The Charred Forest

Story by Sonic Fox on SoFurry

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#2 of Odd Company

Warning: No one under the age of 18 past this sentence.

The forest was always quiet in the morning. All the critters were either waking up or still sleeping. The sun began to rise over the tree tops, shining rays of light throughout the forest. The beams of light crept into a hollow log near the edge of the forest; the light revealing a black and white wolf sleeping peacefully. The wolf slowly opened her eyes, smiling to herself as she greeted the new day.

The wolf let out a yawn and stretched her body out, her joints silently cracking. She looked down at her stomach, gazing upon the little red squirrel nestled against her belly fur. The squirrel shifted in his sleep as the wolf stretched out, trying to adjust to the change in his sleeping space. The wolf giggled to herself as the memories of the previous day went through her mind. She leaned her head down and licked the squirrel's face, trying to wake the lazy mammal. The squirrel tossed and turned as he tried to avoid the tongue, but finally he couldn't take it anymore and bolted upright.

"Alright! Alright! I'm up! I'm up!" mumbled the squirrel as he wiped his face clean of wolf slobber. The wolf couldn't help but laugh, even as the squirrel glared at her with half-opened eyes. The squirrel was stereotyped as an "early bird" mammal; evidently this one was not.

"Jeez, Luna. Can't a guy get any sleep around here without getting drowned in wolf spit?" grumbled the squirrel. Luna the wolf finally stopped her fir of giggles and smiled innocently at the squirrel.

"Oh, I'm sorry" said Luna, with an obvious note of sarcasm in her voice. "Did I wake the grumpy little squirrel?" The squirrel just scowled even more, not one bit amused by the wolf's taunting. "Come on, Luke. You can't sleep the whole morning; you're wasting precious time" stated Luna.

"Why rush, we have all day and the forest ends in just a short ways ahead" replied Luke. Luna gave him a mock look of seriousness.

"Now Luke, you need to value the time you have. Now that you're up bright and early you have time to have lots of fun" said Luna. Luke pondered over her words for a minute, and then a devious smile crept over his lips as a thought occurred to him.

"You know what, Luna?" said Luke slowly rising to his feet. "You're absolutely right!" he shouted as he flung himself onto her belly, tickling the wolf. Luna burst out in laughter as Luke tickled her belly, taken completely by surprise.

"HAHAHAHA! NO, NO, NO AHA! PLEASE STOP! MERCY MERC-HAHAHA!" screamed Luna as Luke began to increase his efforts. The squirrel was bent on getting revenge for being woken up in such a rude manner. Luke continued to tickle Luna until she started gasping for breath, not wanting her to stop breathing all together. Luna laid on the ground, trying to catch her breath.

"That'll teach you not to mess with a sleeping squirrel" stated Luke, standing up straight to give him the look of pride and power. Luna couldn't help but giggle at the squirrel's ridiculous pose. With one of her hind paws, she gave him a swift kick to the rear, knocking him off balance and sending down on his tail.

"Fine, you got your vengeance; but right now we need to get going" replied Luna, getting up on all fours. With that the two friends walked out of their makeshift den and continued to walk towards the end of the forest. It was in the middle of the afternoon when Luna began to recognize the natural landmarks that indicated the end of the forest.

"Okay, we're almost there" said Luna as she pressed through a thick bush. "Now the end of the forest is just a few more..." Luna stopped in midsentence. As they emerged from the bush, they were greeted by the sight of a charred forest. All the trees were nothing more but blacked stumps and ash, the grass was either dead or dying, and no animals could be seen. This horrific sight spanned across the horizon for miles. Luke and Luna stood in their spots, shocked by the somber scene.

"Oh my goodness," gasped Luke. "What happened here?" They started to walk forwards when they noticed something on the ground, covered in ash. Luke picked it up and wiped the soot of it. It was a small, thin box with alien markings on it and had several little sticks inside; some with red tips, some with blackened tips. Luna recognized what it was and let out an angry growl.

"Man," she muttered. "These fire sticks were their creation. They must've been messing around with them and accidentally set the forest ablaze. Foolish creatures!" Luna spat in disgust. Luke just sat on the ground in shock; first the threat upon his home, then the slaughter of Luna's pack, and now this. What kind of monsters would do such horrible things?

After stewing in their hatred and sorrow, Luke and Luna finally began to move towards their destination. Not ten minutes later, the two of them noticed something else on the ground; a small acorn. Luke's eyes widened, "Food!" He raced over to it; the squirrel hadn't eaten anything for two days and was ravenous. Luna simply shook her head; she knew he hadn't eaten, but the squirrel could at least show a little dignity and not charge at it like it was going to run away. Luke picked up the acorn, eyeing it hungrily, but then he saw another one laying on the ground.

Luke ran towards the newfound acorn, abandoning the previous one. But as soon as he got to that one, he spied another, and another, and another. Luke followed the trail of acorns, unaware that they formed some kind of trail. Luna tried to keep up with him, but he was too fast for her. Something about the situation had her unsettled; why was there a trail of acorns in the middle of a charred forest? By now, Luke was completely out of sight and Luna became worried. She knew something was amiss.

Luke followed the trail into a small den carved into a boulder the size of a small redwood tree, partially buried into the ground. Luke peered inside the cave; all he could see was a pile of leaves in the back, some twigs and-Food! Near the back wall of the cave was a large pile of acorns, neatly stacked into a pyramid. Luke dashed over, ready to scarf the entire mountain of acorns. As he reached out to grab one, his senses suddenly gave him a jolt. Luke felt as though he was being watched.

Luke slowly turned around and his eyes almost burst out of their sockets at the creature standing behind him. A red fox was standing directly behind him, blocking his only route of escape. The fox grinned down at him, flashing its sharp, ivory teeth.

"So, my little trap worked" said the fox in a feminine voice. Luke was shocked; he had been caught by a vixen. He probably would have found it humorous that he had been cornered by two hungry females in the past to days, but right now all he felt was the embarrassment of being tricked so easily and the fear of being devoured.

"Honestly, I didn't think anyone could be dumb enough to fall for this simple trap, but you proved me wrong" the vixen stated in a mocking tone. She began to advance towards him, a hungry look plastered on her face.

"Wait! You really shouldn't eat me" shouted Luke. The vixen laughed at the bravado of the little squirrel.

"And why shouldn't I?" chided the vixen.

"Because if you eat him, you'll deal with me!" came a loud shout from the opening of the cave. The startled vixen whirled around and was face to face with Luna. Luke sighed with relief; he knew having her around would come in handy. The vixen cowered beneath the larger predator, ears flattened and tail between her legs.

"Please don't kill me! I'll share with you, I swear!" cried out the vixen.

Luna gave an outraged look. "I don't want to eat him, he's my friend" she barked at the vixen. The vixen was stunned; how could a squirrel be friends with a wolf? "Now let him go or else!" growled Luna, baring her fangs.

The vixen backed against the wall, fearing for her life. Luke scampered over to Luna, hiding behind one of her legs. Luna looked him over, scanning his body for any injuries. When she was satisfied, she turned her attention back to the vixen. "Now listen up, this squirrel is off limits. If you follow us, I'll kill you." She said with venom in her voice. As Luna and Luke turned to leave the cave, the vixen ran in front of them. Luna was ready to tear her apart when she spoke,

"Wait! Before you go, I have to ask how you and a squirrel could be together?" questioned the vixen. At first, Luna thought the vulpes was being condescending, but realized that she was still shaking and was merely asking out of curiosity.

"Luke helped me when I needed it most, he was kind to me and now I'm returning the favor by traveling with him to find a new place to live" stated Luna, looking down at Luke with a smile. The vixen was trying to figure out how a squirrel could help a wolf. She was completely lost until she saw the wolf smile down at the squirrel. Then it hit her: they mated! The vixen had never heard of a prey mating with a predator. The concept was mind-boggling.

The vixen then realized that she wanted to leave this desolate place, but was afraid she would starve to death if she left since she had never left this area. She was quite young, barely an adult, and had only mated once. It wasn't a romantic thing; it was just a quick yiff when she was in heat. The vixen wanted to leave with them, but felt that they wouldn't accept her after she attempted to eat Luke. But as the thought of the squirrel mating the wolf passed through her head, she began to formulate a daring plan.

The vixen slowly trotted over to the two of them, who slightly backed away to the wall. She then checked to see if the wolf was in the right position. The pile of leaves that served as her bed where directly behind the wolf. She grinned and started to advance.

Luna was ready, waiting for the vixen to make the first move. The vixen came within a few inches of the wolf, readying herself to initiate her scheme. "You know, I've wanted to leave this forest, but I never had the courage to do so. What would it take to travel with the two of you?" she asked in a sweet voice.

Luna was dumbfounded at the vixen's bluntness. "What, and give you a chance to make off with Luke, no way!" she stated. The vixen then tensed up her legs, ready to pounce.

Perhaps I could change your mind" she said softly. With that said, she flung herself at the wolf, knocking her onto the pile of leaves. Luna landed flat on her back, the impact of her fall dampened by the leaves underneath her. She was taken completely by surprise by the vixen's charge. Before she could get back onto her paws, the vixen dashed over to her and buried her muzzle in between her legs.

Luna gave a small yelp as she felt the vixen's tongue trail up and down her slit. She had not expected this to happen to her twice. The thought of kicking the vixen off her came to mind, but if the past events with Luke were anything like what was going on now, she realized she could trust this vixen. After all, she was doing a great job. Luna relaxed on the leaves and spread her legs wider for the vixen.

Seeing the wolf spread her legs made the vixen realize she trusted her and wanted her to continue. Not wanting to disappoint her, she moved her tongue up to lick at the wolf's clit. Luna moaned loudly, the vixen's teasing tongue flicking the small nub of sensitive flesh. The vixen's tongue play would make any creature believe she had done this many times before, but in truth, she hadn't. All she experienced was a young fox drive his cock in and out of her. Sometimes she would lick herself if she ever felt the urge to do so. There was also one time that her mother was in heat and in desperate need of release. The vixen approached her mother while she was sleeping and lapped at her swollen cunt until she came, not ever waking up. Now here she was, using her tongue to tickle a wolf's clit.

The vixen began to suckle the clit, making Luna whimper in delight. All the while, Luke had been sitting on the sidelines, watching the bizarre act. Luke's member began to grow from his sheathe and he started to paw off. However, he felt he needed a little more. Luke scanned across the two females until his gaze rested on the vixen's rump. The vixen was enjoying the act as much as Luke and Luna, her cunt starting to dampen. Luke decided to give her some relief and slowly crept up behind the vixen. Taking his cock in his hand, he aimed it at the vixen's moist opening, and thrust himself deep inside of her.

The vixen's eyes bulged as she let out a small "eep!" turning her head around to see the squirrel buried within her folds. Luke was a little nervous at the indignant look on her face, but then she gave him a devious smile and said, "Why, you naughty little squirrel." Luke grinned back at her and began to hammer inside her.

The vixen moaned as Luke thrust inside of her, his small cock paled in comparison with the fox that mated her for the first time, but still tickled her snatch and sent waves of pleasure throughout her body. Luke grabbed onto her rump fur as he began to increase his pace, his little balls slapping against her clit. The vixen cried out in pleasure; there was something arousing about getting yiffed by a smaller, weaker creature.

Luna was annoyed that the vixen had stopped her tongue play and gave her an impatient cough. The vixen snapped out of her trance with an embarrassed look on her face. She lowered her head in between the wolf's legs, placing her front paws on her thighs. The vixen looked up and gave Luna a sly smile before thrusting her tongue deep inside the wolf.

Luna's hips seemed to have a mind of their own as they thrust upwards, grinding against the vixen's muzzle. "Oh my...that's...oh!" Luna gasped as the vixen's tongue teased the walls of her sex. With both Luna and Luke having the time of their lives, the vixen was sure that she would be accepted by the two of them.

After a few minutes of sinking his member into the vixen's pussy, Luke was nearing his climax. He grabbed a hold of her tail and sank his teeth into her furred rump as he started to orgasm, spewing squirrel seed deep within the vulpes. The vixen screamed inside Luna's pussy as Luke slammed into her and bit down on her butt, juices pouring out of the orifice and the walls of her cunt squeezing the small cock within. The vixen stuck her tongue as deep as it could go inside Luna's aching snatch, her tongue tickling her g-spot. Luna gave one final howl as she came all over the vixen's tongue and muzzle. After all three of them had finished, they laid together in a heap of fur and juices.

"That...ha...was incredible" said the vixen as she gasped for air. "No wonder you travel with Luke, the squirrel can mate better than any other male I've been with."

Luke patted her stomach, no longer afraid of the vixen. "Just doing what I do best." He said with an arrogant air about him; how many creatures get to mate with two carnivores in two days without being eaten? The two canines giggled at his bravado. Luke looked up at the two of them, "Ha ha ha, keep laughing, but the next time one of you is in heat, don't come crying to me". Luke truly didn't mean that, he would never let these two go on with such pain, plus he would get to have his way with the two of them.

Luna looked down at the vixen lying on her stomach, a small smile forming on her muzzle. "Tell me, what is your name?" asked Luna.

The vixen just looked into her eyes, trying to choke down a few tears; she never had a friend in her whole life and now a wolf and a squirrel were accepting her as a friend.

"My name is Trixey" said the vixen. "Yes, I know, it fits me perfectly" she muttered as Luke and Luna did their best to stifle their giggles. "So, can I come with the two of you to...wherever?"

Luna bent her head down and gave Trixey a small, affectionate lick on the nose. "Of course you can," said Luna. "However, there is only one rule: No eating Luke, understand?" Trixey nodded. "Then welcome to the group" whispered Luna.

For the rest of the day, then three of them slept peacefully in the little cave. Luke was sandwiched between the two carnivores, basking in the warmth of their fur. As he fell asleep, he thought to himself, "Even though this place was ravaged by man, it's still a wonderful place to me," and with that, Luke drifted off to sleep, nuzzling into Trixey's warm fur and Luna's soft belly.

Well, there it is. This story wasn't intended to be a series, but I got a few good comments and emails so I decided to continue it. I would like to personally thank all of those who sent these encouraging messages to me. You know who you are. I hope you like it.