The Rainbow Flag...: Chapter 2

Story by DamienLutrinae on SoFurry

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#4 of The Rainbow Flag That Hung From A Tree

~~~Author's Notes~~~

Thanks to everyone who read chapter 1, it was just kind of an introduction to the protagonist, and in this chapter the main problem is introduced. Thanks again everyone, I hope you enjoy it! ^w^/)~

Chapter 2

"Time for school, Tobi!" Mom calls out her usual wake-up call. I lay there, with heavy eyelids. I had dreamed about Kalen. I realize that if I ask Kalen out, no one ever has to know. We could meet in private, text eachother after school, and love eachother in secret. It could work, and I might as well try.

I complete my morning routine, and spend my walk to school planning out how I'm going to ask him. I'll do it at Lunch time, and maybe meet up after school somewhere. I'll tell him how I feel, and why it's important to keep it a secret.

I push through the classes, not paying any attention what-so-ever. I was way too distracted about Kalen to focus for even one second. "Tobi? Do you know the answer?" Was often called out. My reply would be 'what?' and everyfur would laugh, and I would find out that it was a super easy question. 'Moron' and 'idiot' would be murmured under their breath.

Lunch time comes around, and I can feel my heart beat racing rapidly. Nervousness shoots through my veins, jolting all across my body. I feel sick, but I keep in mind the image of us meeting in secret, him holding me gently in his arms, and gingerly stroking my fur. And so I refrain from giving up.

I put my books and binders away in my locker, and head over to his. I know where his locker is, I pass by it quite often in between my classes.

I see the last thing I expected, and the worst thing I could imagine. A sight that sent my heart crashing down. There he was, by his locker, making out with another guy. My eyes fill with tears, and I run straight to the bathroom. "Tobi?" My friends see me running to the bathroom, and decide to follow me. I ignore them, and lock myself in one of the stalls, and silently sob. Tears trickle down the fur on my face like a stream. "Tobi, what's up?" They must have heard me weeping. "J-just go." I say, barely audible. My throat is in knots. "Tobi.." "I was just turned down, okay? Can you leave me alone now?" I say louder. My voice tinted with a tad of frustration. "By who..?"

There was a long silence. Not a sound was heard, except the muffling noise of the crowds in the hallways. "Who?" They repeat the question. "Somefur." "Tobi. Tell us. You know you're not a good liar. What's the big deal? We're just curious, is all."

I sit there, silent for about a half a minute. "Kalen..." I say, so quietly they couldn't pick it up. "Who?" "It was Kalen." "A guy? What, did he reject you when you asked to be his friend?" Says John. Aiden pipes in. "Kalen's not a real person anyway, Tobi. He's a faggot. Who would want a fag as a friend anyway?" Sudden realization strikes them. "Oh god.." They say. "Don't tell any-" John interrupts. "Yeah right, freak! We'll tell the entire school!! The town even! Wait 'till your Mom and Dad hear! You'll get what you deserve, faggot!"

They leave the washroom, and I hear them call out into the hall, "Tobi Foxsmith is gay!" next, I hear screaming. But over all the screaming, I hear two voices. I could easily recognize it was Kalen's, and probably his new boyfriend. "Guys, relax! Knock it off! It doesn't change who he is, you'll just have to accept it!" There is no reaction to this that I can hear. The school bell rings for the next class. After about ten minutes, I figure it'd be safe to come out of the stall. I walk out of the washroom and see Kalen and his boyfriend lying on the ground, bleeding. They'd been beaten up. Blood pours from their noses, their faces are already bruised and swollen, their limbs seem lifeless, and they're knocked out cold.

I run as fast as I can from everything. My mind is clouded with the image of my crush all bloody and broken, tears pouring out of my eyes like waterfalls. I run out of the school, and into the city with no particular destination.

The city is dead. I find a quiet place away from everything. A place to just sit, and cry. I cry my lungs out until I check the time and head home.

When I get home, I find a note. My parents would be home at 8:00 again. I browse around on my computer, and skip dinner. I wasn't hungry, anyway.

8:00 rolls around. My parents storm into my room. "We got a phone call!" Exclaims Mom. I gulp. "Skipping school, eh?" "Y-yes." "I swear to god, Tobi! Next thing I know you're gonna be gettin' into drugs!" She shouts.

The phone rings. "I bet it's the school calling to tell us you murdered someone." Mom picks up the phone. I hold my breath, when I remember what John said. 'Wait 'till your Mom and Dad hear!'

Mom hangs up the phone and looks at me in the eyes. "Are you gay?" She says in a serious tone. My friends were right about one thing; I am a terrible liar. I don't see the point lying if I'll get caught anyway. "Y-y-yes.." I cough.

My Mom bursts into tears and locks herself away in her room. Dad throws his newspaper at me and hits me on the arm. "I had hopes for you, kid." He says, and follows Mom into her room. He had never called me anything but 'son' before. This isn't going to get any better. Yet, I'm too scared to say 'things can't get any worse.' Because they always do.