Gwyn's Fantasy: Oneshot

Story by EspritDeCorpse on SoFurry

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A short, sexual story I wrote featuring my characters Gwyn, the husky amateur model, and her German Shepherd photographer Craig.

I've yet to upload the stories with them in their respective roles as photographer and subject, but stay tuned if you'd like to see them.

They tossed and wrestled beneath the white sheets of his bed, panting loudly. The German shepherd had pinned his husky mistress down, paws running up and down her flanks, tail wagging.

Craig nuzzled her neck, trying not to drool, but failing. Underneath him Gwyn laughed from his whiskers tickling her face. Finally he mounted himself and gained entry to his objective. He barked in triumph and began his task, Gwyn squirming underneath.

Her squeals and moans where what assured him he was doing good. As he picked up pace, so did her voice, and her claws dug into his back deeper. He grunted in his own excitement, slurping her face.

Finally they peaked, and Craig collapsed down beside her, and Gwyn crawled on top of him. For seconds she panted in satisfaction, then buried her face in his chest fur."Craig... that... you don't know how long I wanted that from you."

"I knew." He kissed her neck. "I just like taking things slow."

"You didn't rip off my clothes slowly, or fuck me slowly...

Craig lightly squeezed one of her breasts, "Sometimes I can't contain myself." He sniffed himself, and he realized his musky scent, a result of his arousal. "Damn I need a shower."

Gwyn held him down. "You aren't going anywhere, I'm not gonna risk losing you."

"The bathroom's ten feet away..." He pointed.

She pouted, and rolled off. "Fine. But you have to cook me breakfast."

"Too late for breakfast, too early for lunch." He said grabbing a towel before looking back. "Brunch, and it's gonna be waffles." He closed the door.

Gwyn sighed and smiled to herself, looking out the window and the snowy forest...