The Glory Of A Summers Day Part V

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#5 of The Glory Of A Summers Day

Fifth and final part of 'The Glory Of A Summers Day' story series. Hope you all have loved this story^^

This story is for adult audience only and as such contains scenes that would be considered unsuitable for readers under the age of 18. This story contains gay cub sex and therefore is only suited to those willing to read about such. You have been warned. Any reference to characters living or otherwise is purely coincidental and therefore does not carry any weight in any normal society. Now that that is out of the way, please enjoy the story.

The Glory Of A Summers Day - Part V

A flash of light on a stormy night surrounded the living area, the black leather of the sofa and glossy surface of the ovular wooden table reflecting the sudden sight. A young wolf boy flinched at it, his little, pudgy body shivering in fear. But as a big, soft paw petted him, he relaxed a lot, somehow knowing he was safe as long as that paw was around.

Something else was missing though, mainly any clothing that the cub usually wore to hide himself from onlookers. But for some reason this didn't matter to him, nothing did except that he could feel the heat of that paw caressing through his fur. A churr escaped him as he enjoyed the feeling of safety and calm in an otherwise violent existence.

That paw was slowly working its way down him, first over his neck; then down his back softly. He couldn't help but love that, crinking his back up into the petting and letting out a shuddery noise of enjoyment. The heated paw eventually slipped down further and rested itself on the boy's small rump, massaging at it with its fingers and palm gently.

Quiet moans left the cub's lips, he really liked that warm feeling on his butt for some reason and he subconsciously raised it up, pulling his tail up out of the way so the paw could better work at it. He could feel it as it slowly shifted about, letting the fingers sneak in between the child's butt cheeks and tease over his taint and his little ass hole.

It wasn't long until he felt one of the thick fingers push into him, opening him up inside and starting to gently rub up at the sensitive walls. The cub could feel his crotch quickly stir, his little pink rod of flesh peaking out of his small sheathe before pillaring out into his full, young length.

Butterflies seemed to flutter in the cub's boy bits, making him shiver and murr at the strange pleasures he was getting. The thick digit inside him kept pushing further and further in, until it hilted to the knuckle and just wiggled about inside hotly.

A little gasp escaped the young wolf's mouth and he started to hump uncontrollably upward, his little knot growing quickly as the tender skin on his maleness rubbed at the couch. It didn't take long for the poor little guy's pleasure to max out and with a cute yelp; he shot a trio of short, thin streams of puppy cum onto the couch.

Milo awoke, panting hard in his father's bed. The sheets atop him were slightly wet from the dream and they stuck slightly to the cub's dark grey fur. With a little recovery time, the young wolf gently peeled the covers off himself and looked down in surprise. There, nestled just under his tail, was his own paw, his chubby middle finger deep in his tight rear hole. There was also the sight of his little cub hood, jumping slightly in the cold air as it slowly retracted back inside the fat little sheathe of his.

The little boy could hardly believe that he'd do that in his sleep, after only once having it done consciously by someone else. He had to think for a moment, before carefully pulling the finger from his insides, giving a little whimper as it left him feeling a little empty inside. As he let his tail hole relax again for a moment, he remembered that his father still wanted to mate with him.

So, after waiting for his butt hole to recover a bit more, Milo rolled from on the bed onto the floor with a soft thud as he landed on his four paws. Slowly, he stood up on his two back legs, teetering about a bit before finding his balance. He eventually padded to the door, opening it quickly and stepping out into the familiar corridor that was the hallway.

As the cub made his merry, but careful little way down the hall, he heard a sneeze from downstairs. The poor child jumped near out of his skin at the sudden noise, his little heart thumping hard in his chest a fair bit from the sudden fright. He slowly calmed down and gave a little smile " least...I know where daddy is now...hehe" So the boy, armed with that new knowledge made his way to the stairs, carefully using the banister to make his descent into the belly of the household.

There was a much larger wolf down there already, and he had been snoozing softly on the couch in the living room, having fallen asleep earlier on. But just after a sneeze pulled him out of slumber his ears perked up and he heard the sound of a door opening upstairs, the sound of small creaks in the stairs sounding too. The wolf straightened himself up, quickly flattening his fur more out of habit than anything else.

William heard the little thud as the younger wolf finally reached the bottom step, which he always jumped off. That simple thing always made him laugh, such an unnecessary reaction to a simple achievement. But he guessed that was just how Milo was, and he hoped in his head that the cub would always stay that way throughout his life too.

As the little wolf slowly padded around the corner and into the living room, he saw his dad sat there, abiding by the promise that they'd made the night before and wearing nothing but the fur on his skin. Without really thinking about it or realising the cub had honoured the agreement too, padding to the couch as open as anything.

Milo didn't know what was going to happen next, nor should he guess either. But as he reached the couch, only a few inches from his father, he knew somehow that he wanted everything the elder wolf could possibly give to him. So as he looked up into his father's deep, green eyes he spoke the words he didn't understand, the words that that fact no longer mattered for "Daddy, mate with me...please".

Seeing his son move towards him, totally exposed but not caring like that, it was indescribable for the old wolf. In a very good way though. His eyes followed the cub as he eventually came, stopping well in arms reach for the big canine. Then, as he saw that face, those sparkling blue eyes looking up into his, it almost made him melt. But, as that fateful question left the small wolf's lips, William's whole body shuddered at the sense of power behind them. All the adult could do was nod softly and say three simple words "ok my son"

And with that simple phrase, the wolf moved slowly forward, wrapping his paws gently on the child's sides and pulling him up gently. He placed the cub on the seat next to him softly on his back; he had to get him ready first. But to his surprise, the hole he had been ready to train with his fingers already seemed to be opened a bit already. It wasn't a bad surprise however.

He thought for just a very short moment what he wanted to do. The big wolf made an easy snap decision, possibly the most sure he'd ever been for a decision like that. He knew he didn't have to think what he said anymore, he knew that Milo wanted more almost as much as he did. He gently smiled, turning the cub over, leaning in and gently whispering to him "Get on all four paws and lift up your butt and tail high for daddy, it's time for us to mate."

The cub smiled throughout getting picked up, moved around and then again, the sweet childish grin never faltering. He couldn't help being surprised that his father wanted to see his rump again, but he gently churred into the cushions and did as the larger wolf asked. He shifted his forepaws under the cushion and lifted his back legs up, tail coiling upward and onto his back and totally exposing his hole. He was presenting himself to his father, and although he didn't realise it properly, it didn't matter to him anyway.

As the green eyes of the wolf watched that rear rise up and be exposed to them, a grin crossed the face of the male they belonged too. Right at that moment, nothing in the entire world could have stopped what was about to happen. William slowly knelt up on the couch behind his son, his maleness already completely hard and throbbing in anticipation gently. He moved himself into place and poked his thick tip at the pups virgin star and looked down at him gently "ok, now this is gonna hurt at first son, but I promise you that after a little bit, it will feel better than anything you've ever experienced before."

Many ideas were going through the child's head of what mating could be and why he had to have his butt open like this. He watched, looking back as his parent positioned up behind him like that. Poor Milo had not been prepared for the thick prod at his butt hole, forcing a whine from his lips. His ears twitched to his father's soft words of warning, not really wanting the pain, but he was intrigued by the fact that it might be the best thing he'd ever felt. So, the cub nodded slowly and smiled "ok daddy, try not to hurt me too much though ok?"

William watched the cub's movements very closely, seeing if he was made any more uncomfortable by what he had said. If he was, the child hid it quite well apart from a little whine, which would be only natural. As he heard his son's sweet voice telling him it was ok though, he nodded and knew that the boy was as ready as he'd ever be for this.

So, the elder wolf softly placed his paws on the cub's sides, stroking each one gently as he leant over him. He slowly and carefully started to push his hips forward, his tip gently trying to gain entry into the tight passage of the boy now beneath him. With a little bit of effort and a grunt, he managed to push his tip into that clenched anal ring and finally break into his son properly.

It was the most intense tightness he'd ever experienced, almost too much for the poor wolf. But knew he had to persevere and make this good for both of them, as his poor son was probably burning hard in his rear right now. So he gently started humping, letting a little of his length slide in and out so the cub could get used to the girth.

Milo had churred as those hot paws gently closed around his sides, caressing his sides and holding him in place as they did. He could feel the pressure on his poor hole increasing more and more, until finally it gave way, letting the tip of his father's manhood inside him. He whined hard, that feeling burned his ass so much and it made him clench naturally.

As the elder wolf started to gently thrust, the cub grunted in pain on every sink in and pull out. He couldn't remember ever feeling so much pain before in his life; it forced tears to his eyes. But, slowly something was changing; every hump seemed to be getting easier and less painful for him.

In fact, it was starting to feel...good, really good. Better than anything that he'd ever done so far. It wasn't long until he couldn't help but let out a longing moan of pleasure. He wanted more of what his father had to give him and he didn't even care anymore if it hurt him for a bit, especially if it made him feel more of what he was right now.

William watched, almost stopping as he saw how much pain it seemed to be giving the poor boy. He didn't want this to be one sided in the pleasure. But, to his surprise, after a relatively short time the cub was moaning. Moaning for him. It shocked him immensely that he'd gotten used to his thick canine cock so quickly, even if it was only a bit of it. Some part of him could tell that the cub wanted more and never being one to displease, that's just what the father gave him.

With a slight moan, the larger wolf started to let his thrusts get deeper into the cub's rear, making sure to only give a little extra at a time so as not to seriously injure him. The old wolf shivered slightly, as he felt himself give off a dribble of precum inside his boy, the thin stream of off-white liquid acting as a lubricant and letting him get to his halfway mark of about 4 and a half inches inside.

Milo could feel the other males cock start to drive further and further into him, but because it was such a slow increase of depth it didn't hurt much at all. However, what did increase was the pressure he felt inside him. It made him clamp several times around the wonderful pole in his ass, making him feel every single bump and curve of it inside. The cub couldn't help it, he moaned and moaned...and moaned some more. The noises kept escaping him, but he had long since tried to stop them, he could've screamed like a little girl and not cared in the slightest.

A strong shiver broke through his small body all of a sudden, as he felt the precum ooze inside him and slicken up his dads cock a fair bit. It somehow made the pleasure increase tenfold, so much so in fact that the cub had to squeal. A strong surge had broken him, his young seed shooting over the cushions in small, thin ropes and his ass clamping around the length inside him.

It was intense. The adult wolf heard the little cub squeal, thinking at first that he'd really hurt him somehow. But as the child's ass clamped hard in orgasm around his length, he knew what had really happened almost straight away. The clamping felt amazing on his length, and the canine enjoyed it thoroughly while it lasted.

But, the pressures slowly settled down, hard little pants coming from young Milo's lips. William however, wasn't done with the poor boy yet. He rode out the cubs clenchings, before slowly starting to hump again, a little more solidly and deeply than before, a good five inches quickly disappearing into the cub and then reappearing a moment later over and over.

The cub slowly recovered, but got a nice surprise when his father continued humping, even more deeply than before. He let out a little gasp, every thrust seemed to create a surge of pleasure up his spine and make him make cute little noises of enjoyment. A gentle moan or two escaped him, his own little maleness sparking back up again a little uncomfortably. That small discomfort was easy to ignore though, with the masses of pleasure that were surging through every fibre of his being.

William could hear every subtle pant, moan and general noise of enjoyment from the cub. It stirred him in ways he'd almost completely forgotten were possible, so many lustful needs. There was no way he could last in his son; he knew that for a fact, he was just so damn tight and amazing around his length. Just thinking about it more started to make his balls tingle and he had to give the cub a quick warning "oh son...I need to push it all'll hurt you so much but I can't help it, please try and forgive your old man"

Milo was having the time of his merry little life, loving the humping to his rear. Somehow it felt so right having his father's pride being lodged in and out of him like that. The cub could feel his own genitals pulling up slightly, making him murr without really meaning to. He twitched his ears to the sound of his father's slightly strained voice and he eeped softly. Somehow however, he knew that this was how he wanted it too, no matter what pain it may cause him. So he nodded to the larger wolf and panted "daddy...push it all in...I don't care about the pain...I want you all in me!"

No words could have described how caught off guard the father was at that moment.

Not only did his son basically just beg for his whole length, he made the elder wolf believe his words too. So, with a slow nod he proceeded. The adult wolf pulled back, almost leaving the cub's rear and only leaving the tip in. Then, with as much force as he had in him, the wolf thrusted forward into his offspring's tender anal passage.

A whine escaped the pup, as he felt the cock pulled nearly completely out of him, leaving him feeling empty inside for a few moments. But the whine turned into a scream, an immense mix of pain and pleasure blasting through him as he felt that canine length pillar into him. It felt like the cock had gone right through into his belly, the slight bulge that had appeared there only making that fact more plausible.

Something about this was so right. But a little whimper was heard, as William had heard that pained scream and shivered at what he'd done. But, even as he worried, he knew it was too late now and eventually he started pulling back. The wolf started thrusting again, using his whole length now and really stretching out the pup's innards out well. He could feel pre running out inside like a small river and he knew it wouldn't be long now until he gave his son his seed.

As Milo felt the elder wolf start to thrust again, he whined gently. He tried to control it, but the feeling really hurt his insides. But, as he felt more and more of the wolf's pre lubing up the shaft inside him, he realised that it was getting easier again and much less painful by the moment.

Soon, the lovely, sweet, pleasured moans of the cub filled the room once more. And even they were soon followed by deeper moans, ones from the older wolf's lips. The noises were almost in sync with each other, the only other sounds being the gentle slaps of the father's balls against his sons own fuzzy orbs.

Something was building, not just for one, but for both of the males. It was that glorious peak, the releasing of pure pleasure in essence. They were both on the edge, each waiting for the other to break first. A knot had grown, huge and entrapping inside the cub, keeping them from stopping even if they wanted to.

Despite having already orgasmed, Milo was the first to buckle, purely through sheer lack of experience. His toes clenched, his mind emptied and his mouth opened into a howl of pleasure. A tiny trickle of cum dripped out of his cock, ending up splatting on different spots of the couch thanks to the thrusting.

The clenching of the cub's orgasm was too much for the elder wolf and with his own deep howl, he barrelled over the peak. His shaft pulsed inside the cub, his tip shooting out load after loud into his son's innards.

The feeling was intense. Both males were panting hard, both still orgasming roughly. Although Milo's seed had dried up, his little puppyhood still pulsed dryly in the incredible orgasm. But William was far from dry, in fact he was near-erupting his seed into his son's belly.

He didn't realise just how much he had needed this and by the time he finally stopped cumming, his son's already pudgy belly had an even more rounded look about it. William slowly and carefully lay above the boy, still panting and giving him a loving lick on the head.

As both males came down from their separate orgasms, they lay together in that most loving of embraces. Neither one said a word, just made little noises of the slowly receding pleasure. They didn't realise it, but they fell asleep like that, both having dreams of being with the other.

It was the later on in that same day and not a soul was left in the house. All was silence; nothing had changed about the little cottage except small white stains on the black leather couch. Everything was the same, but at the same time nothing was.

On the grass verge, just outside the back of that cottage, one would see two wolves. They were wearing no clothes to speak of, nothing that would hide themselves from the world. They were proud of what they were, their paws joined together. And if anyone looked at them for more than a fleeting moment, they would realise the truth.

That truth being of course, that they were not looking at two wolves any more. And they weren't looking at father and son either. No. What they were looking at, was one perfect couple.

~The End~