The Glory Of A Summers Day - Part II

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#2 of The Glory Of A Summers Day

Part two of five of 'The Glory Of A Summers Day' series. Hope you all like it^^

This story is for adult audience only and as such contains scenes that would be considered unsuitable for readers under the age of 18. This story contains gay cub sex and therefore is only suited to those willing to read about such. You have been warned. Any reference to characters living or otherwise is purely coincidental and therefore does not carry any weight in any normal society. Now that that is out of the way, please enjoy the story.

The Glory Of A Summers Day - Part II

Snow glistened on the ground of the wood, light sparkling off every crystal beautifully in a dazzling show of colours. The trees were naked and bear, stripped of their leaves only a month or so before by the natural shedding that was Autumn. It was in the middle of a clearing in these bare trees that a loan stump stood. On that stump was a little grey furred wolf, nude and with his rump up on the air. As the scene moved closer, the little male's panting could be heard, and the healthy dose of white juice could be seen all over his ass and back, And there was the big wolf backing off and admiring his handiwork with a sly smirk...

William awoke with a start, panting and sweating heavily. His sheets were soaked even more so than when he had fallen to sleep, his heavily arousing vision causing him to have a wet dream. The large wolf shuddered as he realised what he'd done in the night, his dream having slipped away from him like most others do when he awoke.

The large male rolled out from the bed and got into some boxer shorts, the pinstriped ones from the night before. He didn't need new ones yet, as he was only going to the shower and laundry hamper on his little trek. He picked up the rest of his clothes and took the sheets off his bed, before padding from the room with both in a neat pile in his arms.

William padded though the hallway, smiling to himself as he noticed that Milo had left his door slightly ajar when he had gone to bed the previous day. The wolf took a peek in, eeping before holding his muzzle closed to silence his shock. There was his son, laying completely nude on his little single bed, his little boy sheathe easily visible as he lay on his back, tail tucked to the side and wagging softly at his dreams.

The older wolf padded on quickly, pretending to ignore what he had just seen, despite the familiar stirring in his groin area. He made it to the bathroom without much more trouble, groaning to himself as another mental image flashed through his head of Milo in that bathtub, all bare William scolded himself inwardly for thinking like that about his own offspring, as he opened the hamper and tossed the clothes and bed sheets inside neatly. The wolf then swiftly padded over to the shower and turned the flow on, before heading back to the door and making sure it was locked shut.

Before you could say his name, William had pushed down his boxers, kicking them too into the laundry basket and padding nude to the shower, which by that point was steaming slightly and just how the wolf liked it. He stepped carefully in; murring lowly as the heated stream hit his white-tainted brown fur and immediately started to clean him. The wolf stepped back from the water for a moment and brought his paws up, reaching for the shampoo and pouring some into one of his palms.

With a slick movement, the large canine started to rub the shampoo into his dirty fur, moving downward with his paws until he was like a cloud of bubbles all over. He then stepped forward once more and let the heavy stream of water wash away the bubbles, his paws once again caressing himself from top to bottom as he got the cum and other muck from his toned, fuzzy form. As his fur got steadily cleaner and silkier once again, he found himself thinking back to last night and what he had just seen again in his son's room.

The wolf's mind was still uncertain, although his body seemed to love the idea more than he'd really like to admit. He could feel himself tingle all over, his balls twitching slightly as his black maleness slowly slipped out of it's protective pocket, his ass clenching slightly as a stream of water from his back managed to sneak down under his tail, he felt it all. William cursed, but the more he thought about how wrong it was, the hornier he got. His full nine inch shaft was soon out in the hot water, throbbing gently in the flow.

The wolf sighed and tried to calm himself down, but it didn't work. He was loosing willpower and somewhere inside he knew what he really wanted, he wanted his son's innocence. William stopped, placing his paw on his member with a soft moan, starting to rub gently as he spoke quietly to himself "ok...if I cum for him again...I-I-I'll...mrr". His words were quickly cut off, as the pleasure surged through him in large waves of undeniable lust and need. The wolf tightened his grip and closed his eyes, loosing himself in the moment as his knot already started to inflate under his grasp.

He was lost in a sea of images in his head, perverse things his mind was concocting in the strange lust for his own child. Every new scene made him shudder and his knot grow slightly more round, until eventually it had expander to its peak. It wasn't long until the wolf was panting, his orgasm imminent and by the feel of it, this one was going to be a doozy.

Then, with a flash of the scene from his dream earlier this morning, his young boy covered in his hot thick seed, he finally broke. The wolf moaned out hard, his member shooting large sprays of seed all over the wall of the shower, some splashing back onto his fur a little. He rode out the powerful orgasm and slowly regained control as he stood there, panting and with his paw clenched over his own knot tight.

He gradually regained composure, letting his cock flop out of his paw and throb slightly in the hot flow of the shower. William stopped panting and reached up to grab the removable shower head, taking it off its bracket and aiming it at the wall to clean it of his cum. Being made of wood, the wall had pretty much absorbed the liquid, but the flow quickly cleaned what was left off. The wolf then aimed the flow at the splash back he'd gotten, making himself shudder as the flow hit his sensitive cock which had near receded inside himself already. William swiftly put the shower head back where it belonged and then turned off the water, born anew.

He stepped out of the shower, a little cloud of steam surrounding his hot fur as he reached for a towel on the rack. The wolf snatched up the rectangular piece of pink fabric, before starting to dry himself off with it careful not to be too harsh on his sensitive parts now. The wolf soon had himself clean and dry, even licking himself to flatten the fur back down after it had puffed up from the towel fibres. When he had gotten his fur back to the way he liked it, he wrapped the towel around his waist carefully and moved to the door. With a careful movement he unlocked it, opening it carefully and slipping out into the hallway.

William shivered a little, although this wasn't because of the usual post-shower cold. His feet paws slowly and quietly padded back to the cubs room and his tail slowly wagged above the ground as he mentally readied himself for what he was about to do. He moved, the only clothing on him being that warm pink towel, which only covered the bits that should be hidden. He reached the door and silently pushed it open, before walking unheard into Milo's den.

The cub's room was pretty much typical of a young boy his age. There was a small wardrobe for his clothes, a simple wooden item in one life, now painted bright green. There was a large wooden crate-like box in the corner, with a single word plastered on the front in a rainbow of colours. 'Toy box' it said, and it was just that, an overflowing box of Milo's playthings dating from when he was a baby to as new as two days ago when he had gotten a new model train from him aunt Aggie. There was a shelf overhead, with an array of children's books and albums of photos of Milo as a younger boy. Finally, there was the bed, small and four posted, with a quilt that boasted more images of his favourite characters from various television shows. And on that bed, was Milo himself, still sound asleep and unaware of his fathers presence.

William padded over to the bed, murring near-silently to himself as he gave his son a good look over. He knew that Milo slept like a log, so he could even shift him about a little as he admired fully what he had helped create. When he was done ogling the boy, he lay him back on his back and gingerly moved a paw to the cubs small chest, rubbing it softly over him and feeling his little heartbeat. The larger wolf smiled, loving the feeling of the soft fur between his fingers as he slowly worked his way down onto the child's stomach. Milo let out a little churr of affection in his sleep, not an unusual noise for a child his age, but the one he made after that would certainly be deemed strange.

As William glided down and started stroking his little man's crotch, the cub eeped and let out a little moan of enjoyment at that strange new feeling he was getting. The larger wolf slowly, moved his paw around, cupping the cubs small prehensile balls and rolling them round softly in his palm and softly teasing a finger at the small, squishy sheathe that hid what he desired. Milo murred and gasped more and more as his little boy parts were teased like that, his cock tip quickly appearing from its prison and just as swiftly being followed by another inch or two of puppy member.

The elder wolf saw the maleness of his offspring and just stared for a moment, as though entranced by the pink rod of male flesh in front of his eyes. He eventually shook himself back to reality and moved his paw slowly, pulling the cubs sheathe down carefully and revealing his full four inch puppyhood. Milo shuddered and wiggled about a bit in his slumber, letting out a little whine as the cold air hit the sensitive flesh of his exposed boy cock.

But it didn't have to feel cold for long, as William softly moved his paw up and wrapped it around the delicate rod carefully, before gently starting to jack the cub off. Milo was obviously new to that kind of feeling, his hips immediately jerking upward and humping his fathers paw instinctively. The cubs movements were erratic and unskilled as was to be expected, but it seemed good enough as the little male was soon panting hard and almost ready to experience his first orgasm.

William could feel the cubs shaft throbbing and he knew that he was close, so he tightened his grip just a little and let the cub hump himself though his first time. That is just what Milo did, as after a few more erratic humps he finishes, a tiny drool of cum escaping him as he murred and panted deeply. William couldn't help but smirk, as he felt the child's seed give his finger a little soak. He made sure that Milo was finished completely, then retracted his paw from the cubs crotch which would quickly returned to how it normally would be, hidden and protected by his sheathe.

William smiled and stood up, putting the cummy finger to his lips and lapping it clean. He didn't know why he had done it, but he was glad he did. The seed tasted glorious, so sweet and salty at the same time, brilliant in texture too. He murred at the taste and then looked down and grinned at the little red-faced puppy laying there and churring happily in his heated dreams. William nodded and slowly padded out of the door, with one final thought to himself 'Ok, tomorrow I've got to show him while awake just what I really want with him'. With that he padded down the hallway and back to his room to get a nap that he felt he more than deserved, only just managing to pull back the sheets and lie on the bed before falling into heated dreams...