The Rainbow Flag: Chapter 3

Story by DamienLutrinae on SoFurry

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#5 of The Rainbow Flag That Hung From A Tree

A fox teen's life is turned upside-down, when he comes out of the closet in a city filled with prejudice and hatred towards gays. The situations he's caught in become unbearable, and he starts to question whether his troubled life is worth living. Will he ever be able to find peace?

~~~Author's Notes~~~

A huge thanks and a bunch of huggles to those who've continued reading! Again, thanks for the feedback, it's really great to hear! ^^ I hope you're enjoying the story, as the problems continue to progress! Enjoy!

Chapter 3

"Wake up." My eyelids creep open. Mom looks tired, she clearly got no sleep last night. Her face fur is dirtied in the places she had been crying. "I'm worried about you, Tobi. This town ain't friendly towards people like you." She left the room.

I silently, and uncomfortably got ready for school. I left the house without a sound. My face was emotionless, but on the inside, I was panicking. What does the day have in store for me?

I get to school, and head to my class. No one even looks at me, it's as if I'm non-existent. I'm being left alone, which I suppose better than what else they could do to me.

Lunch time, I sit alone. I don't have anything to eat, still. I have no one to talk to. Im being treated just as the other gays are, except they usually get beat up.

The rest of the day drags on. After school, I get ready for home. I pack all my supplies into my school bag. I turn around, and find a fist in my face. I stumble back and hit the back of my head on my locker. He throws punch after punch at my face. I let out a scream in pain. I try to fight back, but I'm too weak. He then knees me in the nuts, and I fall to the ground, weeping. "Oh, did I knee you in the vagina? My bad, sorry." He cackles and walks away. The other furs leave the school sending kicks into my side, and stomping on my tail. "Fucking fag." Aiden says, and follows the crowd. I also receive a kick to the face by John as he passes by.

I lay there, hoping a teacher would come by and help me. But none do. I close my eyes, and continue to lay there, unable to move a muscle due to the immense pain shooting throughout my entire body.

"It's Tobi, right?" Said a male fur's voice. I open my eyes to see an arctic wolf, who I recognize to be Kalen's new boyfriend. I nod. He sticks out his paw to help me up, and I grab it. I'm dizzy, and I nearly fall over, but he catches me. "Here, why don't we sit down and talk for a bit." He suggests. "Okay." I cough. "My name's Matt, but I like being called 'Mattie'" "That's cute!" I giggle, though it hurts. "Thanks!" He smiles. "So, where's Kalen?" "He's home sick today. Got beaten a lot harder than I did." "Oh my gosh! Is he alright?" "I wouldn't worry about him if I were you. Looks like you've got some troubles of your own." He helps me back up, and I do manage to stand. "Would you like to hang out at my house?" I ask. "Maybe even sleep over?" "Would Kalen mind?" He hesitates. "It's just a friendly hang out." "Well...Alright." He smiles.

He helps me walk back home, and when I arrive back home, I see a note that says my parents will be home at 8:00.

We talk in my room for most of the day. "How long have you known you were gay?" He asks. "About two years now." "And you came out?" "I was kinda driven to." I tell him about how I was going to ask out Kalen, and about the events that followed. "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault." He sobs. "No, it's not." "Yes. It's all because of me!" "You're the one helping me through this." I say. "Because of you, I'm happy." I smile.

Suddenly my parents come home. My Mom comes into my room. "This is Matt." I tell her. "Don't let your Dad see!" She got the wrong idea. "Get him out!" "Mom, he's just a fr-" I'm interrupted by my Dad coming into my room. "What the fuck is this?!" He shouts. "G-get out!" I nudge him gently. "What, you got a boyfriend now, huh? You little bitch!" He smacks me on the arm. I hear Mattie close the frontdoor. "Charles!" My mother shouts. "What?! It doesn't matter, he's barely a human, Dianne!" "You can sleep on the couch tonight, you goddamn asshole!" Mom calls out, as she locks herself in her room again. "Little bitch!" He smacks me again, on the back of my head this time, then leaves. Tears gather in my eyes.

I lay on the bed crying. A pair of scissors lay next to the bed. I stare at them, trying to decide if I should do it or not. I grab them, and look more closely at them. I can't explain what's going through my mind right now, but I grip the scissors in my paw, and place them against my arm.

I slowly dig the blade into my arm, and cringe in pain. "A-Ahhh!" I grunt, slicing my way across the wrist. I pull out, and stare at the blood. I go again, with the same result. After several cuts, I grip the bloody scissors in my hand.

One word floats around in my mind. 'Suicide.'

Why not?