me to sleep more yourself."

The look of joy on Daniele's features is of little surprise and she kneels in front of him and hugs his legs, "Thank you Master, thank you!"

He rolls his eyes towards the ceiling and gently disengages her small hands from his legs and gently pulls her back to her feet, "I'll see you in a few minutes." He gently strokes her cheek with a tender hand and she chitters in joy. Soon as he removes his hand from her face and turns to leave she is back to work, her hand tapping in the air with a look of joy on her face.

Shelly watching this is surprised by a feeling deep in her for this strange male who apparently not only saved her, but revenged what that young and arrogant wolf had done to her. "Is my heart trying to tell me that this is the strong male I have been searching my whole life for? The one person who is stronger than anyone else, the one person I can freely submit to without fear, without terror. Is he the Master my soul has cried out for all my life?"

She sighs and continues to think, "At least there is no pain, and from what the little squirrel had said, this tank of liquid is healing far faster than anything I've heard about before." She mentally shrugs, "Three days is nothing compared to how long it would take to heal outside this place; where am I anyway." She frowns in cconfusion, "I think that tall dark pegasus is John Doen, the rich stock broker... But how could he have come to my rescue? How did he know I needed help?"

The squirrel is tapping at the air again and Shelly feels lethargic. "She must be dosing me with some medicine to make me sleep," she thinks to herself and mentally chuckles. "Why not, momma always told me sleep was the best medicine." She sighs softly and closes her eyes; she'll remember to give that tall handsome stranger a more than ample reward for saving her, a reward that will last him as long as she lives.

All characters unless otherwise stated are the property of Christopher Gilman.Story © Copyright Christopher Gilman 2008 all rights reservedMegalopolis © Copyright Goliath Thunderstep and Emerald Cistern and is used with permission mail me and tell me what you think at [email protected]